Fall 2014 Gourmet from Home Swap


Went to a Rabbit Show yesterday and my spice order was supposed to come, I figured itd be on the front porch...no!! lol I had a note saying theyd be back tues to deliver. Boogers!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

why Tuesday ? Mondays Not a Holiday is it ?


no just fedex logic lol

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

That really makes no sense. These delivery people be crazy!


I took precautions today!!! lol printed their form, signed it and taped it to the front door haha. Ran out to get the baggies and cardstock I needed to package them in. So Im ready!! :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

My box of goodies are on the way to my Partner Sure Hope she has a few Muscles or she will have by time she gets to the house with it :) hehe

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

I am a slacker.


Get on the ball woman!! ;)

Watchout Deejays partner!!! Theyre bricks and have a shelf life of "forever" hahaha ;)

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

I really am trying. Cardiologist told me to take it easy until he does my heart cath wed. Orthopedic said nothing strenuos until he does the test to see if I need a back fusion,
tore my house apart today and cleaned every nook and cranny.
I am exhusted


Sounds like your taking it easy...not! You better take a rest!

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

JKJ!!! That does not fall under the heading "take it easy" You best behave!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

sure sounds like your obeying your Dr's For Shame of you.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sending warm hugs and prayers, rest is up to you re obeying do's orders
Lord is already watching over you!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Believe when I tell you, I am taking it easy tday. Just have the bathroom to clean and maybe make apple butter


Yummm your apple butter is fab!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

thanks, Iwant to make dreamcicle jelly too.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

What is dreamcicle jelly?


Yep now that she has our full attention..she went to clean the bathroom hahaha...Do tell!!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

its made with vanilla beans,and it's best on yougurt or vanilla ice cream
oh yeah, and oj


Sounds Interesting :)

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

it is very interesting. making fudge too. maybe zucinni bread

Ocean Springs, MS

JKJ, take care of yourself, girl.

Still making and canning here! Want to pack some special goodies!

Has anyone seen the maple-bacon cookie mix in the stores? I bought some to make for the kids' Halloween party! My 16-year-old Chase will eat bacon on anything! LOL He really liked the chocolate covered bacon!


lol I heard about a gf's kid making some and she sent them in to band class cause they were yucky. If you try them let us know? hehe

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

just got home from my heart cath. what a pain.

Victoria Harbour, ON

My box should have arrived by now

Let's hope partner thought I was creative with what I sent and not dissatisfied with the conents


Kathy... just remember my knee!!! lol ;)

Im excited to see what ya sent Betty!

Victoria Harbour, ON

I wouldn't get toooo excited lol


Its not toe jam, is it? ;)

Victoria Harbour, ON

Has something to do with not being able to send fruit across the border

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Kathy, what did they say about your heart cath?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I sure hope my partner didn't dislocate her back getting her box back in to the house :) Most of all I hope nothing is broken .


LK- shes takin it easy so she doesnt bleed herself out, seriously lol. She needs to. :)

Betty did you tell them toe jam isnt fruit!?!? lol jk, I understand where your coming from.

Susie.. hmmm shouldnt be broke, your skills are epic ;).. she might have found it and gotten lost in the box?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Nope it was to land today but tracking looks like it will be tomorrow looks as it had to go to a spot where they had more heavy weights to handly it :)
sure hope nothing is broken if so take pictures so that I can turn it into my PO .
Here is what went on while i went to my dr's to get the block in my back
after lifting the box i needed it :)))
Meet my Nice Wanda Hard to believe she had back surgery in July & She built this cupboardd unit in her Garage & hauled it over here today to set it in place it is My flintstone rustic storage IJust love it # one reason is she built it with love :) # 2 is that it is so rustic ,:)

well you all have a great eve

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Betty's box arrived here yesterday, and everything is safe and sound. It is a lovely box, very typical of Betty's great handiwork. We are in the middle of moving several downed trees out of our front pasture, and need it done before we host our sheepdog trial. I will endeavor to get pictures in the morning.
I got some Canadian maple syrup and Canadian fudge. Betty made me a beautiful painted wooden plate complete with a wooden knife and a "sliced" wooden apple. She also sent a soap in the shape of a cupcake and two pouches of seeds, one four o'clock and the other coreopsis.
Love everything, thanks Betty.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Glad it arrived

Wanted to send things made of apples because I'm in apple country but no could do sooooo
Made you apples that you can set up and will never rot!

Ocean Springs, MS

OH, Canadian maple syrup and Canadian fudge... Sounds yummy!

Still packing things into my box! Almost done!


Yummm Maple Syrup!!!! You cant beat the real stuff!! Roux hope you get a break! I think you need breakfast in bed :)

So cool Susie!

Ocean Springs, MS

Yummy, yummy! Got my box from Susie (Deejay)! Yummy, yummy! Some good treats for me to eat! HAHA - gonna hide it from the kids! HAHA
Chocolate Covered Bacon (I said I would hide it but Chase has a nose for bacon and he will find it!) LOL
Pumpkin butter
Apple Raisin Mincemeat (I've never eaten mincemeat, but Susie sent a Sugar cookie recipe, so I will definitely try it!)
Anise Oil (for the sugar cookies)
Michigan Pure Maple Syrup (love REAL maple syrup. will put it in the fridge because the last jar I had grew mold sitting in the cabinet)
Angel Food Cake mIx in a Mug (can make many little cakes with the mix Susie sent)
A "From Michigan Susie" Mug with apple cider mix
Some Latte Hard Candies (yummy)

Thank you so much, Susie! I will savor all of it! I LOVE everything! ♥

Thumbnail by froggies_girl Thumbnail by froggies_girl Thumbnail by froggies_girl
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I also wanted to send a jar of the sugar cookie Mix but didn't have all ing on hand ,so sorry but I sent the Important part of them :)))) you will love this MM Trust me .if you use it in the cookies , If you make one large 5 in cookie put MM in center & Fold over in 1/2 moon shape you will get many more cookies.
enjoy & it was fun.

Ocean Springs, MS

I will try it! I know my mom and Aunt love mincemeat, so I will make sure I share with them!

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