Fall 2014 Gourmet from Home Swap


Ooh froggie did you make it yet?

Im making Beef Summer Sausage today..what are the rest of you troublemakers doing?? lol

Ocean Springs, MS

I'll be making the granola later this week. I want lots of dried berries in it. And lots of almonds! Yummy!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

I made a batch of Andouille sausage and another Of Australian sausage over the weekend both were made with lamb and both turned out very good.
I also have been peeling and freezing a case of peaches. I am thinking some sort of preserves with what I have left.

Is summer sausage hard to make/smoke/cure?


Those sound good joy!!! I made some apple sausage a few weeks ago, everyone liked it but me LOL! I mixed the seasonings and beef yesterday, stuffing and cooking today. Ill let ya know when its done :)

Spiced Peach is good, Its DH's favorite

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Man, those sausages sound good!

Ocean Springs, MS

Yes, we'd like to know when it's done! Made the cherry almond jam this morning! Elani loved it! Ok, I want to make cheese- mozzarella, cheddar, colby, maybe parmesan. I've been looking at cheese starter kits on ebay. Does anyone have any suggestions?


Julie iv never used a starter, I just use a chunk of the cheese I want to make and chuck it in. Where's joy? I have a question for her about mold Lol. Been making farm cheese for a gal my hubs works with but there's no cure time with it

Ocean Springs, MS

Badcat, Please send me some detailed info on how to make the cheese! I want to get started! Thanks!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Mozzarella is an easy cheese to make, Parmesan is the toughest. Cheddar and Colby are not a good starter cheese.
I recommend people start with chèvre, ricotta, mozzarella, or feta. Yogurt is a good starting point as well.
These can be made with either goat or cow milk. You need an innoculant and rennet to make cheeses, but you can use a live bacteria yogurt to inoculate a new batch. I know quite a few people who start with kits, but I would recommend you get one from a reputable source. If you want to really delve, I would suggest you buy supplies from a cheesemaking supplier. They aren't tremendously expensive and can be stored in the freezer for long periods.
Mozzarella is a quick cheese that is fun to make.

Ocean Springs, MS

Thanks, Joy! I've found some info online, too! Going to start with mozzarella as soon as I get rennet. Going to check our health food store Friday then get fresh milk from Saturday market. I'll share how it comes out!



Ocean Springs, MS

Made granola this morning! My daughter laughed at me... she said that I made too much! LOL
I made it with oats, puffed rice, honey, coconut oil, slivered almonds, vanilla and orange extracts, and dried cranberries, cherries, and blueberries! It tastes so good!
I keep coconut oil on hand to make lemon facial sugar scrub for my teenagers! It works better for acne than anything OTC!


you go girl!!!!

I had to clean my oven today from the sausage =/ Ill be back with my findings from THAT!

(Tracy) Lk Pan, FL(Zone 9a)

I love granola. The only time I tried to make it, it came out like one huge chewy granola bar! I was going for crunchy! lol

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

I love homemade granola. Kudos to you for making some. It is one of those things I keep saying I want to do again, but always seem to find a reason not to get it done.

I was rummaging in the freezer and found some cream I had frozen earlier from our goat milk.
So I made some flavored butters. Pecan butter, maple butter, and garlic butter. It makes cardboard taste good.

Ocean Springs, MS

The granola is still soft, so I think I'm going to have to cook it more. Low oven temp for a longer time.

The flavored butters sound delicious!

Off to pottery class today, and need to water plants this afternoon. It is dry again!

Making soap next week! Lavender first because it smells so good. Then tangerine-apricot. Then ????? I'll see what other combinations. Also have recipes for body wash and scrubs. Need to make my list for the health food store!


lol @ cardboard!! Butters sound gooood!!!!

Julie you busy beaver!!

Sausage didnt turn out so great..need lower temp and I ground it too fine..looked like cat food lol taste good though

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry about your sausage Amanda!

(Tracy) Lk Pan, FL(Zone 9a)

badcat, can you salvage your sausage into goetta or scrapple?

Julie, maybe that is what went wrong with mine. I followed the recipe to the letter (including bake time) and it was goo.


I need to write quite a bit on here!!! Just trying to catch up with a birthday and dh coming home tomorrow~~ Been working on this all day?? Does it look like a guys genitals or something else!?!

Thumbnail by badcat
Ocean Springs, MS

I plead the 5th! LOL

I baked the granola more this morning and it hardened. Got it in an airtight container now. Putting some up for the swap! :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Maybe once you decorate the cake it will look like it supposed to!


Yay im glad it turned out julie!!! :)

Having some coffee and getting this day going

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Amanda good thing hubbys coming home your getting a worped mind :) hehe we don't have to ask what you will be up to this weekend :) tell chat welcome back for us :)


Susie I didn't think it did till one of the guys from my rabbit breeders assoc said it Lol! Then i was like omg it does!!! I have Tyler's birthday party tomorrow and my dad and brother are coming down Tues..waiting on my ears to dry here's my train wreck from yesterday Lol

Thumbnail by badcat
Ocean Springs, MS

Ok, I potted plants for my sunroom this morning! Off to make soap now! Excited to see how it turns out!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Looks like you need to start over on the rabbit cake! Sorry this one did not turn out!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Just made a batch of papaya jam, new one for me, but it turned out wonderful. Now I am making applesauce in my pressure cooker, just four minutes of cooking. May turn it into apple butter, can't decide.

Ocean Springs, MS

I'm investing in a pressure cooker next year! Wanted to can peas and butterbeans, but had to freeze them instead!

Waiting until tomorrow morning to make soap. Kids are here, so we are having dinner and watching a movie.

Been going through my books of "Gifts in a Jar" to make a couple for the swap. I'll make some up and then customize for my buddy when I get her name.


Oh you naysayers!!!! Joy what's the recipe for the green tomatoes something.. I'm not sure

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

OK sign me up Badcat.
No Hot stuff, Please. And if at all possible, leave out the Black pepper, my mom is extremely allergic and she eats here often. ;) Thanks!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

What green tomato something? Pie? jam? Fried? Cake? Relish? Bread?

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I laughed out loud about your cake post, Amanda! cause it did look that way, from a certain angle.


I got a bit of a breather today before my dad and brother get here tomorrow :).

What did you decide on joy?? You sent it to Karen in the spring, good on meats..chutney or relish?

Froggie did you start on any soap? YAY the granola turned out! :D

Flo-I put the "sausage" in the freezer for now, think itll make great chili meat. Next time im pressure canning Ill make a batch and do it up. Going to do the sausage again..HOWEVER im not going to do 5 # at a time till I get it right LOL

Nanny got ya down, Welcome :)

Happy Little Boy :)

Thumbnail by badcat Thumbnail by badcat Thumbnail by badcat
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Awe, you got the bunny cake done! That is awesome!

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Excellent job on the cake Amanda! I like it much better with ears! lol

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Cute! Never would guess what is hiding inside that bunny!!!

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

lol Crystal!


Thanks! My baby was happy and that was all that mattered :)

crystal..this is what was inside the bunny, had your name on it ;)

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Love the cake!

I believe it was my green tomato jam.


makes appx 24 ounces of preserves


4 lbs green tomatoes

Sugar, half the weight of the final diced and seeded tomatoes (mine came to 2 cups)

2 inch piece of ginger

6 cardamom pods

2 lemons, zest and juice

1 teaspoon powdered pectin (optional)


Cut tomatoes, removing seeds and white core. Dice or roughly chop remaining flesh and place in a ceramic or plastic bowl.

Remove outer skin of the ginger and shred using a zester or finely chop. Add to tomatoes.

Crush cardamom pods with the side of your knife to release the seeds. Discard pods and add seeds to the bowl.

Zest lemon over the bowl. When finished, cut lemon in half and squeeze juice into the tomato mixture.

Pour sugar into bowl with the tomatoes and spices and toss to combine all ingredients well. Cover with plastic wrap, and allow to macerate in the refrigerator for 24-48 hours.

On cooking day, pour tomatoes and all the released juices into a large, heavy pot (I used my enameled Dutch oven) and bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally. Skim if necessary.

Reduce heat, but maintain a gentle, bubbly simmer. Cook for 10 minutes. Check consistency. Continue cooking for 10 minutes at time until reduced and thickened into a syrupy consistency. I simmered mine for about 50 minutes. After half an hour, I added the pectin when the mixture did not show signs of jelling.

Pour into jars sterilized according to manufacturer’s directions. Store in refrigerator or freezer if not canning.

Sent from my iPad

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