Holiday Flowers

Scott Bar, CA(Zone 6a)

Hope all have a wonderful holiday!

Don't have a Christmas Cactus but did get some cheer from Ornithogallum caudatum, jade plant and Billbergia nutans. Looks like it may be a white Christmas after all!


Thumbnail by rockminer Thumbnail by rockminer Thumbnail by rockminer Thumbnail by rockminer
Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

I do have a Christmas Cactus but its small and only has two flowers on it. The Billbergia nutans is beautiful. What is it?

Here are my Christmas photos: Anthurium, 5 inches of snow and still coming down, a Cattleya orchid that never fails to bloom on Christmas, the bird feeder, and my Christmas Cactus "Aspen"

Merry Christmas!


Thumbnail by DaisyPlantLady Thumbnail by DaisyPlantLady Thumbnail by DaisyPlantLady Thumbnail by DaisyPlantLady Thumbnail by DaisyPlantLady
Decatur, GA

Nice flowers Daisy and Bill. I am envious for both the flowers and the snow you both seem to have. I have some orchids that are making flowers but not yet.
My Ornithogallum caudate hasn't bloomed for several years and so I enjoyed seeing yours Bill. I think I need to repot mine. I love the way the flower stalks grow so long then droop then head back up.
It never puts on much of a wintery show here in Georgia but this year is ridiculous with rainy balmy weather. Having been raised up north this weather isn't to my liking.
Merry Christmas Happy Holidays Happy Winter Solstice etc. Take your pick just have a good time!

Baja California, Mexico(Zone 11)

Merry Xmas. Some reds and pinks on the patio this afternoon...

Thumbnail by Baja_Costero Thumbnail by Baja_Costero Thumbnail by Baja_Costero Thumbnail by Baja_Costero Thumbnail by Baja_Costero
Scott Bar, CA(Zone 6a)

Daisy, Helen and Baha. I'm glad to see your posts. I feel kind of lost on the new format and wonder what or who I'm missing out on.

What a beautiful cat Daisy. My gh seems to be an unsuitable habitat for them. Maybe a little too cool for blooms. My phals, the replacements for those I lost, have all sent up new shoots and this one is the first to bloom.

Helen, I know you will outshine us all come spring...and I kind of envy your warm weather.

Baja, boy do I envy your patio! Lovely!


Thumbnail by rockminer
Baja California, Mexico(Zone 11)

Funny you should say that. Santa came early this year and delivered a patio upgrade... check out the newly installed shade cloth and industrial strength plant racks / human benches. They make a nook on our south-facing patio much more habitable for humans and plants alike.

The first inhabitants are a few very young plants ready for some more exposure. Natives at positions 3 and 5 in the second row. Next a trio of Dudleyas (these are year old propagations). Last shot another one that turns into a hummingbird magnet this time of year.

Thumbnail by Baja_Costero Thumbnail by Baja_Costero Thumbnail by Baja_Costero Thumbnail by Baja_Costero Thumbnail by Baja_Costero
Scott Bar, CA(Zone 6a)

Baja, that is looking great. I am planning to erect shade cloth over a portion of my patio this spring to provide for my starts. Hope I can make it as attractive as yours.

Daisy, sorry I didn't answer your question. Bilbergia is one of the bromilliad genera.


Cannelton, IN(Zone 6b)

I found this Christmas cactus at a local nursery earlier this year. These pictures are from a week ago. It still has one bud on it.

Thumbnail by smashedcactus
Scott Bar, CA(Zone 6a)

That is my favorite look for a christmas cactus. I've had several styles and colors over the years but that is the one that I'll seek for the next one!

Thanks for posting it.


Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

Baja, in your first set of photos, what is the plant in the center one? I'm fastinated.

SmashedCactus, What a great find! And the perfect holiday color too. I have a tiny white one "Aspen" I started from a cutting and an older shockingly pink one that always seems wrong. My father in law had a pale apricot one. I'm not sure how long he had it before tossing it out into the yard (Luckily, he lives in San Francisco) - I rescued it and promptly killed it. My daughter managed to start one off my dying plant and now I am waiting for a new cutting.

Baja California, Mexico(Zone 11)

Daisy, that plant is Euphorbia (Monadenium) ritchei. It is quite moody but this year decided to flower for a really long time, maybe because I repotted it not too long ago. Those huge leaves are kind of uncommon and most of the time it seems to grow without making them.

Smashed, that Christmas cactus looks amazing. Boom! Full of life.

Aloe in bud on the balcony, about to do its thing. Lots of aloes looking like this right now. January is going to be a great month for flowers. Hopefully for rain too. :)

Thumbnail by Baja_Costero
Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

Thanks Baja, I thought Euphoria but the flowers seemed wrong and the leaves really threw me. Very cool plant. Too bad it's so persnickity. Very cool!

I'm going shopping for a red Holiday Cactus. So far, they seem pink/red - not red/red. Anyone have a thought on a cv?


Cannelton, IN(Zone 6b)

My Gasteraloe cv. Midnight is getting ready to bloom. And the last bloom on the Christmas cactus. I had a red holiday cactus, but killed it.

Thumbnail by smashedcactus Thumbnail by smashedcactus
Scott Bar, CA(Zone 6a)

What a lovely color! I think I'll have to find one!


Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

I found a Thanksgiving cactus called "Harmony" at the Raley's store yesterday. Its red. Yeh!


Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Here some holiday flowers in my garden.
I have a few Holiday cactus, the white is my oldest plant and the first to produce flowers.
The warm weather has made my COT plants very happy this winter.

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