North Creek Group Buy Part 3

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Catmint -- Don't worry about buying ice -- I promise I'll remember -- we have a decent icemaker.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

New proposal: Anyone who wants to come is invited to an early dinner at my house - al fresco -- after the pickup at Terri's. Bring warm clothes to bundle up -- this is an outdoor only invitation (because my house is a mess), and it'll only be in the high 50's. I have a propane patio heater and if anyone can figure out how to work it, that should help. Plus we have a firepit. I'll provide the food and wine and hot cocoa and s'mores. Just let me know if you think you can make it so I have an idea of how much food to get.

Central, MD(Zone 7a)


Sounds great to me. I wasn't going to be able to make it to Terri's until 7 anyway.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Perfect timing! Maybe we can bring your stuff from Terri's to my house.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sounds like fun, Happy -- thanks!!

Coleup, I'm really confused. I thought NC finalized ALL orders the week before shipping or pickup. Regardless, please be sure to get an updated invoice to Terri pronto! Today!! You don't have until "tomorrow afternoon" to figure this out, because we are leaving for North Creek tomorrow MORNING! Yikes!!! We need to know exactly what we are to pick up!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I thought the order was in AspenHill's name -- is that not the case? Or when the group purchase was divided, was part shifted to Coleup's name? Are Critter and AspenHill doing the pickup for both parts (to the extent ready now)?

If part of the order is in Coleup's name, is Coleup the only one who can confirm what is available? I would assume NC is happy to confirm what they are expecting to have available to any of us -- there isn't anything confidential about the order. A phone call to NC should set straight what NC has set aside for pickup. I'd be happy to call, but don't want to step on AspenHill's toes since she has been coordinating.

I had written a check for AspenHill -- should I be writing a separate check for Coleup? I'm totally confused -- I'm probably not the only one!

I really hope we can get this straightened out today -- otherwise there will be a nightmare teasing this apart after the fact, and determining what is owed to NC.... plus we want to avoid making unnecessary trips to Pennsylvania ...

Coleup -- please chime in ASAP to help us out!

This message was edited Apr 22, 2014 11:25 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, now I'm REALLY confused, Judy. I just talked to Terri, and North Creek says you were there THIS MORNING?? And that you picked up flats from 3 of the invoices that we expected to pick up (and pay for) tomorrow??? I don't understand why you would do that, as we'd have had no problem fitting everything in the truck.

Are you bringing all the flats (other than your whole flats) to the divvy-up tomorrow? Terri is good to go with neat labels for getting everything divided quickly and easily.

I'm sure things will work out fine tomorrow, but you need to keep the HOSTESS in the loop!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Does anyone have a phone number for Coleup? This is getting urgent.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Happy, everything is going on my credit card, even the parts that Judy stepped in to organize, so all payments will go to me. I assume Judy is bringing all the plants that she just picked up to tomorrow's divvy up. As planned, you will pay me for your plants when you pick them up tomorrow.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

AspenHill -- thanks so much for clarifying. This has gotten so confusing!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Confusing, yes. I'm still scratching my head about why this wasn't all one pickup tomorrow as planned for the plants ready this week. I know Judy likes to be helpful, but two pickup trips are just redundant. I'm glad Terri checked with North Creek about the plants today, or we'd have been flabbergasted to get there tomorrow and find only some of the flats waiting for us.

Once we have all the plants at SSG's tomorrow, though, I think things will go smoothly. And Terri's spreadsheet makes it easy to see what we'll be picking up and what we owe her.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow!

silver spring, MD(Zone 7a)

What time are we meeting at Gardeners? I have to see patients tomorrow but I'll probably be able to swing by.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh for corn's sake. My computer is acting up... I'll beat it into submission and get the invoices out, probably in the middle of the night LOL... meanwhile, here are the ADR totals (payable to me), for those of you who are saying "I don't need every detail; just tell me what I owe!"

Aspenhill $123.09 for 90 items
Holly $118.81 for 68 items
Terp $59.08 for 31 items
Terp #2 $23.16 for 16 items
Yehudith $108.45 for 51 items
Happy $46.11 for 33 items

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Yehudith, I'm asking everyone to come after 3, since I have to work in the morning as well. We're going to Happy's for dinner afterwards, so I guess between 3 and... 6ish? Please call ahead if you're going to be late. I'm glad you're able to make it!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

And Yehudith, I'd love to have you join us for dinner as well -- please shoot me a dmail if you can make it.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Quote from coleup :
Please be advised that due to an unusually harsh and long winter that some of the plants scheduled for pick up this week may be shifted to the May pick up due to readiness. issues, 'Can't hurry love and it seems also plants' I remind myself that normally NC plants would be going to growers for growing on and not backyard gardeners! Most growers don't put out late emergers like asters and goldenrods until Mid summer or early fall when they start to bloom and have been potted up once or twice into quart, gal or even 3 gal size and price.

Should know more tomorrow afternoon after dealing with NC and will keep everyone posted.
Even without some late emergers we should have plenty of plants to Divy up!

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause to anyone's planting plans. Me, too. I want to plant when there is still some coolness about and the ground is soft!

I am happy to say that all 5 of the North Creek orders under my separate account with North Creek are available for Divy up today! Seems that the warm temps Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon saw most of them get the message and spring into action! Good for us!

Cute little things which we all should take photos of at this stage for when we forget what we have planted where next Spring or whether it is a 'weed' or a planted plant! LOL I would suggest sheltering them a bit tonight because of the wind and temps and because some of them have spent the last several weeks at the greenhouse spa with warmer than outside temps and even on bottom heat to wake them up when in a more normal year they would wake up more naturally.

I am glad that I was able to do up close and personal quality assurance of the plants on order under my account before these orders became a legal obligation for payment for same and to assure myself that plants I have a hand in procuring for you all meet my muster. If for any reason the plants slated for your pickup and payment (to Terri) that have been ordered under my account do not meet your muster, please let me know at Divy up and I will reimburse you directly for what ever you have paid Terri and I will be happy to find alternative forever homes for them. Like North Creek, I can't garantee that they will grow and thrive once you take possession of them.

Hope the wind dies down and the Beltway doesn't back up!

See you all later, probably around 4 - 5 unless the paper route goes extreemly well. Not sure how long I can say as I'd like to do return trip in daylight.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks Coleup. Look forward to seeing you at SSG's. Once we have all our MWS plants we can work on assembling the kits for sharing at the spring swap and for planting along roadsides and in meadows. A good deed for the monarchs, other native pollinators who enjoy the nectar, and for the ecosystem and earth we inhabit. I am very happy to do my part for this great cause.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

What a fun day! Thank you all for coming and helping with the sorting. I felt so lazy, just standing around watching everyone do all the hard work. And the plugs look wonderful!

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks for hosting! It was so nice to see you and other DG friends and to see your gorgeous yard. I still can't believe how many plants were blooming; it's as if you had a zone 8 yard !

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

yes, thanks for hosting, SSG, and great to see everyone! And I agree with Muddy--can't believe we live in the same zone, so many things blooming in your beautiful yard!

Thanks to Aspen, Critter, Greenthumb, and Coleup for driving up to NC and bringing all the plants to SSG's, and then for all that time spent patiently dividing them up.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

It was great to see everyone yesterday and wrap up the first delivery of the group buy. Thank you ssg for hosting the divvy up and happy for the great dinner afterwards. I enjoyed seeing your gardens - they are so beautiful.

To move on to the second delivery for the odds/ends that weren't available this week, per coleup's personal preference and recent actions, the concept of the single group buy will be separated into her wrapping up the Monarch Waystation focus and my wrapping up the General Perennial focus. As she clearly stated, she has her own account and business with North Creek as do I.

The Monarch Waystation focus will be handled via coleup's North Creek account, and she will solely coordinate guidelines, purchase, payment, and delivery to DG participants. The General Perennial focus will be handled via my North Creek account, and I will solely coordinate purchase, payment, and delivery to DG participants - guidelines for the General Perennial focus remain the same as established at the initiation of the group buy effort.

From my notes, the odds/ends to wrap up are as follows:
Monarch Waystation focus:
Aster novae-angliae (new england)
Rudbeckia fulgida var fulgida

General Perennial focus:
Asarum canadense
Helleborus 'Brandywine'
Pachysandra procumbins
Viola walteri 'Silver Gem'
Fern assortment

New thread to wrap up the group buy for the General Perennial focus is located here:

This message was edited Apr 24, 2014 9:04 AM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks Aspen and Coleup!

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