Fall is here...What's blooming in your fall garden?

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Show us your fall blooms and foliage, we came from here...


This message was edited Sep 26, 2014 5:29 PM

Thumbnail by sunkissed
Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Haven't had time to do anything in front flower beds. Too busy cleaning up and tilling out back in hopes of having vegy garden this winter. One hold up--got to get rid of a rabbit first as I have lots of broccoli plants and they love them.

Sherri, hope no flooding over your way. Volusia county seems to be getting too much rain for their street drains. We have had 2 beautiful rains this week.

4 heliconia are finally starting blooming.

I'm cleaning out lots of stuff out of back yard and selling it out by the road. Spread that whole manure pile on garden plot and tilled it in. Still have more in pasture to bring up but that can wait.

Happy gardening all.

Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL(Zone 9b)

Wow....lol...I bought 8 parsley plants and thought I was doing well! Love your spunk Ms Bonnie!
Baby koi fry are about an inch long, still too small to see what colors they'll end up being, but fun to watch grown anyway.
Need to get some of my fruit trees in the ground before winter hits. I have a new papaya tree and 2 key lime trees. I'm not good with citrus, but key limes seem to bloom constantly, so I always get a 2nd chance.

I have a zillion kitties to get rid of...they all live on my deck...any takers?? :)

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Bonnie the rain is making a muck out of my garden, so slippery out there and needs s good pressure cleaning. I'm just waiting for the rain to slack off a bit before cleaning it, but not sure that is going to happen anytime soon.

MerryMary, hope you find homes for your kitties, I already have four, so can't take anymore.
I saw some nice looking lime trees at Walmart with fruit on them, for $20. I pondered buying one but would have to plant it out front, only place I have enough sun, so I passed. I do have a Meyer's lemon in pot I picked up on clearance last winter, so far it hasn't even blossomed, maybe why it was on clearance. My Calamondin has lots of fruit on it, also in a pot. I may put it in the ground eventually.

Thumbnail by sunkissed
Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Mary, Charlie said he would like another female kitten to keep the one we have now company.
Call and we will come and take a look at them. We have a good travel crate.


Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

PS. He says they will scare rabbits away. If that's true I'll take 3.

Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL(Zone 9b)

YES, they scare everything and anything! I have a bounty of dead frogs at my back door every morning. Squirrels have been scarce too! (Amen!) The mom is just a kitten herself, a calico....free to a good farm! She has 2 baby kittes that my grandson is making friendly...the very friendly one is orange, the other one is honey colored. I'll send pics shortly.
Another stormy day...not that I mind the rain, but was hoping to get a lot done and then let it rain on top of my work!

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Been raining here on and off all day. Changed wet clothes 3 times while trying to get all the pond filters washed. I came in when lightening started. If no lightening I'll go out again and get all the filtration stuff put back in place. Don't mind working in the rain but I don't like lightening.

I get the hint. Hope I can control Charlie when he comes over. He really likes cats and since we don't have Sadie anymore he is very lonesome for animals.

We have had 3 baby bulls this year and that's all for now. People have been calling here all the time to buy them but we only have 3 so they are already sold. BTW can you believe the price of beef on the hoof for calves at cattle auctions is up to $5. per pd. Never heard of that before. We don't have any problem selling them privately cause lots of people like Angus.

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

The first pic isn't a bloom, but what I believe to be a Green Heron that I spotted sitting on my fence after my dog tried to play with it. It is a blurry pic, but it was the only one I was able to catch before it flew away and the first time I have ever spotted one of those birds in my yard.

The next pic is a celosia and the last is my newest hibiscus "Love Story", which has turned more pink that it originally was.


Thumbnail by shauna1219 Thumbnail by shauna1219 Thumbnail by shauna1219
Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Bonnie that is good you can take one of the kitties. Sounds like your pond is keeping you quite busy.
I think is has rained here every single day for two weeks now. Today on my walk I saw the creek has flooded the whole woods now, haven't seen it that high in years.

Nice blooms Shauna, kind of cool to have a green heron in your yard. I checked my Home Depot and Lowe's, and Lukas and didn't see any special hibiscus, just the typical red, yellows and oranges. Nothing pretty like what you have.

Some blooms around my garden, The Red passion vine that I completely thought I had dug up, is blooming ☺
Berries on my Firebush, Gypsy peppers, Bandana Lemon Zest Lantana, and a little bit of everything!

Thumbnail by sunkissed Thumbnail by sunkissed Thumbnail by sunkissed Thumbnail by sunkissed Thumbnail by sunkissed
Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

I sure hope October is dryer than last month....

lots of mushrooms blooming in my garden, more than I've ever seen....

Thumbnail by sunkissed Thumbnail by sunkissed Thumbnail by sunkissed Thumbnail by sunkissed Thumbnail by sunkissed
Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL(Zone 9b)

I have quite the mushroom boom going on as well! The deck is getting slimey from having not been dry for over a week. I'm sure I'm growing plenty of algae they thought once extinct! Saw a glimmer of sun this morning and did the happy dance, then slid on the algae and toned it down a bit. :)

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Passiflora Edulis...hoping it will produce some good passion fruit.

Thumbnail by shauna1219
Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

MerryMary, we are in the process of pressure washing all our pavement out back, nice to have a few dry cool days, but sounds like rain on the way again.

Shauna that is a pretty passion flower. I added a new one to my garden this year back in May, 'Imperatrice Eugenie' (Passiflora x belotii). A hybrid of P. alata and P. caerulea and will not produce fruit, however the flowers smell amazing.

Thumbnail by sunkissed
Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Beautiful pics all.
Weather is going to stay in the 80's all this week and is perfect.

Had a bad cold and it slowed me down but this morning I am pulling out a whole bunch of Asiatic jasmine that has spread its roots all over 1 flower bed. What a job. Tough roots but I'm getting s lot of it out. Crowds out the other plants.

Heliconia is finally blooming.

One day early in Nov. Mt. Dora plant festival if any one is interested in going. They usually have a real good selection of plants and many different ones you don't see in nurseries. Many nurseries show their stuff plus some yard art.

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Discovered yesterday I have one of those pink gingers like Shauna put pic on of. It's about 4 feet tall and blooms are lovely. Thumbergia is also blooming and angel trumpets are getting ready to bloom again. Guess it's last flush before winter.

Happy gardening all.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9a)

Shauna1219 I have the passion fruit going wild and blooming. Since I'm new with this fruit will they fruit in the fall?

Thank you.

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Bonnie, I hope you get a photo of the ginger, I still don't know how I missed that at the round up.

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Sherri, will try to remember to get a pic tomorrow before church.

Has anyone in zone 9 tried growing Clementis? If so which variety. I've seen it in pics and it looks beautiful, would like to try some.


Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Todays blooms-The pink one is Shauna's ginger. 3rd is fuzzy succulent
4th is candlestick cassia, guess it came from a RU
5th to right is burrows ear

Thumbnail by BonnieGardens Thumbnail by BonnieGardens Thumbnail by BonnieGardens Thumbnail by BonnieGardens Thumbnail by BonnieGardens
Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Scrapes of various coleus I just stuck into a large pot.

Thumbnail by BonnieGardens
Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Some nice blooms going on there Bonnie, I brought sprouted seedlings of that Cassia Candlestick to the round up, wonder if that is one I brought? They are actually seeds from Onalee down in Miami. I just got some purple Oxalis from her and they are already popping up. I love coleus and how easily it roots, nice looking mixture you have in that pot.
I've never tried Clementis, but I see a house here I drive by that has it growing over a fence, so it can be grown, they've had it for years. I never see it in garden shops though.

Looks like only three more days of heat and then some nice weather finally.

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Found several places online where I can order clemantis
That candlestick cassia is about 4 feet tall. Thank you for it.

I'm waiting for cooler weather. Possibly some rain in a few days too.

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

I gave away lots of that candlestick to friends and all have been telling me how nice they look now with flowers. First year blooming, that is pretty good.

Lots of yellow blooming in my garden now...Cassia, Cuban buttercup, Yellow salvia madrensis starting to pop out blooms, and the golden thryallis is really getting full.

Thumbnail by sunkissed Thumbnail by sunkissed Thumbnail by sunkissed Thumbnail by sunkissed
Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Bonnie, most of the Clematis I have seen generally grow in cooler climates, not sure of a variety that would grow down here. Was that a lobster claw heliconia in your first pic? I would love some of that if you could get some up.

Ladybug, only certain types of passion flowers actually produce edible fruit.

My Dutchman's Pipevine is growing like crazy and needs a good trimming. The second pic is a marigold. The next two are Toad Lilies that I got earlier as a bulb from HD. Gorgeous, but tiny blooms. Last but not least, my spotted beebalm.


Thumbnail by shauna1219 Thumbnail by shauna1219 Thumbnail by shauna1219 Thumbnail by shauna1219 Thumbnail by shauna1219
Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Shauna, I think that is a lobster claw heliconia. Will try to pot some when I feel better. You have to remind me.
Didn't make it to Mittsy's RU sadly. Started out 2 weeks ago with cold and now I'm spitting up blood. Trying to get into see dr. today.

Your flowers look good as usual.

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

WOW Bonnie...that does not sound good! Please take care of yourself and keep us posted!!!


Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL(Zone 9b)

Bonnie...PLEASE see the Dr! We've all been home this week with lung gunk issues too! Even my little guy came home today with a call from the school nurse. Central Florida has a nasty virus going through...take the time to rest and heal!! ((blessings))

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Bonnie, I agree you need to get to the doctor, that is not good. Please let us know what the doc says. Praying you feel better soon. Let me know if you need anything, I'll be there.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi -- new to the group -- chatted with Bonnie a few times.

we [dh and I, plus 2 cats and a dog] just moved down from Illinois last Thursday. I have no idea what is blooming, except some roses, because i do not know these plants... will be a learning experience for me... though I did buy a "bandana" Lantana the other day at Lowes. ~~ Already saw a small butterfly on it.

Regarding Clematis .... at home, in IL... i have a HUGE Jackmanii that has been in the family over 35 yrs and i wanted to bring part of it with me. They need colder climate to survive... I'm thinking i read zone8, but they do need that cold period.

Hope to learn a lot from this group...


Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Welcome to Florida Terese!

Autumn in Florida is like a second growing season and may of the plants that grew during summer, will continue to grow well in the cooler months. Not sure what you like to grow, but in regards to edibles; fall is the time to grow your lettuces, greens (mustards/collards, etc.), broccoli, strawberries and cauliflower.


Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi All,
Went to doc. Accomplished nothing. Will be looking for another dr. shortly.
I am doing much better. Getting my energy back and cold is going slowly.

Hi Terese, good you got moved down. I have lots of plants in pots if you would like some. Can also dig some up you may want.

This weather is just beautiful to me. Sitting in the sunshine is a wonderful cure for whatever ails you.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

thanks for the welcome... and Bonnie.. i will have to do some weeding and lots of digging to make some room. I have a lot of shrubs, i'd like to see them bloom to see if they are worth keeping. But there are these cacti like plants that have VERY sharp tips.... they HAVE to go which will give me a lot of room for my butterfly garden.

within that flower bed, there are shrubs that currently have red leaves - like a Burning Bush and it has tiny lavender blooms on it right now... I like the way they look ... so far, time will tell if I keep them all... they don't have thorns, so that is a bonus.

Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL(Zone 9b)

Bonnie, so glad to hear you're getting better! Have a good Dr in Ocoee if you need one.

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Welcome Terese,
The cooler months are a good time to prepare the garden for spring planting. I can't think of what the plant you have could be, but if you can figure out how to post a photo we can help.

Bonnie, so glad to hear you are feeling better, sure hard to find a good doctor anymore, hope you do. I don't like the one my mom sees either.

I finally downloaded my mom and dad's angel trumpet bushes to show you all, they were wilting in the hot sun when I took the photos, I wish I got them in the cooler morning.

Thumbnail by sunkissed Thumbnail by sunkissed Thumbnail by sunkissed
Ocala, FL(Zone 9a)

Thunbergia, Sorrel, October Rose, Papayas, October Rose and Firebush

Thumbnail by tony9779 Thumbnail by tony9779 Thumbnail by tony9779 Thumbnail by tony9779 Thumbnail by tony9779
Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

I've got a large thumbergia shrub also and the cardinals hide in it cause it's near their feeder.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

finally snapped a few photos today...

an orange cana that is growing back in the "nature preserve" behind my house... my neighbor said it's protected wetlands... but i honestly have no idea.

two shots are of these shrubs I have.... they are maybe 3-4' tall, deep burgundy leaves [do not know if they are normally green and darken for the fall] but there are some fire red leaves, like a burning bush. and 1 shot of the small bloom, it's sort of fuchsia.

then there is a shot of some blooming plant on the side of my house... no idea what it is.

any ID's would be appreciated.

Thumbnail by tcs1366 Thumbnail by tcs1366 Thumbnail by tcs1366 Thumbnail by tcs1366
Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

tony some nice plants you have, I like the October Rose, never heard of that one before, looks like hibiscus.

Terese, you have acquired some nice shrubs in your new garden. The bush looks to be a Loropetalum, there are many different varieties. The leaves come out burgundy and change to green all year long. The flowers bloom mostly in spring and fall.


I knew that was a shrimp plant but have never seen one that color, so did some investigating. It looks to be the "Cocktail shrimp plant". I imagine a rare variety since I've not seen it before in garden centers. Give it a blanket if we dip down below freezing.


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

LOL... so I shouldn't yank these plants??

the Loropetalum, i have 6 in the flower bed i am planning on making a butterfly garden.

I have this shrub in the front yard,,,, I will have to get the name for you, but some sort of Holly. We really don't like it and when we were talking to the man we bought the house from, last Feb -- he almost looked horrified that we mentioned pulling it out. He said he spent a small fortune on it.

The front bed needs A LOT of work... it's very over grown. I should run out and take some photos.

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