Spring plants from ADR astilbe, phlox, more?

Central, MD(Zone 7a)


I would be interested in the helleborus. What is left?

Put me down for 1 of each of the dahlias.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks for all your work organizing, Critter! I think for now I'm happy with the phlox Jeana. I have such a soft spot in my heart for phlox! :-)

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Terp and others interested in Hellebores from North Creek please see this new interest thread.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Terp -- that's 9 dahlias for you! No pink astilbe?

There are 3 each of the 'Melody' series remaining, and 9 'Wink'... these are shorter dahlias, easy to manage in containers... :-)

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm good with Astilbe. Thank you.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'd like to add a 3rd compact variety of phlox, 'Flame Purple'.

Terp, would you want 6 of those to go with your others?

If so, then we have 6 of each available (Flame Pink, Flame White w/Red Eye, Flame Purple)... close enough to add them to our order, since it's easy to find places for short plants.

I'll take 4 more (10 altogether) of the 'Eva Cullem' (I've got you down for 6 of those, Terp -- is that right?), leaving 6 available... who wants them?

Oh, and Terp, I might have a 'Bright Eyes' for you, depending on whether or not it overwintered in its pot (I bought a sale plant last fall and split a couple of divisions from it).

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Jill, I have found a spot for those taller phlox varieties. I can take 5 each of
Ostrich Plume and either Bridal Veil or White Gloria (not both)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK Holly, I've got you down for 5 'Ostrich Plume' and 5 'White Gloria' (the tall one).

Aspen, you've got the last 5 'Bridal Veil' for now, so you have equal numbers of that and 'Ostrich Plume'.

We'll drop astilbe 'Erika' from consideration.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm waiting for updates on availability for the perennials we're trying to add.

Meanwhile, they did say they could get us some Eucomis ("pineapple lily") 'Tiny Piny Ruby', for $1.50 each. That's a great price, and I think it'll be easier to find spaces for one of the dwarf varieties, especially in containers (easier to find those "lift in fall" bulbs if they're in containers!)

B&D Lilies site says the Tiny Piny series can be grown with 1 in a 4 inch pot, or 3 in a 6 inch pot for the first year... upgrade those 3 to a 10 inch pot long-term... more: http://bdlilies.blogspot.com/2012/04/growing-tiny-piny-eucomis-planting.html

Holly, I know you were interested but don't know how many you'd want (like most of our orders, I think these come in bags of 25). I'm going to go ahead and order some, because I think they'd make nice gifts for Joyanna's teachers (3 in a pot) etc.

Anybody else for these uniquely adorable flowers? they really do look like colorful pineapples, with a little tuft of leaves at the top of each columnar bloom. https://www.bloomingbulb.com/p-51066-tiny-piny-ruby-pineapple-lily-3-tubers.aspx

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Owch, Didn't notice that they weren't hardy. But I can take half of them if need be, but will share. I'd like at least 5-6 of them.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I'd take 3 or 5-6 of those Tiny Ruby pineapple lilies. Will make either 1 or 2 containers.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Cool; I think the 'Tiny Piny Ruby' should be a "go," then. I'll post the final price when they add them (with shipping) to our invoice, but I don't expect shipping to be much on these little guys.

I'm not sure how I ended up adding so many "lift in fall" things this year, Holly, but at least the glads, dahlias, caladiums, and eucomis can all be stored dormant for the winter!

silver spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm good for what's listed for me. Thanks


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm going to try to talk directly to Chris tomorrow, to confirm all the items in our order... generally, if they haven't told me otherwise, we get what we've requested, but it takes a while for their invoicing system to catch up and send me confirmations.

I think I will try to drop Phlox 'Eva Cullum' if they're not already on their way. We're pretty good on numbers with everything else, although there are some unclaimed and some that could be made available.

Terp, I've got you down for 6 each of Phlox Flame Pink & Flame White w Red Eye. If we're able to get Flame Purple, do you want 6 of that one also? Also, plmk if you're interested in Phlox 'Jeanna' from North Creek -- I'm down for 2 dozen, so I can spare a few!

Holly, I know you're busy having fun but if you come up for air plmk if you want any of the 'Melody' or 'Wink' dahlias.

Currently, I think we have the following potentially available:

3 'Key West'
3 'Key Largo'
3 'Key Biscayne' (if we got it added)
5 younique Lilac
5 younique Silvery Pink
5 'Amethyst'
5 'Bridal Veil'
5 'White Gloria'

PHLOX, compact
6 Flame Pink
6 Flame White w Red Eye
6 Flame Purple

3 EUCOMIS (pineapple lily, dwarf) 'Tiny Piny Ruby'

9 'Wink' (dwarf plant, dark/purple leaves, pink w/ hot pink eye)
possibly 3 each of the 'Melody' varieties if Holly doesn't want them

1 pack of 10 corms available for each variety in our assortment

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

3 'Key West'
3 'Key Largo'
3 'Key Biscayne' (if we got it added)
5 younique Lilac
5 younique Silvery Pink
5 'Amethyst'
5 'Bridal Veil'
5 'White Gloria'

PHLOX, compact
6 Flame Pink
6 Flame White w Red Eye
6 Flame Purple

Jill I'm good on the phlox,

MAYBE if you get purple I would be interested.

What is the price per plant for the above? Rough approximations are good. Ill see what I can do to sell them. :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

phlox and astilbes are $1.30 each, including shipping

Chris is in meetings this morning; waiting for a call back.

Terp, just making sure... do you want me to reserve the remaining 6 Flame Purple Phlox for you (if we have them)? I do have you down for 6 each of the Flame Pink & Flame White w Red Eye. The purple would let you plant 6 multi-colored clumps of 3, LOL.

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Sure. Why not. Thanks for responding I realized how lazy my question was after the fact.

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Ok Jill,

Man I'm good at selling these.

Could you put this order under Terp #2.

2 'Key West'
2 'Key Largo'
2 'Key Biscayne' (if we got it added)
2 younique Lilac
2 younique Silvery Pink
2 'Amethyst'
2 'Bridal Veil'
2 'White Gloria'

I'll take the remaining phlox...
PHLOX, compact
6 Flame Pink
6 Flame White w Red Eye
6 Flame Purple

That brings the order to $44.20 before the North Creek order.
And the tall Jenna phlox from North Creek we can talk about for Terp #2, what is the size of them and what is the cost?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Terp, sorry for the continuing confusion... Do you want 12 of the Flame Purple Phlox to go with 12 each for the other two Flame varieties? Or just 6 of the Flame Purple?

We have 1 left on each of the "Key" astilbe and 3 on the others, except Ostrich Plume (0 left).

Compact Phlox are sold out.

I'll get back to you about the NC Jeanna ones... time to go get Joyanna from pre-K!

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Yup so the totals are:

12 each of the flame phlox (purple, pink, and white)

2 'Key West'
2 'Key Largo'
2 'Key Biscayne' (if we got it added)
2 younique Lilac
2 younique Silvery Pink
2 'Amethyst'
2 'Bridal Veil'
2 'White Gloria'

NC Jeanna TBD.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, so I just talked to Walter at ADR. The perennials are on their way from the west coast, sounds like they'll be on my doorstep sometime this week... that's the good news.

Less good news... I'm not sure we're getting everything we wanted, as there was some confusion whether or not some things were in stock (Walter said no at one point about 'Amethyst' astilbe, but then Chris checked and thought yes we could get them). Walter is going to email me the actual invoice of what is coming in the perennial box, along with a tracking number so I know when they'll arrive.

Since the box has already shipped, that means it's too late to drop Phlox Eva Cullum (tall pink with darker pink eye), assuming it was in stock and sent. That's OK; it's a really pretty one, and I'll be glad to have it.

I'll update this evening and let you all know what is REALLY coming in our shipment, and then we'll do any juggling that might be needed.

So, cross your fingers!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, I have a rather uninformative update. We might be getting half of what we ordered, if the invoice Walter forwarded to me has everything on it. Or we might be getting most of what we ordered, since Chris just responded to a "NOT happy" email I sent by saying there may be material on hold in the warehouse that Walter (his dad) didn't know about, and he would make it his first priority to check in the morning (presumably shipping out anything he finds right away so we'll have it for the divvy up party Wednesday). Yes, I used all caps and "yelled" in that email, something I very rarely do. After some mix-ups with the fall bulb order, Chris promised we would be able to avoid such confusions with future orders... so I'm peeved.

I'm not going to update the plant list until I actually know what's going on. I'm sorry this is such a last minute thing... I'd have liked to send out final invoices a week or two ago!

I like Chris & Walter, but their invoicing system is set up in a way that creates problems, at least for the way a group buy order like this tends to be submitted. If they can't fix that, I'll be looking for another source. Let's see how this plays out.

Keep those fingers crossed!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Critter: Thanks for all your efforts to make the purchase work!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm hoping it was just a miscommunication, a momentary glitch. They do need to get their invoicing system out of the Dark Ages. Hopefully I'll have an answer soon. :-)

As for distribution, I've got fingers and toes crossed that our ADR items will arrive (all of them, if we are lucky!) by Monday or Tuesday, so I can get them sorted out ahead of time. I might end up bringing bags and labels to the Wednesday divvy-up, LOL.

The dahlias are individually packaged, with color labels -- nice! I checked on them again yesterday, and the tubers look plump & dry (no rot, no withering, and you're going to love the size of them). The collection we got was sent early, and that's the only thing I have at this point -- the Melody collection and the 'Wink' dahlias are still swinging in the wind. I'm hoping they are tucked in some corner of the warehouse with my name on them!

Anything that isn't distributed next Wednesday, I'll do my best to keep dormant in the basement. Dahlias & Glads should be no problem; bare root perennials I'll keep an eye on. If they start sprouting up too much, they'll need to be potted, but I won't try to do them individually... while they might need soil, they won't grow so quickly that they can't be unpotted and replanted after spring swap pickup.

This message was edited Apr 16, 2014 10:22 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Whew, thanks for all those crossed fingers! Looks like most of this order should work out fine. I think I mentioned that tall phlox 'Eva Cullum' was on the way.

We're not getting Phlox 'Flame Purple' (I knew this one was unlikely), Dahlia 'Wink', and Eucomis 'Tiny Piny'. and on closer inspection the box of glads I received today is the wrong assortment, not yet sure how that will be handled.

Instead of 6 packs for each of 8 varieties, we got 8 packs for each of 6 varieties... and half are red and/or yellow rather than the pinks & purples we were expecting... still pretty, but they're just not what I wanted. If anybody was thinking "if only we were getting some bright red and yellow glads, I'd want those!" please let me know, LOL.

If we do a spring order in the future, we'll finalize it by or before mid-January, and everything should be available. Since I knew things were selling out fast, I was adding items as we went along, and their system doesn't handle that well. Although they always try hard to make us happy, I'm tired of these 11th hour confusions, but their prices and the quality of what they send keep bringing me back.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

The perennials being held in ADR's warehouse arrived today and look good. The ones from the west coast should arrive tomorrow.

Little goof with the 'Melody' dahlias... we got 'Gipsy' and 'Latin' as expected (individual labeled bags), but we didn't get 'Dora', and we got a bag of 25 'Mambo' rather than a box of 10 individually wrapped ones. We're getting a refund (1/4 of the collection price) for the missing ones.

For the additional 'Mambo' (deep red) we agreed I'd sell off what I could. I don't want to try to pot them up and sell them off at the spring swap, so I'm going to offer them at a below-wholesale discount of $1.30 per clump (that's half price, plus estimated shipping). Get 'em before they're gone!

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

I'll pitch in and buy a few mambos. 3 to start..

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'd love some Mambo....

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Are there any Tangos or Foxtrots? Sorry, couldn't resist...

silver spring, MD(Zone 7a)

If the Mambo's are a deep, bluish red I'll take some of them too. If they're the orangy red I won't be interested.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yehudith, I've never seen them in person, but they are described as deep red or dark red, and pictures I've found don't seem orange-toned, . You're already down for 3 each of the 'Melody' collection, including 3 Mambo. Do you want 3 more?

Terp, I've got you down for 1 Mambo already... do you want 2 more for a total of 3? or 3 more?

Aspenhill, I've got some 'Foxtrot' tulips budding up out front. :-) Tango... hmm, I think I have an agastache by that name, if it comes back this spring.

Happy, did you change your mind about dahlias or forget for a moment that they want lots of sun (and staking and lifting in fall)? I know you're always willing to pitch in with an extra order, but nobody should feel obligated to get these.

Here's the link to 'Mambo' on ADR: http://www.adrbulbs.com/plantname/Dahlia-Melody-Mambo

'Mambo' in PlantFiles: http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/showimage/313312/

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

3 more is fine.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'd affirmatively like 3 and can take up to 6. I used to have some dahlias in patio containers, but I killed them off last year. They didn't bloom profusely but enough were still pretty.... I thought I could stick 3 in a container...

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

And I do like a good red!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Cool, so for the 15 extra Mambo's (assuming the bag contains 25 as labeled), I've got:
3 for Terp
3 for Happy (up to 6)
3 for Yehudith
up to 6 are still available, for $1 plus shipping (probably 30 cents)

We had a mix-up with the glads, also, and had to make some subs, but there it helps that Yehudith just wanted an assortment of bright colors. I made several substitutions from what they did send. :-)

Yehudith, right now you have 24 ten-packs as ordered at our original cost of $2/pack.
3 Novalux (screaming yellow)
3 Traderhorn (red, sub for Antica)
3 Princess Margaret Rose (yellow-orange/red edges, sub for Jester)
3 Green Star (chartreuse)
2 Sancerre (white)
2 Rose Supreme (light pink)
2 Jessica (coral/yellow center)
2 Plum Tart (magenta)
2 Blue Isle (sub. for violet/blue Her Majesty)
2 Bonnes Vacances (white/magenta feathering)

I had originally ordered 16 packs, and after setting them aside here's what I have left. I'm offering them at $1 per pack.

Unless Chris changes his mind and wants them back (not likely), here's the list of dollar deal packs (10 per pack, just like the others). The corms look great, plump and not yet sprouting.

I need to sell 16 packs minimum to offer them at this price... so I'm even going to go one better and say that the first 3 people to ask for a super deal assortment will get all six varieties for $5.

bargain assortments have been spoken for... remaining packs are listed below, but posting for them doesn't guarantee them, as I also plan to offer them to my neighbors this afternoon. Thanks!

4 Novalux (screaming yellow)
4 Princess Margaret Rose (yellow-orange/red edges)
4 Traderhorn (red)
4 Jessica (coral/yellow center)

This message was edited Apr 19, 2014 1:36 PM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

thanks, Critter. I'll take one of the 'bargain assortments'!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Me too!

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I would like 4 of the Sancerre and 2 of the Bonnes Vacances. All these for $6.00?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

OK! I'll jump in and take one of the bargain assortment.
I have never grown Glads...

Still available???? Gita

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yahoo, 3 bargain assortments spoken for, and yes Pat that's 60 big fat corms for $6. I'll set those aside before offering the "dollar sale" to the neighbors.

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