July 2015-Booms, Blooms and Heat

(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

I would leave the rudbeckia and echinacea where they are to self seed but they are in the bed that will be destroyed, amended and planted after they remove the tree – whenever the heck that is. I am so beyond ready! I did cut off a rudbeckia head and dissected it. If I have this right, and I may not, the seeds are about the size of a grain of sand.

Debra, a banana tree? Seriously? In Kansas even? You are a regular scientist! You certainly have beautiful plants.

Will, I love the idea of using Wi-Fi at the library. We miss you! Good idea, Betty!

I have mentally been doing so much arranging and rearranging, grass killing, bed preparation, seed sowing, transplanting,etc., I feel like I'm ready to kiss the soil. This nonstop mental energy is wearing me out, because I can't do anything physical with it yet. Lack of money, the wrong season, scheduled work to be done which I have no control over – It feels like a constant waiting game. Believe me, I am not complaining. I just can't help but feel that everything is going to happen at once – and I will pretty much bet the bank that mom will decide to move in then too. LOL

When I moved into this house, i replaced part of the fence. The backyard is small and there was very little air movement. The temperature was easily 10°– 15° hotter than the front yard, which gets breeze. The fence that connected the back of the house to the front of the standalone garage was a 6 foot tall privacy fence. That section of fence, and one other very small section of fence are now wrought iron. The difference in air movement in the yard directly behind the house was/is significant. However, the yard behind the garage is stifling. That is where I get the mosquito bites. It is also where the raised bed is located. Could lack of significant air movement contribute to my tomato problems? As I have learned more about gardening, I am wondering if I have a microclimate back there. Truthfully, I think I would rather have air movement. LOL.

Hey Pepper – Think Snow! Great pics!

Betty – your harvest is beautiful. That is something to be so proud of!

Better get my day underway. Later.

(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

Nope, I had it wrong. The rudbeckia seeds look like splinters.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

LOL.. well I leave the last batch of blooms on , but mostly love the re-bloom. I have finches all winter anyway from all the sunflower heads and wildflower seed heads, as well as the finch feeder. My backyard birds never go hungry. So glad u are on the mend will. Sure wish we could all meet up in Fall. Betty u are still an inspiration to me.
Missing all of you, these recalls are driving me mad. Will take pics of the banana this Sunday, I have to work Saturday, and it rained the other day, so no pics taken.
Had our first crisis on the youngest daughter who we moved to KC last wekend. Her cat is sick and she thought he was dying, it is pancreatis? and so I paid the dr for her. 300. bucks for a grandcat. oh well. *sigh* we never think of these things when we are in our 20's. ( I never did anyway)

Anna, IL(Zone 6b)

You know, you are right Patti - those Rudbeckia seed do look like splinters.

Super NICE here now with much lower humidity. At least I can be outside and not sweat all my clothes wet in just minutes. I spent almost the entire morning out weeding and cleaning in the gardens.

Keep gardening - Hope your day is a good one.

(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

I have the Rudbeckia seeds drying on a paper plate in the oven. The oven is not on. It's the only place I can figure out where my two demon darlings won't get into them. "Get off the counter" doesn't mean a thing to them. Even the squirt bottle is not that helpful. I have never had cats get on the counter before and I don't like this.

You're such a good kitty grandma, Debra.

I've been on hold for 15 minutes, trying to get my pension straightened out. I faxed them everything they needed. Apparently, there are issues. Grrrrr. I am beginning to think the representative, who put me on hold in order to research this, took another call. It is very obvious that I will be paid retroactively. I'm suppose to get my first check tomorrow.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Fall RU interest thread!!!


(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

Brenda, I would like to say that " the Rudbeckia seeds look like splinters "was an original thought. It was not. I read it on the web. But it definitely will help me remember.

Anna, IL(Zone 6b)

For sure, me too since you brought it up!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

I love the cone flowers and brown eyed susans too. I have seen the golfinches eating them. love the birds. You all are very busy in the gardens for sure. love seeing the bounties of your hard work starting to roll in. I do not have veggies only plants. But get to see the beautiful flowers they produce. Really enjoy that. But we do not get to eat them... Have a wonderful Saturday all my gardening friends. We are going to see a musical tonight. kind of an Anniversary celebrating 14 years married. Will be a great show I am sure.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

My favorite moon is the Blood Moon, especially when it's 15% bigger than normal and you see witches fly in front of them! - http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=large+blood+moon&id=EB896685E658B5C43223EDFFFD6216A83DD273BB&FORM=IQFRBA

Thanks for the library suggestion, it's not very close unfortunately, I've been to the library alot this year.

I'm not entirely sure, but I might be an otr truck driver soon. There might be a pause in my postings around late August and probably the month of September until I get a smartphone, tablet or a laptop, I believe wifi is pretty available in rest stops and whatnot. The 2 keywords there is "not sure" but otr truck driver is looking very possible. The trucking company emailed me today to see if I was still interested in their company.

Thanks Brenda, oh she would be over-joyed at your rose-moss info too, she loves rose-moss she buys it every year. I talked to my aunt on the phone today, she is liking the scenario I described which involves alot of the flowers you have in pictures. I'm gonna campaign for her a desert/cactus-like garden too, complete with a steer skull! I have plenty of those type of plants here, like Prickly-Pear and Chainlink Cholla, that grow easy from cuttings.

Thanks you guys, I'm on the mend.

Yeah Joyce, I love me some bamboo! I don't have any anymore. Joeswife (Debra) gave me some at the spring ru 2014 but it didn't make it in the pot over the winter.
Hi Debra, we could have a Fall ru if we get some takers. I could be there, I could likely get the time off, the trucking industry is pretty flexible.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I'm up late, going to read up previous chat and comment. We just saw the new Mad Max movie. It was action packed.

I love seeds. I like to see how they are stored on the plant, and watch them ripen and burst out in a seed spread while I'm watering. If I dead head dryed blooms I just carry the whole thing to where I want new plants and drop them. I collect seeds. I'm hopelessly addicted to collecting them. Bleag!!

I love the Trucking Industry. My Grandpa and his twin brother drove for Republic Van Lines and my dad drove for sante fe, and my son drove for OK moving and Storage. They all wore uniforms with these cool hates and looked like were military majors or something. It was so cool when they came back after a couple months, both those kenworths in the alley. I am trucker blooded, I love to drive.

Brenda and Patti, I hope your weekend is filled with gardening adventures. I have found some changes I want to make, and Joe has been the best at helping, so It will be a fun project to change an area together.

Congratulations, Ronna. I am glad you are going out to celebrate. I don't spend as much time in the Garden as I'd like, but it is just enough for me right now.
Every Night I go out and sit. I'm always alone for the most part in my Gardens. Joe will be out mowing and me picking up stuff and raking. He'd go in after and I'd stay out and play. He likes to stay cool, I can handle a bit of heat. He likes to trim, I do not. BY THE WAY.. very excited, the banana I planted outside and left all winter is about three ft tall now. It came back! pics tomorrow.

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

GL I hope you had a wonderful time at the musical last night. 14 years married, congratulations!

Anna, IL(Zone 6b)

Debra - I enjoyed your neat-as-a-pin pictures. Tell me about the #2 picture, you have some kind of spiller (persay) in pots with tall plants. What do you have there?? Also - it looks like you have obedient budded for bloom, one of these days? My obedient is in full sun and I'm not sure it is happy. Does yours bloom well with the shade? Thanks for sharing.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

We had such a great time at the musical. Such talented individuals. We were laughing, singing and clapping. Rock of Ages. Then we went to a very favorite neighborhood Old Dog Tavern and had a few drinks. A really good sandwich and listened to some free music outside under the stars. It was a great end to our fun evening.
So does anyone use a scale at home to send out boxes??? Is it fairly simple? I have not done this yet. But want to get my own scale. What kind of scales and labels do you use? Can you purchase the labels at the post office or just use a piece of paper to print the label? I seen some labels on amazon but really do not need 200 of them.
Thanks sorry about all the questions but do not know how to do all this stuff.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

gl, if you go to post office site after you weighed your box, you can print the label straight from the site and schedule a pickup if you don't want to go to the post office. My post office isn't too far away so when I send plants I get a priority box along with labels, some boxes are flat rate if you can get it in the box that is all you pay or some of the boxes are strictly by weight but you can get the labels for free at the post office if you ship priority.

If you just ship general mail, heck just take a piece of printer paper write the info on it and tape it to the box, I usually cover the label completely with tape, so it can't tear or melt if it gets wet from rain or whatever.

My dh has a scale I use but I think the po sells a scale for not much which should work.

On my coneflowers and such, the ones in the front of the house which aren't many I will cut off the dead head and just toss it so it can't be seen. The ones no one really sees I leave alone, now I am really busy and just don't have time to mess with them.

GB you have the prettiest vegetables every year and every year after seeing yours I keep saying I am going to grow vegetables but....lol I am still thinking that.

Going over to check out the RU site.

(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

Just got home from moms house. Made breakfast for she and David and then cleaned the kitchen while they were getting ready to go get their hair cuts. Appointment was at 10:30 but, once we were there, mom decided she needed her hair colored too. She was right, she did. So glad I took my Kindle. One of my good friends does their hair for them, which is why they had a Sunday appointment. I love taking care of mom and David. Really, I do. Today though it felt like I was herding cats. Started out the door David turns around and goes back to my house to go to the bathroom. Made it to the car and mom forgot her checkbook. The proverbial herd of turtles.

Debra, that was a rousing endorsement for Mad Max. I take it action-packed translates to glory? Wonderful pictures you send in. The only true thing I can recognize by foliage are tomatoes, hostas and asparagus ferns. LOL No gardening adventures for me today or yesterday. I know!

Brenda, how do you do that?

Will, I have a dear friend, of the female variety, who used to be an OTR driver. She loved it. At the time she lived in California and primarily did West Coast runs. If I remember correctly, when she moved to the Midwest, she quit driving, but then taught at a truck driving school either in Missouri or Arkansas. I think Missouri. This was back when the earth was cooling though.

The day is half gone and I have a bunch of stuff to do. Later.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

7thanks hap
. I do have a post office right acrossed the street. Rotfl. Ijust heard it was cheaper to weight your own boxes at home. But i guess it would be easier just to go acrossed the street. I do not even have to get in the car. Thanks.
Debra yes I went and seen Mad Max a couple months ago with me daughter. I did not think i would like it at all. But boy was i wrong. I really enjoyed it tons. The "music" vehicle was my favorite one. I just wonder how the peeps who dream all this up come up with so many different vehicles. It really amazes me. Talent i guess.

Anna, IL(Zone 6b)

How do I do that, was the question. I enjoy it, so it is not work.

I think I must have been seeing double when I took the 1st picture.
#2 photo - I think the goldfinch enjoy my zinnia as well as the flutterby.
#3 photo - My pink magic lily have been popping up and blooming. I think they started about a week ago. Photo #3,#4,  all in close proximity.

Happy Sunday!

Thumbnail by brendak654 Thumbnail by brendak654 Thumbnail by brendak654 Thumbnail by brendak654 Thumbnail by brendak654
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

beautiful shots Brenda. You have a pretty display of colors. My "Naked ladies are popping up, blooming and the first ones are already setting seed. Is it cooler up there?
The draping stuff is sedums, I have three kinds in all my spaces.

Ronna, yes, that was my favorite part to, LL I told Joe someone has a very busy imagination. ( Mad Maxx) We always wait until the movies are at the "cheap theater"
So glad you had a great time, and even sounded romantic.

Patti, I know what you are going thru with your Mom, I went thru that with my great aunt, and my grandma and my mom. I am glad I was there for them, I can only hope my kids are there for me.

Joyce sure hope we meet up, I sure miss you!
Day off tomorrow and I just woke up from a LazyBoy nap .. last thing I remember is the news starting.
the silene is trying to act like a sunflower.

This message was edited Aug 3, 2015 5:41 PM

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Beautiful pics, this is what I woke up to this morning. I am taking my sister to the eye doctor, and trying to convince DH NOT to cut it down until after I get back. Course he is chomping at the bit to get started. I will be so mad at him if he goes tromping thru the gardens to cut it down! Right now the iron fence is holding the tree above the plants, so everything is safe. We wanted to remove the tree but jeepers I didn't think it would come down like that. Only damage we saw. Another storm rolling in from the north...

So far nothing hurt so not a big deal, like I said we had wanted to take it down, just hadn't gotten around to it. Even missed the old red car, that is the car DH takes the dogs in, it is horrible inside...rofl.

Thumbnail by happgarden Thumbnail by happgarden Thumbnail by happgarden
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Missed the beater and missed the pump. All good news!! lol. You know that car is a popular collectable don't ya? LOL. Pump too.

(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

Oops! I am so glad no one was hurt and that your property is OK.

It is a big job removing those trees when they come down. I don't blame you for wanting to be home when that happens. It is nice that the dogs have a dog Mobile. My dog has one too but it's my normal car. LOL

Hope all went OK with your sisters eye appointment.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Got home a little while ago and I really didn't think he would wait on me But he did. Miracles will never cease!! I have pots and pots of lilies under that mess. I just wanted a chance to eliminate as much damage as possible. Lots of plants are going to get sunburn.....use to all that shade and now nothing in the first part of August.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

I know I am going thru the same thing. My neighbors tree is dead and it shaded our front yard too. I am now able to plant some full sun things. So it is a good thing I guess.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Those gardens were sun, until the tree grew up ( a present from the birds) I just let it grow cause it was pretty. DH hated it so close to his driveway cause if the garage doors are open during the spring or fall all those seeds and leaves blow in. So we had planned to take it out, but it was sooooo tall we just hadn't quite figured it out....no problem now..lol Just goes to show don't rush into anything.

We were quite lucky it didn't hit anything. Yeah Will that car he bought when the gas was 4.00+ dollars a gallon, he has rebuilt the engine and one time even cleaned the insides...lol Everyone in town knows his car, his white hair, and the dogs piled in everywhere. One time went to the bank after retiring and went thru the drive thru to cash a check. Lady took my stuff and then called another lady over and then there was more discussion, I thought what the heck!! Finally over the speaker she said are married to the gentleman with the white hair and the dogs? Really!! She said I haven't ever met you. rofl. Cause I worked in the city I was never home to go to the bank...

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I'm so glad you are okay, and nothing bad happened. what a way to get a tree down!

Anna, IL(Zone 6b)

happ - I enjoyed hearing the success story about the downed tree (an accomplishmet - yeah). and about your white haired hubby with the dogs going through town, bank, etc.. Bet the dogs get as big a thrill out of the ride as the tellers at the bank get just seeing them. How many dogs are you talking? Good luck getting the potted plants to a shady spot. You might have to make them a little tent.

Debra - Your silene is very interesting. I had to look it up, and what I came up with was catchfly?

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Yes, silene regia.. royal catchfly, kansas native wild flower, and this gets really tall and happy in a flower bed.

I also got a chuckle out of the bank gals, Joyce. The gals here know Joe better than they know me for sure..

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

"Royal catchfly is observed infrequently due to loss of habitat. The bright flowers attract hummingbirds. The calyx becomes somewhat inflated at fruiting." It spreads by seeds.

lots of seed pods going to be on the big one, I have another grouping in more of a shade spot just two feet west of this tall one, they are not getting enough sun. Going to move them this Fall.

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Besides celebrating my gr-d Chloe's 11th birthday today, I started the new August thread. You'll find it here.


The July 2015 thread is closed. Meet me in "August 2015 Insect World Reigns!"

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