Who else got rain?

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm just wondering who/where else got rain this week? Im mainly talking about Thursday and Friday. It really stormed here but Im not complaining, we need the rain. Unfortunatly, some of my almost ripe tomatoes, cracked do to the excess moisture. Weird weather we are having.

Belton, TX

Storms here with about 1" recorded for the week...seemed like the clouds just hung over us and every now and then 'cut loose'!...

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

We got 4 tenths through the whole event, but the temperature was amazing. A very nice break from the heat.

Mesquite, TX

2.5" at my yard in SE Mesquite, most of that coming in one 12 hour period. .

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

We got 1.5" , most on Thursday, with a little on Friday morning.

Frisco, TX(Zone 8a)

We got somewhere around 4 inches!

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

According to my neighbor we got a little over 5" on Thursday into Friday. I just wish it could rain without booming. Lol I don't think I'll ever get use to the sound of lightening hitting so close to the house and the thunder shaking the windows....

With all the rain I can hardly get in my garden, guess I planted stuff a little too close...been a long time since we've had a summer like this.

Kingsville, TX(Zone 9b)

It came a good rain here last Friday! Don't know the amount in inches, but it sure was nice! Temperature was down for a few hours, too! I was gone over the weekend, but I've heard there was a pretty good downpour on Saturday, too.
Seems like I can water and water, and water, all it does is keep things barely alive. But one good shower, and everything springs into life. It's wonderful! ! ! !

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Got about 3 inches overall here in Houston.

Rowlett, TX(Zone 8a)

Had 1-3/4" in Rowlett, all coming on Thursday. And sure did enjoy highs in the 70s for three days. The plants sure are happy, which I can't usually say at the end of July.


Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

My garden hasn't looked this heathy in yrs. I can't keep up with the weeds but my veggie plants are so happy. Things are coming on later then normal, but I did plant out late. Last year I had made pickles by now but if the all the cukes that are set now grow to pickling size I'll have plenty to make more. My tomato plants are loaded with tomatoes but I've picked a lot that were over ripe or had BER. This is the first year I've ever had problems eith BER but the rest of the tomatoes look good. I planted a lot of vining stuff, melons, cukes, and squash. Now they are all growing together and I can't tell which is which.....I keep watching the weather hopping we get more rain.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

It rained "down the road" yesterday but none for us. Tonight just a few minutes ago the sky opened. Now it's over. It IS a weird summer. Mark said something about an atypical Canadian airmass that came through. I sure enjoyed the lower humidity😊 Now it's back to normal😓

Frisco, TX(Zone 8a)

Late last week and Saturday the temps were great,in the 80s or low 90s. Then the heat and humidity came back; It sure was nice while it lasted,especially if you remember the summer we had almost 2 months straight of 100+ days.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

There is a small chance of rain today. Maybe I'll buy a truck load of animal feed, that will make it rain for sure....even if there is no chance of rain what so ever. Lol

Dallas, TX

It seems like it rained everywhere but my house. Well, yes. I did get some rain, but not like surrounding areas got.

(Becky), Lipan, TX(Zone 7b)

Happy y'all got rain! It's been skipping over us, almost intentionally it seems..

It's been over 100 consistently this week, but they're calling for a few days next week with high temps in the 80s.. boy will that be nice!!

Lisa that is too funny about the animal feed!! And I'm so happy you're garden is thriving :)

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

A small but very intense storm passed over my place yesterday around 2 pm. It was completely unexpected everything got flooded when it poured for abt 45 mins. Then it was sunny. The Mosquitos came out with a vengeance they were/are swarming the doors. Even the dog is getting stung. I hate using OFF but I really don't see an option. My garden is like a jungle. Everything is growing like crazy but all the moisture is making stuff split. I can't keep up with the weeds/ grass. The long bean plants are growing so rapidly that I can see a difference between the morning and the evening. It's been a long time since we have had a summer Ike this.

Edited to add that I didn't even need to buy feed and this happened anyway...lol

This message was edited Jul 25, 2014 8:59 PM

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

We got the same kind of deluge Thursday morning. .87 inches in less than an hour.

I know what you mean Lisa, my grass/weeds are beyond out of control. I have a section that has two tomato plants that has them totally hidden. DH is going to have to get my DR Trimmer going this weekend because it is the only thing that will take it down.
I am not horribly complaining, for seven years we have been in a drought, this is the first year we haven't had to buy hay nonstop in a long time.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

What's a DR trimmer?

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

It is a souped up cross between a mower, string trimmer, and a chain saw. They are used to help clear land and mow areas too tough for a mower. We have both string and blades for ours. With the blades it can cut through a 2" thick trunk. We bought it when we were first starting to reclaim our land. It was/is marvelous for clearing out the multitude of trash trees and brush that surrounded the big oaks.

Thumbnail by rouxcrew
(Becky), Lipan, TX(Zone 7b)

Oh I so wish I had one of those dr trimmers! Add a mantis tiller and you wouldn't see me til winter ;)

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I need something smaller, I was thinking of those flame weeders, now that stuff isn't bone dry. I went out of town at the beginning of July and I'm going to go again the weeds/grass will be over my head. This is in my garden can't be mowing around cukes, melons and watermelon. Everything has gone crazy haven't had a wet summer like this in ages.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

This strange weather seems much more like back East than like Texas. More weeds, more bugs, more mosquitos, and too chilly to swim. Also stuff on a later schedule.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Too chilly to swim? What? Lol

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Wowzer!! We got a serious storm yesterday. I knew it was going to rain but it was more like a tropical storm. It was pouring, very high winds & I couldn't do anything to protect my plants or outdoor things. The storm broke both of our pool umbrellas, toppled several tall plants & the worse thing is it brought down my trellis of cucs & cantaloupe😩😱😢. Mark bought some metal fence posts & we'll have to try & fix it this evening. I sure hope my melons are ok...

Thumbnail by bariolio
(Becky), Lipan, TX(Zone 7b)

Lisa, I had to google that flame weeder and WOW!! I want one too! Firrree!!!!! Way cool :))

Bariolo, I'm so sorry! That sucks on the highest level, hoping y'all can lift the trellis without losing the vines..

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Becky. Mark drove in the supports and as he lifted, I zip-tied. All seems to be well. I harvested many pickling cucs! One cantaloupe fell off but it may have been ready. I just didn't want to spend my evening doing that. Got a nice swim in after though :)

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Growing up in the north, I usually found swimming unpleasant because the water was SO COLD! I mean in Maine, the ocean is 50^ and the air is 75^. (Swam for hours anyway.)

I love to swim out here when the air is 95^ and the water is 90^ (?). I am (obviously) guessing at water temps. But when it's 76^ here and the water is 70^, it's too cold for me. I am inventing most of these temperatures but you see what I mean, I hope.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I got so much rain here last night, I was up most of the night...

Raced home and mowed the lawn. Then, I threw down all kinds of much-needed amendments and some fertilizer. Was dog tired by the time I hit the pillow. Then all HELL broke loose!

First indicator was the bright lights flashing in my window. Second, was the house rattling. Third was the booming so close everything was shaking. The final straw was remembering I have an aluminum roof on my house, and wondering if the thunder would hit it and set off a fire in the attic -- that's what kept me up most of the night...

One woman's home in Kingwood was set on fire by thunder last night...

And even though I'm punch drunk today, I still praised God for all the free rain that watered in my lawn. I figure that was about a $90 savings on my next water bill.

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Congratulations on the rain, I am glad you and your house are O.K.

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

We got none of that Houston rain the other night although we did get 1.5" Thursday evening, just around chore time. Lasted less than an hour, we sat in the barn scratching goats and listening to the rain on the tin roof till it passed. Unfortunately, hard rain isn't nearly as pleasant to hear. There was no talking. LOL

Kingsville, TX(Zone 9b)

It's raining here this morning, Hallelujah! It is so desperately needed! ! Some thunder, too, so I know there is lightening somewhere around, but I haven't seen it. I just LOVE storms! ! At least, as long as they aren't violent. This has been a very calming and soothing storm, gentle rain, soft thunder, very little wind. I love it! Wish it would last all day, but I'm grateful for whatever we get in the way of rain!

(Becky), Lipan, TX(Zone 7b)

Aw, wish we'd get a little rain. It teased us a few times this week but passed on by. My rainbarrel is down to 100 gal, I hope it gets filled up again soon :)

Glad y'all are getting it though, every drop counts! Roux crew, how relaxing -- scratching goats and listening to the rain on the tin roof!! Love it!

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Well, lets me know to park on concrete when I get home tomorro evening, hopefully we goy rain too, but it isnt a guarantee we get it when everyone else does. Belton is cloudy and warm. Humidity is different here- I usually wont swim here til last of Aug, tho I will wade into either of the oceans if I am there. Glad the vines did ok.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm in SoCal and it rained a little bit here yesterday, not near enough to make a dent in the drought but it never rains here at this time of year. Strange...

Glad everyone is safe.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

And I think it was stormy on the East Coast, too! Cold and damp in Euless last week.

Fort Worth, TX

got 1/8th of an inch. in the course of 3 days that's all. gave up and watered to put down beneficial nematodes while the temp was cool, got the fire ants out of the garden with them, put my long potted squash, chard and peppers in the small area I could get moist enough.

I am shopping for land where it rains, not in Texas.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

We are getting a sprinkle every day I have been home. Dry spells are everywhere tho, and if it isnt dry, theres too much rain..

Dallas, TX

Rained last night. Don't know how much. But incredibly loud thunder and very bright lightening flashes. Yippee!

(Becky), Lipan, TX(Zone 7b)

Gypsi, no kidding about buying land where it actually rains. I was watching a pbs documentary about the "dust bowl", and it frightened me half to death. I hope I never see a drought like that. The one we're in right now is bad enough.

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