Starting to bloom

Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

Some of my cactus are starting to bloom (YEAH!) - including a few I have never seen bloom before as they have spent their entire, lives up until now, living in a greenhouse that was under huge trees. The greenhouse wasn't built under huge trees but add 20 years to an oak and a couple of redwoods and you have a shaded greenhouse.

My new greenhouse is in the desert (Reno, NV) in a neighborhood where it is against the CCR's to plant large trees. I have a greenhouse cactus garden, all in pots, and an outdoor garden with cactus that can withstand being frozen solid in the wintertime. These all live in the greenhouse.

1. close-up of Cleistocactus strausii - now stands at about 6 feet.
2. Echinocereus but not sure which one.
3. Echinocereus gentryi - in the 10 years I've had it, its never bloomed before
4. Copiapoa barquitensis

Thumbnail by DaisyPlantLady Thumbnail by DaisyPlantLady Thumbnail by DaisyPlantLady Thumbnail by DaisyPlantLady
Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Very nice!
Are you sure that second one is an Echinocereus? It looks more like a plant from the Echinopsis family to me.

Chandler, AZ(Zone 9b)

Second photo is definitely a Chamaecereus hybrid; and as mcvansoest mentioned, that has been subsumed into Echinopsis lately.

All photos are great! Jealous you got Copiapoa to bloom...had a couple for years, but nary a bloom!

Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

I'm not sure what the second is but I must like it because I have 3 of them. It could be Echinopsis. I will go label them all (no labels previously). I used to label my plants with a Sharpy marker made especially for labeling plants... Learned the hard way that those don't cut it.

I don't know why the Copoiapoa bloomed - its never done that before. My greenhouse is hot and humid as there is a turtle pond and orchids on the far end.

Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

Here are this weeks flowers:

#1 Chamaelobiva
#2 Echinopsis
#3 Echinopsis
#4 Trichocereus grandiflorus
#5 Trichocereus grandiflorus

I found the tag for #2 above. Its a Chamaecereus. It keeps falling apart so there are little plants all over my greenhouse.


Thumbnail by DaisyPlantLady Thumbnail by DaisyPlantLady Thumbnail by DaisyPlantLady Thumbnail by DaisyPlantLady Thumbnail by DaisyPlantLady
Decatur, GA

Nice flowers!

Cannelton, IN(Zone 6b)

The yellow one is awesome! Love them all.

Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

More cactus photos:

1. Huernia Zebrinia
2. Second blooming for Trichocereus grandiflorus
3. I believe an Echinopsis. I bought it several years ago because of the color of the body of the cactus - red. But I thought it bloomed white that year - very disappointing after thinking the dark coloration of the body was an indicator for the bloom. This year it bloomed again and it is NOT white.
4. Another one of those Chamaecereus - I think there are about 6 different plants but this one is a slightly different color.
5. Adenium obesum


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