Plant Propagation - The Basics , continued

Pawleys Island, SC

Where do you find your seeds?

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Which ones particularly ,
The Bamboo , one is from Germany , ( reviews were not to good on this one , But the seeds grow , I had two come up earlier , much smaller , and they died , The one above looks much healthier ,

The ones recently planted came from Portugal ,, Seeds look good , Only who knows yet ,,

From others ,, A few grass common , seeds , The ones longer ago , that died after I had grown them a while , came from amazon I believe ,,

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Ibartoo here is a link to one

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Linda, all you have to do is google the name, like black bamboo and you get a lot of places. Then just pick out the ones you want and order. I could spend all day doing that.

It's called "Instant Gratification" guys. The older we get the worse it gets. LOL

My daughter can wait forever for a seed to germinate. Wonder when that will change. I will have to keep an eye on her. LOL. Good chance of that. She lives 400 miles from me.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey Jen ,,, Fizz -a - Key - a - Trist ..

Age joke about waiting : Reading a book , Taking a shower or Bath , Or organizing pills and bottles and what goes along with that ,, he he ,,

Pawleys Island, SC

Thanks Ju, I will look at it.
Yes Jnette, I will google it too. I asked baby brother, but all he wanted to talk about was where he dug some up. LOL

I must be aging real fast these days. LOL haha LOL. I am getting really bad about it.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I just got into an Oleander forum and they were really interesting about taking cuttings to start some new plants. I didn't do mine very good, so might try a different one. Mine has kind of shriveled up leaves. I asked Sharon about that but she didn't answer me on it. I had Bob take it out on the deck the other day and spray it with Neem oil. But he wasn't out there very long so we'll see how well he did. I just might try to take another cutting now that they told me how.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Jen ~ Was your oleander outside where it froze? I have tried growing it here but they succumb to the first frost and they are "bye, bye..."

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I bring my oleanders in. They made lots of pods, which were exploding last week, so now, I am testing the seeds. I seem to do okay with cuttings now, but boy, it sure has been a long time learning..humidity is the key I think.
I try every kinda way to make something happen from another plant, some make it some don't.. everything in this first tub is ready to transplant, second is a jug of water with ruella cuttings, I haven't filled it since we brought it in and cut it back..I've jugs of cuttings rooted everywhere..
but I am mostly all about the seeds..

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

I have no room for oleanders in the house. I do not have a greenhouse.

If I had a heated greenhouse I would grow avocado and citrus. (Dwarf, of course...)

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

No my Oleander did not freeze. It just started shriveling up. Think a bug of some kind. I sprayed a branch with Neem oil and it started looking a lot better. So, I had Bob take it out doors and spray the rest. We'll see.

When I read the forum on Oleanders they said the seeds were almost impossible to start. Cuttings were the way to go. I have 2 cuttings in water, but tht isn't the way to do it. I might change them tomorrow.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Well, I like a challenge then! I can do the cuttings of the Oleander, but have never tried a seed.
I have a little game for people that love to start from seeds, or DG'rs who would like to try.
. If anyone can name the the seeds on this plate, or get within 75% of naming them, I will send the plate of seeds for a prize to grow, trade or give away.
What would make me the happiest, is that someone would plant and grow at least 2 of each seed, and show us the results. Any takers? First look at different sides in the plastic container, then the plate of those seeds at the end.

This message was edited Feb 5, 2015 12:49 AM

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

If you know what I grow, it should be easy. :) and.. this is a mix of prennials and annuals. Some night bloomers, some vines, everything attracts Butterflys, Hummers, and Bees. ( and birds in the Fall and Winter.)

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Gotta know a couple things first. And I do not have a clue as to what you grow. Could go back and read some of your posts. These are obviously more than one kind of seed in the container. I see some of what look like Marigold seeds. Are these pictures all of the same container? And then you dumped them onto the plate? How many different kinds of seeds are in there?

Ok, I'll go look, but I am sure someone who knows what you grow will have the answer before I even get that far. LOL, jen

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

hi Jen, if you click on my name you can see posts and such. those pics are all one container and then last one is dumped out. I grow a lot of annuals, perennials and tropical. This is just meant as a fun game, with a prize to all who plays ;)

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I see several I could try to name . Still thinking about couple of them ,
okay ,
Marigold I see
I bet Jasmine , Moon flower and morning glory and Dahlia and Zinnia are in there But I don't really see them , lol
Let's see now ? That only leaves about 60 to go ,, lol

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Clue # 1 my favorite flower is...morning glory.I grow fancy Japanese ones, and all kinds of species mgs, and unusual ones. Yup, marigolds are definitely in there, all kinds in fact.
Ju, u know I love milkweeds.
Keep guessing! I will re-dump the plate tonight and take closer pics. Gotta experiment with my new fancy camera I have no clue how to use. LOL

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

LOL, JU, you got the same ones I did other than Aster. I didn't that one. However I do have to say I cheated and looked at her "haves" in her trade list. And was in the middle of the seed list when got interrupted and didn't get back to it.

So, will look again. However, if you have to say which morning glories, or colors like Daturas, forget it. LOL.

OK, can I add to his list? Datura, Brugmansia, and poppys?

Pawleys Island, SC

Ya'll are too funny. I couldn't have id those seeds............ LOL

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Jen, Morning glory s is all you have to say :) I'm really waiting to see if the really special non Kansas type seeds can be found here ..but here is the deal.. I have a GALLON of this seed mix.
If ya all want to try a packet the same as on the plate, just holler up and dmail me. :)
a few of my favorite things to brighten your thoughts..

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

LOL Debra, what ever gave you the idea to mix them all together like that? Jen

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I got tired of picking things out and know what ones are what if anyone wants a certain something, and I confess, I am a seed addict.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Debra, I recognize the rose of Sharon , Texas star Hibiscus , What is the red one on the end ,
# 5 pic ? Sweet pea Maybe ?

I want spring more than anything ,, poetry

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Ju, that is a Sesbaunia Tree. They are in the legume family, and Easy to grow, but they are a tropical. My tree is downstairs, and it gave many pods which is on that plate up there. Can you see it? The ones I saw in Florida were huge like our elms, and in bloom are breath taking, their leaves like a mimosa, tho.
I do grow sweet peas, but there are no sweet pea seeds in this mix. There are a few more "bean" type plant seeds in it tho.
from the teens to the high 70's in three days, whoo hoo!

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Debra .Those are some really pretty flowers .
You do nice pretties !!!
I have more than I can handle for now , But there will be more , That Basement of yours never ceases to amaze me ! ..

I can't grow anymore house plants , Bamboo and Ice plants get the very last of the space I can have ..
We might see low 50's this weekend ,Last time was about October ,,

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Well, I'm just saying that if you want a single type seed from all this mess, let me know. I just wanna share! SO, 20's right now, up to the high 50's maybe 60 by 4 pm they say.
my gran daughter is being taught sensory lessons " hands on"
I now have glories blooming downstairs so bright and cheerful, the flaked shibouri and the delicate jaimie lynn..

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Pawleys Island, SC

Those are all so pretty!

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Hi guys, been gone all day. Debra, I sent to a woman for those Sesbaunea tree seeds one time years ago. Then didn' t germinate for me. We grow everything that you have down there, as houseplants.. Aren't they a lot like a Wisteria, only scarlet?

What is the white flower and also the lavender? I also tried the Japanese Morning Glories. I don't now why I do that. I spend money for the seeds I know I can't grow. I can grow regular Morning Glories, but they don't bloom for me. Well, you know the Japanese MG didn't do any better. The last MG I tried bloomed all right, on the opposite side of where I could see them. The Other side. The back side. The side I could see was all green foliage.

You and I sound a lot alike, only your stuff grows and blooms but mine doesn't. But, we try a lot of the same stuff. I love the tropicals. But don't have good places for them.

My daughter brought me a Fiddleleaf Fig plant last year she was going to throw out. Well, it immediately started losing leaves and I don't know why. I didn't do anything to it. I have watered it twice I think since she brought it over, so I doubt I am overwatering it. And not much when I did give it water.

I think I am afraid of them. Afraid I am going to kill them, and they sense that so they aim to please. And die!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Jen, I understand your frustration., really I do. But, here is my stand:
"When there is nothing to lose and a lot to gain, then by all means, try and keep trying"
All you have lost are plants, and I have lost a ton of them. If you have a large tub, ( I get mine at Walmart for 5.99) poke holes in the bottom and put a tomato cage inside of it and press it deep. Keep that tub in full sun. Stick your seeds all over ins and out. tamp down the dirt, water well, and let the seeds pop up and start vining. You can do this easier than on a fence or trellis.
I will send you some seeds. I test all my seeds, which is why I get so many babies. I just stick them in cups of potting soil in winter to get them started, and then move them outside in spring.
Your ZOne needs an inside start on morning glories , as you have a later spring and shorter growing season. When I get back from Texas this month, I will send you some seeds and a couple starter plants. If you are not in the address file, then dmail me your address.

My fiddle leaf "ficus" plant loses leaves all the time. My fiddle leaf FIG is not hardy in our zones. I let mine get frost bitten enough to lose it's leaves and brought it in and set it under the lights. They like bright light. trim it down where the dead spots are. Check for mites. Don't be afraid, just kind of ignore them, they will show you how great it is.
Here is the Fig now, and the Ficus now..Both were just sticks in the beginning..
third pic is a self watering tub I made out of two tubs, holes in the top tub, and the tomato year I had lobata and other species morning glories in it, last year special Japanese mgs..

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Really Nice Debra ,, I can't do much more than be in awe . !...

When ready all ,, the new thread is here ;
Can continue here if you like,,,, only it is taking a while to scroll along here ,, lol

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I would love to try this Debra. I don't know if I get enough sun in any area for it, but I do think I could try it on my kitchen deck this summer.

Is the first picture the ficus? The second one looks more like the Fiddleleaf fig. I really like the first one.

BTW I have a variegated Split leaf Philodendron, the big leafed ones. And I am just having a terrible time with it too. Keep losing the leaves. Do you know if you can cut them up and root them in sections like Dieffenbachias? They look like you should be able to. There again, do those want light, or shade? I am using a Metal Halide bulb in a reflector. Think maybe it isn't getting enough light on all the plants.

OK JU, what kind of comments do you have for me now? Or did you go to sleep? jen

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Jen... Not asleep , Not commenting as I have no Philodendrons ...

I was watching a Stinkbug that probably hatched from the chimney early , walking around on my computer and having a look at my plants ,
And ,,, error ,,,, no I am not going to smash it ,, That much I know about ,, ^_^

Not ready to new thread huh ? okay ,, it's all good ,,
Yeah and it is a dryland swamp deal ,, lol

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

hay Jen go here:

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

OK Debra, so, you gave the big ones away and kept the babies, "pieces of the bottoms" I think you said. What does that mean? And, were the big ones rooted, or did you split one big plant up? Not too sure what you mean. I know the Dieffenbachias you can root the "sections". The split leafs look the same. Would those root, the sections, or would you have to have a piece of the root?

Sorry JU. I know you don't have any philodendrons. Ok, now you can change the subject. That is until Debra comes back and answers my question. LOL jen

BTW, I saw a picture of a just blue Datura a while back and since I had never seen blue Dats, I ordered some. Got 150 seeds. If you would like some, just D-mail me your address. The picture of them was quite pretty, but looked phoney since I can't imagine a blue one. But, don't know why not. It was a double.

JU, you can have some too if you want???

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Hi Jen, sneaking in from work.. I've never sen a Blue Datura before, purple. Lavender. White. I have all those. I have blue IOCHROMA tho. ( same family as brugmansia and datura ) and they are blue.

the fattest part of the bottom of a philo stem is where the soil roots are and then the arial roots form to seek out their support and feed off of the air. You can cut a piece up and root them, but you want to just barely cover them or they will rot. Hope that helps. ;)

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I have had the blue Iochromas too Deb. But, I swear, the picture on it was pure blue. Double.
and a Datura. Just like the rest. Do you want some seeds? D-mail me your address if so. I am going to put your post in my save file. LOL Thanks

LOL, you have me scared to cut my plant up. I'm a chicken. Ok, here's what I am going to do. I got some stuff out of Canada a few years ago, Super Grow and also Root Tonic. I also have some of the Messenger, (have you ever tried it?) Years ago on DG we were all getting some of it. Or some of us I should say. I am trying to decide which to try on it. Think I might try the SG first and if it doesn't work then the Messenger. And if neither work, then I will do like you said.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Debra, cut a piece of what up and root them? The aerial root?

OK Amanda, I will see where you are going. jen

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Jen, thy changed to a new thread.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Ju should close this thread, to avoid confusion methinks.

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