January 2015 weather. Winter is half over!

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Could get as high as the low 80s today. One thing I have noticed and it may not be true all of the time, but when it is hot here in the winter, it is cold in the Midwest and East. When it rains in southern CA, it is warmer back east. Sorry, no rain in the forecast. It's a bummer for me, too. We have to get our rain in the winter or we don't get it at all.

Van Nuys, California (Airport)
Updated: 5:51 AM PST on January 06, 2015
51 °F
Humidity: 41%
Dew Point: 28 °F
Wind: 5 mph from the West
Pressure: 30.19 in (Rising)
Visibility: 10.0 miles
UV: 0 out of 16
Pollen: 9.00 out of 12

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

sunkissed , and Kelli .. I would take the temperatures you have ,,, I would sigh at those ,,
20 to 30 below wind chills moving in here ..
Might as well move to the Artic ,,,

14 degrees , -4 chill here now ,, heat wave compared to what is about to happen ,,,
when it does this to start with ..January and February usually stay real cold
Did get some poppy seeds in the ground right before this ,,, stratification ,, okay ,,,,

Mountain View, HI

Another sunny cool morning, 54f. Should remain dry and cool all day. Might reach 70f
Need rain.

Pic is of Lava flow and moon setting. Not bad from a National parks webcam.

Thumbnail by microb
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

It's definitely cold today and tomorrow will be downright dangerous. Schools cancelled across the whole area.

High of 24, then it dropped quickly to 14 before going back up to about 20. Currently 15.

Bad news is my thermostat went bad on my truck so I'm forbidden to drive it til it's fixed.

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

45° this morning, but sunny and clear. High today 69°. low tonight 39°, guess I got to drag in the hoyas, and orchids.

I miss Lilypon's reports.

The last of my Christmas cacti in full bloom...and my favorite.

Thumbnail by sunkissed
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes I miss Lilypon also Moose Jaw Saskatchewan wasn't it ..

2 degrees / 19 below the chill
6 the high today , 12 below actual temperature tonight ,
School delayed then closed yesterday , I believe the same this morning ,,
Last night a couple inches of unexpected new snow fell ..

Lots of cars and trucks outside left snow covered and unstarted , nobody (or few) wants to deal with the cold .

. Brrrr it's cold outside .. redundant isn't it ?

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

6° on my dash, cant judge these icy breezes, wondered where she went -Lilypons. Dont forget to turn the engine over or winterize the truck so you don't crack the block.
Sunshine and hazy clouds, Time to head north

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Very very cold here in Michigan latley. Not above 13 for the last four days and going on for the next 3 days. Right now it actually is really sunny but bitter cold. Been trying to get some energy to go to the store. Snowy snowy for the next three days. Below zero for the overnight high tonight.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

-6º Strong wind.
Schools late or closed all over Minn & western Wis.
Sunshine & looks beautiful outside.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Am in Ann Arbor, Mi and my dash says 10° but Fox Ch 2 says 8°, -27 for windchill, am going to figure that windchill for a 60mph figure one of these days. Mostly sunny today, but caught a whiteout at Ft Wayne Indiana that lasted 3miles, hmmph, flash on my camera is making stars. I agree with gardenlady- brrrrr!

Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Currently 5 degrees out. Our high was 10. Schools closed today and tomorrow due to the cold. If we had more snow I would be loving it. lol

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

- 7 to -11 actual temperatures at 6 am
to the south a few miles chill is -24
expecting light snow ..
Schools closed
three shootings this morning , one injured , died from the cold ,
Broken water main , ice fountain show ,

-27 wind chill here and -9 as I finish typing this here ..
two days of below zero temperatures to go ,, gives me a headache ,,

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

37° this morning, very windy all night. Sunny and clear High today 58°, low tonight 49° -- I'm cold.

The big news headline here is the freeze warning...
followed by girl thrown off bridge dies, iphone sale ends in gunfire, one injured. SpaceX Falcon launch Saturday, and Disney is removing the Sorcerer's hat, what ever that means? ☺

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

We will have to see about getting to the SpaceX Falcon launch ,,, To see about getting close enough to get warmth from the rockets ,,, Should be nice and toasty for few minutes ,, lol ?

Freeze fever humor ...... Cold ?,,, ha , ha , ha ,ha ha , ha , ha , ha , an ice cube should wish ,,,,,

8 below with a 23 below wind chill here now .

Needless to say .. Freeze chill warning still in effect , basic frost bite , hypothermia , warning

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

I've never seen a rocket launch but I've seen two rocket engine tests. We were far enough back that you couldn't feel the heat but you could feel the shock waves vibrating your clothes. It was strange.

Once again it's Planet Kelli, unlike the rest of the world. They are calling for a high of 72F

Van Nuys, California (Airport)
Updated: 6:51 AM PST on January 08, 2015
50 °F
Humidity: 68%
Dew Point: 40 °F
Wind: Calm
Pressure: 30.05 in (Rising)
Visibility: 10.0 miles
UV: 0 out of 16
Pollen: 8.40 out of 12

Thumbnail by Kelli Thumbnail by Kelli
Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Early this morning a white-out.
Now partly sunny 14º & going up.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Reached 31 but with the wind blowing like it was it might as well have been 10 degrees all day.

Good news though: Only 7 more Fridays til Spring!! lol.

Mountain View, HI

A nice breeze tradewind day, upper 70s. No rain, too dry. Next few days wind will drop off and become light southerly and blow volcanic haze to Honolulu. Asthma alert.
Sadly it will likely stay dry for another week.

New lava flow 2 miles upslope from nearest road is moving - 50 yds yesterday.

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

45° this morning, feels much better than yesterday. Cloudy, high 64°, might rain.

I know you can laugh at our weatherpeople, but they have a pretty boring job down here. They do get a bit excited when cold fronts come down, but Hurricanes really get them rockin!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

8 degrees F here this morning , - 10 the chill
wind 16 to 22 mph.
Humidity around 70%

Pepper can thaw us out for that Friday about 5 Friday's from now ?

sunkissed ,, I will stay with snow as to Hurricanes ,, Excitement from either is not what it once was ,,,,if it ever was ?

I will type in that it is cold anyway ....

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

The weather people out here must get pretty bored. They act like rain is the Apocalypse.

They're calling for a high of 71F.

Van Nuys, California (Airport)
Updated: 5:51 AM PST on January 09, 2015
54 °F
Humidity: 72%
Dew Point: 45 °F
Wind: Calm
Pressure: 29.98 in (Rising)
Visibility: 10.0 miles
UV: 0 out of 16
Pollen: 8.30 out of 12

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I forgot above ,, I see life on planet Kelli is still sounding nice , even if a little dry .. lol
Evenings even sound nice and cool for sleeping with the windows open ,,, and a good blanket ,,

Mountain View, HI

Here is our 7 day forecast so may not post for another week, just read about the cold.

Thumbnail by microb
Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Looks like a nice week to go to Hawaii or S. California ☺

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Yes the weather looks so jealous. We got 9 inches of snow overnight. Very cold todays high is 7 degrees. Is Hawaii jealous? Lol. How about California? We have gotten plenty of excercise today.. shoveling. Tomorrow it is suppose to be not so snowy just cold. A high of 12 I think. Haha. Have a great evening all.

Mountain View, HI

Hawaii is jealous - of the beautiful snow covered scenery. We don't get that here. That's why I enjoy the pics so much. Please keep posting.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

20 was our high today but wind chills were in the single digits all day. Wind finally died down just before sunset. I think we are done with the teens for highs for awhile. Looks like we'll be in 20s and 30s thru late next week then we warm up again.

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

43° this morning, predicted high 67°, sunny and blue now but they say chance of showers later on. Tonight not as cold low 57°, hoyas can go back outside. ☺

Yesterday the temp climbed to 58° by 10AM, but the winds picked up, it mizzled a bit while I was on my walk, and then temp dropped back down and hovered around 49-51° the rest of day. Not what the weather people predicted.

So...where are the snow photos? ☺

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Just 100m north of Chicago- Belgium, Wis. -3, windchills still to -25/-27mph. No precip here again for which I am grateful, yesterday across Indiana Tpke was enough- just saw the Mich wrecks, and van hung under a tk, and can vouch that spot across Ind and Mich was rough. Many new tk drivers are afraid to stop when conditions are bad- they cannot afford to miss minimum wages or the kids will go hungry, and they are driving with drivers who think bad weather is normal and overdrive the road. Be safe out there, keep your space and dont get pushed.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Ok, Green Bay last night, Fremont Ind when the storms began

Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

is coffee time this morning ,, around zero with the chills below ..
I am looking forward to nicer weather ,,

Kitt I think i have seen something that looks like the pics ,, pretty but brrrrr ...

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

They are calling for a high of 66F. There is a 40% chance of rain. Think rain. The sunrise was kind of red, which usually doesn't mean anything here but maybe it will mean something today. It is cloudy.

Van Nuys, California (Airport)
Updated: 6:51 AM PST on January 10, 2015
51 °F
Humidity: 83%
Dew Point: 46 °F
Wind: 5 mph from the NNW
Pressure: 29.99 in (Rising)
Visibility: 6.0 miles
UV: 0 out of 16
Pollen: 8.50 out of 12

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

36 and windy here. Can't say it felt good with the wind but better than it has been. lol

No snow here. Plus I still haven't figured out how to only get pics I haven't posted yet to download instead of all of them on the camera.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

28 degrees today ,, much better feeling ,,, may make the 30's !!!
rain and snow mix tonight , tomorrow morning early .. 60% chance of that ,,
Cheering it is not below zero !!! YAY !!!

Anyway ,, it is nicer for Sunday !!! lol

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

We got 0.7 inches of rain yesterday and overnight. Today is just damp. I don't think we'll get any more rain. They are calling for a high of 61F.

Van Nuys, California (Airport)
Updated: 9:51 AM PST on January 11, 2015
56 °F
Humidity: 93%
Dew Point: 54 °F
Wind: 5 mph from the North
Pressure: 30.06 in (Steady)
Visibility: 8.0 miles
UV: 1 out of 16
Pollen: 6.10 out of 12

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Winter Weather Advisory ..
ice Storm Warning , currently freezing drizzle ,, 1/4 inch of accumulation of ice on roadways and concrete

Travel advisory in effect for Monday from 7am until 1 pm ,,,

32 degrees
light rain ..

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Off and on rain here tonight. Hovering just above freezing at 33 so tonight and tomorrow people will have to deal with black ice. Warnings for a few counties up north but nothing here yet.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Wet, wet heavy snow overnight. Driving was a bear last night. Now it is 26 out and going down to 20. Windy of course. I will take pics later on today. Kinda dark right now. Lots more schools are closed again today.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

light snow , 31 degrees , 5 for tonight ,
Schools and lots of delays this morning

SSW wind 12 mph
Wind chill 22 degrees
Humidity 94%
Visibility 3mi ,
30 .24 pressure
Dew point 30 .
UV 0 out of 10

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

2PM, was out all morning and my Jeep thermometer got as high as 80°, dark cloudy and muggy, the rain is about to start, looks like heavy storms the rest of the evening, glad I'm home now.

Wish I could post a photo of the radar right now, looks wicked.

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