winter is here on the Homestead...

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

We have a 96 F250 with a diesel engine. E have to keep it plugged in to keep the block warm. A nice bonus is that it keeps the windshield clean for the most part. The door handles were frozen yesterday. Likely will be today too because it was 8 degrees this morning. Our van was in the shop to get new brake pads. Mechanic called to let me know it was done and that he had had to charge up the battery. The battery is only a month old and should be very hot. I went to get the van. Was going to leave the truck in case the power went out and we could not keep the block warm. It is almost impossible to start in winter without it. The battery was dead on the van again. Have to get that taken care of. Always something.

I need to take my one burner camp stove to the barn and heat some water for Ben. He is not drinking much and I do not want him to colic.

You all stay warm.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

That battery should not go dead. Possible it is bad & should be replaced under warranty.

We have an electric heated bowl for our cats water. Even that was froze one morning, -19º.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Going to have it checked.

Asking you all to pray for me the next few days. I have to get all my animals ready for the cold that is on the way. Worst part will be getting around to feed my horses. It has me worried. The cold causes my muscles to spasm because of the MD. They are saying we could have wind chill of -30. I know that 30 minutes in that kind of cold can cause frostbite. I am worried.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

-30º wind chill is no concern if you are properly dressed. A pair of long johns under your jeans, 2 or 3 shirts under you coat & a warm hat. Of course some mittens or good gloves.
Remember they say wind chill, so if you are behind a barn or a tree line it won't be that cold.

Good luck.

Bentonville, AR

i hope everyone is managing to stay warm. its 9 degrees here right now and 10 deg colder with wind chill. unheard of in arkansas. i know its far worse in other parts but this is arkansas! lol. well the cold has managed to motivate me to finish some projects i had put off for quite some time. i am nearly done with a quilt top that i had bought as scraps in a thrift store about 5 yrs ago. turned out it was someones hand sewn blocks. judging by the stitches and fabrics i would say it was some little older lady who was losing her sewing skills. probably her last pieces of sewing before either passing away or going into a nursing home and her family just bagged the blocks up and donated them. i paid less than $4 enough blocks for at leaat 4 quilts. or their starts. i have also finished some crochet and knit projects that id just packes away when i grew bored. i found a recipe.for a good crusty artisan bread. it makes 3 loaves at a time. problem is if u dont eat it within a day it is a brick. i had to use a hammer to bust it up to soak and give to the goat. but it makes great chew bones for the sogs! lol

it looks like we have a few more days to snowpocalypse the sequel, so im hoping to work on a couple more of the quilt tops. one of them is applique sunbonnet sue so maybe i will learn how to applique.

i vow to have better heat next winter. would prefer to have wood heat but at this point im not sire where exactly i will be so i just say better more thorough heat. my kitchen is 45degrees. living room is low 50s. my bedrooms a whopping 62 and for that i am thankful! i dont even venture in the back half. the water lines are capped off and its not heated so im sure its below freezing.

i found myself drooling over seed and flower catalogs. again this year i wont be putting in a garden but i will plant in buckets so they can be moved if necessary. i have visions of shelves.of canned veggies and soups and such!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I am thankful to God for holding the bed weather off until I got my work finished. Covered the rooster pens, put the big dog house in the hauling compartment of the horse trailer and stuffed it with hay. Both dogs are in there. The possum is in the house. Max is locked in his barn with fresh shavings. The other horses have clean stalls and blankets so I am as set as I can be.

Angus, my sister is an avid quilter. She makes one for each grandchild. She has 17 now and expecting 2 more this month. They keep her busy.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

Debbie took her last "project quilt" to the quilter's yesterday. Now she gets to work on her fun stuff for the rest of the winter. She has one about 1/2 done that she wants to finish, then she'll be working on this other thing she has been trying to make a pattern for.

We put down fresh straw in the duck box, and almost a whole bale in each of the henhouses. They usually get about 3-4 flakes. The dovecot got a bag of wood shavings. We hung red heat lamps in all the buildings, too. I never thought of a light bulb under the hood. I hope the Ranger starts this morning; I got the Mercury tires to take air, but it seems to be developing a brake issue. If it ain't one thing it's 1/2 a dozen others.

The MacTavish and the 2 wiener b$%^&es stay in the house with us, and who knows where the cat is denned up. She isn't really ours, we're just part of her staff.

I hope you all are staying warm. It's 0°F here this Morning, and expecting -17° tonight. The wind is blowing to beat the band.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

It has snowed here all day starting around midnight, heavy at times, temps got up to 12º earlier and now falling fast. Sure am glad I don't have animals outside to feed and water.

I need to find my silk long johns... I have already located my old down jacket and gloves but have NO idea where a warm cap might be hiding.

I have a pair of Sorel Caribou snow boots with felt liners and it looks like I will need them if I venture outside. I haven't worn them in 2-3 years because we haven't had much snow. This is an expensive boot but luckily I found a pair fairly cheap in a used clothing store several years ago. They are SO warm and have great traction!

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

I finally got the Mercury running so as I could go to work. But about 1 1/2 miles from the house, the blower crapped out. By the time I got to work -24 miles- the inside of my windows were as frosty as the outside. I had to scrape the inside of the driver's side window so I could check for cross traffic. It wasn't fun. Coming home was as bad.

It's -10°F now and is expected to drop to about 14 to 17 (depending on what radio station you listen to) by morning, and the wind is atrocious. This morning before the wind got really bad it was okay outside if you had enough layers on. I wore my jeans a t-shirt, an insulated overshirt, my Carhartt bibs, and my Carhartt coat. I had my gortex ear flap hat on my noggin, and my feet had 2 pair of socks, a pair of bread bags to keep them dry and stuffed into my new Brahma boots.i was actually quite comfortable as long as I wasn't in the wind.

The water froze up IN THE HOUSE with the tap running. It's frustrating.

Debbie made me a pot of chili for supper, and I'm about to sit and eat a bowl. Get something warm in the innards

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

It was not nearly as bad today as I was afraid it would be. My animals all did well. It was about 8 degrees here this morning. The sun came out and it was calm so I was able to get my work done without any trouble. It is down to 2 degrees now. I know it will be a lot colder tomorrow so I will be wearing my goose down jacket. It is a really nice one from LLBean but I bought it at a thrift shop for $3. It was new and I have really gotten a lot of use from it. Now I need to find some good gloves. Any suggestions? At the moment I wear a pair of latex gloves under a pair of knit gloves and I wear a pair of insulated gardening gloves over all but my hands still get cold and hurt even with handwarmers between the gardening and knit gloves. I wear 3 pairs of socks and tomorrow I will add some foot warmers too.

Nik, I feel your pain about the car troubles. Looks like the alternator needs replacing on the van now. And while the defroster works, you can't switch it off cold air which makes it really bad in winter. The heater works in the back but you have to have the one on in front to make the back heater work. So it gets cold while driving. The heater in the truck works great but the door handles are broken inside on both doors so I have to roll the window down to get out. Pretty inconvenient in the rain. Hope you get yours fixed. That is a dangerous problem to have in this weather.

Darius, be careful you don't have ice under the snow. That is dangerous stuff. We didn't get but a couple inches of snow. That has made getting around a lot easier. Hope you find a hat to wear. I heard on TV this morning that you can lose 70 percent of your body heat through your head. Guess it is because the head is so vascular and it all runs close to the surface. I have a very warm knit hat that is lined with flannel and has ear flaps that tie under my chin. Got it for a dollar at the Dollar Tree. I love it.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

Well, we made it through the arctic invasion, and hope to get water back today sometime. I put a brooder lamp under the truck the other night and laid a tarp over the truck. When I tried it the next day (-13°F) the doors had thawed and the truck fired right up. I was amazed!!

Now if I can only get the water back so we can bathe!!! I've been able to haul enough to water the critters and flush the john, but I want a shower so bad I can taste it. Hopefully today....!

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

NikB, showers are certainly a luxury when it's been days... and days.... I hope it happens today! I've been meaning to ask, what kind of work do you do? You've mentioned chickens, and I haven't been able to tell if you're raising a few or working for a company that raises thousands. Or both.

Storms are finally coming in off the Pacific, bringing rain to the western 1/3 of the state, and snow to our part. So far it's not hard to get around. We do need a lot though, just not all at once! Yesterday, on the I-84 freeway near Boise, ID, there was a 46 vehicle mess in freezing fog. People down there drive like idiots. We are not the slowest people on the road by any means, but we are when we have to go there.

We are down to just a few leftover Christmas goodies. While that supply is down, the scale is up! Common problem this time of year. I started trying to shed a bit of it using a machine called a Health Rider that we have had for at least 15 years. Plus, I am thinking of eating more carrot sticks, etc, and trying to pacify that growling stomach from time to time with an extra glass of water. It doesn't help that when I have to get up to take pills in the middle of the night, I need food to go with them. It does help my sleep however. Balance, balance, balance!

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

My wife and I raise chickens here at the farm for our freezer and a few for the step daughters and both our parents. In addition to that we also raise a few dozen turkeys for the freezer. We have harlequin ducks for eggs and meat, (we don't care for chicken eggs).
we also have a small hatchery here at wolf's rest farm. It's called ND (nikDebbie) hatchery. We hatch and sell sexed chicks of Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, harlequin ducks bourbon red turkeys, guineas, and fancy auracanas. We often have other chicks/ducklings, when I can get the eggs. And I have hatched emus, an ostrich, geese, black snakes, gators/crocs (for the zoo) and quail n pheasant for release. Our incubators are the type that allows us to set 580 eggs and we usually have a waiting list.

Besides all that, I work as a driver/flock manager/hatchery worker, for Ridgway Hatcheries in La Rue, Oh. Ridgway has been around for almost a century. I think Dean is the 6th generation to operate it. The incubators there hold about 10-15 thouseand eggs at the time, and there are a couple dozen of them. Dean is honest to a fault, if you do business with him, you'll get whatever you agree on.

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Wow, Nik, those turkeys are beautiful birds! I have raised a few of the white ones, and also some bronze, but none in the past 20 years. Do you document their growth rate for the Rare Breeds Conservancy? I just went there to read about them, and see a picture. It seems that they need some documentation in that area. With all those birds in your care, do you have time to garden? No doubt you have more manure than you could possibly use!

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

I have plenty of time to garden and work wood and make and fly my kites. Debbie does most of the work with the birds here at the farm. She really doesn't let me get too involved with them since she took them over. Although she refers to everything (except the Auracanas) as "mine."
I used to be listed in the NPIP book, but I haven't dealt with the OPA for a few years now. They still keep sending me a bill I already paid. But I've never had a lot to do with the ALBC. I know they list a lot of things as critical that can be bought at most hatcheries. I got my first bourbon Reds at cackle hatchery, then some others at McMurrays. Now I raise and hatch my own plus pick one up at the livestock auction on occasion. Bourbon reds are almost as fast growing as BBBronzes, but the BBBronze or the BBwhite is still a faster grower, and so is more economical to raise for meat.
About 6 years ago I had a big tom (bourbon Red) took off with the wild flock in the area. I have seen it a couple times since in a cornfield or at the edge of the woods. He has a harem and seems to be doing all right with his wild cousins. Last year during spring turkey season my next door neighbor bagged a tom with a big patch of red on his flank.
I forgot to mention yesterday that I also have about 100 (started with 8) white pigeons.
Manure management is no problem. I lay it on the garden in the fall layered into the leaves I get from the village. My FIL also gets about 100 gallons of it from me for his garden. I also have a homemade compost tumbler that I use for the excess goose piles I find in the yard, along with eggshells, cabbage hearts or veggie and fruit trimmings, coffee grounds, teabags, etc.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Nik, twice I've cooked Bourbon Reds at Thanksgivings but the local guy quit raising them. Really tasty birds.

What kind of freezer space do you have that you can freeze several birds?

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

We have 2 chest freezers, plus the freezer side of our fridge. I don't know the cubage of any of them, but the smaller chest freezer is about 5 feet long, ($50 from Mr. Bowdle, God rest his soul) The bigger one is almost 8 feet long. They both have dividers in them to separate this from that. The big one had dividers with it, the small got plywood dividers that I made, (LOTS of drilling!). Besides the birds, they have hogs, either raised by us or some of our amish neighbors, I get a 1/4 beef a year from my next door neighbor as rent for allowing his cattle to graze my pasture, frozen fruit or veggies that we put up, a little meat that we buy like Hillshire kielbasa, and a few processed foods. I have a serious weakness for pizza rolls. We buy little in the way of food. We used to give a lot to Debbie's oldest daughter, but she traded most of it for cigarettes. So I put an end to that. When the years chickens are ready to butcher this year, we plan to thaw and can whatever is left from last year. We always eat all the turkeys that we keep, and we're slowing that down a lot this year. Just not giving away to the family nearly as much as we used to. It's too expensive for us, and they all get paid. I can't even get them to save my canning jars. We could probably live a year on what we have in the freezers and in jars, and dried in canisters, if we had to.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

That sound like a great setup you have there. I cannot imagine trading good home grown food for cigarettes. You guys must both be detail oriented to keep up with so much. I admire that.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

What's going on here is more interior renovation that I had hoped to put off until next month, needing a break. But our worker-man got laid off from his regular job and needs the $$. We have a timing void right now because he found a huge tree across his driveway before leaving to come here to work several days ago, and in the tree cutting and removal process he tore something in his back. It may be a few days before he is able again.

Other than that I'm just bored, with a small touch of cabin fever. The roads are finally good, so I could get out if I wanted, but I have no place to go.

Nik, I'd love enough freezer space to store some birds.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

Drove almost 11 hours for work yesterday. So, boss gave me the morning off. I have to go in later to take the OPA people out to a couple of our amish farmers. so they can do the annual blood testing for the NPIP. But, all that involves is taking them out and sitting in the kitchen while the wives make me tea. The OPA agent does all the testing, and the kids catch the birds. A pretty bucolic afternoon.

going to play on the lathe this morning; found a nice dry chunk of ash wood that I think will good on the table after I turn it into a bowl. We'll see. I'm going to get a good start on it, anyway.

What are you folks up to?

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Probably going to the hardwood store today. I ordered some ¼ sawn oak wainscot for a project we are doing. It is in & also they have a close - out sale on a bunch of odds & ends. See if anything there that we could use.
Otherwise just the daily routine. Eat, watch some TV, check out things on the computer & maybe work in the shop a bit. Started on a bathroom vanities & cabinets yesterday.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

Well, the best laid plans of mice and men, often go awry, as did mine yesterday.

Bossman called and said he didn't need me at all. So, Debbie and I went to the diner for lunch. We had to run up to Kenton to one of the amish farms to get a bag of pigeon feed. I was going to stop on my way home from work, but....

We got there at 1210 and Willard had already gone to lunch. so we had almost an hour to kill. We are getting a cabin built this year, so we decided to go see Amos and Ora Gingrich. That's who we want to build it, and they are less than a mile from Willard Hostetler's place. We wound being there til almost 5pm. But we worked out what we wanted.

Our cabin will be 16x72 with a 72x6 deck on the front. 2 real bedrooms, and another small room in the loft that will be perfect for the grandson. Also a 1/2 bath in the loft. a forest green sheetmetal roof, and polished pine floors in the living room, hallway, and kitchen. Not counting the plumbing (do it myself) or the electrical (different contractor), the septic, driveway, or basement, we're talking 60k. Gotta say, I've never been that much in debt and I'm nervous.

Went back to Willard's after we left there, and he was out of pigeon feed. So I got a bag of scratch grains. Got home in time to for the evening chores, and to close everything up. I ran to Subway after that (5$ foot longs) As soon as we ate, and I got out of the shower, Kelly showed up with my straw. So, I was unloading straw in my jammies and zories in 20mph winds @ 19°. Oh well, if it was easy anyone could do it

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Nik, that sounds more like a house than a cabin! Bigger than our house. When do you expect construction to begin? Will it be near where you live now, a place for future retirement? It sounds like you had a full day yesterday.

I've started physical therapy for my stiff hip. It involves doing a whole bunch of stretching and strength building exercises which I have to do twice a day, some 3 times a day. Ooooof! I hurt! Have another appointment today for a progress check, and will have 2 appointments a week for the next 3 weeks. Then we'll see. I have lost a lot of strength and flexibility in my left hip, and if that isn't bad enough, it is also painful, waking me after about 3 hours of sleep. I get up, take pills, move around a bit (gently and quietly), and go back to bed when the pills start to work. It's getting old. Apparently, so am I. Lambing season is coming soon, and then gardening.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Good size structure, Nik. Debt eventually gets paid off and goes away but the real bedrooms and deck space will remain.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

lorida or Georgia

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Mary, so sorry you are having such bad problems with your hip. Will it eventually need replacing?

We're getting ready of Round Two of really bad weather due later tonight but I'm fairly well prepared after a trip to the grocery store today for perishables, plus all the staples I have on hand in the pantry. The freezer is overstocked too.

Renovations continue here but I'm getting tired of them taking up all my free time. I'm not doing the actual work, just planning, supervising and fetching materials. I could have done the actual work a few years ago before my health declined.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

Not sure what happened to my last post but I need to get to work right now before the roads get too crappy. I'll try to figure it out when I get home. Alzhiemer's has not reared it's ugly head yet.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

Spoke to the well driller and the guy who will do our basement, and septic. So things are rolling. Yesterday we went to Lowe's to check prices for new appliances. We are starting to get excited. To answer some questions:

the cabin is going to be right here on Wolf's Rest Farm. It will be our forever home. The farm is all paid off, but we are living in an $800 used, beat-up, mobile home. The quarters are tight, it has no kitchen to speak of, and it is so drafty that we slept in the living room the last couple nights so we would be near the propane wall heater.

Debbie and I are both closer to 60 than 50, and neither of us really want or need to go to Florida, or Georgia. We plan to stay here till we fall over dead. I am already retired from the military, and Debbie retired from Whirlpool a couple years ago. I am working for something to do more than anything else. Most of my check goes towards toys (new planer, tablesaw, sausage stuffer, incubator, etc) or to pay to get Debbie's quilts quilted.

We both like to fish and there are a lot of lakes, rivers, creeks, and sloughs in the area. My Mother is American, and most of her family (and my sisters) are within 100 miles of us, although I've never met most of them. Mum moved to Eire when she married Da. I was 15 when we came here. Debbie's 3 daughters are near, and her 10 grandchildren. Both of her parents are still alive and only about 45 minutes away.

Can't see much reason to move elsewhere. Besides, if we retired elsewhere we'd have to start all the fruit trees and such over again. And where would I put my woodshop, or rumpus room as Debbie and Mum call it. Life is good right where we are.

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Sounds like you have plenty of good reasons for staying in the area. Friends and family are very important. Do you have a target completion date? Hopefully before next winter.

Darius, I hope to avoid hip replacement. Therapy is not a quick fix but I do see some progress in a few little areas. Meanwhile, plenty of discomfort, and a lot of work!

We have been in a thick fog bank for several days. The whiskers on branches, grass, fences and everything are sure interesting. Even the horse gets special effects, both from the fog and from his breath freezing on his whiskers and face hair.Gotta get new pictures. A few years ago I took pictures, but it was not as spectacular as this. Some of them are over an inch long. I have stood and watched individual droplets of fog suddenly move toward a cluster of crystals on something, as if they were magnetized, and stick, forming tiny tubes. Fascinating! About Tuesday we will get some clearing, or so the forecast says. Meanwhile, we just have to believe that we still have a view because we sure can't see it. I think we have not been able to see more than 1/4 of a mile in over a week, and sometimes not to the county road. When the wind moves something just a bit, flakes fall off and we have a covering like snow an inch deep in some places.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

We have made It back to Kentucky after spending a week in Louisiana with our families. We have a new granddaughter. Her name is Rayah Leigh. She was a week old yesterday.

We have come back to awful weather. Terrible cold and now it is snowing again.

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Cheryl, at least you got a break from the weather while you visited and welcomed your new grandchild. Coming back home to the reality of winter, and doing outside chores, sure is a shock!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

I feel the same way as Nik. We've got 32 years under the belt here. House is almost the way we want it. Farm will be paid off in 2 years. Taxes are low. Nice warm house & shop to spend time in the winter.
I go away for more than 2 days, & I am more than ready to get home.

We both grew up 200 miles north of here so this is mild compared to that.

Today was 5º at 8 AM.

This is most of the year here.

Thumbnail by CountryGardens Thumbnail by CountryGardens Thumbnail by CountryGardens
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Caj, glad you had a break from this winter's weather, and congrats on a new granddaughter.

Nik, sounds like you have done right for yourself and family. I wouldn't go elsewhere either with what you have, and all that family close by. I miss my family... the older ones I loved are all gone now and I am not close to my half-siblings. Not even my half-sister who shares this house. We're related by blood but not close at all.

My sis has been in a bad mood for a week and has cancelled the renovation work she had put money aside for, so there are scads of partially-completed projects in her part of the house. Not my problem as I don't have to live in it.

I DO need some electrical work in 1 of my 3 rooms (the walk-in pantry that was a bedroom) but I can probably do that myself, or pay for an electrician if I cannot find and fix the problem.

It's snowing again here and will be all day and all night, it wasn't forecast, roads that were clear yesterday are now covered and no DOT trucks in sight, so I'm housebound. More snow forecast for Monday. I'm SO glad I don't have to do outside animal chores anymore.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

The builders say they can get started on our cabin the 1st of May, and have it on our basement by the 4th of July. The well driller says he can come anytime, and John the backhoe man who is doing the septic says as soon as I have a firm date for bringing in the house, to call him and he can be here within the week. I'm doing the driveway, and taking power back there myself. We're going to have close to 100k invested in this by the time we're done.
We'll be in it before the summer is out. We plan to spend July and august doing our little bit of sweat equity and slowly moving in. I am doing all the plumbing, but most of it will be done as it's built. Debbie is going to make patchwork quilt type of curtains throughout. I have to put in the various shelves and such, and build the basement kitchen for canning. Of course a lot of it will be done after we are in.

Coldest January since the Civil war they just said on the tube. I have to go to work in it today, so I'd best be going. I'll check the site when I get home from the hatchery. See you all later.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

You work in a hatchery. Which one may I ask. We get chicks from Mt. Healthy Hatchery in Ohio.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

I work at Ridgway hatchery in LaRue, Oh. We do a bit of business with Mt. Healthy (all the hatcheries in the country will do drop ships for just about any other. We just FAX each other our shipping labels) What do you get from Mt. Healthy?

It was -7 when I went to Huntsville (oh) for gasoline at 730 this evening. It's supposed to get down to -17°F before morning. The high tomorrow is supposed to be -5°F. I spent 3 years in N Wisconsin/upper Michigan. It was cold like this all the time. But here in Ohio if we have more than 2 days in the teens (above 0) folks talk about it for weeks. I was out in the weather all day today with no issues. But I'm awfully glad to be home tonight with a cup of hot tea a warm sweater and my chair quilt. I know I'll sleep good tonight.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

I buy layer chicks in October so finding a supplier is a problem. This year I bought Araucanas & Hubbard Golden Comets.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

October-November is actually the best time to buy layers. They are laying by spring, and then peak in the summer. The Amish around here usually get their layers in October/November, then get another batch in May/June. That way they have eggs all year long.
My wife raises auracanas. She breeds for certain things- not sure what-and we also have Buff Orps. We have those mostly to set the eggs in OUR incubators. Buffs are very popular with folks who have kids because they are so docile. I don't really care for them myself, but they sell well. My favourite breed is the Barred Rock. Good sized bird, lay a good sized egg. The setting instinct hasn't been bred out of them yet, and the ones who set make excellent mothers. Plus they're downright mideval with mice. But, I'm not really chicken man.
I prefer duck eggs to chicken eggs for everything except boiling. I raise Welsh harlequin ducks. They are a colour mutation of a khaki Campbell, and they lay eggs like there is no tomorrow.
Contact me this fall before you buy your birds for this coming season; I may be able to give you a bit better deal than Dave at Mt. healthy can. Maybe not, but possibly

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Nik, modular house? We bought one of those about 30 years ago. It was much more solidly built than a mobile. We were able to choose the layout, colors, options, etc before construction was even started. Visiting the construction site was very interesting. It was on several acres where they had building platforms (55 gal drums). Crews rotated between the platforms, and the facility finished a house about every 12 days.

The company had a warehouse on their several acres large site where pallets of materials were made up, then that was delivered by forklift to a unit site, and the crew that did that particular job had everything they needed at hand. Then they moved on to the next unit, and were replaced by another crew. Every crew did only one type of job without leaving the company property. When the unit was finished it was painted and hauled on flatbed trucks to a prepared site where the foundation was waiting. A crane picked up each piece and placed it, the crew fastened them together, and then it was ready for water, septic and electric hook ups, and minor finishing touches. We lived in a tent while waiting for the house as we had sold our other one. Good thing we had good weather for most of our tent time.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

We got in on a good deal. A modular house builder in Minneapolis went belly up. The creditor put it on an online auction. My daughter was planning on building onto her house. We got a couple thousand $ worth of lumber for $300.
I picked up some safeway scaffolding for about ¼ of new price.

Also worked on a modular house once. We help finish the basement he had put under it.
A few challenges here & there, but not to bad.

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