March: in like a lion!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I worked at Dillard's all day today so I didn't get a chance to get outside any. Worked with my jewelry. I'm going to meet my friend for lunch at Taco Mama's in Hot Springs for lunch tomorrow. We'll sit outside and bask in the sun - that is if it doesn't rain!!

I talked to Jake tonight and he is really going to have a great time in Europe this summer. They have to pay their own way over. Kristi had enough frequent flyer miles to get him there and back and is also sending him through several other cities. She is great at making travel arrangements! She and Jeff traveled around Europe some together before kids and then she did a lot of international travel with her job. She was still doing international travel after she had Jake. But changed jobs when he was a year or so old so she wouldn't have to continue doing it. So anyway she knows how to get him places and where he needs to go. She is flying him into London on his way over. He will stay there a couple of days before he flies to Hungary. She has already booked his hotel room. Then coming back she is sending him
through Munich and Prague. Those are places she felt he should see. She has already booked his hotel rooms. Then on the weekends he is going to make some short trips to countries close to Hungary. He will be doing all this by himself. He said it is very inexpensive to fly from one place to another in Europe and faster than using the train. I'm sure they will be in close touch with him as he is doing all this. But what an experience for him!

Genna you only backwash about once a week. Very simple to do. I just turn a lever to backwash. Like flower beds koi ponds to require some work. You have to make sure the ph is correct or you will lose fish. Sun is not a problem but the ph is. I do enjoy my fish. They are fun to watch.

Ripley, MS

Marilyn, so glad the roses are doing well for you. I cut my Gunny back, way back last fall and it is slow to put out, surely I will see new growth soon. That is the one thing I don't like about that rose, it will shoot out one or two very long branches over the summer. I am not sure what kind it is but I think it must have some kind of running rose in its heritage. It is hard to keep a pretty shape, but it really lights up with the first flush of blooms!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Sounds like Jake will have the summer of a lifetime! I have always wanted to travel to Europe, but can't see that happening anytime soon. I know Alex got to see a lot of neat things while he spent those several weeks with his friend in Germany and surrounding areas. I have wished that Kyle and Jessica could go see Clara and her family in Italy while they are that close - but so far I haven't heard back from Clara (when she is busy in school we rarely hear from her) and so I have no idea when her semester will end. Maybe if nothing else, she could travel to London to see them - she loves to go to London and does so fairly often. Jake will have a summer he will never forget - that's for sure! I think it would be awesome to take one of those jobs where you live in Europe for 2 yrs or so, and get to see all the sights, then return home. :) I know my niece and her family have traveled to 18 countries so far.......most when they were living in Australia or Singapore because travel was so much cheaper from there. More so Singapore than Australia I think. Their kids have done and seen things most kids never get to see except on the computer or tv.......

I have dreams of one of the mini waterfalls, and ponds in my backyard.......but know that won't happen anytime soon either. LOL...... at this point, I can't seem to get and keep my beds like I won't them so I don't need anything else to keep up with outside.

We have someone who is wanting to buy one of our rent houses - the one we were starting to remodel..... so we have stopped the process on the remodeling and cancelled our window order until we find out if they are going to be able to close on the loan. They are from Honduras but have lived here for about 8 yrs...... but the banker says they have good credit. They are buying the house as is - and so that will keep us from having to do a lot of work on it. IF, they come thru....... if not, we will have to get with the remodeling as quickly as possible because I want to be finished before it gets super hot! We are selling it pretty cheap, but we bought the house even cheaper and have rented it almost continuously for 17 yrs so we are just interested in freeing up the capital to put toward something else. If they don't come thru, then we will go ahead and remodel and then rent it again. Long term, it would probably be best just to continue renting - but for the short term, we are just trying to pay down as many things as possible to prepare for me possibly losing my job. Hard to know which way is best, but we decided if we could free it up - it might be better to do so.

We went antique hopping a little yesterday after going to an estate auction yesterday morning..... looking for a desk and small dining table for Jessica's apartment for fall. We found a desk like she wanted - and we will probably paint it this summer. But, no table yet - but of course, we have just started the search. We had fun just looking! :)

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Genna your kids will have a great time too. I would think it might be hard for them to leave a tour and go to Italy. They could go at the end and then come home but it can be hard to change flight reservations. I talked to Jeff last night and he was telling me that Jake is talking about going to Europe and teach for a year after he graduates. He has another year and a few hours. Then coming back and getting his teaching certification. The job he is doing this summer just provides room and board. But after he graduates he can get a job for a year that actually pays a salary. He could get it through the same company he found the job this summer. He found out about the program at college but found out about it all on his own. He plans to teach English. In order to teach he will need to go an additional year after he graduates and get his
certification. They don't certify them their senior year like I think they do here. They have to go through a special year long program.

I did find out where it looks like Justin and Clint are going to be going to college. Justin got accepted to UC Santa Barbara and think he is going to go there. I understand it's a beautiful campus. It's actually right on the ocean. The dorms are on the beach! I think Clint has decided on Loyola Marymount. It's a private Catholic college. So both will be in the Southern CA area.

I am probably not going to be able to move tomorrow! I worked in the yard all afternoon. I got all the dead limbs and other trash picked up and taken around front. I have an area between the workshop and my neighbors yard that I have just neglected. I decided to clean it up and start working toward making it a hosta bed. So I pulled up tons of ivy and major and minor vinca then put down cardboard and put pine needles I raked off the walkways over it. I may not plant anything this year. I may just wait until next spring and let the cardboard settle in. I have some azaleas in the area and they have never done very well. It just may be too shady. I have a sprinkler head for the area but need to check to make sure it's getting adequate water to the area. I can adjust it if I need to. I have just not paid any attention to it in the past.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Y'all are so busy! I just got home from a business trip to London late Friday night so I mostly recuperated! The weather was lousy yesterday but Saturday I did manage to get outside. Didn't go running early with my running group as I slept in but I did go for a run, then I worked out in the yard for a little bit, mostly pulling weeds and picking up limbs and debris still. Yesterday morning was rainy and cold so I finished putting away laundry and stuff from my trip and finished a book. We had a Broadway play last night (Jersey Boys) about the Four Seasons. Great show, BTW. I decided to start cleaning out the freezer so I made tomato sauce for dinner with a lot of the frozen tomatoes from last year. Made a good dent in the freezer anyway but I still have a lot of frozen okra and some other stuff I need to do something with. I see some soup in our future. Then I sat around and finished a book yesterday afternoon!

Genna and Charlotte, I know y'all are excited for your kids and grandkids and their plans. It's so exciting to see them spread their wings.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Yeah, Charlotte, the kids could only go to Italy at the end of their trip...... no time before the trip since they leave shortly after finals conclude. I had contacted Clara several weeks ago because I knew they were getting close to finalizing flight plans etc. I'm sure at this point, they couldn't go. I really should have contacted her about it over her Christmas break - we just had not thought about it......but I know we rarely hear from her during semester. We still don't know about Kyle's research - so who knows where he will be or when he is supposed to report, so that makes it a little difficult to extend their trip as well.

Elaine, sounds like you have such an exciting job.....always jet setting to exciting places! :) Sounds like you got over the jet lag quickly - I hate cleaning out deep freezers.... but I need to get that done soon!

Jess and I put some pockets out of fabric on some of her tshirts yesterday. We did several months ago - but these have been in the "to do " stack for quite a while. When I went home at lunch, she had made a headband by herself, and she was super excited. Maybe we can do a few more creative things this evening. She has to work tomorrow - Thursday, so that will limit our free time for sure.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Speaking of Europe and London, etc., my granddaughter, Samantha, is in London this week on Spring Break with her college theater group. They will be taking theater workshops most of the time but will manage to fit in a bit of sightseeing, too. She has been there before--two years ago when she went with a choir group. Last time she was there for two weeks but this time it is just for a week and more for study purposes. We were afraid she wasn't going to be able to go because she was sick last week with vomiting and diarrhea but fortunately she was well enough to travel by the time they boarded their plane on Saturday. She has really looked forward to this trip and it would have been a big disappointment to her if she had not been able to go.

Al and I got some work done in the yard on Saturday but I am still waiting before I clean out my big flower bed out front. This week the high temps will only be in the fifties and the lows may dip down into the twenties so it is not time yet to blow the leaves out of the bed. Last Wednesday I started some seeds indoors and just two days later the sage was already germinating! The other things haven't germinated yet but it hasn't yet been a week so I am not worried. The seeds were all more than a year old but I think they will all prove to be viable as did the sage.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

All our kids and grandkids are just flitting everywhere!

Didn't get anything else done in my yard today but hope to be able to get a little done tomorrow. I need to get some work done on my vegetable garden. I haven't gotten it cleaned and ready yet. I did score a bunch of wood chips for our pathways today. I saw a truck on the interstate the other day that said to call for free wood chips. So today I thought about it and called and they were actually working in our area. They brought two big loads today and they are going to bring another load tomorrow.

I made the best tortilla soup this weekend. My grocery store had a packet of produce put together and labeled as tortilla soup starter. It was a managers special for 1.99 so I thought I would try it. Interesting mix of vegetables. It had a couple of new potatoes, cabbage, about 5 cloves of garlic, carrots, a small packet of roasted corn, zucchini. The instructions said to bring 6 cups of broth to a boil (didn't have broth so just used bouillons cubes), add the vegetables and 1 1/2 teaspoons chili powder and 1 teaspoon cumin. Then after the vegetables had cooked about 30 minutes I added some rotisserie chicken. It was really good and very fast.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

The soup sounds good Charlotte! I have a taco soup recipe that uses boiled chicken that everyone seems to like, but I don't make it often because it makes such a big pot. I am never really crazy about the leftovers of it for some reason...... I eat them, but just don't really care for it. My homemade veggie soup though I could eat for almost every meal. LOL...... I made a big pot of it a couple of weeks ago and Leigh and i ate several meals out of it. I had intended to freeze part of it - but it happen to drop off really cold again right after I got it made and so we just had soup for several days... plus we were eating it at lunch when I would come home and he was off work so it didn't take long to go thru the pot!

Marilyn, I am sure Samantha will have a great time! Thank goodness she got well enough to go! She would be miserable trying to travel sick -and miserable staying home too! So glad she got to go! The kids are going to tour the shakespear theater while they are there....... among many other things.

I don't blame you for leaving those leaves in place. It was 32 here this morning when I left for work with a hard frost.......... Kyle couldn't believe there was frost! LOL He got up early this morning (at least for spring break) and took our youngest french bulldog to the vet..... she is getting spayed. After our momma dog had to have the emergency hysterectomy last year with all the infection and possible life threatening situation, I have been saving up to try to have her spayed as well to avoid the possibility of having to deal with that again. She was supposed to be there by 8:30 - and they had told him she would go in before lunch, but they got way behind and she didn't get out of surgery until almost 3....... I bet she was SOOO mad at us for leaving her up there all that time by herself! :( .... and she had to stay the night, so she will get back home tomorrow.

My sister gets huge loads of cypress and hardwood chips from a mill near her........ I need to see if she can fix me up with some! :) I am about out of bags.....

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

For those of you who have kids going to London and are on their own, a great tour at a cheap price is the 'London Walks' tours. They are each only about 10 pounds or so and only last a couple of hours. When you run out of other tours or want a really good, in-depth look at the city, this is the thing to do. There is a 'Jack-the-Ripper' tour at night, historic pub tour at night, Spy Tour, Old Westminster, and many others. Most are around 2-4 pm except the ones at night. You meet at a specific tube stop and the guide collects the money from those going, whether it's 2 or 20 people. The guides are very knowledgeable and fun. I highly recommend the one thru Westminster Abbey as you by-pass the crowds and go straight in plus get some additional tours outside and around the area. The other good deal to start off is the hop-on/hop-off bus tours. It is a great way to get oriented to the city the first day and it stops at the major attractions. You can get off and back on any of the buses and spend as much time at the various stops as you want.

Genna, you may have to send me your veggie soup recipe. Mine doesn't always turn out like I'd like it to. Charlotte, your soup sounds good too. I love taco soup and make it often but not with those ingredients.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the information Elaine. I will pass it on to Kristi and Jake. Jake will be by himself and not with any kind of group so his agenda is his own to plan. I know Kristi will have some things outlined for him to do so will let her know what you said. Like I said before she is very good at planning itineraries and finding things to do.

I make taco soup also but I've never made it with the ingredients that were in my Kroger packet of vegetables. But I will definitely use the combination again.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Charlotte, here is the website for the original London Walks. I was just looking to make sure the cost hadn't gone up and noticed they have a student price of only 7 pounds! That's around $11-12. I highly recommend 'The Secrets of Westminster'. If he's a Harry Potter fan, there is a tour of all those places. It's on my list, but I'm waiting til I can take my DD and DGD with me to those too. Westminster at War is also excellent if he's into WW2 history; and then there is Haunted London (fun), and the Tower of London tour. I had forgotten there were some in the mornings too. So plenty to keep him busy, depending on which days he is there, and get a great flavor for the city at an inexpensive price. The tube is easy to figure out. Just keep your wallet close and be careful of pickpockets in closed spaces. If his hotel has a safe, tell him to use it and keep part of his money in different places. I forgot how many days he is in London but I can give him loads of tips. I feel like I've lived there I've been so much.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Forgot to add the link:

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

That's great info Elaine! I know they are going to several of the places used in filming Harry Potter, and the historic pub tour I think. Then they will also be able to do a few things on their own time. Can't remember the iternirary well enough to remember how much free time they have. They are doing so many different things - that they don't have a lot. But I do know that part of the group is going to see Wicked while they are there - but Kyle and Jessica are not going to that. They decided they wanted to see more of the city instead of the play. They felt like they could go to the theater in NY or Dallas eventually, but they might not be back in London. I will pass on this info. Hopefully they will be able to look at the link and decide the things they want to do before they arrive so they will have a plan.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I meant to ask if any of you regularly order from Bluestone? It has been years since I have ordered from them, but I have been eyeing their catalog and wishing on some pages.... LOL....but I knew one time I ordered from some mail order company and was extremely disappointed when the plants came in were barely plug size. But for the life of me, I can't remember which company that was!! Don't want to make the same mistake twice so I was just curious. I am wanting to add several things to my beds.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I've ordered from Bluestone before and it is a good company.

Thanks Elaine I will pass on the info to Kristi. I imagine art museums are also going to be high on his list. He is a regular visitor to them!!! He is familiar with getting around on public transportation which will help. He doesn't have a car at school and gets around San Jose on public transporation and rides the train home. Of course they use Bart in San Franciso.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

I haven't ordered anything online in quite a while. The last time I ordered was from Plant Delights and was really disapointed in their size also. Their hostas were great, but the other perennials were teeny and barely showing life. They kindly replaced some that never broke dormancy, but'd think they would at least wait until the plants were certain the plants were ALIVE before they shipped.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Charlotte, the National Gallery on Trafalgar Square is free. I took one of the London Walks tours thru there too, even though I had been thru there almost every time I've been to London. Fascinating that they started in the earliest part of the gallery I had not visited much and explained so much from a historical point of view. It was a nasty day and the tour was inside, so I really enjoyed it. Went in there the other day because 'The Sunflowers' (2 of Van Gogh's) were on special exhibit. What a thrill to see those! I always go see my favorite painting - 'The Execution of Lady Jane Grey'. It makes me tear up every time.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I hope the Van Gogh exhibit is still there when he gets there. That is his favorite artist . I think he gets his love of art galleries from his dad. Jeff went with Kriti on a business trip to Belgium when Jake was less than a year old, they took jake with them and jeff and Jake spent most of their days visiting art galleries. Kristi had to go on to some other counties and jeff brought him home by himself. The two of them have been visiting g galleries every since! Jake started out as an art major and switched to English with a minor in art. So he really knows his art history.

I order very little from catalogs. Mainly clematis and other vines.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Elaine, I imagine Samantha's time in London will pretty much be filled up with things for her theater group to do but I have copied and pasted your tips into my word processing program so I can find them if they are ever needed by me or someone I know. I would love to visit London but it is doubtful that Al and I would ever go there. We are more into visiting places in the United States that we have not yet seen. We are planning a 3 to 4 week trip in September which will take us across to the eastern coast and down to Florida before coming back home. We will be pulling our fifth wheel.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

That is really good advice Elaine. We do that when ever we are in a new city, that way I'm sure not to miss a thing.

Marilyn you and Al will love that trip.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Jeri--we are definitely looking forward to it!

This is what Samantha posted about an hour ago on FB as regards what she did today in London:

"What a day! Went to the Victoria and Albert Museum this morning, took a brisk run through Chiswick to the Fuller's Brewery Tour with some hooligans, saw jugglers and fire spinners in Camden town, toured the backstage of the National Theatre, and saw Ray Cooney in Two Into One!! Not to mention getting lost a few times and meeting a Director!"

Sooooo, I would say she is definitely having a good time!! LOL

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Genna I would say seeing Wicked in London would be a real experience. To me part of the experience of a play is experiencing the theater it's in. I saw Phantom of the Opera in Toronto about 23 years ago and I can still visualize the wonderful old theater. Seeing Phantom of the Opera was the main thing I remember about Toronto and I spent several days there and toured a lot of the city. I saw Wicked at the Ofram (not spelled right) in San Francisco and it was also a wonderful old historic theater. I've been to plays in New York and other places and had a good time but none of them stand out in my mind.

Marilyn sounds like Samantha is having a great time!

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Marilyn, it definitely sounds like Samantha is having quite a good time. Half the fun is the unexpected IMO. And just finding new things on your own rather than just following a set itinerary is part of the discovery. I also saw Wicked in London and highly recommend it. The theaters there are so much smaller than here and quite a grand experience even so. You just have to experience it. I've seen so many great actors in lesser plays (Dame Judi Dench, some of the Redgraves, among others) and it's just great to go to anything. Cats was unforgettable as the staging was meant for production in a certain way.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I'm sure it would be a great experience for them..... but it happens that Wicked is Maddie's favorite broadway show and Kyle didn't want to go see it there without her, and Jessica said she would rather see more of the town. They won't have a lot of 'free' time - and I think that was one of the few slots of time that they had to sightsee other things if they didn't go to the show. I told them either way was fine with me.....

Thanks for the info on ordering plants. Seems like the plants delight sounds familiar so maybe that is where I got the tiny plants. They were just plugs really - and not worth what I paid for them and like yours, some didn't even come out of dormancy! :(

I lot all my monardas a couple of years ago so I am looking at a couple of those, and I am really wanting to add some things that will make nice cut flowers. I love having a few fresh flowers in the house - and I never seem to have much in the garden that lasts as a cut flower. Suggestions??

Marilyn, sounds like Samantha is having a blast. Good for her!!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Is anyone familiar with these plants? Giant Scabious (cephalaria gigantea); Giant Leopard's Bane (Doronicum pardalianches); or Largest Masterwort (Astrantia maxima)...... the leopard's bane says it can be invasive so I wondered if anyone had experience with it. I don't do invasive well as I spend enough time fighting the nutgrass and bermuda!

The Masterwort is supposedly full sun in the article, but then the place that had it for sale listed it as part sun.............. anyone know if it will hold up to full sun down here?

I am thinking about trying to add some of these to my bed for cut flowers........

Also, on a different subject, I am planning to try to add several milkweeds to see if I can get any monarchs. I have one bed this summer that is going to be for items needing less water - because I think some of my things are getting watered too much. My other bed gets watered basically every day once we hit extreme temps. Do the milkweeds need lots of water or prefer it to be drier? I wondered if they preferred drier conditions since they are native plants. Thanks for any info you can provide!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Genna I think I have the Leopard's Bane. It is always the first plant to bloom for me. It is a shade plant. I looked it up and the flowers and leaves look the same as mine. The information on the site I went to also said it was a full shade plant. I wouldn't consider it a cut flower. Also it blooms very early and then it doesn't bloom anymore. It does spread but I don't have any problem keeping it under control. I looked all the plants you mentioned up. They all require moist soil. When it says moist soil it means just that - moist all the time. I have areas that the soil holds moisture really well and that's where I plant things like that. Sometimes you even have to create a moist area by laying down a plastic liner and putting soil over it. From what you have described about your soil I doubt that they are getting too much water. Very sandy soil is going to dry out very fast even if you water every day. I water my plants in the heat of the summer everyday also and I have soil that is rich and holds moisture pretty well. Some areas of my yard holds moisture better than others. You just have to figure out how your soil is holding water. I don't think any of the plants you asked about would be considered cut flowers. If your wanting cut flowers I would just go with the old tried and true zinnias, marigolds, etc. I know they are annuals but the sun annuals are the best thing you can plant for cut flowers.

All plants are going to require a lot of watering and attention when you first plant them. After they have gotten established and developed a good root system then there are a lot that can take less water.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Genna I take what I said back about the plant with the yellow flower. Very similar flower but not the same leaf. Still would not consider it a cut flower and it would require shade and moist soil. Here us a picture of my plant. Just starting to bloom.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

My hellebores have really done well this year. Thought I would share some pictures. My hostas are beginning to poke through also.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Didn't load the first time!

Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Lungwort is also blooming.

Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Wow, Charlotte, your hellebores are gorgeous! Mine aren't blooming, but then they were transplanted less than two years ago from Harrison and before that they were transplanted from Cabot. Hopefully, I will get some blooms from them next season.

Genna, I had scabiosa but I don't think it was the giant variety. I had it both in Conway and also in Cabot. I was not pleased with the way it performed but maybe I didn't know how to water it properly. I did not know it needed to be kept moist like Charlotte said. At any rate, I don't plan to get any more of it. Like Charlotte said, your tried and true sun annuals seem to be the best for cutting.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

My hellebores do really well. Not sure why. What I showed is just part of them. I have big clumps in 7 or 8 spots. The picture of them that has the blue glass ball in it were babies from my biggest plant that I transplanted. They have only been there 2 or 3 years. My largest plant I bought in 2001 or 2002. It drops lots of seeds and I get lots of new babies every year. I even dug a big piece of it up and gave to Cindy after she lost so many plants after the flood.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Genna I have enough bee balm for all of us!!!! I can't kill it. It's coming up all over the place. The first picture is a big patch of it coming up in a spot I have lots of ferns. I don't want it all in my ferns. The second picture is my celadine poppy just starting to bloom. The third is some columbine that is going to be blooming soon. The last one is what happened to my tulip magnolia blooms!!!! The last batch of cold weather turned them into nice black buds!!! I didn't get to see a single bloom this year!

So glad to see things coming up and getting ready to bloom. Hostas are popping up by the minute.

All the debris you see on the ground I will not pick up. It will just stay there and rot. You can see it now but in a few weeks everything will grow up through it and you will see very little of it. But it keeps my soil fertile and loose. I have so many tree and shrub roots I probably wouldn't have any soil without me leaving all the debris!

This message was edited Mar 27, 2014 6:18 PM

Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Sorry about your tulip magnolia blooms..... I have had that happen to mine before. I only have a few blooms on my little trees as well, but it appears the "Main" stems of my young trees are dead. The only stems that have any sign of life are the more outside stems. My tulip magnolia trees are probably only about 5- 5'6" tall and the only thing that is showing life or blooms are some stems that are only maybe 4' tall on the outside edges. :( I am not sure whether to cut the middle out and try to let the outside stems take over or what. It is the same on both trees......... or should I just try to find replacements??

Well, when we get together, I would love some monarda............. assuming I can get a handle on this dang bermuda grass! I worked in my big bed again yesterday afternoon for about 5 hrs after the kids left for school, and I didn't make a dent. There is one section that the bermuda is so thick that I can barely get a shovel thru the soil!! I am digging up one scoop at a time and trying to get all the roots out it. A slow and tedious and almost impossible task! I fought this bed last year big time on the bermuda, but it didn't appear that I had much of an impact so by the end of summer I took Roundup to it all trying to make a major kill. I do think I made a big dent, but I am still finding a few green twigs as I dig :( I have decided this is the LAST summer I am going to fight this big bed like this again and if I can't get it to a managable level I am going to remove the plants I want and the border and let it go! :( It is a huge circle bed that was surrounded by a circle drive with just gravel and the bermuda is intruding from in and under and around the rock border...... so I also sprayed all the bermuda on the drive hoping to keep it from coming into the bed. Not sure if that will be successful or not, but I know I can not spend all my time fighting that bed! I have a very large portion of it cleaned out, now if I can get the paper and mulch down soon before things get a head start! I am almost out of mulch and I am trying to find a local source that is cheaper instead of having to buy it by the bag!!

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Yes, it seems like the tulip poplars just can't make it thru a good spring. Mine did bloom, sort of, but got wiped out by the freeze last week. Now they just look like brown paper bags hanging on the tree. Not bad enough to kill the tree, but ugly until the green takes over.

I'm not sure my hot lips salvia survived. I've got 2-3 salvia in the same bed and I can't remember which one was the hot lips. One is greening up for sure and 2 aren't. I had cut all of them back a month or so ago. We'll see what happens. This was a hard winter with those single digits.

Ripley, MS

My hot lips is not showing any green yet either, Elaine, so maybe yours is ok. I do have others showing green too.
Had a good time visiting with Cayla, but nice to come home too!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I just checked my hot lips and it's not greening up yet either.
Sandra glad you had a good visit with Cayla!!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Hello everyone!!! I hope everyone had a great weekend.

My black & blue doesn't look like it's coming back. My blue sky vine is peaking back out and my kiwi has been leafed out.

I went to the plant sale at LSU over the weekend and bought a flat of various plants. I got 2 of each artichoke, purple hyacinth beans, milkweeds and some kind of really interesting looking hibiscus in 4" pots.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Jeri than for mentioning the hyacinth bean! I went to the Wye Mtn daffodil festival and they had a few craft booth and one had hyacinth bean seed. I bought a package and dropped in my purse and that's the last I had thought about until you mentioned it!!!

I will need to by some new tropical hibiscus this year. Mine are all toast!l I really didn't try to save any this year. Just have not had a lot of luck with them blooming good the next year.

I'm going to be plant shopping the next two weekends. Mainly looking for things for my large containers and some vegetables.

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