Greetings from AL!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Bec, Your atypical foundation plantings are great looking, did you receive any comment from HellOfAlabama? They probably expected a couple of pencil hollys, some yews, and junipers so it looks like a contractor planting. LOL The funny thing is some banks did not consider a build as done unless it had a foundation planting done. Most contractors had no knowledge of what they were planting and stuck green things next to the house to satisfy the requirement. I've seen left over Christmas trees that can grow to 50' planted in foundation plantings, probably because the contractor got a deal.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I removed every single plant/shrub they planted & put my own complaints, I asked when we moved in - it's only permanent building that we need auth for & the trees...I did & am planning on adding hanging pots for annuals on the fence & since it's 'architectural' I got permission....I'm slowly adding more nearly every day, just planted some Delospermas & Phlox today

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

You go girl!!! It's just a shame they had to plant anything in the first place.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL, yah I asked if I could get a credit and no landscaping done by the developer... nope, they had to put something in! So, out it came!

Becky, your home looks as beautiful & welcoming on the outside as I know you've made it within. All that hard work is already paying off!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Greg is still very "protective" of me when it comes to gardening, still not allowed to do any major digging by him...there's 3 Clem's coming tomorrow & he'll dig the holes - small plants I'm 'allowed' to plant - but no digging! When we got rid of the builder shrubs, I posted on our community board & got rid of all of them to good homes! That's how I met the other "crazy plant" lady here & she gave me the 2 Japanese maples I planted! This fall I have to divide a bunch of the plants that look like they'll grow HUGE if I don't divide them & I'll post again to see if I get takers!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

It all looks awesome, Bec! I remember when you got the shipments of plants you'd ordered and first put them in! :-) Looks beautiful now!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Catching up, sharing your fun... it's all exciting and pretty!

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