Haworthias again

Muncie, IN(Zone 5B)

Hello succulent lovers, where ever you are!

I'm going to be adding a lot of haworthias from my collection to the plant database over the next few weeks. If Santa brings me the digital camera I've asked (read whined) for, photos will follow in January. Maybe I can persuade Norma (crasulady2) to add some more plants from her very, very large collection of succulents. Since the response to my thread about mesembs (which includes lithops - living stones) was zilch, I won't add any of those. Boo Hoo! Boo Hoo!

Also, if anyone, besides the ones who have e-mailed me privately, is interested in propagating haworthias, I'll add to the propagation secrets thread Crasulady2 started.

Please let me know.


Valley Village, CA

Patrick, I think you should do a separate thread. Would you allow me to add to that. Mine is far to long, It should be cut up in thirds. How do you know I have a very large collection, you haven't seen it yet. I have a digital camera but don't know how to use it. Actually I'm afraid of the darn thing. Please start the thread, it time to repot and divide now. I just obtained a few more hybrids this past week. Norma

Muncie, IN(Zone 5B)

OK, I'll start a new thread, probably about haworthia culture in general - propagation tips, what to do if you lose the roots (it happens), etc. I would welcome ANY contribution you may have Norma. Maybe call it Culture Corner.
By the way, in one of your e-mails to me you DID tell me how many haws you had. Your memory must be going the same place mine is - down the tubes! Chuckle. Chuckle.
By the way, does anybody "out there" grow lithops aka flowering stones?


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