Crasulady and Patrick and..

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

MaVieRose, maddy and all the others who teach so effectively in this forum. Just want to say thanks. I don't post in here because I am just now starting with these lovely babies, but I read each post in wonder. I called you two out because I don't see you in any of the other forums, but I want you all to know how much your knowledge is appreciated.

Valley Village, CA

Thanks, that is what a forum is about, we all hope to learn from each other. I must have learned from about 10 others who helped me along, so many touched my life and were a part of the learning process, one comes to mind and I know she didn't even know what she taught me. A grandmother from a local nursery. She taught me how to groom, pick out diamonds, choose jade, gem stone)This lady's granddaughter owns the nursery and she is now teaching me. Thanks, Norma

Muncie, IN(Zone 5B)

Thanks - that's why we're all here. I learn something from nearly everyone I talk to, "expert" or not. Most of the small amount I know came from someone else's mind - usually because I pestered nursery owners, greenhouse staff and anybody else I could corner! Most were very kind and helpful. If I can pass along what they gave me, I'm very happy to do so. Ya gotta watch out for those succulents though. After growing orchids (400) and tropical ferns and fern allies (700) for 20 years, I sold almost all of 'em so I could buy succulents. I check every forum at least twice a week and have found many other "plant crazies" here at Dave's Garden. It's a very nice place to be!


High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Thank U tiG ;)... knowledge i share is based on 30+ yrs of gardening; gained through meticulous inquiries in nurseries i have visited. thorough search from library books, when internet was'nt yet available. and now tons of bookmarks i kept on my computer. plant category alone has nearly 50 folders, and sub-folders within a folder.

it has always been a practice to inquire about certain plants that intrigues my curiousity, do lots of research prior to buying. the only exception would be, is when i know the plant is one of its kind and is considered rare.

it is a great pleasure sharing info... ma vie

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Hey ya'll, just wanted to add my voice to tiG's and also say "Thanks"!!!

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