Christmas Swap 2014 Sign up

Ocean Springs, MS

Babette, I am crocheting elf slippers for my grandbabies! And my daughter, son, and DIL. Plus, I have so much more to do! LOL

Baby shower is over! I would have like to have beheaded my sister, but I didn't want to go to jail. She did not show up to help me decorate... got here an hour early with guests, then left to go get the cake and said, "Don't start the shower without me!" When we were taking pictures, she was behind us trying to make gestures with her hands behind out heads...did not help me clean up! UGH! I just keep telling myself that I did it for my niece, and not for my sister! I did get a "Thank You!" I'm just glad I've made holiday plans without her! It's like she has to be the center of attention! Ok, I'm done!

got my plants covered outside. Supposed to get down to 36 with a light frost. The rest of the week is warmer, so I'll be able to get the plants in the sunroom then.

You all have a good night! ♥

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

I am sooooo blessed, my Sister is my best friend and can be absolutely counted on. It breaks my heart that every woman does not have that same blessing.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

I would love to join the swap. I am not fussy. Like everything except for raspberry stuff. Love, love love, caramels tho. Lol. Dark chocolate, white and milk are all fine too. Hummingbirds are fun. Love to feed the birds too. They are really chowing down the food right now. Even something for my new DGD would be so wonderful. This will be her first Christmas. Am looking forward to this will be a blast. Ronna

Ocean Springs, MS

Pat, my sister and I used to be best friends. I was maid of honor at both of her weddings, we spent all our weekends together, shopping, cooking, playing with our children. But things changed when she divorced her second husband and I took care of my Dad for 11 months before he passed. I have tried to do things to brings us closer, like having the baby shower for my niece (which I would have done anyway because no one else bothered to host one). But once again, it blew up in my face! But my niece had a great shower and I am thankful for that.


Ronna, glad you joined us! Give us sizes for your DGD and post a pic if you have time! :)

Victoria Harbour, ON

You've put me in the mood
Christmas totes coming out, watched a Christmas movie yesterday, today playing a Christmas

Did I tell you I love Christmas

started decorating

So far most of my bedroom is done and the little café hidden in the corner

have gals dropping in for a play day so won't get too much more done today, we'll see

but it's a start

lesson to learn..mark what's in the totes

shuffling off to Buffalo again on Friday, Christmas Shopping weekend with the gals so
mine will go out Saturday once I get one personal item when I know who my bud is


Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Don't remember if I have posted likes/dislikes or not.
I don't need any candles at this time.
I prefer plants, but realize that could be a problem so use your own discretion.
Socks size large are good.
You know I am a candy/sweet lover.
Actually I am good with whatever is sent.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

List..... nots please no raspberry anything. Yuckiest thing ever. I really do not need and coffee mugs. Or potholders. So much stuff already in our small house. Lol. I do LOVE to feed the birds tho. Either a bird bell or a suets or a small bird feeder. Would like some kind of garland maybe to hang in our door way. I like decaf teas. Caramels are always welcomed too. Large size tshirts and pj bottoms. My sweet little DGD wears a 6 mos now. I really like pins to put on my jackets all year round. Really do not wear scarfs. Do like the stretchy bracelets all colors. Necklaces are good to. Thanks....

Thumbnail by gardenlady123
Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Here are few ideas in case you get stuck about what fits the letters involved in this trade. But This is only a suggestion and I am happy with most anything.

C- Crystal ornaments,Cookie Cutters(Gingerbread), Cotton Blossom Body Spray.,chocolate covered cashews

H- Horse shoe(for a project I want to do),Hummingbird, Honey, Homemade (such as ornaments, or anything)

R- Really good :),

I- Instant gratification ,Icicles , Irises

S- Socks, Snowmen( I collect them) ,Scarf ,

T- T-shirt (medium)Toffee (crunch and munch,or candy)

M- Mugs, Music, Miscellaneous?

A- Apple cinnamon scented, , Anything ( I am easy to please)

S- Strawberry Items for my kitchen, Silver ornaments for the tree,

Ocean Springs, MS

Ronna, she is beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sweet!

Nanny, thanks for the list. It just helps if someone really wants to get something unique just for you!

Got a lot to do, but will be checking in tomorrow. Nite

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I agree, she is beautiful, and growing so fast.

Ocean Springs, MS

Sign-up ends tonight! Amanda and Joyce, please post a list if you have an preferences.

I'm excited! We are getting names tomorrow morning! Ho! Ho! Ho!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm all Sniffle & sneezes Here this morning & 3 ducks to find homes for so was making a few calls waiting on one to call back .
ok got a home for them this afternoon :)))) woopie:)
today is our last day of sunshine for a while winter in coming in on us this week .

well gotta get busy ya all have a great day .


Hunny found one of my rabbits in the yard this morning, no towels, im 30 and cant crochet and I dont think I want to.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Badcat, I don't crochet either, lol Can't sit still long enogh

Ocean Springs, MS

I love to crochet, as long as I'm not interrupted! LOL

Sorry about your rabbit, Badcat. :( Something has gotten 2 of my chickens in the past 2 weeks. Been leaving the light on, hoping to keep the critter away.

I did some shopping today... Are y'all ready for names? ;-)

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Quote from rose318 :
C- Crocket items, caramel popcorn, flavored coffee.
H-Handmade items - ornaments, love vintage stuff. House plants gesneriads
R- Roasted peanuts or almonds. relish, raisins, Reindeers , rag rugs. love rustic.
I- Icicle ornaments, Irish cream
S - Santa decorations, salsa any kind, seashells, sculpey clay, socks
T- Table top decorate, tea , decorative trees.
M- Music, love mercury glass , Mary Janes candies.
A - Amaryllis bulbs, afghans, anything from the heart.
S- Slippers 9- 9.5 snow globes, snowman.

I have very bad allergies. No candles or incenses, no perfumes, or loose glitter.
My love vintage Christmas. My favorite colors are green ,and silver and red.

This message was edited Nov 5, 2014 10:18 AM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I am ready for a name!

Ocean Springs, MS

I just tried editing my list and the website won't let me. Is anyone else having issues?

Names going out tomorrow morning! :)

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes Julie same problem here too. It comes and goes.
I so looking for my Christmas buddy too.

Victoria Harbour, ON

How exciting, be so much fun watching the boxes come in

Ocean Springs, MS

Names are being sent! Check your dmail! I'll be posting a new thread later today so I can close the sign up thread! Ready... Set... Go!

Ocean Springs, MS

Sign up is now closed!

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