Orchid Cactus?

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Hi all
Would like to share with you some photos of my new Orchid Cactus, well that is what I believe it is, am right?
The photos do not do it justice, it is much lovelier in real life.
Thought it would brighten up your day as in the north winter is in full swing.


Thumbnail by cristina Thumbnail by cristina Thumbnail by cristina
Prescott, AZ

Oh, that is beautiful! Yes it is winter here, it was 18 degrees F here this morning, I think that would be minus 8 C if my conversion is close. Anyhow it's too cold for flowers, the outdoor plants are resting now, and I am delighted that my indoor orchid is starting a flower spike. Thank you for sharing, and sit out on the patio a few minutes for me!

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

Lovely. I have one growing from a cutting. I hope it has such a spectacular flower.

Sun Lakes, AZ(Zone 9b)

Very nice bright color red! Thanks for sharing with us! It is very cold in Prescott, AZ in the mountains, but here in Phoenix it has only gone down to about 30º F
Here are a few of my blooming plants: Mammillaria huitzilopochtli, Cyclamen, Mammillaria solisioides, Schlumbergera hybrid

Read more: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1383545/#ixzz3O9WG0NmF

This message was edited Jan 7, 2015 9:09 AM

Thumbnail by NancySLAZ Thumbnail by NancySLAZ Thumbnail by NancySLAZ Thumbnail by NancySLAZ
Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

30 degrees F = -1 deg. Celsius..........wow.
If I was living there I would be leaving the house dressed with my entire wardrobe on, like the Michelin Man.
At the moment here in Temuco, Chile we are in summer with temperatures around the 25 to 30 degrees C. But in winter we have had upto -6 degrees C., once and that was cold. I cannot imagine any colder than than that and especially if it last more than a few days.
Getting back to the plants, your cactus are lovely.
Say, Mammillaria huitzilopochtli..... wow I want of those and as for the Mammillaria solisioides I'll have a couple of those and a few of the Cyclamen and why not a few of the Schlumbergera hybrid .
Lovely plants...


Prescott, AZ

Oh, Chile sounds awfully nice right now--this is what my front yard looks like today.
Happy New Year!

Thumbnail by Nopala
Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Look cold and beautiful, I do admire you!
I am very allergic to the cold...hahaha, sometimes in winter I wear three or four layers.
If I was in Prescot you can imagine how many layers of clothing I would be wearing.


Prescott, AZ

I moved to Prescott from the low desert a few years ago, I hardly even wore a sweater there so I felt like I was freezing the first few winters. Now I have lots of warm layers, but still don't stay out very long! I miss all the beautiful cactus flowers, but get to the Phoenix area once in awhile to thaw out. Prescott is at about 1585 meters elevation, so we get some snow in winter and a milder summer than Phoenix has. It might be time to fly south!

Cannelton, IN(Zone 6b)

Your plant looks like Epiphyllum achermanii. Mine is blooming now. Ther is an orchid cactus forum if you're interested.

Thumbnail by smashedcactus
Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

You can still grow beautiful cactus - its the moisture that does them in. I live in Zone 6 or 7 (I haven't quite figured that out - lowest temp I've seen was -5*) with an average rainfall of about 7 inches.

My cactus garden is full of cold hardy barrels and pricklys. Here are some of last week's blooms.

My favorite cold hardy cactus sights are:



Thumbnail by DaisyPlantLady Thumbnail by DaisyPlantLady Thumbnail by DaisyPlantLady Thumbnail by DaisyPlantLady Thumbnail by DaisyPlantLady

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