March: in like a lion!!

Ripley, MS

I think my big rosemary bush is dead, it sure looks like it, I have had it for several years, but it looks dead now !
I am not in a plant shopping mood. I have too much cleaning to do before I even think about putting anything else in.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

My rosemary is dead also. I had a big one at my garden spot also and its dead, dead. Pulled it up yesterday. Everyone at the garden that had rosemary lost it. I had had mine at home for several years also.
I've got lots and lots of cleaning to do also Sandra. I'm not going to buy a lot. I lost a lot of my tropical stuff which was probably a good thing!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

My plumerias look to be toast. I'm so sad!! I guess that is that!!! I don't have to worry how to get them carried out this year. My bromeliad sitting right next to them are fine. My hibiscus look fine in the little G/H.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

My hot lips has not put out either.... but some of my other salvias are just barely putting on growth. I think I lost the 4 oleanders that were up next to my house in my foundation planting - they look like someone burned them. Well, not black, but dark brown and all the leaves are shriveled up. guess they didn't like the single digits either! I had hoped being up next to the house they might survive, but it isn't looking like it. My two larger butterfly bushes seem to be doing well, but the ones I planted last year do not appear to have survived. Maybe the older ones were better equipped to deal with the extreme temps. Looks like I lost one knockout but the others seem to be fine. I also lost a couple of little shrubs up on the north end of the bed. They were just put in last Spring, and guess they were not established enough for those temps either.

Sandra, I didn't know you had gone to see Cayla..... I just assumed you were back with Mrs. Mills. Glad you had a nice visit. How is Mrs Mills? Hope she is continuing to improve! One of my co-workers has been out with pneumonia for almost 2 weeks.......he is supposed to come back to work on Wednesday.

Ya'll please be in prayer for a family who lost their daughter last week during spring break. The girl's name was Shelby Seabaugh and her father was formerly the pastor at the First Baptist Church here in Camden several years ago. They lived in Oklahoma for a few years, and now he is a pastor in Magnolia. Shelby was a jr at OBU, and died in her sleep over Spring break while visiting her grandparents in Branson. It has been a big shock to the all the kids, and to the family and community. The funeral is set for Wed afternoon, and i am sure everyone involved could use some extra prayers.

Ripley, MS

Mammaw is staying by herself again, Glenda came and stayed with her while I was gone to Caylas. She is coming back today to take her to the lung doc. She is better but still not getting around as well as she was before she got sick.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

My huge rosemary did just fine, thankfully. It is more of a bush! Lavender did ok too, thankfully. I was so glad to see them do ok. And I didn't even think to cover them (smacks hand to forehead). I did lose several miniature gardenias that were only a couple of years old. Oh well, live, plant and learn.

Genna, I saw your post about the young lady passing away suddenly. How awful! Such a shock to her family and friends I'm sure.

Thanks for letting me know about your hot lips. I guess it's a slow starter, lol!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

My rosemary was a bush also but it's deader than a door nail!!! Got to replace it soon as I use rosemary a lot.

Sandra glad Mrs. Mills is doing better.

Genna I saw your post also and then saw her obituary in the paper this morning. The obituary says she died at a hospital in Magnolia. Very sad!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Odd...... she may have died in Magnolia, but everyone has said she was in Branson. But, you know how you hear all kinds of things when something like this happens. Regardless of where she was at when they discovered her, I am pretty sure she was already gone on the scene but was rushed to a hospital where she was pronounced dead. They said she was asleep and they couldn't wake her. It is such a tragedy and so very sad.

Alex had a fairly large rosemary that I had bought him a couple of years back.... it looked dead the other day when I was there as well. :(

I HOPE my hot lips is just being slow........

Ripley, MS

The lung doc said that the inhaler was working better and gave her a script for it. She was exhausted when we got back but she doesn't have to go back for 3 months. So he was pleased.
I gathered up my rake and vac and worked on her leaves for a bit this afternoon and her hot lips hasn't put out either.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Sandra that is really good news for Mrs. Mills!!! Them letting her go for 3 months betweens visits means she is in maintenance mode.

It was hot here today and yesterday. It felt delicious!!

I'm making headway on the weeds. Being by myself it's not going very fast since somehow all my beds are filled with that sticky weed Yall were talking about earlier . It's awful!!! I've worked since last weekend and have gotten the 2 small beds on the lower patio cleaned out and Bed #1 up to the small G/H. It got dark and I've already seen 2 small snakes today. Hopefully I can finish it tomorrow.

Mary is flying out in the morning to live at her niece's in Pa. I am gonna be so lost when she is gone!!! We're taking her to the airport at 9:15AM. We're gonna try and set her up a Facebook page so she can keep up with everyone. Little Peyton just left sobbing b/c she realized that her buddy Aunt Mary is not gonna be there after tomorrow.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Jeri I know you are going to miss Mary!! I didn't realize she was moving so soon. Anyone interested in your house?

Sandra that is good news about Mrs. Mills.

I went to my endocrinologist a couple of weeks ago and he wasn't happy about the level of calcium that my kidneys are retaining so he upped the dosage on a diuretic he has me on. Could cause me to have a kidney stone. He has me taking lots of calcium plus Calcitrol. I had to go back yesterday for blood work again. His nurse called today and this time he had me double the amount of potassium he has me taking as it is low even when me taking it every day. It is a prescription potassium not the over the counter stuff. Got to go back in two weeks for more blood work!!! Your parathyroid gland controls all kind of things! I don't have one and that's why I keep having to have so much blood work! I really like my doctor and he is really diligent to get my levels where they should be. Just realized I bet the diuretic is also flushing out some of my potassium!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I bet you are right about the diuretic flushing out some of your potassium among other things. I know Mary lives in the bathroom when they have her on diuretics.

No serious bites yet on the house but the people that I'm renting my condo and other house to want to buy them. Mary couldn't deal with the ???? of when and what. Within a month of me posting the house for sale I thought she was gonna have a nervous breakdown. I always intended to take care of her just not here. This is all her idea and no big deal if it doesn't work out she'll know what to do now to move back. She hasn't seen this niece in 11 yrs. Dee calls her but has not been to see her through everything that has happened to Mary even though they have been in the area several times. I'm excited that Mary is getting to finally see them. Dee & Greg have 3 grown children, 2 are married and 1 has a 2 yr.

Already 70 degrees here and looks like rain. I was sure hoping to work in the beds some more today. We'll see if my schedule works out with the weather.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Jeri, I didn't realize Mary was leaving you all so soon either. I know you will have a hole in your heart for a long time just missing her. Hope you can do Facetime or Skype with her so the kids can 'see' her. And I hope she will be happy. A friend's mother moved about a year ago to Houston to live near her other daughter. Well, she's moving back to Huntsville pretty soon. Turned out she missed all her friends here where she had lived for so long. She just couldn't get used to the loneliness when her other daughter was at work and she didn't have her friends to call or go visit, or famliar territory around her. The grass isn't always greener, you know.

Sandra, so glad Mrs Mills is doing much better. This good sunshine is good for us all.

It was in the low 80's here yesterday. Weather folks said it was the first 80 degree weather we have had since Oct 30 of last year. It sure felt good!

Charlotte, I know you're really glad to have such a diligent doctor. It's so easy for things like potassium to get out of whack when you're on diuretics. My daughter says they see that all the time in the ER. As much as you are outside and as active as you are, I'm sure you know how hard it is. A guy I work with has not taken care of himself, and now he faces preparing for dialysis. He used to drink a lot of diet Cokes and eat poorly. Now his kidney function is really almost to the point of failure and he is having to prepare for possible dialysis. He is about 50 and has an 8 year old daughter plus 2 sons in their 20's (yes she was a 'surprise') and a great guy, just hasn't watched his weight or his intake until he got this wake-up call.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Jeri I hope Mary likes it in Pennsylvania but I have a feeling she may be coming back to Baton Rouge.

I'm glad also my doctor is so thorough and so diligent. I didn't realize how important potassium levels are until I started having problems with mine and started reading about it. Every time I have blood work he sends me detailed results that has comparison for the last 4 times I've had blood work and he also makes notes on the results. Without a parathryoid glad my body is not retaining calcium the way it should. So to keep my calcium level up he has me on lots of calcium, calcitrol and vitamin d. He has the calcium where he wants it but I take so much I end up with high levels of calcium in my kidneys. But he doesn't want to lower the amount of calcium I take thus the need for the diuretics.

Ripley, MS

God really made these bodies in a wondrous way, didn't He? I am amazed all the time at how thing work !
I hope Mary has a nice vacation--I think probably 6 weeks should make her homesick enough to come back. ((((Jeri))))

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

There is no doubt that I will miss Mary!!! I've already thought of at least a thousand things to tell her and it's only been a few hours. It's not written in stone!!! She just couldn't deal with the unsettlement in my life right now. This way she can visit with this part of her family and she is in the health to enjoy it some!!!

After leaving the airport I went by the Social Security office because I never replaced my SS card since my wallet got stole last year. Once I was finished with that process I asked them about Social Security for Ashley from her mom and found out that Billy has been getting it since 1997 and has NEVER paid for any of her support. He got it for both kids until Chris turned 18. He is getting $542.00 a month now for just Ashley. Can you believe that a parent would do this to his children. Not only is he not doing his part to support them. He is stealing what Joann could provide for them through the Social Security for them.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

That is terrible Jeri!!! Some people just don't know how to be a parent. You just assumed the responsibility and expense because it was the right thing to do without any thought of getting compensated for it. While he the father has been using the money that was meant for the kids to support himself! I still say what goes around comes around!

The trip to Pennsylvania will be a nice vacation for Mary.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Jeri, do you have legal custody of Ashley?? If so, I think he could be prosecuted for theft or SS fraud ??? That money could help you offset the expenses of raising a teenager or go into a fund for her college education. HE has no right to it! If you have custody, I think I would consult an attorney.

I didn't realize Mary was leaving so quickly either............ I agree that it doesn't sound like she will be gone too long if they haven't been to see her in years. But, I hope she is happy there even if it is just for a short while.

Glad Mrs Mills got a good report. I agree they must think she is doing well if she doesn't have to return for 3 months!

It is SOOO muggy here - pretty scary. The renter at my Mom's house called me last Friday night because a storm had come thru there and dropped golf ball - tennis ball size hail! :( Beat up the whirly birds on top, broke a window, and I am sure it did a number on the roof. I have still got to call to get an adjuster out there. We got really heavy straight line winds in our area.....lots of trees down in the area. Last night it was so still and muggy while I was working in my flower bed that I really thought a bad storm was coming, but thankfully it was just rain. Of course, they are calling for possible bad storms statewide tomorrow. I am ready for Spring but I am not ready for tornadoes! :(

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

I agree with what Genna said about the SS fraud. If you have any legal custody of any type for Ashley, he could be in deep trouble for taking over the SS payments and not turning at least part of it over to you/Ashley for her benefit. I guess I don't know her parents background, but were they divorced? Did he have any rights to her SS at all or did he just take it? $542 since 1997 is a lot of money. Hearing this sort of thing just makes me sick to my stomach.

Genna, I'm with you. We're supposed to get tomorrow what y'all are getting today/tonight...bad weather, but most of the bad stuff will hopefully be north of us. Hope you all stay safe!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I might be wrong, but if someone else has legal custody, I don't think he is entitled to one penny...... that money is strictly for the child's support (as in financial wellfare not child support) - and will continue if she attends college to age 21? or 22? Not sure what the max age is................ My Dad became disabled when I was 9 and so I received a SS check from his disability until I married - on the front end it was all put into a savings account for my college, but when my Mom became disabled 4 years later and couldn't get her SS started until after I was married..... it had to be used most months just to help us get by. It didn't bother me that it wasn't going into my savings because I knew we HAD to have it to live on...... and I was thankful it was there. And, God graciously provided plenty of scholarships for me to attend college when the time came............ I just remember my Dad saying that if I didn't get married I would be able to continue to receive checks for several more years.

They are saying tomorrow is going to be the really rough day in Arkansas - they have the whole state on alert. :( Praying everyone stays safe...........

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Genna I was just out getting something out of my car and my next door neighbor drove up. He was just getting in from the funeral of the young lady you were talking about. Turns out her dad is one of his best friends. He said she died from an aneurysm. My neighbor said when she was born something about her stomach was open and she almost died at that time. He said she had been able to live life normally up until she died. Todd said he had given her a stuffed lamb toy as a gift when she was born and that she had kept it her entire life. He said every so often her dad would tell him "well she still has lambie". Todd said today when they opened the casket at the end of the funeral there was lambie right up next to her. He said as soon as he saw that he totally lost it. He said he had no idea they were going to do that and he was just totally unprepared. It was very tragic but as he said she could have easily died when she was born but they were given the gift of her life for 21 years and then were able to lunch her into eternity. As he said she had been able to experience almost everything but marriage and childbirth. She had fallen in love and was engaged to be married.

Todd went to Ouchita also. His daughter is in school there now. Her last name is Henson.

Ripley, MS

So sad losing such a young lady.

Jeri, why would you expect anything else from Chris and Ashley's dad. He has never helped you with them at all. I think you might be able to turn him in for fraud too, but he is their Dad and there goes more family troubles.
If you all remember me telling you that my Jerry was shot 40+ years ago and got the blood transfusion, he drew some disability for about a year until he was able to work again. We got a letter a few weeks ago saying that he owed them 90.42. The letter looked real, but it also said they had "repeatedly" tried to reach him about this matter and if he didn't pay this it would be withheld from his taxes. We have been at this same address for 30 years and this is the first time ever I have seen this letter, so I called SS and stayed on hold over an hour waiting on an answer. Of course he wouldn't talk to me and wanted Jerry so I gave it to him. It was a real letter and as it turns out they have removed the time limitations for them to collect any monies owed to the SS. We sent in the 90.42. They mean business about their money!

I worked outside today and when I raked the leaves from my gardenia it was green at the bottom, so I trimmed it up and left it, we will see what happens, also found some green leaves on my rosemary, so maybe it is still alive. Boy I am so out of shape !!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Jim & I have had legal custody of Chris & Ashley since Ashley was in the 4th grade somewhere around 8 or 9 and Chris was 5 years older until Chris turned 18. As sorry as Billy is, he is Ashley's dad.

Elaine, Joann & Billy were married until she died. They had just had Ashley when she died. We moved Billy, Chris(5 years) & Ashley(9 days old) in with us for 4 years and then Billy re-married and they moved out but we had the kids a lot even then. After Billy's 2nd marriage failed he gave us legal custody of them. We provided a mobile home for all of their stuff set up with utilities until last July when we started to charge him rent. He stayed 1 month and then went and bought him & his current G/F a house. Probably paid cash from all the money he saved.

Genna & Charlotte I'm sorry to hear about that young girl. I hope she packed every day full of life!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Jeri sorry to hear about all the mess with Billy and the kids. But like you say regardless of how sorry he is or what he does he is still their dad. Bad enough they lost their mom when they were so young. Everyone wants love and care from their parents. Just doesn't always happen. I have just never believed in telling kids how sorry their mom/dad is. They still love that person regardless and don't want to have to believe bad things about them. I've always felt that when they get older they will start figuring out things for themselves. Just my own personal opinion. Doesn't mean it's right or wrong.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Charlotte they both have already figured out what Billy is. They just accept him and actually call him out on occasion as to how sub human he is.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

It's ok for them to talk about him but I don't think they like to hear some one else do the same thing. Like you say they just accept him and probably don't like to be reminded of what they already know. Sometimes things are just what they are!

My personal opinion and that's all it is - is that when you talk bad about their parent it actually can turn them against you. Like you say they know as they get older and realize you know also but respect you for not talking about their parent. It's just sad and hurtful for them!

This message was edited Apr 2, 2014 10:36 PM

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Well, even though Billy is Ashley's Dad - I do not think that gives him the legal right to spend her SS check. I would think it would HAVE to go to her or her legal guardian............ and you are right, he probably did pay cash for the house with the kids SS money!

Charlotte, it is truly a small world isn't it....... Such a precious story about her keeping the lamb - but it sure would have been nice if they had thought to warn him that it was going to be in the casket. I am sure I would have totally lost it too! The kids were told at the funeral yesterday that there had been two independent autopsies done with no evidence found of how or why she died......... I hope that info was wrong, because I was really hoping the family could at least get the answer to the question of what happened. They also said it was her parents that were in Branson, and that Shelby was staying with her grandparents in Magnolia while her parents were out of town. The grandfather also happened to be a medical doctor ..... I didn't know that about her having problems when she was born.

Do you happen to know Todd's daughter's first name? or what year she is in? I will ask the kids if they know her. Most of the time they have at least heard of the person - OBU is small, but the science majors spend a lot more time studying and isolated from the rest of the campus so sometimes if they aren't a science major they don't know them well. LOL

Elaine, Kyle found out last night he was not accepted in to the Samford research program for summer. He doesn't know yet if they accepted anyone outside of Samford or not. So, doesn't look like we will have an excuse to come that way anytime soon.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Genna he has two daughters Wesley and Brennan. I can't remember which one is going to Ouachita. But I think it may be Brenna. I'm sure there are a lot of rumors that fly around but I'm sure what Todd told me is correct. Her dad is his best friend and what he told me came from her dad. Todd has known her since she was born. She was very ill when she was born and they didn't think she was going to make. That's why Todd said they were given a gift of her life for 21 years.

He knows a lot of people in Sparkman. Can't remember the name he told me but another of his very good friends dad owns the big lumber co in Sparkman. Todd hunts on their property.

This message was edited Apr 3, 2014 9:09 AM

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

That would be Donnie White............ I went to school with Donnie and he would have been at OBU while they were there. Donnie's son is there now as well.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Yes that's who he told me. Todd is 50 or 51.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Jeri, I totally agree with what some of the others have said about the SS money owed to Ashley and Chris! Billy should be held accountable for what he has done with that money. Ashley at least should be getting what is hers from now until she is 18, even if ya'll don't make him pay back what he has already stolen.
I was surprised to hear that Mary has already left, too. Like the others have said, maybe she will be back sooner than you think.

Genna, I saw your post on FB about the young girl who died. It is truly a sad case for her family and friends. That was really touching about the little lamb stuffed toy but I am sure that the man was totally overcome when he saw it.

We have one thunderstorm come through here already this morning but it moved over quickly and we didn't get a lot of rain from it. There are storm warnings out to the north of us and also one tornado warning but nothing here for now. More severe weather is expected around 4 p.m. though.
Al and I managed to get in a couple hours work outside this morning before the storm came through. We've been blowing leaves out of the flowerbeds. Lots of plants are starting to come up but like some of the rest of you, my hot lips is not showing any green yet. I'm not worried about it, though. I think all of our hot lips salvias will be greening up in a couple weeks or so.
The sedums that Kathy Ann gave me are all coming up and looking good as are several other things that you ladies have given me.

Sandra, Gunny's rose is looking great! :D

Here it is April 3rd and I am just now realizing that we need a new thread for April. I'll be back in a minute with the new link.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Here is the link for our April thread. Join us over here

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