Tis the season, That makes me Jolly!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Your pictures show other stuff than mine,,,good!

In your first set of pictures--wayyy above by now--that red, ruffled camellia
looks just like mine....Did you by any chance see the name?
MIne is a "Bob Hope".

Looks same to me.........
1--Here's my Camellia .....this is from Aug. 2005

2--And--I also found here pictures of my Amaryllis in the big pot--so I already had it in 2005.
That DOES make my big pot of Amaryllis at least 10 years old....
These bulbs are still in the same pot...
And--today--they are all about to bloom again. Pic. 3


Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

Gita, I didn't get the name of that camellia. I don't think it was labeled. That's the trouble with the show, most of the plants aren't labeled. Except for one guy who made giant plant tags, which he later told me was specifically so people could take pictures of the cards and so that he wouldn't have to answer the same question for 2 weeks. :) I liked that guy.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks they are really nice pics. What a little sweetie you have.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thank you for the pics, we missed that show as well as Philly. That is a cute little future gardener you have there.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Ric--Yes he is!
The first time I went over katen's--August showed me the instars of the
BSButterflies on the parsley. He knew the name and all....

I used to save bugs for him and give them to him when i saw him.
Then--the huge London Plane Tree leaves....He just loves all that kind of stuff.

Yep! Karen is raising a gardener....Sweet kid.
So is the other one--but she is still too little....2+.


Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

Thank you all. Yes, he is a sweet boy. We like to learn about nature together. :) He was really good at the show and didn't complain at all when I dragged him all through the cow palace and then the orchid show.
Adele is still the bull in the china shop (yesterday she stomped on some emerging daff leaves) but she'll learn. Hopefully my plants survive till then.... ;)
Yesterday while we were soaking up some Vitamin D in the back yard: August was drawing a picture of a tree.

Thumbnail by typwc
Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

They're adorable, Karen.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

it was REALLY hard not to pick up the bits of sedum that had fallen on the floor to take home and try to root.

I do it all the time. Saves the cleaning people from having to do so much sweeping.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Well, I am thankful the last two days are over. Yesterday, had an interesting 4 hours on the john drinking a gallon of lemon lime prep. Yuck! I brought my laptop into the bathroom, connected to Dish anywhere & watched two movies.This morning We got up, left at 6:30 a.m. and drove an hour to Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. Then they put me under & I had an endoscopy followed by a colonoscopy. Then after I had lunch in the hosp cafeteria, My pain mgt doctor gave me a steroid injection in L5 in spine to get rid of pain from pinched sciatic nerve. Everything came out well, in more ways than one. Went home and am resting. (on here?) "Why is she doing this all the same day?" they ask and the reason for that is I am on blood thinners and have to be off them for 5 days prior to any procedures or surgery so it is to everybody's convenience to get everything done the same day. My thanks to Dr Tinsley from (G.I) for the scopies, Dr, Giampetros (Pain mgt), Frank (from the Coumadin clinic, all the nurses, and anesthesiologist who took such good care of me, my wonderful husband, Bob who prayed for me, my little buddy Fritzie who waited faithfully for me at home and most of all Jesus my savior and his Father, God to whom I prayed & touched me. Amen. Judy Showers.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Judy, So glad that you are through all that and can rest and recuperate.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Judy, when I first met you I described you as 'intrepid' Seems that still fits. God bless you and Bobbin. It will be great to see you this Spring at Aspenhill! (The other Judy)

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Judy, glad those two days are behind you. Hope you are doing well.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Woohoo, glad to hear, Buttoneer!!

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I was wondering: I received a big package of seeds from Donner, Gita, Dave and forgot who else. I still want to fulfill my trades with SSGardenerr, Donnerville, Muddy1, and Catmint. Since you good people combined your shipment, is there a way I could do this too and to whom would I send the package? Lmk & thanks. Speaking of intrepid, The Dr's aren't finished with us, yet. Bobbin is getting carpel tunnel surgery on his left hand on 3/19,(as yet, untouched) because it really got bad and I'm getting my right wrist x-rayed on 3/21 because the arthritis is so bad in my knuckle on my hand, behind my index finger, I can't work on jewelry & gardening. (we're falling apart)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

(we're falling apart)
Feeling much the same myself right now Buttoneer. Hope we all get ourselves back in reasonably good shape soon.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Got a report from GI dept. The biopsy on the polyps proved they are precancerous so I am glad I had the procedure done. (just hope they got all of them). A friend of ours had one colonoscopy done years ago, nothing was found so he didn't return. Many years later, he develops a mass and we are praying for him.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


As much as we hate this procedure--or better the gallon of awful liquid
we must consume--in the end--it is good that it was dine..

I had mine done in mid-December...after 13 years of the previous one.
One polyp was removed---not pre-anything, but I am glad it was taken out.

Wishing YOU good health--always. Gita

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