March 2016, even if DG has the date wrong

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Digging holes is what I can't do anymore. I really have to take it easy and not do much digging at one time or I will regret it later! I still have the area around the japanese maple to dig out the chinese lanterns. I also have a bunch of daffodils in the same area I need to dig out. They never bloom. I'm not sure what the problem is. I have one of those knife like tools I'll use to do a lot of that digging. It is really heavy and serrated edges on it. My favorite tool. I used it yesterday to get a lot of monkey grass up that had started sprouting in spots I didn't want it. It doesn't bother me to walk at all it's just digging, etc. I've tried knee pads and I don't like them. Maybe I just had the wrong kind and should try them again. I thought I wouldn't be able to move today but actually I'm fine.

I don't know why your peony wouldn't come back. Mine are all coming up but they are at different stages. One is full of buds - others up but not budded yet - and I just noticed one that had just broken the ground this weekend. So maybe it will still come up.

I can't plant tulips either for the same reason Elaine. They move the bulbs all over my yard. I tried planting them one time and what a disappoint that was. I had straggly tulips coming up all over the place and few in the actually spot I planted them. When I first moved here I always planted caladiums in the planters on my porch and the squirrels would not leave them alone. A big mess. I finally put chicken wire over the top of the dirt and just let the caladiums come up through it. It took care of the squirrel problem. After a few years I was able to leave the wire out and they don't bother anything in my planters anymore. I guess word got out! I still have squirrels everywhere! Everytime I look out the front door I see squirrels and birds running around. I have an oak tree with lots of acorns and robins really like my flower beds in front.

Elaine I hope to be like some of the ladies in my hiking group. The group has been hiking together for years. Several are now in their 80's and still hiking!! One is around 82 and she is also still a runner. Amazing lady! She competes in some kind of senior Olympics and wins!! One is 86 and has some hip problems so she can no longer do long hikes and has to be careful of the type terrain but she is still out there doing what she can do! Most of the group are in their 60's and up - a few are in their 50's. They started the group 30 or so years ago.

This message was edited Mar 28, 2016 8:14 AM

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Someone was talking about small succulents. I've had two of the form attached for a long time. I plan to make succulent wreaths to put on my workshop door. They are pretty deep. I'm going to line them with sphagnum moss, then fill with dirt and put more sphagnum moss over the dirt. I'll use wire to secure the top layer of moss. Hope it works. The workshop door is extra wide so I'll probably need to use two to make an impact. I just realized the stripes on my sofa don't line up! I must have flipped my cushion - need to reflip the cushion!

This message was edited Mar 28, 2016 9:23 AM

Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue
Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Yes, Jeri posted an etsy seller on FB that had some for $30. I haven't ordered any yet. I usually fill up a strawberry pot with succulents. I had some that overwintered last year but this year they have all died. I keep the pot under the house, and I guess I didn't water it enough this year or something. Your wreath will be really pretty. And I also have some daffs that aren't blooming well. I transplanted some last year, and boy did they bloom well this year. I'm going to move some this year and will hope for the same outcome next year.

Maybe my peony will still come up, but it sure looks dead to me. No sign of anything at all and it usually has leaves coming up by now. Charlotte, I have one of those serrated knife-like digging tools too. Use it all the time. The only other thing I use is the curved snake-head tool for weeding. You can really dig up the weeds with that thing.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

The place I buy my succulents also has a lot of winter hardy ones that are small. I buy those for some of my pots. I have planters hanging on top of a metal outdoor screen. I use it to screen some things from view from the sunroom windows. I couldn't get anything to grow in the planters because I kept forgetting to water it. Finally last year it dawned on me to use hardy succulents! That worked. I wish I could find enough of a variety to use hardy succulents in my wreaths. Not sure if I can.

Ripley, MS

I have heard a peony will not come up if it gets the roots too deep, maybe it has some mulch washed over it ??? I can't grow one at all, I have had several and managed to kill them all. So I don't know why I would give anyone advice on them. The older peonies will live 30 to 40 years, I wonder about the newer varieties ?

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I can attest to the older varieties living 30 or 40 years! I had a really pretty one next to my patio when I moved here about 34 years ago. When we had the sunroom built I had to move it. I moved it to another location in the back yard. It continued to live but as the trees grew and it got really shaded it didn't bloom well. So a couple of years ago I moved it to the front yard. It's still going and blooming. The plant is smaller now than it was years ago but maybe now that it's getting more sun it will grow bigger again. I've also heard they don't like to be moved. That's the main reason I waited so long to move mine to the front.

I can't grow petunia's!!! But would you believe I have a hanging basket left over from last year that has a petunia in it that's blooming away!! The plant just started really leafing out recently and yesterday I finally realized it has a bunch of blooms on it! I also have a hanging basket with supertunians left over from last year blooming! I even have a kimberly fern putting out lots of new growth! I had it next to the waterfall to hide some things. I pulled it out to throw away and noticed some green. When I cut it back I found lots of new growth.

Ripley, MS

A friend of mine never buys petunias. She pulls the growth all into the top of the pot and stores them over the winter. Then when spring comes she takes them out and "unfolds" them and watches them go !

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Ms Truax, the lady that I needed for the 4th signature on my release form so I could sell my park, passed away yesterday. While we were on opposite sides in sorts. I had become very fond of her. I hope none of that mess caused her stress.

Got my back patio pressure washed last week and ready to start putting out the g/h.

I've thrown 3 large trash bags of trash out of my office. Still 3 file cabinets to go. LOL

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

That's what I've been doing Jeri! I went through 3 full size filing cabinets. I couldn't put the current stuff in them because they were too full of old stuff! Now I need to sort through the more current stuff and file or throw away! Richard had several boxes of old papers that were just plain junk from 30 years and more ago! But lots of it had personal information on it and couldn't just toss it. I finally got tired of shredding and started burning in my chiminea. I still have stuff to go through.

But taxes are on the agenda now!! I always seem to wait until about 2 weeks before the deadline to start entering stuff. I just seem to work better with a deadline! I have everything together. I just need to enter the information in Turbo Tax. It's tedious and I don't like that kind of tedious work!

I'm sure glad you got her signature when you did!! It's raining here today but is supposed to clear and be pretty the rest of the week.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Sandra, thanks for that info about peonies. I don't think mine were covered up too much. I had pulled back the mulch earlier and there was only a little bit of pine straw around it anyway. So I don't think that was it. I've had this one at least 10-12 years, and it's not really a new variety I don't think. Just really bummed it didn't return after all these years and it was so pretty the last several years too. I've heard they don't like to be moved either, Charlotte. But yours seems to have done just fine. Maybe that is somewhat of a myth.

Jeri, aren't you glad you got Mrs Truax's signature when you did?! I wouldn't worry that it caused her stress. If it was that stressful, she would have signed it a long time ago and been done with it. I'm sure she knew you cared about her.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

As anyone heard from Cindy? It rained buckets here yesterday and is still raining today. A section of the major road through N Little Rock to Sherwood washed out yesterday and is closed. Lots of streets in Little Rock were underwater. Several people had to be rescued. U of A at LR closed at 4 pm yesterday due to flooding on campus and the surrounding area. I had to go to a visitation last night and water was at the edge the major street (just about to go over it )that goes through my part of town. I don't remember ever seeing water that close to the the street. I wonder if all the water we have runs into her area. No danger of flooding at my house. I'm on high ground.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

No, but I think Cindy was expecting more water. I just hate this for all of you folks out there, especially those in Cindy's situation. The photos she posted just shocked me since I expected the waters to be receding by now.

Ripley, MS

I talked to her (text) yesterday. She is still in the river and is getting cabin fever. I told her about all the rain they forecast for us, but she said Jimbo thinks it won't make very much difference there.
I also called Ruth yesterday she said she was having a really bad day breathing, but is ready to get the surgery over. It is Tues

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I know Ruth will be glad to get her surgery behind her.

I bet Cindy is getting cabin fever!! Sitting in the house in the middle of the river!! I think that would really get to me.

I need to do a little yard work today and I've got to get my house cleaned up by Mon morning. The chairman of our MG project (the Old Mill) asked if we had any plants we could share to use in the project. I told her I had a bunch of things that always need to be divided and thinned out. Next thing I know she has made it a group project and invited everyone to come to my house to help her dig things! I was just thinking she was going to come over!! Now I've got to get things straightened up outside and my house cleaned. I don't think but a couple of other people are coming - thank goodness!!! I guess I learned my lesson!!

Ripley, MS

Charlotte, I am sure things there are perfectly fine for a few gardeners to come over, we all know it has been wet outside to do things there too. Gardeners don't care about a messy house, they just want to get to the plants ! Is Kim coming ?

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Wow, she could have told you! I hope they don't dig too much, Charlotte! That would be my worry that some people get a little over-zealous when it's not their stuff. I sure wouldn't worry too much about straightening up outside since they will likely make a mess you'll have to clean up anyway.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

You will enjoy it Charlotte. Just think all the things that you will get divided.

I would love to be at Cindy's right now. I would spend the entire day on her glassed in porch. Tinkering with her seedlings.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I'll just have to be careful and tell them exactly where they can dig from. Some things need to be divided but I only want it taken from one side - you know how that goes! She's looking for a stuff that can be used the outer areas to give some color and texture and will keep coming back. I still have some of those double and triple orange ditch lilies (a lot in fact). You just can't kill those things! They are in just one spot of one of my beds but they can dig all those out. They are even growing all around and under my knock out roses. A lot of it I will dig out anyway as it just takes over some of my other stuff. I hate to just throw good plants away! My butterburr loves its location and I have to dig up tons of it every year otherwise it will take over my whole back area. Hellebores also love my yard and just multiply like crazy.

I know what you mean Jeri about sitting in Cindy's glass room and playing with seedlings. I wish I had a least one whole week I could just stay at home and piddle with what ever I wanted to piddle with instead of feeling like there is so much stuff that I need to take care of! Almost through with my taxes. I just have a few more things I need to enter and double check everything to make sure I haven't left something out. I especially don't want to leave any deductions out!!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Hello All .... oh my, it has been a LONG and rough few weeks. But, I finally have a chance to get back online and say hello to everyone! Took me a bit to catch up on the thread - but I can sure tell there aren't as many of us on here as there used to be! :(

I know you all know by now that Alex did not match in the initial matching system, and he was not able to match into a residency in the scramble. There were a few things that didn't fill even in the scramble, but he didn't have any luck getting into them either. He had a chance to meet with the program director at UAMS for Emergency Medicine (what he is trying to do) and spent about 2.5 hours visiting with him. There were several things that came into play that caused Alex not to match - but the main one being that he did not pass his step 1 the first time (that was the test he took after 2 yrs of med school) and then although he did pass Step 2 and got a 'decent' score, he did not blow it out of the water, so programs are concerned that he will not pass his emergency medicine and general boards after the residency. They just see it as a red flag and if someone doesn't pass at the end it reflects on their program. This program director also told him that although EM had not been being extremely competitive in years past, it was extremely competitive nation wide this year - probably because of the tremendous salaries that some people have managed to obtain in EM positions the past two years. Plus, a lot of Emergency rooms are non-profits and if you work for a non-profit for 10 years (I think it is 10) they write off your debt - considering he is a 1/4 million in debt, that is a good thing to consider. Anyway, the guy told him he would HAVE to apply for Family Medicine next year because his odds of matching into EM was very slim. He did agree with Alex that he should attend the emergency medicine conference and meet as many people as possible. The one thing in all of this that probably kicked him in the gut more than anything is that while he was at Lexington for his visiting rotation, the last week that he was there, they had him TEACHING procedures to the UK students who were rotating thru the ER! They came to him and told him he didn't need to perform any more procedures because he was so good at them, and they wanted him to teach their students his techniques. We ALL took that as a very good sign. He was the ONLY student out of 10 visiting that they had do this!! So, after match week was completely over, he contacted the head of that dept in Lexington to inquire about possibly doing research there to help him match next year. They told him there were no research positions open, but that honestly, he was way down their match list because they didn't like to accept people who didn't pass their step tests the first time and that put him behind everyone who did. I had a REAL problem with this, because they are not supposed to interview ANYONE who does not meet their criteria...... so WHY would they have him come up for a visiting rotation if he didn't meet their criteria (and he had to competitively APPLY for that visiting rotation!!) .... I think it was just to get free labor!! But, then he was SO excited when he got back from there and thought they really liked his work - then only to learn that they didn't even really consider him because of a test score ! It was absolutely the last straw and really hit him hard.... and I will be the first to admit it made me really upset again at the "system".

Charlotte is correct in that everyone who becomes a doctor has to go thru the matching system, but over the years they have increased the number of students in med schools (to meet the demand for more doctors) and added DO schools as well who also can apply for matches, and along the way the number of residencies have not kept pace until now it is off by thousands! This year, there were 35,476 students competing for 27,860 slots! Everyone who didn't match this year will be applying again next year! and the problem just continues to grow. As little as 10 years ago, the problem was being overzealous and trying to match into something that you didn't have the scores or grades for - and if you didn't match, then you went into the scramble and matched into something else. NOW, there are thousands that have NO chance to match.

According to an article in the democrat-gazette, most residents salaries are paid by the hospital and then reimbursed by medicare, but there is a cap on the number of reimbursements. A FEW hospitals have started funding some residencies themselves, but most do not. They say that the US will face a shortage of 90,000 physicians in the next decade and so medical schools have increased enrollment by 30% to address the shortage but now congress must act to increase the number of residencies or it won't do any good.

The past two weeks have been extremely difficult on us all - but almost unbearable for me because I am the one in the family that is supposed to help everyone see things from a different direction, or think outside the box to come up with a creative solution..... and I am helpless other than to prayer. There is no "active" avenue for me to actually help my hurting child - and that is not a good place to be. But, more than that, I am the one who encouraged science and medicine from the time he was a baby.... mainly because I love it myself so much but now I feel tremendously guilty and wish I had encouraged him to be a coach or something!!

There is at least some good news in all of this, in that the state of Ar passed a law last year that allows doctors who graduate but did not match to practice in the state as a assistant physician - basically on the same guidelines as a Physician assistant. No one has ever done this since the law was passed, so if he is able to go that route, he will be the first one to do so. He has a lead on possibly working at least part time with a hospitalist, but that alone will not help him match into emergency medicine. As a PA you have to find a doctor who will allow you to work under their license and under their malpractice insurance. He REALLY needs to find an ER doc who is certified under the emergency medical blank,blank, blank because I cant remember the long acronym or what it stands for to work under. He is still trying to put out feelers everywhere to TRY to find that. The school will not assist him with this - he is basically on his on or relying on friends and contacts to network him to the right person. But, we are hoping that he can get a slot in an ER or in one of the emergent care facilities that are springing up everywhere.

Also, there is a chance that at any time, someone could be fired or quit their Emergency medicine slot and he has signed up for some type of notice that alerts him when a position comes open anywhere in the country so that he can apply. His program director also said he would meet with him before time to apply in the fall for next year and go over the list of every emergency medicine residency in the US to help him narrow down which ones he might be best to apply to. Some are very large and have excellent track records and would be in a better position to take someone on with less than perfect scores. WHY could they not have done this for this year??? But I am thankful that at least now the man seems to be willing to try to help.

Also, there was one other huge factor that came into play at UAMS. They got a new chancellor of the dept a few years back, and he brought with him a good friend as Vice chancellor of the dept. They even bought houses across the street from each other - supposedly had been great friends for years. Well, when Alex did his visiting rotation at UAMS in September, he did his shifts with the vice chancelor - which as good because the guy really liked Alex and told him personally that he would go to bat for him come selection time. He was even invited to the Chancellor house for book club and he was the only student invited- everyone else were residents or doctors in the ER. Well, what Alex did not know until after he didn't match, was that something MAJOR happened between the chancellor and vice chancellor and the vice chancellor was fired in November or early December- BEFORE the lists were done for selection! :( So Alex's advocate so to speak was out the door. Even though some of the residents liked him and spoke on his behalf, they did not carry the weight with administration that the vice chancellor would have carried had he still been there. Alex still doesn't know what happened between them but that was definitely not to his benefit. This is probably all WAY more info than anyone wanted, but that pretty much has been my life the past few weeks.

In addition to all of this, we are getting close to getting our generator back together at work and have had close to 50 contractors working there the past few weeks. I have been swamped with paperwork and just trying to keep up as they finish up this 3 million rebuild of our generator and turbine. I also took off 3 days of Spring break to work at Alex's house and the only reason I am having time to catch up and post today is that Jessica finally had her oral surgery this morning to remove that cyst that started all her dental issues back in mid february. Hopefully this will get it all behind her although the oral surgeon is not convinced that it won't resurface on the tooth that they didn't do the root canal on. :( But, that tooth tested viable by the endodontist so I hope this is it! She is doing fine, but very sore and swollen and they say it will get worse on the swelling thru at least Sunday, then will hopefully start receding.

They hope to get our plant back on line this coming week so then maybe life can settle back down some! I think I am going to sneak out and do a little yard work while Jess is sleeping. Everyone have a great day and please keep those prayers coming for Alex and our family!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

As parents we all hurt for our children when things don't go right for them. I'm sorry Alex is going through this but as you said there is nothing that you personally can do. We can't fix things for them. It sounds like he needs to be seeking the advice of professions at the med school and follow their advice. What others that are more objection have to say and the advice they give is often not exactly what we want to hear. He and Natalie have lots of decisions to make as a couple. He is now an adult with his own family and the responsibilities that go with it and they have to make those decision together as they plan their future. It's sometimes hard to let go of our children at any age. God is the only one in control and his plan is not always our plan. But his plan is usually much better than any plan we come up with. While I know it's a difficult time now I'm sure Alex will be guided the direction that will be best for him.

This message was edited Apr 1, 2016 8:33 PM

Ripley, MS

Amen to what Charlotte said !!! I picked up a free paper at Nashville to read while we were in Nashville to see Caylas lung Doctor last week. There was an article about Match Day on the back of it. They have a whole big ceremony they do at Vanderbilt. They had a class of 79 and all of them matched. There was one of the graduating students that was also making a documentary about the "process" and hoped to show the good and bad of it. I think this student had already sold one documentary and probably had some film education.
It seemed that even though they matched, they still didn't like the "process"

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I told you I had a real store at one time. I had pulled some stuff out of a filing cabinet and was weeding through what to put back and found this. Southern Living also talked about my store as a place to shop in Little Rock in a feature they did about Little Rock. It was also featured in a number of other publications. Boy am I glad I'm not dealing with it full time!!! Booths are more than enough but I'm really glad I got back into my booths.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Ripley, MS

What a nice article and picture of you, I can't believe they asked your age-LOL
Jerry used to say he wanted us to buy a country store, but I always nipped that in the bud, I never wanted to have to run a store.

(karen) Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Guess who???? I'm back... Charlotte any chance your MG group would be interested in a LOT of irises. I have them all over everywhere and I'm trying to pare down my beds as I'm getting too old and too busy to care for it all. I also have a bunch of LA iris that just never bloom I have no idea why but probably something to do with where they are planted. Anyway if they'd be interested I'd dig some things up for them - I just HATE to throw away good plants.

(karen) Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Well last year was a complete bust in the gardening dept between breaking my arm in January and having the company I work for sold in May it was definitely NOT a year when my beds got a lick of attention. But amazingly enough I have things coming up all over the place even with the hot dry summer and absolutely no watering. I filled in my pond a couple of weekends ago just toooooo much work to keep in looking good. I'll really miss growing things in there but my hubby hated the overwhelming sound of frogs every night and I hated the green murky water that I never could get looking good. BUT the good news is that I'll love having another easy place to plant some things and the grandkids won't be tempted to be in the thing all the time.

I moved my Fireworks clematis last spring as it was in way too much shade and this year it is blooming!! It has never had but one bloom on it per year but it has quite a few so I'm excited - the first one opened today.

A few of my columbines are starting to open and of course I have the usual wood sorrell and early irises blooming this photo is of a walking iris I got a couple of years ago but this is the first year it has really really bloomed well.

You ladies seem busy as beavers as always and way more organized and together than me.

Thumbnail by kjuddy Thumbnail by kjuddy Thumbnail by kjuddy Thumbnail by kjuddy Thumbnail by kjuddy
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Good to have you back Karen! Yes my MG group would LOVE to have any iris you want to get rid of. That happens to be one of the things on the want list. I have a few to give but not many. We're wanting to use them to add permanent color to the grounds. When you dig them I can stop by your office and pick them up or you can drop them off at my house. Which ever works best for you. They will be thrilled!!!! I'm like you I just hate to throw plants away! Sounds like we're all trying to pare down our beds!

I'm sure your grandkids loved playing in your pond! My pump went out the end of last summer and I just got it going again a couple of weeks ago. My water is clear as can be. You can see everything on the bottom. But believe me it wasn't cheap to achieve that clear water!! I have too much money invested in mine now to think about filling it in.

(karen) Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Charlotte I also have obedient plant and a lot of old varieties of a white daffodil that blooms really late as in hasn't bloomed still and won't for weeks. I have some little tiny narcissus and even some pink naked lady bulbs if they want some of those. I'll dig up some things and let you know when I have them. Oh and some aster - that stuff I have to pull up by the bucketful. Just a warning - the last time I dug up iris I ended up with 350 rhizomes to give away - I'm not sure it'll be that many but it could be a LOT!

This message was edited Apr 3, 2016 6:48 PM

Thumbnail by kjuddy Thumbnail by kjuddy
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Karen if it would be better for me to come out to your house and pick them up, I'll be glad to. Save you having to load all that up in your car. No to the obedient plant but the naked ladies ,narcissus and white daffodil would all be welcome. We could also use some aster. Thanks so much!! They will be thrilled to hear about all the bounty coming our way!!

Ripley, MS

Ruth is out of surgery in ICU, the doctor had some problems and had to give her blood, but he thinks she is going to be fine. Donna asked the doc if he thought the surgery would help her memory and he said no, but it would help her breathing. I will go see her tomorrow.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm glad Ruth went through her surgery ok. Unfortunately there is nothing that helps dementia - just a steady decline. It all has the same ending. Two friends lost family members to Alzheimer's last week. One friend lost her mother and Sarah lost her sister.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I'm so glad that everything went well for Ruth yesterday. Please give them both my love!!!

I worked in the front flower beds yesterday and am quite sore today. My intention is to work in them again today. LOL!! We'll see.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

I'm also glad everything went well for Ruth and hope her breathing will be easier.

My cousin's husband passed away last week and we went to Birmingham Monday for his funeral. Y'all might remember that my cousin passed away about 4 years ago of pancreatic cancer. Not too long after she died, her husband began showing some signs of dementia but he has hung in there pretty well. Last week he fell and hit his head and had a brain bleed. He was in the hospital and, according to one of his sons, was 'flirting with one of his nurses', when he just died. He was such a dear, sweet man, and I'll always remember the respectful, kind way he treated everyone. He was 80 and I'm glad he and my cousin are together again.

Genna, I'm glad you posted so much about Alex and what he's been through. I do pray he finds a path ahead soon and will know what lies ahead for him. How did Jessica enjoy San Diego? Hope she is also better since her cyst was removed.

Charlotte that was a great article about your antique store. And a good photo of you!

I ran my half-marathon in Lynchburg last Saturday. Shaved 2 minutes of my last half-marathon time, so I was very happy with that. Especially since it was a very challenging course. Beautiful but very hilly. Will do another one this Sunday morning and then I'm taking it easy for a while. I don't do well in the heat and it's about to start getting warm.

Jeri, I worked in my veggie garden on Sunday afternoon and Monday afternoon after we got home from the funeral. Also spread the rest of my shredded mulch in the paths. Still have a little pine straw to replace but the guys came yesterday to clean out my pond so I'm glad I hadn't done anything there yet. I can't believe I'm ahead of myself this year. Have everything ready to plant but they are forecasting near freezing temps again this weekend and our plant-out date isn't until April 15 so I'm waiting. I've finally gotten my tomato seedlings to look decent and I'm not taking any chances. My pepper seeds never did come up. Guess I'll be buying pepper plants. About the only thing I haven't done is put any slow-release fertilizer around my perennials. Didn't do that last year and couldn't tell the difference much, so I may not do anything this year either and just save myself some $$.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Elaine a half marathon is quite an accomplishment!! You should be proud of yourself! I don't blame you for not wanting to run in the heat. The heat is just too hard on you!!

I still haven't done anything about my garden other than putting shredded leaves and shredded paper on it a couple of months ago. There are some vines trying to grow in the back side of it. I need to go down and try to find the source and cut it all out. I'll probably do some cut flowers in it and a few tomatoes, peppers. I may try to do squash again. I read somewhere (maybe here) to put foil around the base to keep the squash borer out. I may try that. I really like squash. I'll also plant some okra - one of my favorites. It's also something I've had really good luck growing.

I still have so much that needs to be done around here. But I'm just taking it as I can and not worring about it!! It's not going anywhere! I'm finding monkey grass spouting all over the place that needs to be dug up. I'm sure the birds are spreading the seed pods around. I need to start cutting the blooms off before they turn to seed.

Ripley, MS

I think I brought everyone up to date on Ruth by text.
If I missed anyone I am sorry. I sent 2 group texts out and was upset while I was doing it, so I could have missed someone. It just broke my heart to see her like she was today. She said she was hurting all over. I texted her daughter Linda a little while ago and she said they put a Cpap on her and she seemed to be resting better with that.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Thank you for letting us know about Ruth. It's so sad. It seems she has some serious health problems in addition to her dementia. Surgery is difficult for anyone but seems to be even more difficult for someone with dementia.

(karen) Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Charlotte I am going to drop by a huge bag of stuff tomorrow. I think there are about 60 irises, 50 naked lady bulbs and a few daylilies which are most likely ditch lillies. I didn't seperate them out because I knew you guys would be able to figure it out. How'd your dig go this week?

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks so much Karen!!! We spent Mon morning digging and Tues morning planting! Now we'll be planting again! The space is so big it just sucks things up.

(karen) Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Well this isn't everything just what I dug up yesterday. I still have a whole other bed of iris. These iris and naked ladies were around a black walnut tree. I still have two more groups of naked lady bulbs just like these 50 that are growing around that tree. I'm moving those bulbs into my beds. It is hard to believe that all this stuff was around just one tree. So I'll still have more iris and narcissus bulbs to dig but this will be all the naked ladies unless I have trouble getting all of them into my beds:) Hope you have a lot of help with the planting and I'm so excited that these will get used and not thrown away.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Yes there is help. We do the planting as a committee project.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Got the plants Karen. Thanks so much!!

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