Division of Plants grouped together

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ(Zone 7a)

I have 4-5 pots of succulents that have 3 different plants in them. Can I seperate them? There is no way to tell who's roots belong to who. SO I am scared that by dividing them I may take away more or less of one plants roots. These plants are growing really good, But I don't think they all need the same care. Especially one of them, he's not happy with the lack of water all of my other succulents get. So what to do? I really am afraid I am going to kill them. Some are growing faster than the others in the pot. I know if I leave them in there. The others will eventually be thrown in the shadows and never heard from again. HELP please.
Thanking you in advance.

Muncie, IN(Zone 5B)

It's a piece of cake, tiredwabbit. Remove the plants from each pot as a group. Knock off as much soil as you can so you can see how the roots are growing. Often you can separate the roots with little difficulty. Take your time and tease them apart. What doesn't come apart, you can cut. You can also go one step further and wash all the soil off - this might make it a little easier. If you lose some of the roots, it's not a big deal. You didn't say what the plants were but most will survive easily enough with 1/3 or 1/4 of their roots. For any plant that loses quite a bit of their roots, give them a little time to reestablish before you put them in very bright light or fertilize them. Before you pot them up, check for root mealies and other little critters. LOL patrick

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ(Zone 7a)

Thanks Patrick! I need to start writing their names down. At one point I knew them. Now though with major brain farts, I forgot them. I do know there are echeveria's mixed in with jades, then we have porticularia afra(srry for the spelling just going with what it sounds like at the moment) with sedums. hairy ones with jades. Some matches aren't working and some are. The ones who are fine I might leave. Yet there is that part of me that wants them seperate so in the future I don't have to deal with the mess that is sure to come when they get bigger and invade each others space.
Thanks for your help and I will most likely tackle this task in the next few days.

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