Fall is here...What's blooming in your fall garden?

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

The lorapetelum will be an evergreen. I planted them all along in front of our pool. 62 feet and they are now about 10 feet tall. I do prune them some but I'm for letting things grow however they want unless they slap me in the head while I'm mowing.
That shrimp plant is just beautiful. Never seen one like it.

If your holly has red berries on it the birds will love that. I have a holly in 1 bed that has now gotten very high probably cause I have never pruned it any except along the sides where I have to mow.

Appears you have some really nice shrubs.

Looking forward to more photos.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

thanks -- I've never propagated before... but can try with the shrimp plant and give it to you. I do see 2 smaller ones off to the side too.

forgot to go out and take photos....

My neighbor photo copied something out of a Southern Living book/Mag...

L.vomitoria YAUPON

With the gorgeously cloudy day we are having, I should be out working in the yard... but I have accounts to balance... months worth... ** Feeling overwhelmed**

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

here are more images of my yard....
more back and side....

shrimp plant ... it's pretty big.
the back yard flower bed,
this cacti - thing that I am digging up... way too many, and can't even weed around them without being stabbed... so they gotta go. The "mass" is half the size it was.

Thumbnail by tcs1366 Thumbnail by tcs1366 Thumbnail by tcs1366 Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

west side, lots of shrubs -- plus many of these pots were in our courtyard, but DH moved them to the flower bed so they'd get watered over the summer while he wasn't there.

some red leaved shrub

Thumbnail by tcs1366 Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

front yard... and that gangly looking Holly

Thumbnail by tcs1366 Thumbnail by tcs1366 Thumbnail by tcs1366
Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Terese, You have a beautiful yard, honestly I would leave most of the plants you have. Not to mention some very nice planter pots left behind.

I'd certainly leave those Loropetelum bushes in the center of that garden, the cactus will be easy to pull up, they don't have deep roots and plant your butterfly plants all around them.
Those are nice compact full Loropetelum bushes, some get pretty lanky. You could fill your pots with colorful perennials to attract butterflies. Pentas do very well in pots and bloom all year around.

I WOULD'NT get rid of that holly, that is the weeping kind (http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/90870/) and with some good bottom trimming of the branches you can make it look much better. If you don't want it, I'll take it ☺.
That is a wonderful looking copper plant (red leaved shrub) http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/2589/.
And the Jatropha bush (Plant with red flowers on it by the Holly) http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/2447/#b

I don't live far from you and would glad to help you on deciding what shrubs to keep, I do see some close the house you might want to remove before they get too big. But really gal you've inherited a very nice garden, I'd have a ball in it. ☺

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

thank you Sherri.... that Holly is in front of DH's bedroom window. I guess I'll talk to him about trimming / shaping it. If not, is it easy to transplant?

and I plan to look into care for the shrimp plant. and if it is easy to propagate.... i'm all about sharing for those who want plants... i have a hard time throwing things away, with the exception of that cacti / yucca thing... i assume it's in the yucca family, as I have been stabbed by them too.


Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

I agree with Sherri, whoever owned your place before put some time and money into landscaping. My weeping holly I keep pruned up high and have smaller plants around base.
Jatropha is also easy to keep in check with pruning once in a great while. You may want to cover your copper plant when temps dip as I lost mine years ago to the cold and had a huge one.
Shrubs close to house maybe boxwood could be trimed round and they will look great.

I agree with pulling out any form of spiked leaf plant. They can really do a number on you if you get one in the wrong place. The sago palm you have in the large round pot in middle of flower bed will get very big and have to be removed from pot someday but they are slow growers. I weed around my 2 with a hoe, gloves on and long sleeved shirt. I have 1 on either side of my driveway. I lost 2 large ones to that yellowing Asian decease that UF couldn't find a cure for. When they become mature they sell for $10. an inch of trunk in most places.

Sure was mad that I missed the flower show in Mt. Dora today. It's on tomorrow but Sun. is my church day. They usually have some very unusual plants there and good prices. It's from 9 to 5 in downtown Mt. Dora.

Terese, are you in a development? D mail me if you want a visit when I get to feeling better and can drive again.

Meanwhile, have a ball restyling your yard. At least it's not bare and you have a lot to work off of. Wonderful.


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Bonnie -- yes, I am in Royal Highlands. The 'southern most' development on 27.

Did not know about the flower show, I was just in Mt Dora on Friday. Tomorrow is more pulling out cactus. [plus football if i can find a good game] Only got 1 bad poke today.

I did not take any photos... [and i know i can try to google it ]
but there is this weed... very easy to pull out, white root runners with a bulb like "thing" in the root system. I've pulled hundreds in the one back bed... I think i got them all.

**edited to add
Florida betony
"Rattlesnake weed"
I can not see eating these things... but if some do ... they could have had a salad out of what i pulled.

This message was edited Nov 1, 2014 8:49 PM

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Bonnie I missed the Mt. Dora plant show too yesterday, already had plans. I'd go today but we are leaving for a camping trip. I didn't know you went to that show, next year we'll plan to meet up there.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Sherri -- since i see you are on line... can you tell me what this is?

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL(Zone 9b)

Looks like a young dracaena. They can grow indoors or outside in Florida.

This cold weather snap has slowed me down! Made a jumbo pot of chili, but really need to finish working on the back yard.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

thanks Mary... i googled for images and came up with Dracaena Marginata, but wasn't sure.

shows it is toxic, so I will have to get it out of my courtyard.

Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL(Zone 9b)

Really?? I didn't know they were toxic! They sell them as houseplants when smaller! I have several in my yard too!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

well.... according to the ID forum, one gal says it's on the list, and it is, and another person said it's not toxic.... and not to pay any attention to the list.

I could tell the leaves have been chewed on ... and the cats are fine.

Though I did try to dig it up [it was in a bed of rocks, very hard to dig] and it snapped off just above the roots. I stuck it in the ground, thinking it may root. BUT I found a small pot with a tri-color one that I put on the back patio.

Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL(Zone 9b)

That's usually how you propogate them...cut them off and start the cutting. On the mother plant, little sprouts will grow out of the remaining stem.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

good to know. I put it in a large pot and watered it. hoping for the best... i felt bad when i snapped it.

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

There was some dracaena here at one time but I pitched them. Didn't think they were very pretty. They will surely root easily though.

Just remembered I potted up 7 pots of cranberry hibiscus for RU I was too sick to attend. If you want some of that just let me know. It blooms kind of lilac pink. Leaves are dark maroon.
Grows like crazy.

Guess you will have to pull something out to put different ones in. I'm for anything that blooms. Don't have much that's just an evergreen.

Happy Gardening.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

thanks Bonnie.

and wasn't the RU at your place?? i recall something like that.
and if i in April again, I should be able to make next years... DH does not want to head back north until May.

just googled cranberry hibiscus ... wow, pretty.... i'm sure I could find a place for one.

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

This last RU was in Cocoa Beach at Mittsys condo and I missed it cause I was sick with bad cold.

Maybe next April I will host one again.

I'm heading for my friends ranch for a couple of days. Will get in touch when I return home.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)


Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

TCS check your D-mail

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)


Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Just noticed the cranberry hibiscus are blooming now. They are quite pretty.

Got so much to do before Thanksgiving haven't paid enough attention to the garden. Fish are lucky they are getting fed.


Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

I love it when my 4 o'clocks cross pollinate and I get the multicolored ones.

one of my heliconias

some bromeliad blooms

two different morning glories


Thumbnail by shauna1219 Thumbnail by shauna1219 Thumbnail by shauna1219 Thumbnail by shauna1219 Thumbnail by shauna1219
Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Wow that is really neat how the four o'clocks do that.

My dwarf Nana powderpuff bush in full bloom.

My Mexican Marigold tree, and a close up looking up at the flowers and caught a bee flying by. They are all over this tree, along with butterflies.

Thumbnail by sunkissed Thumbnail by sunkissed Thumbnail by sunkissed
Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Well I know it is still fall, but boy howdy today it feels like winter. Keep warm everyone.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I was expecting to see hail when it was pouring rain this morning.... Yup, certainly a chill in the air.. but this recent transplant is not complaining as it's really COLD at home in IL.

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

The weathermen are talking about freezing/near freezing temps tonight...the coldest weather of the season, so far.


I have already covered a bunch of my delicates and brought my potted plants in.


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Some of the folks down my street have plants already covered - in anticipation of the weather tonight.

It's very ironic to me... 50f at home [Illinois] and I can go out in a light jacket, but here, I am absolutely freezing ... will have to turn on the heat today. I am currently wearing two sweatshirts and a thin scarf to keep my neck warm.

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Doesn't take long to get thin Florida blood, Terese ☺.

Well it never got as cold as they said. I took in my hoyas and orchid plant, just covered my Christmas cactus plants as they're starting to bud and didn't want to disturb them. They can take upper 30's for about an hour or two at the most.

I didn't cover much else as most of it needs a good trimming back anyway. Looks like we dodged the bullet this time here in Central FL.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I think you are right... the temp was reading 35f this morning... I guess I was more concerned with the wind, as they were saying windchills of 25f.

Looks like 1 more day of this.....

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

You were colder than we were here, our temperature was 43° this morning, and briefly fell to 42°, but took awhile to get out of the 40's, was almost 11:15 before we hit 50.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

we did dip to 33f, it has rebounded nicely... currently 55f and sunny.

OH, neglected to mention... we cleaned out much of that front flower bed.

Moved that Holly to the back yard and the huge ... can't recall the name, think it starts with a P to the corner of the garage... that was the day it poured, so after hand watering, they did get a lot from mother nature.

Hope they both survive. DH yanked all the Azaleas and one HUGE of that Chinese shrub. The previous owner had 4 rows of plantings... we could not even get in there to weed.... now we have room.

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Good luck on moving the plants, hope they make it.

Purple Oxalis, and Nana dwarf powder puff bush that isn't so dwarf anymore

Thumbnail by sunkissed Thumbnail by sunkissed
Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

My newest beauty, Pagoda Flower.

My Lion's Ear is finally blooming.

Two new coleus.


Thumbnail by shauna1219 Thumbnail by shauna1219 Thumbnail by shauna1219 Thumbnail by shauna1219
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

wow -- those Coleus are HUGE. are they generally that big down here? Up north i've never seen any that large.

Very cool looking plants.

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

You must have given me some of that Pagoda flower as that's what was blooming last summer for first time. Pretty sure it was new after last Aprils RU. Anyhow it's beautiful. My coleus have also gone bonkers. Need to watch them during the cold cause sometimes they get killed back. Should bring in some cuttings to root. Got one hanging over front gate that has spread over 4 feet.

Yes tcs they grow huge but consider who is growing them. Shauna can grow anything very well.

Did pre-prep cooking all day. For a change my banana cream pie came out beautiful. Also apple, custard and sweet potato. Sweet potatoes Charlie grew a year ago so he mashed them and froze them in just the right size for pies. He made that pie.

HERE'S WISHING ALL A BLESSED THANKSGIVING. I know we will all eat too much but that's what holidays always include. Food, family and friendship. Can't beat it.


Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

TCS, coleus can grow pretty large down here, especially when they bloom. Those pics were two new ones I got from Kerby's nursery in Seffner, but pictures don't do them justice. They have some neat colorations that just doesn't show up in pics.

Bonnie, your words are too kind, but I am not that good...just a novice that has Google. lol. My grandfather did run a nursery at one time, so maybe I have a bit of a gardening gene. ;-)
I would love to take credit for the Pagoda flower, but that wasn't from me. Mine was a new purchase, but I hope I can it mine growing, so I can try to root some cuttings.

I want to wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>just a novice that has Google.

LOL. Too funny. I google everything too.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Not cooking today... we have a group of neighbors heading to The City Grill in Clermont for Thanksgiving Lunch.

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