2nd Annual Thoughts of You. The Chat and Brag Thread.

Ocean Springs, MS

I grew up watching the Saints quietly on the floor of my Aunt's living room or beside my Daddy. Wasn;t until I was older and understood what was going on that I was allowed to "Speak!" And the whole neighborhood hears me now when I watch them! LOL
Don't want to start any wars, so Sis Kathy, forgive me! It's just that the Bama fans here in MS are just nasty! Rude! Mean!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

A Bama fan poisoned our landmark oak trees on the Auburn campus. AND he has not paid ANY of the fine he was assessed. Thankfully he was an out lier. He is no example of what a Bama fan is like.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Finally found this thread, can't believe I've been out of touch for weeks. Time flies as they say. I have had a lot of "issues" this past couple months which I won't bore anyone with but I'm better now and will get my box out to my buddy soon. So nice to read all the "warm" thoughts here. What a bunch of "quality" people as we've said before.

Sue G

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad to see your boxes arrived safely Jaye! Make sure you share those chips with Kel!

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Y'all are confusing me as to who loves in which state! Lol. It's very cool that LK knows you so well Jaye. :~)

My box hasn't gone out yet because it seems a little bare to me. And I haven't been able to sleep at night and so sleep all day. I've tried staying awake...I still can't sleep at night. So I haven't managed to accomplish much, sigh.

Prayers for JKJ and her family. And for you Sue.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Crystal, the tree didn't do anything to that Bama idiot! You're right he doesn't represent majority of the fans.

Sue, prayers said for you gal. And don't keep those issues to yourself, I hope you have friends you could talk to. That will keep you sane.

My box went out this morning, hoping the po workers don't play football with it!!! Hoping my buddy will be pleasantly surprised like I was... make it delirously happy!

May a box be ready for bragging!!

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Well, finally had to go online, so my buddy will be receiving two boxes. I believe that one has already been posted. The other one will go on Thursday.

I got my box, and I feel SO SO spoiled! Oh my gosh! I can't even tell you how happy it made me! I forgot to take pictures, so I'll post those later, after I get home tonight! Thank you thank you thank you Chris!!!

(Chris), IA(Zone 5a)

Glad it got there, Turtles, and that you liked it :)

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Waiting Turtles!!

Chris, I am so glad that you're back playing in the swaps

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Weird, I slept until 4:40 this afternoon, after getting home late last night; now disoriented. I'm going to have to take pics of virtually empty boxes of edibles :~D

There's also a flag that says "Dream Big" -- it's going to go in the vegetables!

And a "Welcome" sign, which I've been wanting! and so much more... and a book and gnomes and...

Lucky me!

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

YALL, please forgive my absense/tardiness, i ave been shamefully busy and inattentive! But I wanted o much to thank heavenscape for a box!!! and thanks ta big sis fer remembering me! Her done gone and sent me a beauful crochet shawl that i needed to match an olive chair in newly done bedroom! And all sorts of coffee, cookies, chocolates and wonder of wonders....a new cuppa!
Sumbodies really, really knows me..........an i luvs them! Thank you!

Thumbnail by jsxtiger Thumbnail by jsxtiger
TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Turtles, Lucky YOU indeed! We all need the sign to DREAM BIG. Dreams are free, why not dream big ones, and with faith, they might come true.
Thank you Chris for a good job.

Jax, the coffee comes from France. My sister that lives there sends me a nice supply, so I thought you'd like it. It's instant, and I hope the creamer you'd enjoy, since I can't find Bailey's.
I thought it's time for something handmade from me, and yes, somehow I managed to finish the shawl for you. Lolol!!!
I recall you like jazz and there's no person that loves jazz that don't like Billie Holliday.
Be entertained with the music my buddy.

I remember too that you like 'heat'. Hope the sauces will be your staple.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Jax, that is a wonderful box of goodies, and I love that shawl! Nice job Jaye!

(Chris), IA(Zone 5a)

Glad you like everything, Turtles :) And Jaye, thank you for the kind words!

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

Can wait til weekend and fix some fried shrimp with the hotsauce!!! YUM! would also love to learn that crochet stitch! Coffee is amazing.....in my new cup!!! THANKS!

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Okeydoke, got the pics. I want to go out and plant those seeds right NOW! I didn't even know dahlia and Daylily could be started from seed, lol. And then there's 'Paprika" yarrow and Black-eyed Susans! It's a good thing I'm taking out some lawn this fall.

And the Spanish chocolate covered almonds -- did you know I lived in Spain, Chris, and that just last week I was missing those Marcona almonds? I swear it!

And what d'y'all think of my zombie-gnomes? zombomes? They hardly scare me at all. I once had a big, three foot high, pot on my old parking strip, with two clematis in it. It had a resident gnome, and every once in a while I would find he'd moved...but never walked off. Now I can have twice the fun!

So, the pics:

Thumbnail by 13Turtles Thumbnail by 13Turtles
(Chris), IA(Zone 5a)

Glad you liked it all :) I'm not sure the dahlias will come true from the seed, so you and I are going to be the guinea pigs lol! The daylily does grow from seed, but I've heard that it takes 2 years for it to bloom - so be patient.

Ok, I have a mystery on my hands! I received the CUTEST trinket box with a kitten and flowers on it - but I don't know who it came from :) The only hints are it came from a Kevin Wolfe in IN (did he make this?? lol) and the little sticker with it says "Thinking of you - part 1 of 2 flogro". I'm guessing it's from this swap since it does say thinking of you and I don't know a Kevin :) My husband was cracking up because the box has 'fragile' written all over it and you can tell they played kickball with the box lol - but the kitten is fine!

Edited to add: I dug a little and found out it was Tracy! Thank you so much! I love it! :) I'm going to send her a Dmail as I don't think she's been on this page yet.

This message was edited Oct 10, 2014 12:47 PM

Thumbnail by Dragonflys4me

Flogro is a member on daves lol start there ;)

(Chris), IA(Zone 5a)

lol - I figured she had to be, but she hasn't been on this thread, so when I tried to find her here, it said no matches :) That's when I went to the addresses page and found FloGro there :)


Lol there ya go :) that's a cute box!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Jax I will have to make a photo copy of the pattern as it's via dragrams, the Japanese way, not words. Easy too.

Turtles.. on my bucket list. Spain that is. Would love to visit the Alhambra Palace in Granada especially its beautiful gardens.

My my my... Chris, girls and trinket boxes!! Your buddy sure knows how to put a smile and a mystery!! Lol!!
Your DH is a confident man... he isn't laughing at "Kevin" but the shape of the box!

(Tracy) Lk Pan, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL! I'm here! I tend to be a little on the quiet side but I didn't realize I was THAT quiet! My DH will never believe it!

Glad the kitty is OK and that you like it! I put another box in the mail today so you should have it in a few days. Hopefully they won't drop kick that one or it will be a huge mess! *fingers crossed*

(Tracy) Lk Pan, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL again! I didn't even think about it being sent by a man! Sure am glad your hubby was more concerned about the shape of the box!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Tracy, unwittingly you have validate their marital strength ;)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Chris, I love that kitten trinket box!

Asking for prayers for my daughter in law. She has been really sick for months now, and after many Dr.'s and specialist, they finally figured out it is her gall bladder and pancreas that is really inflamed. She is getting prepped for emergency surgery as we speak.

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

LK, my brother just went through exactly the same thing. Your daughter-in-law can recover, and of course she is in my prayers.

Buddy, I'm so incompetent. I just found the bag of seeds I "sent" you. Only obviously I didn't. Maybe I'll try drop-kicking them, but the PO would probably treat that package with velvet gloves. Chris I'm glad your kitten arrived unharmed. Your box does look like a soccer ball.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Several times in different swaps I forgot to add things I had picked out. I guess it is a sickness most of us are afflicted with!! All in fun, though.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the prayers everyone, she made it through surgery just fine! Now it is time for healing!

(Chris), IA(Zone 5a)

Yay, LK!! I know that's a big relief and so glad they finally figured out what was wrong!

Crystal, that is SO true - I can't tell you how many swaps I've been in where someone would post "oops - forgot to put the (fill in the blank) in the box! " LOL

It's definitely not IF someone will forget, but WHO forgets something - cause it's almost a sure bet that one of us will :) My problem is forgetting the card I want to send with my goodies lol

Have a great day - I'm going to a Stamp Joy gathering today, so should be interesting as I've never stamped before :)

Here's one page I did for my granddaughter's scrapbook and one for my daughter, just to give you an idea of what I usually do :)

Thumbnail by Dragonflys4me Thumbnail by Dragonflys4me
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Chris, those are beautiful pages! Enjoy your gathering today!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I found one more thing to put in my buddy's box and will pick it up today but don't know if I'll make it to the PO by two so it might go Monday. Sorry to be late but I have a feeling she'll really enjoy what I'm sending.

Sue G

(Tracy) Lk Pan, FL(Zone 9a)

I just rec'd the most perfect macramé plant hanger from 13 Turtles!!! Thank you so much! I'm gonna go put a plant in it and take a pic!! ; ) BRB...

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

So glad you like it Tracy!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Good morning everyone!
Yay, another smile for a buddy. Can't wait to see that macrame plant hanger.

Praise God for the good report on Heather, LK. She's been misdiagnosed and am glad the problem's finally fixed.

Wow Chris. Scrapbooking is truly an art, and you're an artist.

Crystal, I would always forget to add a card in my box, so now I make it a habit!!

Please continue with your prayers for Sis Kathy. She's need our Lord's healing touch.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sending lots of prayers for Kathy.

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

I think Tracy got lost finding her way back to the computer. Either that or a very large vegetable wrapped its gigantic leaves around her and is holding her captive. Maybe for more fertilizer?

(Tracy) Lk Pan, FL(Zone 9a)

Sorry for being MIA. You see, I got all tangled up in these giant leaves on my way back to the computer and had to prune my way out! Lol..... here's my lovely new hanger. Thanks again Chris. It's perfect.

Thumbnail by FloGro
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

That looks awesome!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Lolol Turtle... I'm the one that would make the ideal fertilizer. I'm full of crap!! Lol!!

I agree Tracy, that is a showpiece!

(Chris), IA(Zone 5a)

You're welcome Tracy, but it wasn't me - it was Turtles :)

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