tall columnar unknown

Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

still don't know what this one is, either

Thumbnail by palmbob Thumbnail by palmbob
Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

That has the same spine pattern as a Ferocactus. I can't think of one that is tall and skinny like that though.

Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

Has this one ever bloomed? It looks pretty well established. I'm going to say an Echinopsis with huge flowers. White?

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Check out: Echinopsis/Trichocereus tacaquirensis, or E/T chiloensis.

The new growth on the cactus in the picture looks a lot like a longer spined version of the T. tacaquirensis that I have, but on the older part of the plant in the pictures the spinage looks different.

Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

It has never bloomed... and in its new location where it seems rather marginal (gets a tad bit of freeze damage yearly) I doubt it ever will. But that's one thing that keeps me from thinking it's E chiloensis, as that plant is very hardy (and I have one growing just a few feet away from this one- flowering nicely yearly and much much smaller.

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Then maybe it is tacaquirensis - I know it comes in a pretty long spined version. I had trouble with the ID on mine until I found a bunch of pictures somewhere on the internet that showed both the long spined and the short spined version.

Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

growth habit and spine conformation are right for E. tacaquirensis. Says here it gets 8 feet tall and is not frost hardy.


Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

Wow… that does indeed look like it. Thanks

Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

You are welcome. One mystery solved. Now to get it to bloom. Are you going to move it to a more protected spot? Or?

Where did you move from (that was warmer) that you had to transplant your cactus (to colder)? And how cold does it get there (Acton)?

I moved from Central California (zone more 8 than 9) to Reno (zone 7) this last summer. Just enough to make a difference. Temps in Central CA in the mid-teens. So the cactus that can stand -5 degrees are in the yard. The rest are in the greenhouse (which is already too small).

If you need a few more that will survive mid-teens, let me know. I am traveling to CA this weekend and will box a few up for you.


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