Who else got rain?

Fort Worth, TX

As it is my garden is on the pond, so that rock is not too big of an issue. I don't know, I can give up gardening or I can learn to live with what is here or I can live somewhere else and learn to live with it there. My grandchildren are in Texas, but if climate change is occurring I daresay they'll follow wherever I go. I suspect that North Texas will resemble Arizona within 10 years. I grew up traveling, hence the moniker. 2 of my daughters still live within 5 miles of where they grew up, they don't know how to start elsewhere. My most successful crops this year are bees and chickens.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Bees are a very important crop!

Fort Worth, TX

well they are actually, but the drought is killing the wild bees too. First cutout I did the only honey they had was bright red: Hummingbird feeder red.

I am rescuing the ones I can and bringing them here to feed up, requeen if I need to, sell the hive in the spring when there is a market for them. Better than letting them die

(Becky), Lipan, TX(Zone 7b)

Gypsi I feel for you, and your predictions scare me.. I hope you're wrong..

Hope you find a happy place somewhere, and continue to support the bees wherever that may be :)

This message was edited Sep 22, 2014 7:30 PM

Fort Worth, TX

I hope I am wrong too. I think we have a choice that can make me wrong, but I don't see humanity as a species making that choice. I am preparing just in case. The kids (20 and 30 somethings) call it "prepping". There are 2 kinds of prepping. Packing a bag to go somewhere if a catastrophe happens, and making the somewhere a place to go. I'm going for option 2

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, we had rain on Sat. and the mosquitos have arrived..I'm lucky bc they don't usually sting me but they buzz around me and the noise makes me crazy. Found a lizard in the house unfortunately so did one of the cats..the rest is history.

Fort Worth, TX

Glad you got some rain Lisa.. Sorry about the lizard...

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

This has been the craziest year....it has either been muddy or dusty. I've never had so many bugs (or lizards) in the house. One day they are coming in bc ts been so dry the next it's because tts so wet. Strange....

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I just found a petrified lizard in my dining room! Poor thing😔. We've had a more than usual rainy summer in W Houston & not quite so hot as usual. Can't wait for the cooler weather😊

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Only 20 hours to wait for that Houston cool front to blow through!

Fort Worth, TX

our 40% chance of rain is all supposed to fall east of 35. Gee what a big surprise. Watching the weather is a waste of time.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

We had a little storm blow through around 4:00AM. The thunder woke me up and then the rain beating against the window woke me up a little later. Ugh!! I'll take the rain, though!

Fort Worth, TX

got almost half an inch from probably that 4 am point to about 9:30 am. I ALMOST took the back windows out of the house yesterday preparatory to my helper helping me set the new ones Fortunately I got hungry and caught the 40% chance on the 5:00 news so my windows were in when it rained. Loving the rain though

Dallas, TX

I have no idea how much rain we got on Thursday, Oct. 2nd. It blew in fast and hard but then tapered off. I was more concerned with my electricity. The storm blew out transformers (you could hear the loud pops) in much of Dallas, including my own neighborhood. So I was without power for approx. 48 hours. Fortunately the rain cooled the temps. And b/c I live in a house built in the '40s, I always keep a lot of flashlights on hand. My biggest concern? Keeping my cell phone charged! Later I told my neighbors that if we'd been thinking faster, we could have had a big cookout instead of throwing out all the food in our freezers. Maybe next time.

Fort Worth, TX

I have a gravity light that will do a slow charge on a cell phone, just raise the bag and as it falls it creates power. And a solar panel on the roof, but I need a new inverter or DC appliances... For now I pulled the battery off of it.

Dallas, TX

Gypsi - I have no idea about what you just said. Guess I need to google 'gravity light'. :D

Fort Worth, TX

gravity light is what it is called. I kicked in $50 on the startup funding campaign a couple of years ago, they were actually developed for India, etc, where electricity is scarce. When they got done building I got a prototype. It works, Very cool. I do not know if you can buy one in the U.S.

More reliable than my solar panel with inverter. The solar works fine, but it was a 2011 inverter to turn DC into AC and it didn't last all the way through 2012, at $80 I didn't rush out and buy a new one this year. Hasn't been that hot.

This message was edited Oct 10, 2014 10:55 AM

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I don't understand what Gypsi said either, even in her last post. Im not very good with technology....I have a car charger tho for my cell phone. The storm on Oct 2nd came in fast and loud. It did leave some rain behind but not as much as I was expecting. It's supposed to 20* cooler here tomorrow. It was 92 today, they say 74 tomorrow. We shall see...

Fort Worth, TX

A picture is worth 1000 words. http://deciwatt.org/

Dallas, TX

We had rain again last night, don't know how much, accompanied by power outage. Happily the power outage only lasted about 45 minutes. At least the temp cooled down from a toasty 97. Predictions (if true) is that we will not have any more days in the 90s. I can definitely go along with that.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

We got a good drenching last night and it covered a wide area. The storm arrived with a BIG boom, that rattled the windows. Today the high was 67*, I couldn't believe it. I put on my shorts and tank top and nearly froze to death.

Fort Worth, TX

I got about 3/4 of an inch I think, I set buckets in a couple of places and average my reading. It is a good start. And I changed the sand in the chicken run before the rain got here, and got my windows sealed up with caulk and trim before hand. stuck with taxes this weekend but it beats a stinky chicken run and leaking windows

(Becky), Lipan, TX(Zone 7b)

We've had a little rain here, .25" yesterday.. not quite the 2" I was anticipating but I'll take it! Glad y'all are safe, the weathers been unpredictable and scary lately! Still waiting for El Niño to arrive as predicted by NOAA ..

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

We picked up about 3/4" in my part of Fort Worth Friday night/Saturday morning. I think I'm more excited about the cooler temps, though.

Fort Worth, TX

I'm loving the cooler temps but I'd best get my tilapia indoors if I want them to live. Anyone needs some house-fish?

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I got a sprinkling yesterday between 4-5pm. Enough to cool it off a bit, and water all the raised beds without muddying up the ground...

Fort Worth, TX

I got 2 inches overnight, ponds ran over

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

We got 1.5" in our rain gauge. I'll take it!

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

It has been raining here since last night. Just a slow rain with intermittent showers, it's perfect. Only problem is the dog won't go outside. How long can he hold it? Lol

How's everyone else doing?

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

The same here minus the dog, we have a cat, but she uses the litter box. What a relief!!!

Fort Worth, TX

Bronx held it for about 20 hours before we had a solid accident in the house. At 107 lbs he is sure he will melt if he gets rained on, UNLESS he is wearing his leash. So I took them all the way around the block this morning to be sure everyone's innards got moving before they went out back to do business, then shoved them in their crates.

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Sorry about your problem, we learn everyday, right?

Fort Worth, TX

We do indeed. That's his first accident in 6 years. He isn't feeling well. anyway an inch of rain was nice

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Boomer, at 80+ lbs, waits for me to open the door then hears the rain and goes back in the house. Lol He final got desperate and did go outside, but he didn't stay long. He has to be desperate to "go" when he has a leash on.

Frostweed, I have a cat too but like you said he can use the cat box. For some reason he doesn't seem to mind the rain as much. He will at least go out and sit on the porch. Boomer looks like he is being tortured. Lol

Love the nice steady rain, and the cooler temps.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

My Gypsy loves the water, but has no water dog in her, she just doesnt care unless it is a downpour, the rainhit Houston yesterday and driving became a nightmare fast.
The blooms are loving it

Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana
SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Dogs and thunder...

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

No Thunder, At least not here, Boomer just doesn't like the rain but he loves playing in puddles. He didn't have any accidents in the house, either. Lucky for me.

Dallas, TX

My scaredy cat hates thunder and lightening. Mr. Tubbs yowls a little and then hides under the covers.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Well,it looks like the freezes are over for the moment, but boy did we rain! I let the livestock "lawn ornaments" over to the people side bc all the plants are dead anyway. Bad idea, the pig is rooting everywhere, and eating acorns. Oh well, he sure is happy and they eat the grass so there will be less mowing.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Hahaha! Rainin on ME! Grand Junction, Colorado. It was a VERY GOOD week to go west instead of east! Sigh

Thumbnail by kittriana

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