2nd Annual Thoughts of You. The Chat and Brag Thread.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Stepping in to help Sis Kathy who's been inundated with extra work that demand her full attention.
All names are given out.
Sorry that some can't make it, stick around and join in the chatter.
Hope as you shop for your buddy, you'd get to know her more.
Again, its the thoughts that are in your box that counts, sealed with love of course.
Mail out date is October 10th 2014

Linda ^_^
Julie ^_^
Tracy ^_^
Kathy ^_^ waiting on pics.
Crystal ^_^
Jaye ^_^
Sue G
Chris ^_^
13Turtles ^_^
Jax ^_^

This message was edited Oct 24, 2014 5:09 PM

Thumbnail by heavenscape
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the chat room Jaye!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

This swap that Sis Kathy starts, is all about good friends.
I've been very blessed to have great friends. Even though I live like a recluse now, away from folks I grew up with, and transplanted thrice.. away from friends I had made for decades..
I mustn't complain as I have never led a lonely life.
I'd pick up the phone, go online.. and there will always be laughter besides the exchange of daily grinds. Of course, I'm also able to express my disappointments and sorrow too. You all know women need other women to just vent.

Thumbnail by heavenscape
TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

You're welcome LK, another good friend of mine, whom I'd love to meet one day.

Ocean Springs, MS

Thanks for the new room! Found it! Jaye, i don't get out much either. So many of my friends are busy with their lives that it seems like no on has the time. I love technology because it allows me to make new friends like all of you. But it has taken away from just "getting together" and catching up!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Jaye there will be a meeting for us someday soon.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

We don't live in a small village anymore where everything you need is in one place, including your family or friends.
Julie, that's why when we come across precious folks like you, it's hard to just forget about them.
Remember when you were missing for months? Got some of us worried for sure.

If it's in the cards, we will LK! God will make ways for sure!

Thumbnail by heavenscape
Ocean Springs, MS

Yes, I was in a very dark and depressed place then! Just withdrew from the whole world. But God gave me strength to step out of the darkness and see the light, the love of friends and family, and the love of life itself! ♥

(Chris), IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the room, Jaye :) And the kind words - I remember how you helped me when Glen passed away - you have no idea how much that meant to me! Now, 5 years later, I've married another wonderful man who makes me laugh every day :) So it's all good.

Got my buddy's name - now to go find some fun stuff to send her way!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Hi, I am sorry I've neglected y'all, but my lifwe is out of control at the moment. Takes an act of congress to enroll a child in school here in AL.

Ocean Springs, MS

Saying prayers for you, JKJ!

Chris, you are so right! I'm so glad you have found someone and love again. As I tell the kids, God is still working on me. When He knows I'm ready, he will send the right one to me! ♥

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad to hear you found another wonderful man Chris!

Julie, your day will come too!

Ocean Springs, MS

I know, LK! But if you look to the right of this post, you can see all the love I could ever want! My Liam!


Dont give up!! Im still looking!!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Looks like Liam gives you all the love you need and then some.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Depression hits most of us Julie. Me included.
Like my sistahs here are fond to tell me,, surround yourself with friends that will give you support and most of all, banish those doubts that can kill your spirit.
The right man will come along when you least expected it.

You too Amanda!

It's been that long, Chris? I recall you were so lost then and look at you now, God has certainly paved your way to new happiness.

Don't overdo it Sis Kathy. Take time to smell the roses!! And LK is here to help too!!

This message was edited Oct 17, 2014 4:58 PM


Ok, but Im not looking for a man..but thanks!

Ocean Springs, MS

Amanda's on the hunt for me! LOL

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Dang!!! You're getting great help there Julie!!
Just don't go to Craig's List!! Lol!!

Ocean Springs, MS

Oh, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No online dating for me! No telling what is out there! UGH!

I'm bragging here....... found another little thing for my buddy today!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Not bragging me too much here. Got to do some searching for soon October will be here!

(Chris), IA(Zone 5a)

I found some more things and will be adding to it from my own flower garden! I want just one more thing and then the box will be ready :)

Thinking of you buddy!!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Good Sunday everyone!

Chris, we all know that one more thing will lead to another.. then another... and soon you found you need a bigger box!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Good thing that Sis Kathy is the one that gave out the names. Bad thing is I won't know who my buddy is!! Lol!!

Buddy. I'm easy.
Don't do owls nor snakes and you'll be fine.
No plants please, I'm a gift plant killer.
Have enough kitties, so leave yours at home.

Ocean Springs, MS

Got that right, Jaye! Just got 3 more things for my buddy! I had to get a bigger box! LOL

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi all!
Sorry I've been missing, but buddy I'm definitely thinking of you! I was out of town and thought I was going to get to some specific places to look, but I didn't get the chance. Boo.
But I'm not crying uncle, don't you worry!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks for showing up Turtle, what shall we call you here!
Still plenty of time. The end of the month isn't here yet unless you're ordering online.

Good day everyone!

Ocean Springs, MS

Doing some shopping tomorrow to finish filling my buddies box! Will probably mail out Friday!

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

I love being called Turtles! In the offline world I'm called just Turtle, but who wouldn't want to be a multiple?

Ocean Springs, MS

Turtles, my Dad's nickname was Frog! So I am Froggie's Girl. More people called him Frog than by his first name.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

And so Turtles it will be!
My late dad would call me hippo. But it's not with affection.

Ocean Springs, MS

Ah, Jaye, I'm sorry! My Daddy loved me but he called me a heathen when he saw my tattoo, and he meant it. They just didn't realize how things like that stick with us. I forgave him, and I have gone on. He would really be mad to know I had a frog tattooed on my calf in memory of him!

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

...but words may break our hearts.

May time love applied over time be the balm that heals us.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks Julie and Turtles. I'm over that a long time ago.
So what if I'm a hippo. I'm Heavenly made right?

Julie, getting tattooed isn't being a heathen. It's just skin art!!

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Hell yes you're Heavenly made! heehee

I scored today for my buddy, yeah! Just looking for one more thing, uh huh.

[(whistling a vague tune)]

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

These line break symbols are appearing everywhere on Dave's, even the old posts. Has someone alerted the powers that be?

(Chris), IA(Zone 5a)

They must have, cause I don't see them in your post now :) Thank goodness, cause they were driving me crazy! lol - ok, crazier :)

Ocean Springs, MS

I got over it, too, Jaye! Daddy loved me no matter what. Last words we said to each other were "I love you." That means the world to me and heals anything hurtful. ♥

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Good morning! Crisp clear cool weather is here!
How's everyone doing on the surprise?
I'm still at item 1. Don't want to trivialize her box, and I'm overthinking it now. But I know she's easy to please and like most of us here, it's the thoughts that count, not the object, right?

Call if you need... but do call my name, Jaye. :))

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Still working on my box of goodies. Almost done!

Your right Jaye, it is the thought that counts.

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