Morning Glories 2016 #11

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

We came from here

Blackie Sweet Potato, in the MGlory family. (Ipomoea)

This message was edited Aug 2, 2016 2:19 PM

Thumbnail by patootie
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the new thread Jackie, love your morning glories as well as the sweet potato bloom!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Linda.

Gautier, MS

Thanks Linda and Jackie. #3 and 4 are from the same vine, China Doll.

Beautiful blooms from your Blue Silk and Lite Blue Tie Dye Jackie. Pretty bloom on your sweet potato vine.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Helena.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I sure did enjoy seeing the pretty blues, Jackie. Helena that china doll is a real beauty. I am off work for a few days now, will be at dentist most of morning tomorrow. Hope to see more blooms from you all later tomorrow. That batata is awesome.
I did have a beautiful brugmansia flush, then a storm came with very high winds and knocked them al off, so that was short and sweet. It's just a real hot day expected tomorrow,, ugh.
Little Hadley is up in New York getting her Cancer scans , her whole family is up there, so I am babysitting their three dogs.. what a hoot!! ( Next door family to the north of me, cute family, youngest daughter fighting cancer) Thinking positive thoughts for them all.. I spied a lav moon vine blooming..

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks /Debra
Pretty Brug, maybe you'll get a new flush of blooms on her,.
Great looking tomatoes, Joes??
Hope little Hadley test's negative for any cancer.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Beautiful pictures Debra.

So sorry to hear f the little one fighting cancer. Sending lots of prayers for her.

Gautier, MS

Love your Brug, and other blooms Debra.

Praying little Hadley for strength in fighting the cancer. It's hard to see little ones go through that.

A few repeats this morning. The last bloom is a purpurea.

Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

OMGosh, beautiful blooms Helena.
Loved your
China Doll
Got my hands full this am, Red Prompt alert
sending pop ups trying to get me to download a virus.

Gautier, MS

Thanks Jackie. I had to work on untangling a few of my vines that were too close together. removing more ugly leaves too.
Glad you got that alert about a possible virus Jackie.
Missed a B Q bloom this morning, one of a nicer blooms.

Thumbnail by helenahkh
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Helena, Can't believe how dark your BQ is this morning. Its lovely.

Helena, the alert was the virus, glad I didn't click on it or call the phone #, they would
have loaded the virus out on my computer for sure.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

You have a beautiful black queen, Helena. She has 6 beautiful spokes. Love the last purp too. Hadley is a fighter, she has had clean scans the last two previous visits.
I feel like she has this fight.
I might see some blooms tomorrow. I untangled a ton of vines today, I have so many twisted up, and I am finding the duplicates and snipping them. Worked on the basement this afternoon while it climbed to 101 here, went to the dentist, got fixed up, went to the bank, got fixed up and took care of dogs when I wasn't playing in the basement. Joe BBQ'd porkchops and we had fresh home grown green beans and summer squash. perfect day. The tomatoes are mine, and we have about 4 large jars of salsa made so far. good year for tomatoes, not for potatoes., tho.
Those malware pop ups are really pesky, Jackie. good job catching it.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

I see more tangled vines too. I dread trying to untangle them in this 100 degree
Wish I could grow a garden Debra. Just not any good at it.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Jackie, I don't think I am that great of a gardener.. i have the tomatoes, sunflwers and mgs all i the same area. the sunflowers and mgs are holding the tomatoes up .. .. most people keep their garden plots clean, mine is covered with grass clippings. Joe says that is what his dad did, throw clippings on the garden patch. *shrug* to each their own.

all this milkweed and still no butterflys.. i am concerned. the naked ladies are up everywhere and I sure don't remember planting more than three. and they are early, I think? sitting here watching the hummer go after the blooms on the patio.. ood morning is royal catch fly, a kansas wild flower

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife

Chocolate silk blooming this morning.

Thumbnail by ToneBone Thumbnail by ToneBone Thumbnail by ToneBone Thumbnail by ToneBone
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Deba, DH mows the wrong direction and throws grass clippings all over the mg's on the carport. I swear that's what gives them such a bad case of spider mites.
Beautiful red flower on the catchfly. Pretty milkweed too. Strange that you haven;t seen any butterflies. I don't see any either. I
didn't see any last yr, wonder whats up with that??
Heavenly blue tub out back
Ronnies # 4 or Pink Frost

Edited to say, not Heavenly Blue

This message was edited Aug 6, 2016 11:31 AM

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Afternoon everyone, I love all the blooms you are posting.

Gautier, MS

Beautiful blooms everyone. Love the pics.

Thunder and rain here!
Took these this morning.

Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I love the variety of beautiful colors you have!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Love the soft blue Helena. all are very pretty though.
Storming here while we were in town, then when I got home, nothing.

Gautier, MS

Thanks Linda and Jackie.

Sorry the rain missed you Jackie. I don't care for the thunder and lightning if I need to go outside.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Oops, missed page 2
Helena, I'm terrified of the lightning when i go out to feed the dogs.

This message was edited Aug 4, 2016 7:34 PM

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

me too!
Your colors are always striking, Helena.
I love your choc silk, Tony.
I am taking a pot of vines to Joanna this weekend when we go see her. She will let them vine all over her patio. Can't wait to see what she gets, the pot is full of Helena's seeds. Has anyone planted any of the seeds I have sent out? curious.
here is what I had blooming this am..
I have another 4 o clock cross, so excited to see it, will get pics of them tomorrow.
up to 101 again today. whew!

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Saving your seeds to start next spring.

Beautiful blooms Debra.

Lovely blooms, y'all! Here's what's going on with my cordon experiment. I'm attempting to enlarge the flowers by removing every other flower bud and side shoots. I'm letting it run up a 10' steel post.

Thumbnail by ToneBone
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Love your light blue bloom Debra
I've already had one of yours blooming.
Will try to watch for it..

Gautier, MS

Beautiful blooms Debra, love your lite blue!. I know I started a few of your seeds, just need to find the pots.
I've been waiting for your large rose silk to bloom Jackie. B/c I've had to remove leaves it took forever but I see more buds forming. Lav, Pink Porcelain, Fuchsia with large bloom and Silver Wolf with lime leaves.

Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Always nice to see all your morning glories blooming.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Love all your pretty blooms Helena. The Fuchsia is lovely and the Silver Wolf
too. I really like it
I wonder what this 1st bloom is?? Haven't looked for a tag
Pink Porcelain
\Got to be LYK Don;t know how it spread over this far on the broken down trellis.

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

hot today but had rain, I got up to let the dogs out next door, got them back in and went back to bed. it was still raining, and all the blooms today are rained on. did get to see the hummers again. made my day. Silver wolf is awesome Helena, and Jackie what ever that one is you are calling LYK, it is beautiful. it looks like it has a light blue fused with dark blue. stunning.

Gautier, MS

Thanks Ladies. I hope I get a seeds from these so I can keep growing them.

Love your beautiful blooms Jackie. I think Debra said it right, light blue fused with dark blue. A neat bloom for sure.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks everyone. That 1st bloom is in the tub out back, very unusual color combo. I'll look for a marker tomorrow.

This message was edited Aug 5, 2016 11:25 PM

Nice blooms, ladies! Helena, I love your chocolate/ rose silk! My chocolate silk tends to be fussy about setting seed:-(

Thumbnail by ToneBone
Gautier, MS

Jackie, thank you for sharing your seeds with me. I have another bloom from the chocolate,rose silk.
Thanks Tony, your chocolate silk has beautiful blooms. You might try hand pollinating the blooms with a soft brush. I've lost some awesome vines b/c I didn't get any seeds from them. Too late for me now, I regret.

Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Beautiful blooms everyone.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Nice Choc Silk Tony.
All your blooms are lovely Helena. Love the Periwinkle blue, beautiful
color and of course the light blue on the end.
Raining here when I woke up so I lost a couple more of those unusual blooms like I had yesterday. These look like purp lvs, I had not been paying any attn to these giant lvs. Regardless the blooms are lovely in 2 tones. Not sure what these blooms would have looked like if the rain hadn't got them.
# 2 Morning Breeze
My spec Mg, 2 different blooms, same vine

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
Gautier, MS

Sorry the rain ruined your blooms in the first vine Jackie. Love that #2 Morning Breeze bloom and the other two are pretty too.
I worked on new seedlings then moving the pots so they get more sun. I'm tired out.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Helena, rain here off and on for the last 3 or 4 days. Pop up storms
maybe from the outrageous temps.
I don;t think those are purp lvs that go with my new blooms cause they are
not heart shape. They are tri-lobed it looks like,. I've got so many vines in there,
can't tell where one stops and another one starts.
Helena, our age is showing, we get tired quicker,.

This message was edited Aug 7, 2016 2:48 AM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Beautiful blooms Jackie.

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