North Creek Group Buy Part 3

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

This is a new thread for the continuation of the North Creek Group Buy. We have a first order identified and placed with North Creek.

The group buy will continue on with a focus on native and butterfly habitat plants. Coleup has some great ideas, and will be coordinating your interest in additional plants via her "Milkweed for Monarch what can we do 2014" thread:

The links to the Group Buy guidelines and the North Creek Order summary are re-posted below.

North Creek has a lot of natives to offer - it will be great to get some of these plants into our gardens!

Thumbnail by aspenhill
Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Group Buy Guidelines

The original guidelines still hold with two changes. The guidelines, edited with those changes are located here:

Changes are summarized as follows:
1) Due to an unforeseen family health issue that has preoccupied my time, Coleup has graciously stepped in to assist me. She will be coordinating any further interest in plant discussions and tallying up those interests as they reach full flat quantities for ordering.

2) I think the idea to have an earlier pick-up/delivery option was a good one. The group buy order will be split into two pick-ups/deliveries - week of 04/21 (new concept) and week of 05/19 (original concept). So far, all participants are local to the Montgomery or Anne Arundel County area and it will be fairly easy to coordinate a distribution with all of you somewhere in that Maryland area after the 04/21 and 05/19 pick-ups. We will also stick to the original plan of anything from the 05/19 pick-up being available for distribution at the Spring Swap.

*** As in the original guidelines, I will make full payment to North Creek and you can re-imburse me directly when your plants are delivered. I'm keeping track of payment information in a google spreadsheet that you can access online anytime, and will send individual dmails prior to plant pick-up.

This message was edited Feb 2, 2014 4:27 PM

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

North Creek Order Summary

There are two google spreadsheets for tracking purposes. The first is a list of all flats with participant percentages. The second is a list of all pricing per participant.

Flats with participant percentages:

Pricing per participant:

This message was edited Apr 16, 2014 6:25 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

There's a new thread up for FERNS !

Coleup is orchestrating purchase of a fern assortment, probably about 30 plants for about $45, looks like 8 or 9 varieties. See

Is there any interest in ASTILBE to go with all these ferns? ADR has a pretty good assortment, looks like most work out to be $1.20 per bare root plant ("#1 division" which last year looked quite nice when we tried a couple). Although they're marked "sold out" on the website, Chis told me he could probably get us what we wanted. I think the compact "Key" series (Astilbe simplicafolia) are especially pretty, maybe also those newer "younique" hybrids (compact enough for pots). And you know I'm usually up for anthing pink or purple! []

I'm willing to entertain the idea of other perennials, too. I've been flirting with the idea of trying dahlias (especially shorter ones) for a while...

When we know what we're interested in, I'll shoot a list to Chris, and he'll see what he can do.

I'm not trying to derail this thread... if there's interest, we'll take it to a new thread for ADR spring perennials. :-)

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Looks great--thanks so much to Aspen and Coleup for all your work on this buy!

Coleup, I can hardly wait to get all of my milkweed from you! And Aspen, I'm looking forward to the Baptisia! :-)

Either 4/21 or 5/19 should work for me.

Critter, I've had only mediocre results with astilbe!

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

So I'm a little confused. Is this buy still open or closed?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Heya! Anybody interested in Astilbes, Phlox (P. paniculata, tall garden phlox), or other goodies from ADR this spring? Bare root, pick up at the spring plant swap or from me the week before. :-)

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

The group buy is still open, but trying to wrap it up. Coleup is tallying up what people are interested in and committing to on the threads:

"Milkweed for Monarch what can we do 2014"

"Fern Assortment"

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yes, wrap up what you need from NC, and then let me know what you want in the way of astilbes or phlox to round things out! LOL

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Can someone remind me--was there talk of adding a flat of Pachysandra procumbens Allegheny spurge? I would be interested in trying this, if people have talked about adding it.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Catmint, One flat of 32 Allegheny Spurge is on order with North Creek for pick up date of 9/01 It will probably be part of a Fall Order

Pachysandra procumbins (Allegheny spurge)/32/$112/
1/4 Greenthumb 1/2Muddy1/4Critter

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

okay thanks, Coleup! :-)

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

CatMint, you can take part of my share of the Allegheny Spurge if you'd like.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

thanks, Muddy--you're such a sweetie! :-)

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

You're welcome! Take an 1/8th or 1/4, whichever you'd like.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Just a reminder that North Creek has some very nice Hellebores that we can 'Reserve' now for pick up sometime after June 9, Catmint and I got to see a number of them yesterday. Those that ordered 'Candy Love' and Brandywine will be pleased!

And for those in a Phlox mood, we can still add Phlox 'Jeana' (mildew resistant)or 'Triple Play' (variegated foliage!) to our orders:

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Aspenhill, how areplans coming for order pick up week of 4/21? Where will distribution gathering take place?

I think Yehudith volunteered to host Jill's 'bare root ' order at her house in Silver Spring and there was a suggestion that that be coordinated with North Creek divy up.

I am still exploring the option of North Creek using their truck to deliver plants to us as we meet the 35 flat min at the cost of $3.50 pre flat. Seems they do not come to our area as 'regularly' as previous years so scheduling is a bit more 'subject to change'!

Any thoughts?

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I will be making the road trip between Tue and Fri during the 04/21 week. Still coordinating which day. I can pick up all of the flats that will be ready by then. We need to start discussing a Montgomery/Anne Arundel County divy up one evening either that week or early the week after, or sometime that weekend. Open for any and all suggestions.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

deleted since Aspen is going to pick them up...

This message was edited Mar 24, 2014 7:07 AM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh sorry Aspen we cross posted!

This message was edited Mar 24, 2014 7:08 AM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Aspen, I want to help with the AA/Mont Co sort, but I'm not sure what I can do to help.

Is the plan to do the sort at your place? Or were you thinking about dropping off some of the flats in AA/MC before your journey back home?

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

I would love to help as well. I'm sure we can work something out!

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm open for all options. I think one of the better options would be to drop off some of the flats in AA/MC before the journey back home from the NC pickup. We could pick a location and time for everyone to meet up.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm right off 495, so it's an easy detour. I could hold onto some of the flats, but I have a small driveway, a small yard, and I have no concept of how big a flat is. :)

How many plugs are you picking up?

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I'd love to help as well, Aspen! Thanks for driving all the way up to PA to pick these flats up--that is so generous of you!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Quote from ssgardener :
I'm right off 495, so it's an easy detour. I could hold onto some of the flats, but I have a small driveway, a small yard, and I have no concept of how big a flat is. :)

How many plugs are you picking up?

I live close to SSG and could help with any plan that involves dropping off/ sorting at her place.

I could also take some flats back to my place--I have a fair amount of lawn space in the back yard.

This message was edited Mar 24, 2014 6:50 AM

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

SSG - A flat is generally about 11" x 22", the size of those black trays one typically sees at nurseries.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh! Thanks for the lesson, greenthumb! That's a LOT smaller than I thought. :)

In that case, I could probably hold onto some of the trays, although I'm nervous about being responsible for them for more than a couple of days! LOL

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

A flat is 10" by 20' by 2-5 deep.

There are currently 50 flats to be picked up week of 4/21

2 full flats to Sequoia
6 full flats to Aspenhill
9 full flats to Happy
8 full flats to Coleup

Which leaves 25 flats to be 'divied up'

I'll divide the 7 flats of Fern Group Buy according to preferences stated, etc amongst the 8 - 10 sharers and Aspen can trans to Greenthumb and Critter if neither can be present for Divy Up Day and I will keep the rest until Swap day or other arrangements. Terp. Yehudith and Catmint can get theirs at Divy Up or SSG can hold them.

That leaves 18 flats . I'm asking North Creek if we can beg, borrow or buy several 32. 50 and LP50 size trays to make our sorting easier on ourselves and plants..

Working on other breakdowns now. Again some partial flats to Aspen/ Greenthumb/Critter area
and some to Silver Spring area and I'll 'hold the rest of our nectar/pollinator plants as a majority come to me anyway.

SSG is there street parking for any who will come to Divy Up Day?

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Yes, there's street parking. I'm trying to picture 25 flats in my back yard. It should be doable for a few days.

Happy lives so close to me that she might want to pick up her flats from my place. I'll get in touch with her.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Quote from coleup :
A flat is 10" by 20' by 2-5 deep.

There are currently 50 flats to be picked up week of 4/21
Which leaves 25 flats to be 'divied up'

I'll divide the 7 flats of Fern Group Buy according to preferences stated, etc amongst the 8 - 10 sharers and Aspen can trans to Greenthumb and Critter if neither can be present for Divy Up Day and I will keep the rest until Swap day or other arrangements. Terp. Yehudith and Catmint can get theirs at Divy Up or SSG can hold them.

That leaves 18 flats . I'm asking North Creek if we can beg, borrow or buy several 32. 50 and LP50 size trays to make our sorting easier on ourselves and plants..

Working on other breakdowns now. Again some partial flats to Aspen/ Greenthumb/Critter area
and some to Silver Spring area and I'll 'hold the rest of our nectar/pollinator plants as a majority come to me anyway.

SSG is there street parking for any who will come to Divy Up Day?

Wow, Coleup, thanks for that breakdown. Thanks so much to you and Aspen for all you're doing.

My backyard has a fair amount of space and usually no trouble with parking, if people want to meet at my place instead of SSGs. I totally understand if others want to stick with SSG's generous offer of meeting at her place because it is more convenient to 495 (I'm about 20 minutes north of her)--just throwing it out as an option in case SSG is concerned about space and keeping stuff. I'm also happy to divvy up at SSG's, and then help transport stuff back to my place for longer keeping (would need help with this though because of my relatively small car size). I could take 4/21 off from work to be around and help.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Pick up from North Creek is on weekdays from Tuesday thru Fri. It is warm enough in April post Easter that keeping them in a vehicle overnight is OK but not during daylight hours as possible 'overheating' Makes sence for Aspenhill to unload same day.

SSG, I hear you on being responsible for keeping flats of new plants for oters. Hopefully a Silver Spring Divy Up will be close and convenient that this won't happen as Happy 9+ flats is close enough to pick up even is she makes several trips or maybe Paul would be a 'runner' or Jill's Bare Root order will be close enough in time and space for outliers to pick up their orders from NC at the Bare Root pick up, tentatively at Yehudith's in Silver Spring on a Sunday.

I'd prefer a Silver Spring Divy Up Day be Tues/Weds or Thurs to avoid weekend traffic! In any event I have afternoon paper delivery but could make some arrangement I suppose. Maybe we need a 'Casual Thusday' so we can eat and party and divy! I'm the only one in AA co ordering from NC so it makes no sense to have a drop off in my area.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

It's much easier for me to take off on Wed. Thursday isn't possible, but Tuesday may be doable as long as we're done by 3pm. I'll wait to hear what's best for Aspen. And thank you Catmint for offering to be backup! :)

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Wed April 23 works for me, too! DD will be in school that day so no conflicts regarding her schedule.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I was thinking about making the road trip Tue or Wed. Sounds like Wed would be the better option. I probably wouldn't be back to the Montgomery County area until 6:00 - I need to check out travel times again. Also, most people probably wouldn't have to take off work if it is after 5:00. The other option is to do everything associated with NC and ADR divy up on Sunday 04/27, tentatively at Yehudiths.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Aspen, any chance we can do Tuesday instead? I'd hate to take off work in the middle of the week like that. I'm already off on 4/21 for Easter. If it doesn't work for anyone else though I can take off that day.

Also, I wanted to note that Happy and I have a split flat in addition to my 2 flats.

Sorry for the late in the game post...

This message was edited Mar 24, 2014 10:23 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Catching up...

Yehudith hasn't posted again about hosting a pickup party, so I figured I could do it here...

I can also bring the ADR bare root plants along to the NC divvy-up party.

The only glitch is that I might be up in Pittsburgh until Thursday that week, as i'll be going back & forth after Dad's aortic valve replacement. He should be doing OK by then, though, so I can plan to be back Tuesday and available to keep Terri company on her road trip Wednesday. I'm asking ADR to ship that week, and I'll change that to asking them to ship for arrival by Tuesday. I'll print out labels ahead of time to make sorting easy.

I'm thinking we might use a bunch of stackable boxes from Costco to hold the flats for transport, so those shallow boxes would be available to sort orders into.

Terri & I will be chatting later today to work out details. :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, and I think Terri & I are planning a "pot 'em up" day either Saturday or Sunday... so anybody who didn't pick up Wednesday can pick up then at my place.

Sequoia, would it help if we got to North Creek in the afternoon so you wouldn't need to take the whole day off? Or we could meet there in the morning if that's better, although Terri knows how much I (don't) love leaving at 7 am!

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Unfortunately the place I work doesn't believe it 1/2 days....they're kind of old school. I don't want to be a pain though so if it's better for everyone else I'll suck it up and go Wed.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Critter if you have some plywood or 2 x 4's and something to make legs like milk crates or pots you can make a second layer. Ric and I do that for the swaps.

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