Plant Propagation - The Basics , continued

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I still have a Goji Berry seedling , others are not doing as well , Here are some small still ice plants .
Well goof , my photo reader has problems ,,
okay new thread anyway, pics later ..

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Do any of you know what a Swiss Cheese Plant is? Philodendron? One of the aids in the hospital took a cutting off of another person's plant for me. I thought it would do good as most philodendron's do. It had a root about a half inch long when I brought it home, so I planted it. Well, it lost all but a couple leaves. I was worried about it so I pulled ig up to see the roots. It had a whole ball of them. So, I planted it back in the pot and gave it a drink of a little fertilizer. It looks somewhat better.

The leaves are about 2 or 3 inches long and maybe an inch or two wide at most. I just guessed at the name. Think I had heard it before for one of those. Jen

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I don't have the Swiss Cheese plant (Monstera Obliqua , Monster leaf Philodendron

See if the link works .. Gave me something to do,, lol

Hello Jen ,, lol

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Jen, does your photo reader have problems too? We'd love to see a picture.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Well, I don't know what a photo reader is, but I still haven't figured out how to transfer my pictures from the camera to the computer. My new computer. I did on the other one, but not on this one yet. Sorry.

I have seen sites on here where the Monsteras are called Swiss Cheese plants too JU. But, I never considered them as Swiss Cheese plants. I'm sure I am probably wrong,.

See how big I said the SC plant leaves are? Well, those sure aren't leaves on the Monstera. Those normally are fairly big.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Jnette the older your plant gets the larger the leaves.. if it has roots, just let it dry out in tween waterings and mist the stem.. all my philos started as small pieces.. now I have some monsters..

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I have heard that Debra. I have one I got from Gita, if I remember right, and the leaves are getting pretty good size. Think I have had it about 1 1/2 years now, but you know when I got home from the hospital, I saw they were all on the shelving, you know the chrome shelving, and that one was hanging right over the heat register. It was blowing on it about 6 feet off the floor. I am amazed the thing isn't dead. And, I don't water it much.

Cute Baby. Is that little guy yours? Or did you go steal it from someone. LOL

Do you know anything about Fiddleleaf Figs? My daughter brought me hers this last summer, what there was of one, and I have never seen one like it. Right from the pot it has branched out. The only ones I have ever seen had one trunk straight up. This one has about 3 to 5 branches. I doubt that they take a lot of light, think I will just put it on a small table across the room from my North facing windows. A frame windows, like the whole wall is windows. That should be enough light huh?

I know the F Fs are not philodendrons, but don't know what species(?) they belong to. Guess I will google it. Jen

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I have a fiddle leaf ( fig leaf ficus) I have cut it off, and the bottom is growing rel nice in daylight from the window, away from a heat register and misting every other day. it was a dead stick when I rescued it, all naked at a dorm, sitting by a trash can, I just could leave it there, brough it home not knowing what it was, and then it started growing again.
That baby is my granddaughter, Emma. I see her about once a week.

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

The plant to the right of it looks like an Oleander?? Sorry, just had to ask. If it is, I have a question for you. About 1 1/2 months ago I brought my Oleander in for the winter as I did all of my houseplants. About 2 weeks ago the leaves started shriveling up. All of them. When it was outside, it had a tube from the watering system on it where it got water every day for 20 minutes. It really was doing good. However, when I brought it in, I didn't water it much because I know that in California they have them along their freeways, and in Las Vegas, where I got it from, a friend, had it in the landscape. So, I figured it was more like a dry territory plant.

So, my question for you, is, 1. Is yours an Oleander? 2. If so, do you think mine is reacting from shock from bringing it in to a dry house? 3. Is withholding water the problem?

One more, the plant on the left of it looks like a Benjamina Fig??? Not too much to see of it, but the leaves look like it.

Sorry I am so nosy, just curious. Thanks, Jnette

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Happy New Year! Yes, plant in one and two is fig leaf ficus,( before trim and after trim) and Oleander. I drag it in every fall, before the first freeze, I water it once a month and it stays the same with occasional leaf drop when heater runs too much, I combat that by misting all the plants foilage every other day. My heater vent in this area is pretty much blocked up. Things in front of dry heat air flow will dry up fast I have learned. I also have trimmed the oleander as it was too big for the area. Can't keep any of these outside here in Kansas. I love them outside in summer, tho.
My fig tree/bush downstairs went thru the freeze, and then was brought inside after leave loss, now it is waking up again. I get lots of figs from it. I can't leav in ground or I'd not se figs until the whole plant grew back from winter. *sigh* too much science involved sometimes.
Here is my main method of propagation..

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Wow Debra, I never thought about that method...

of course no rooting hormones are used, are there?

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes ,, That is a neat Idea !!! interesting ,,,

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Debra, what zone are you?? You must be warmer than I am. At least not as cold. I doubt if we would get figs on a tree/bush here. A friend in Seattle had a huge tree and got tons of them every year there. Might have told you about it up a ways. But, she said you need a cedar tree growing nearby to get a lot of fruit.

Yes, that is a cool idea for rooting. I did that with the aquarium pump but not smart enough to put the fish in there. Instant fertilizer. LOL

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Is that a foot massage machine. I have one of those in my attic. I saw it the other day and said to myself, "why did I put that up here and just not give it away?". When I put the Christmas stuff back up, I will have it brought down.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

What are you looking at Sharon? I didn't see anything that looks like a foot massager.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

it is just a 15 dollar 35 gal tub from wally world, we change it out about every 3 months, the fish tank filter is a large one and holds those rocks to clean out the ammonia from fish urine as well as holding a charcoal filter, when I change the filter there is usually cuttings ready to pot up and new cuttings that go in.. easy peasy..
I am in zone 6

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

How many tubings do you have running off that motor debra? Good grief, looks like you have your basement full of plants Jen

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I still love that Basement full of plants .

propagation in progress ..
1 2 3 Ice plants , Table Mountain ..
Campanula Peach leaved ,
and a Snapdragon ? Black knight , a couple with the most purple leaves dropped over on me though ,,

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Above still going and growing well ,,
Barbarum Chinensis (Goji Berry , ) after I traded the remaining seeds the little ones dropped over and died ,, However ,,, This came up ,,,, Appears to be a late sprouter as is...

Barbarum Barbarum ,,, Seems to be doing well but a little small to pic yet ,,

Red aloe ,,, Still setting ,, a small petunia ,, A few others like a Bell Pepper sprouting at random ,,
I still could not get the Catgrass (sativa oats to grow indoors ,, so we will try again in spring ,,

one fuzzy little Goji pic

Thumbnail by juhur7
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

JU, you are so funny. You never give up do you? Hell, I don't do that, I go out and buy new plants. Altho, I was looking at a couple begonias I lost over the last couple of weeks. I had started them from seed, decorative leave kind, thinking that if I still have any seeds left I might plant some of these and others over the winter. I need to take care of the plants I have before I start new ones. Or BUY more. LOL

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I refuse to buy new plants, and love to experiment like a mad scientist.
cutting of a snow queen hibiscus with a bud setting.
a bunch of seedlings in the freezer room
package of things that have been in the back of the fridge shelf all winter, I potted them up in cups
tub of cuttings in another area
my main work area the other night

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

planted several cups of double day lily bublets with woodland violets and orange marigolds
planted tiger lily bubils with woodland violets
planted cuttings of duranta that were rooted in the fish filter, and some more hibiscus
lots of rooted cuttings potted up of cestrum nocturnum
tons of pepper and tomato babies going, some even have blooms and tiny peppers
all my batatas rooted and are leafing, the passion vine cuttings are vining, we are not spending a dime on any plants this coming year. ( Unless I don't have "it" then we will see..
made cuttings of chocolate mints, planted all kinds of milkweed seeds.. I spent the whole weekend in the basement gardens

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Debra, do you have a basic planting mix and then mix it depending on which plants you are going to use it for? What do you start with? I have some that need repotting. Houseplants. I would like to try things differently than I have before and see if they don't grow better. That is why I am asking.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Debra. all I can think of looking at this is WOW!!!

Jen Your right ,, lol ,, old habits are hard to break ,, I never give up ,, and this is the only really good habit I ever had ,,, lol
Campanula pyramidalis ,, planted ,,, some Giant Campanula waiting to be planted ,,

over 100 Fargesia seeds waiting to be planted ,, Had some going three died as root and one ceased as a standing sprig ,,
Couple river canes going ,, a few things ,, pics later ,,,,

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

JU, do you plant the Fargesia seeds individually or all in a tray? How do you know they died as roots? I have that cutting of a philodendron from the hospital and having a terrible time with it. The rest of the leaves died and I don't want to throw it out, as it might come up from the root? What do you think? I had pulled it up and repotted it. What I pulled up had started out as a half inch root, but what I pulled out was roots about the size of a ping pong ball. So, no matter what the top was doing, the roots were growing strong. Jen

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Hay Jen, do not give up on that cutting. Just keep it in well draining soil. add little river pebbles, pea size to your potting mix or chunks of mulch. don't over water and keep it in a bright warm spot. If you ignore it it a while, and it gets warmer, it will start sending up shoots.the arial roots of that philo look like bumps when they appear.I love planting from seeds, I use a fine mix, mixed with a jar of cheap cinnamon and a dash of mikos in each pot or cup. I sprinkle cheap foot powder on top of my seed cups . I poke holes in the bottoms of styro foam cups I get from work out of the trash, and mark them. My mix is put together in a tub. I use top soil, sand, pea gravel mulch or orchid bark, and peat and spagmum, I add perlite right before I am potting . It stretches the top soil that way. some seeds have to be stratified, so I leave them in this suitcase out in the garage all winter until about now.
This oleander pod is about to pop out, so I need to clip it in a brown bag.
what is Fargesia?

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Debra Fargesia is a species of Clumping bamboo ,, This particular is red weeping ,, as black stem which is lighter yellow with reddish cast tones ,,,
Another outside is Green Panda Fargesia ,, As said,, bought at random sometimes grass seed .. sometimes Bamboo ,,, I guess I like taking chances ,, for good rewards ,, lol

Jen , I could see the roots coming from the seeds and where they dried up as stringy ..Another is an inch tall and dried ,, evidently a cold breeze ,, or a distortion got to them ,, ? I don't know ..
Not rot, but likely mold ,,,

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

A few at time in smaller pots ,, planted that way ,, some in a dark bag placed near lights for warmth ,,, to germinated then planted either ,,when I have several seeds ,,

Debra ,, WOzOW !!! WOW !!! WOW !!!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

This is Fargesia , Albeo -carea from seeds ,, Black stemmed clumping Bamboo ...

The color of the brownish gold where there is some difficulty ,, The split frond at the top plant in the pic , common grass does not usually do this .. Yes Jen.. I know Bamboo is a grass ..
Sometimes Regular grass gets into my starter soils . I put it there after baking for the mineral content ,, and to help adjust seedlings I will plant or keep ,,,

Coloration is also "off" to be common grass ,,, Difficult ,,

Joke ,,, HEY !!! .. I can almost grow grass !!! lol

First pic is a tiny Ice plant ,,,

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

JU, I would never tell you Bamboo is grass. You would probably call me a liar. LOL, Jen

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

that is a great start there Ju..

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Debra ,, Thank you ,, Nowhere near all you do though .. lol ..Bamboo is nice resting place for frogs and such ,, plus the stakes later . as some mature canes die back every few years ,, takes a while though .
Tomatoes and more in a few months up and coming ,,, Bees loved the ice plants ,,,I will keep a pot .. They have froze out twice during winter ,,

Most of the time plants that butterflies , bees or others find useful ,, and myself also ,,I was surprised that nothing liked feverfew ,,Tantacetum ...
I am trying snapdragons again also ,, last year no buckeye butterflies here at all ,, three yrs ago there were so many it was like walking through a swarm ,, I missed that ,,
and tree frogs sleeping on the giant pumpkin leaves ,, you know , the little things about the gardens ,,

Jen I know , we just like to talk when we do ,,lol

This message was edited Jan 15, 2015 12:18 AM

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Yeah we do JU. Don't feel bad when you have other things to talk to other folks about. LOL, no jealously here. I just tune in and listen. I learn a lot from folks like Debra and you, without sticking my nose in. Have a good evening both of you.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

JU, what does your Bamboo look like now? How long will it take to look like Bamboo? How long before the stems get some color. Like black? Well, shouldn't expect a whole lot of change. It has only been a week. LOL, I'm one of those who want instant gratification.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

seeds and sprouts
1 and 4 are sprouting ideas
2 and 3 are the grassy looking sprouts , I am not sure of ,,
5 is a fuzzy pic of Parsley , broadleaf type
Experimenting some ..

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Pawleys Island, SC

Hey Everyone, I thought I would pop in and ask what is your fastest growing, prettiest plant for screening?
I have an area that really needs a tall screen 6-10' tall would be ideal and it needs to grow in a hurry to block a neighbors pool area.
Last year i planted passiflora caerulea, and it worked well for a while, but then it got spindly and grew more into the area I didn't want it, than the area I did.
My conditions are part shade, dry sandy soil............
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I have missed you all.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Hello Ibartoo . Screening hmmm ,, Sandbar willow , Several Honeysuckle , bush type ,, You can grow bean vines on them to make them even thicker ,
C'mon people more suggestions , I know there are gardeners who do screen hedges ,!!

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Well Linda for heavens sake how do we know in our country what you would grow there? LOL, I could tell you a lot of stuff, but you either wouldn't like it, orrrrr

I think in your country Crepe Myrtles are really popular, aren't they? Did you try your area in DG? I honestly do not know what you even grow there.

How is your mom? I hope she is doing good and both of you are gardening and shopping together. Wish you would hop on here when you have time to visit???? And, how is the rest of your family? Your son? Come on, you haven't been on here in over a year, now you need to catch us up on how you are doing. Are you working? Ok, I give up. Sorry JU, I don't know.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I build green living walls around my back yard patio with Sunflowers and Morning glorys.. they then get bent down into arches with lions wool yarn, and trimmed When needed. I also use stakes, yarn and build zig zags for the morning glorys to grow on.

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

every year is different, but always the sunflowers for the "beams" of my walls. when you bend them down and weave the yarn in tween them, they then flower out really cool from all sides. first pic is inside view of the sunflwer "beams" from one year, i inserted what was what .. second pic is what my patio looks like before anything gets tall..third is how tall they are when I start to arch them down.. 4th pic is 2012 design, from inside looking out, Joe got me an Arch and that helped for the shaping on that end.I 'roped and pulled' the sunflowers gently down and secured the lengths . the vines do the rest. Any vine is good.

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife

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