Plant Propagation the Basics Oct - 2015

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh Gypsi thinking about garden help

1 We together are going for a dolly ride , who's pushing , how to move this ride
2 Hey ! Where did you go ?
3 I am going to help cut the grass
4 looks dangerous to me
Well , pause , Maybe I better help too ,,

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey I know ! lets try pushing together !

Thumbnail by juhur7
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

So cute...

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I could send them to you Robin , Deliver them myself as crew chief , I bet they would love sorting the seeds that roll around , the plastic and paper that rattles ,lol
I have to get some help to keep them out from underfoot ,while cleaning ,

1 anemone
2 Milkweed pod , I forgot .,,
3 some zinnia ,seeds from Jen , still tying to hang on ,
4 syrica Hibiscus trying to show fall color
5 Dogwood

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

I would have taken one or two Ju, but I rescued two cats last year. Yes they love seed cleaning. Are you saving seeds from your Anemone? This fall I planted A. Pink Kiss, my first Anemone. I'm grateful for the fall blooms.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I will try to save some seeds I have some old seeds I will try this winter , the anemone

Kittens kept were actually granny's idea , this time , not mine . they are delightful , cute , but ... kittens being kittens , poof their there , poof their not there into everything ...

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Think granny is pretty smart. Sounds to me like you need something cheerful around there and kittens will do it. Good idea. Maybe we'll all come over and sit and watch. LOL,

'course then I would miss the Seahawks win their 3rd one tonight. Going to be a long second half of the season if they keep playing the way they have this first half. jen

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Love those shots and the story line. I love cats. We don't have one, tho.
Miss seeing critters play. Great shots on the plants and shrubs. Now I know what three of my shrubs are that I accidentally started more than once. *sigh* Anyone want a dogwood ? I have two stands to clear out.

I've never seen an Anemone.
Except on Dave's Garden.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Yeah , pets are cute , my favorite are still the turtles , have not had any in years ,

Debra if more than the one I show grows we will get you a few ,Anemone ,
You know , after I sent the Chicory , Tons of little ones started sprouting around here , this pot , that pot, backyard , driveway , wherever , crazy poof ,,

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

lunch time wondering about that Debra , Does that mean you do not like Anemone or they simply do not grow where you are ,
Another about the Dogwood , I have trouble giving enough shade to that one .It has been there a long while and is still small ,
My thoughts are everywhere today ,

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

oh is dogwood a shade plant?

mine are under the pear tree and under the neighbors tall tree branches under shade, but do they flower? I just keep trimming them. I thought I had dogwood trees LOL
I am working Saturday, will get your stuffs together Sunday to mail out on MOnday. Robin and Jen, you toos..
We thought we were going to get rain last night.. again it split up before hitting our house, we are in a drought in this month of October.
I just have never seen nor heard of that Anemone before coming to Dave's, but then I haven't heard of a lot of things until then. :D

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

It is whether the Dogwoods are the tree or Shrub variety , Mine is a tree Cornus Florida . White flowering when mature ,
Red Twig Dogwood Shrubs , Have Bright Red Stems ,
All are mostly Understory trees and shrubs
Most have the Red Fall foliage ,, in shadier places , easy to grow , not so here ,

I am seeing if I have any thing to move around , rain coming in shortly

Thumbnail by juhur7
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Iris being moved ,, re planted , and starts .
Credit to the 1968 True Temper Shovel .. Bought it new at W T Grants , remember when , shhhhh .

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I have a clump of Yellow iris still laying where I threw them down, I need to get them moved.. work just messes up my gardening plans..:P

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

My thing with iris is I wish they bloomed longer , Can't have everything I guess , lol

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Debra, regarding the Guara and harvesting seeds from it; I've been having the same issues as my friend Pistil over here:

Please check it out and comment...thanks in advance.

BTW, everything seems to interrupt gardening plans like mealtimes, bathroom breaks, falling soffit, deranged water softeners...etc. lol

Fort Worth, TX

oh, home from work in time for steady downpours, I think I've gotten 6 inches of rain so far. Maybe more.

Backhoe didn't give me the idea. I ordered a different fill dirt and it compacted less, had 5 yards left over and was not happy with a whining crew. Got it moved, traded dirt and some rock for daughter and SIL to come with heavy duty 10 ton trailer and we loaded it with shovels. took less than an hour since no whining.

Kittens are adorable. I have my 5 year old granddaughter here this weekend, we picked tomatoes and broccoli and asparagus and got a couple of eggs before dinner. Won't be online much with her here, but she is just the apple of my eye. we harvested galliardia seeds this evening too.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Have fun! I wish I had a little one over this weekend.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Enjoy the rain and your little apple!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Reading through these threads I usually think it wrong , get close occasionally ,
Raining here now also , I like it okay so far , moved a few plants today they might like this also
one of the Plants an H.F.Young Clematis , Going to see if it will grow on the Redbud tree .,
I do not if the Wisteria growers gave me the idea or not
interesting to find out though it may be ?

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

that is a great idea, Ju. I saw where another DG'r grew the little red cypress morning glory up his cedar tree and some other kind of tree like a ribbon around them. I had a clematis growing around my honey locust along with sweet pea and Ivy and Honeysuckle, I used chicken wire to help train them on the trunk, and it was beautiful. Then we had to cut down the tree.. and all those plants on it got chopped up and my life has never been the same LOL

Fort Worth, TX

Great idea with twining the vines up the tree. I have 3 little clematis with tomato cages to grow on. at least I think all 3 are still alive. Raining. We are going to work on the fish room (aquarium room) where the kids sleep when they visit. Lots of white noise

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

As far as growing vines etc on trees, how do you get them enough water? I have a big old cedar tree that I wanted the loggers to cut down but they and Bob talked me into leaving it because it was so old. But the lowest limb on it was probably 10 or 12 feet up. The closes I can get a plant to grow to it is about 5 feet and that is Yarrow that doesn't take much water.

I should have had them cut it off about where that lowest limb was and it would have been a good support for maybe a climbing rose or something. A red rose would have been beautiful on it. What they are doing here a lot are planting 2 different vines in a hole. Like a Clematis and a Honeysuckle that have contrasting colors and bloom together, or that bloom at different times so you have something blooming at a longer time.

I saw a house one time that was on a pretty big lot and they had a Wisteria so old that it was growing thru the trees and formed a canopy over the entire lot. When it was blooming it was amazing, but don't think I would like it all the time. All but in the winter when it didn't have a leaf on it, it would shade the entire lot.

Well, Bob went down to my sisters and brought her sauerkraut back to tend while she is in California staying with her grandkids while her daughter goes to England and Ireland for her employer. The son in law has an elk hunting trip this time every year. His whole family goes out for a week every year. Elk meat makes very good mince meat.

Well, got things to do, ttyl,

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

That is pretty much what I try to achieve with the multi plants and vines, to have something blooming all year round.

MMMMM mince meat!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I think the Virginia Creeper growing on the old Atlantic cedar gave me the Idea , cedar died , after being sprayed with weed killer , the Virginia creeper is still growing and it is bright red this time of year
When I get the Clematis to grow , they get Huge

besides we get a lot of water as rain and other here that is usually not a problem with a scrub forest bloomer like a redbud , I will set a few of the old tile pieces and a few rocks to help hold the ground moisture around the roots of the vine ,

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Well, I have a ton of wild grape I'm pulling out out out.. it is coming from the neighbor to the south and now that it is an unoccupied place, I am going to sneak back there and drown that thing in round up.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I have those also including my concord , birds get more than me , lol ?
raining here again , Clematis I set in front of the redbud ,has not wilted , Hey , I got one correct !!! yay ,,, Things get huge here , 12 to 20 ft the clematis Hybrids ,
Besides the blooms keep the bees away from the front porch ,
Nice season this long fall here .
Easy dig also with rain , well sort of , wet mud is kind of heavy at times ,
more to plant shortly

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

JU, that Virginia Creeper is gorgeous. Does it lose it's leaves in the winter? Is that the same as an Ivy of some kind? There was Ivy on the back of my house when we moved here and it was a real job getting it, and all it's little roots off. If there were a framework of some kind, like Bob built for the Pyracantha I would love to have a Virginia Creeper. But, don't want anything growing into the siding.

Guess I will google it and see if it is something I can put back there.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes the Virginia creeper looses the leaves here , They also happen to be invasive here , powerful rooted plant ,.

I am sitting here , listening to it pouring down rain , thinking about cleaning more seeds ,
I did not get enough of the Red Hibiscus to send to Debra , Waiting to here from a few busier folks about sending the Iris ,
I will look at the Clematis roots I potted beside the planted when the rain stops .
and I have some Hybrid Daylily I want to plant near those iris I showed yesterday ,
Love the rain , but that and the idea of a cold plays with my old motivations ,
Might go to the hardware store ,
My mind is doing that ,,lol kind of ,

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Oh, it all sounds so beautiful, vines growing in trees. Jen could you imagine a driveway covered with Wisteria as a long archway. Virginia Creeper is beautiful too. I used Wisteria to start growing up an old basketball hoop stand, it sure does grow slow from seed.

I've been outside cleaning pots all day; how did I ever get so many? Better yet, what did I use them all for? Lol, there is a downside to gardening after all.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

OMG, you just reminded me that I need to go in the kitchen and pot up some coleus starts i rooted. Poor little things are going to die if I don't do it soon. Lotsa roots. I have just been adding water to the container. Did pot some and they are doing good. Have to keep pinching the blooms off tho.

I read something interesting on the Virginia Creeper JU. It said if you try to pull it off your building you will damage the siding. However, if you sever it from the roots first, like use some loppers to cut it near the ground, eventually the grip it has on the building will relax and you can get it off easier.

Another thing it said is that if you put it on a tree say, it can kill the tree by cutting off it's light and it can't do the photosynthesis thing. Those leaves must really get dense to cut off the light. I was thinking about putting one on that cedar tree. They get over 60 ft tall so I thought if I started one and started it winding round the tree, and only about 4 or 5 inches apart, the trunk, in the winds, that would not let it get 60 feet tall. I mean it would, but it would be taken up by the thickness of the tree trunk. Wouldn't it? Or did I totally confuse you? jen

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Here is my tree from 2008, it had the Chinese bean on it before I added the wire and the clematis. I mISS That Tree

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

here is another shot of it..

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

and another shot.. boy I MISS that TREE

Thumbnail by joeswife
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

That would be a challenge to replace Debra , Big old tree , not as many anymore ,

Jen I saw a picture after a Hurricane , a palm tree , on the tropical island area off the East Coast , that was the only tree standing afterward , It was cover smothered in a Virginia Creeper
Wind rain broiling sun , nothing stops that vine once it is "in"
Puts grape vines to shame some places , gives you an idea ,,

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

i have a creeper on my cedar out front it is very pretty

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

Here I have two Clematis growing up into trees-just fabulous to have them blooming 25 feet up there! One I have on a fence, it gets up into the neighbors trees, the other I planted differently-this can work with the cedar tree Jnette- you plant it way out by the end of the branches on something to let it climb up and attach to the branch, a post with string is enough, once it grows into the branches it will take care of itself, this works for many kinds of trees. I only plant Clematis Pruning group 3, the kind you generally just whack off at a foot tall every spring. The ones in the trees I prune a bit differently- let it get up there and just grow! If you get too much of a snarl of old dead branches low down, just whack it off one year and do it again (It will still get up there and bloom that year just not as much or as high. I think you could do it with pretty much any kind of Clematis, except the new dwarf ones bred to live in a pot on the patio.

p.s Another neighbor has Wisteria it is a hideous invasive trying to tear down my nice fence, grows 20 feet a year in all directions!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I thought my wisteria would bloom and bloom after this 5th year, I have whacked it moved it and cussed at it.. it will not bloom. I am gonna tear it out and throw it away.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I went to the hardware store , got a bag of top soil ,
What the shelves at looking emptier than usual , getting ready to close for the season , the garden dept ,
I got these , about five $'s all together
Two pots of Guara
Three pots of pansies ,
A few pretties the Pansy may not be hardy , but these next few weeks they will be nice

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Wow, you did alright JU. Hey, that thing with the red kinda branches on it, looks like a Cotoneaster. Is it? I had one in my perennial bed that I planted several years ago. It was about 15 feet across when I had Bob pull it out this spring. Had to use the Ford to get it out and still left a piece of it. Tough buggers. But you got a lot of nice color too. Always cheerful.

I would think after 5 years the Wisteria would bloom Debra. Pretty disgusting to wait that long and nothing.

Don't know Pistil. Doubt I could get anything to hold a plant up that high. Like I said, that cedar tree's lowest limbs are probably 10 or 12 feet up there.

I planted starts off of 3 coleuses today because they are ones I had to send for from Michigan and that gets expensive. Can't get the ones I wanted out here. I really hate paying that much plus shipping for annuals. But, I have found that on those, it is better not to try to hold the mother plant over the winter and make house plants out of them, but to take cuttings and start new plants. Much better plants the next year. I did the same with a geranium today. Have one more geranium to go if the temps tonight will hold off dropping. It was 28 last night, but it looks like all the plants on my deck are still doing good. Gotta get them dumped etc for the winter or we will be doing it in the snow.

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