November 2013 - The cold and the holiday season is here!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Well, the porch light is back on and Nov. 1st is here!
Thought I'd beat that Betty/greenbrain to the monthly thread! : )

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Morning and it is TURKEY month! ;)
I am having a huge pre-Thanksgiving dinner for my extended family this month...I am so looking forward to it.

Good luck Will at Home Depot interview.

I have lots of pics I could post but it just takes too much time to downsize them to post. By the time I read what you all have been up to in the morning then I have to get with it. This week I have been starting work between 5 and 6, getting ready to go thru a big computer software conversion...and it has been a killer. Work this weekend and fingers crossed my end of things should slow down. rofl.....should is the key word.

Went to DS's house last night in Kansas and I don't think they got the frost I got. Things still looked green... ;( Didn't get a chance to look at my rain gauge but he got 2 1/2 inches of rain!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Wow greenbrain you are a busy lady. I used to be when all the kids were at home. But now ido naverelaxing time to much some time. I do work full time at a local hospital nere in Plainwell. I am a cook. Yes im sure everyones here of hospital food. But ours is pretty good. Not just cause I cook it. Patients are very happy with it. No treaick or treating at your house Will? I enjoy handing out candy. We do not get to many kids here. But the ones we get are pretty cute. Pretty rainy last night tho. Well happy first day of November am looking
Forward to a month of chats with you all. Ronna

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Happgardener sounds good I am looking forward to Thanksgiving as most of us do. Yummy. Just love seeing the family we never get to see otherwise. Have a good day. Dont forget our invite to dinner. Haha. Ronna

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

No trick or treaters here. A couple years ago we forgot to turn the porchlight off. For about 30 minutes I gave away my favorite candy bars. I remember after that the porchlight was out and it was dark out there and some kid was screaming "trick or treat!" on the porch, I think he heard about the big nice candy bars we had, from other kids.

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

I'm glad that you did beat me Will because I really like your November title. : )

Ronna, I love watching cooking shows; esp. Food & Cook networks. On Allrecipes site, I'm "rathergrowit". What's your specialty? Favorite dish? Original recipe?

Since we're gone on Halloween night (3rd year at SAVE), I haven't been able to give out candy in the neighborhood; though I did for many years.

All went well at both parties. At SAVE, I painted hands with a pumpkin attached to a leafy vine sitting in the grass in front of a full moon. It was more like a landscape! LOL I twisted dog balloons because they're fast & easy. The glow in the dark spiders and web craft went over well with the 3rd graders. Then, I learned that the teacher is terrified of spiders. Oh, well. The class mascot, a golden retriever named Mia, looked rather sad in her bumblebee costume. LOL As I was leaving, a little girl stopped me with a home made thank you card. So sweet. : )

Now, that the parties are over, back to the pears. Seriously, I'm still picking and processing pears.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks happ, the interview went okay. While I was waiting in their breakroom there was a sign on a board that said, "Minot, North Dakota is opening a store, come work in Minot!" maybe I will go there.
North Dakota is supposed to have the best economy of all the states or the lower 48 or something, (likely due to the oil boom). The store is Home Depot. Anyway, back to reality, waiting and seeing, probably

Working in a hospital cafeteria is cool, Ronna. I have an aunt who is a cook in a school cafeteria.

Aww... you like my November title, greenbrain?! Well, it IS that time of year I suppose.
About the new thread, I forgot to upload a photo so a pic shows up at the main forum part, but you did it too last month so I didn't feel so bad! Hope your up at 12:01 next month too! : )
Actually, I am very competitive, just because I let people have jobs and lives and whatnot, that's different! lol

SAVE must stand for something. Is that where the kids only get candy from a controlled building, like a school? I'm guessing no caramel-covered apples for them!

Still picking pears huh? Well, according to the forecast, one could pick pears for another week or so outside here.
Where'd that pepper and ju go?!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Here, just been busy!

Mavericks have their home opener tonight so getting caught up on computer then taking a nap before eating dinner and heading out.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Have fall pixs just too busy to get them on here. lol

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I see. I saw that on tv where the Mavericks are playing again.
I arranged that dark red Rose bush or vine from happ onto that trellis/arbor thing it's on real good.
It grew alot this year and it WAS'NT growing on the arbor thing good enuff to suit me.
So, I put on my gloves that I keep in the shed and started threading that Rose plant.
It's in there good now, it only took like 5 minutes but everything went fine. I hadn't waited so long that the branches broke from bending them into place or anything. I got before and after photos below. -
The first one is before and the 2nd one is after. - Next year, that thing should be even more beautiful,
it is a profuse bloomer, thanks happ. Next year, it should even be thicker in flowers and more shaped to the arbor, it grew considerably this year. That white Rose across from it is alot smaller, but it is also awesome in flower. It is one of the benefactors of this warmish back yard, that white Rose is rated zone 6b, I have the tag, (which doesn't say, but I Binged the name of it). In this fourth photo, you can see the drastic incline on the North, it slopes WAY up. - Even above that car on the driveway I'd say it goes up another 50 to 100 feet.
That fourth photo is looking North.

This message was edited Nov 2, 2013 2:27 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Nice, Will. Like the rose bush. I wish I had enough sun for those. Love the antique roses. Oh well. Greenbrain I guess thespecialty of our kitchen is our cookies. Especially the peanut butter ones I put a peanut butter cup in the middle of them when they are hot. Omg they are to die for. We can not keep them around when they are baked. Peps beg for them. Lol. All our cookies are pretty good. Tomorrow I am going to bake some pumpkin chip and some chocolate oat chippers. We have aservice that we have to follow thier recipes so we do not get to make anything we want to. Kinda bad but if you need a job...!! Am thinking about going out and using my new leaf blower. Pretty excited about it just want the leaves to be dry so I can bag them. Good luck with the intervier Will when will you find out??? Chat later, Ronna.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks Ronna. They won't know he said until likely at least Wed. next week.
I'm watching a football game that I bet is popular there, Mich. U. and Mich. State, it's close so far - Mich. 3 and MI. State 6.
Going to a Halloween party (they say) tonite, gotta get my bath on, (well, maybe not, I'm going as a bum lol!). Maybe I can get away with body odor!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

well jobs , work , sports , and parties too , active bunch here..

Me I'm a Homebody

Here's my soda garden markers
Small ones (right) are winter sow and sprout markers
Larger ones go to the garden the next time I get to doing that ..

Cleaning seeds still ..Yes I'm really five years old , age is a Halloween and incognito sneaky !!! lol

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Will, SAVE wasn't the school party. It was another party that my church volunteers to put on for the residents of SAVE. My pastor is bi-vocational (social worker/counselor) & worked at this place ( a home for developmentally disabled adults), so that's how we got involved. It just so happens that my sister's step-daughter (who suffered a stroke during infancy) is a resident. They are a very loveable bunch (some are rather clever!) & we always have a great time. Here's what they're about.
By the way, a set of identical twins had me so confused; until I saw them together. lol

Will, I forgot all about the title thread pic. Thanks for the reminder. Nice red climber. It reminds me of my oldest rose bush Blaze.

Ju, I'm a homebody too. That's why these parties drain me so. I stretch myself now & then & collapse afterwards. LOL The Roundup will probably have the same effect on me. Nice markers. I should try making some.

Ronna, I will have to try making those peanut butter cookies. Thanks! By the way, you may call me "Betty" or just "gb" for short.

It seems that the leaves changed colors overnight. Not too many have fallen yet. I'm hoping that I'll be done with the pears before it's time to start raking leaves.

Pepper, I'm anxious to see your pics. I hope that you get time to post them soon.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Well everyone is busy today I see. I had to work this weekend. Came home cooked the hubby some dinner he leaves for work at 5 pm works til 230 am. We eat early. Then I took the dog for a walk. Then cleaned up some leaves. But it got to
dark ou by 6. But I took some pics of the yard fall colors kinda. 1 is my fav hydrangea lady in red. 2 trellis for my clematis. 3. Is my dogwood bush. 4 birdbath with no plants by it .

Thumbnail by gardenlady123 Thumbnail by gardenlady123 Thumbnail by gardenlady123 Thumbnail by gardenlady123
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Will, what is the weeping tree in the back of the last pic?

Here are some pics. I'll start with Heritage Days. I highly recommend going to this if you ever get the chance. It is soo much fun and the food is great!! The colors were at the very beginning of change so there isn't much of a dramatic background this year.

These were taken from the lookout building.

Thumbnail by pepper23 Thumbnail by pepper23 Thumbnail by pepper23 Thumbnail by pepper23 Thumbnail by pepper23
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Some trees on the bluff, a woman weaving in front of the building, and some guys selling some stuff and having a grand time.

Thumbnail by pepper23 Thumbnail by pepper23 Thumbnail by pepper23 Thumbnail by pepper23 Thumbnail by pepper23
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Nice pics, Ronna. I have a triangular wood arbor very similar to yours with your Clematis on it.
Mine has a Porcelainberry Vine on it, not a quality plant but it's pretty. I don't have any Clematis. The only one I had I was duped on by Walmart, the bag was empty, it was a Jackmanii. I took it back for a refund right away, I guess I never really had one! I couldn't believe it, I searched in the bag with my fingers for about 10 minutes and no bulb!

Hi Betty, I see, an event with your bi-vocational pastor, neat. Blaze eh? I've heard about that one, I bet it's very pretty. I was out today so I got a pic of the climber's tag, it's a 'Royal America' . - pic #4, sorry, it's out of order with the others. was invaluable when learning more about it, which Kmart didn't do much info. on the tag. -

Nice pictures, pepper. Love the scenic shots of the water and the trees. Where is this Heritage Days at? Is that the place you went to last year that had the donkeys and horses in the photos?

Hehe.. that's not a tree, pepper! There's a trellis in there, it's my 'Hall's' Honeysuckle, it looks like a tree but I'd have boasted of a weeping tree like that already! lol Thanks for noticing, I love that Halls Honeysuckle! It is really starting to fill that trellis/arbor in good, but I might plant a start of it on the other side of that trellis. It looks like that other side is gonna be quite a bit thicker with Honeysuckle for awhile.

Hehe.. your a homebody too eh, ju!

The Persimmon tree makes a better color everyday! - pic #1

It's funny how these 2 Ozark Witch-Hazels are on a different color schedule apparently. They are only separated by a few feet and a parked car. They are from the same bundle, only one's in the ground, (the yellow one) and one's in a pot, (the green pics 2 and 3

My time is off on DG, I hope it's not something I need to set in here, I don't know how to do it.
The Dst didn't change.

Even the Blackberry thicket has some yellow in it! - pic #5

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I see it now. lol

I prob need to change my time too. I'll do it tomorrow.

It's in Warsaw.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Here's a closer pic of that arbor that the Honeysuckle is on. This photo is from August, it has just grown a little further down the right side since then. It's nearly to the ground on the right side, but it has a long way to go to be as thick as the other side. - That part that resembles a trunk is the side of the arbor. I cut an old garden hose down the middle and put it on the wire fence and wrapped clothesline coated wire around it like a candy-cane. It does resemble a tree trunk from a distance.

This message was edited Nov 3, 2013 11:00 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Wow pepper those pics are so neat. Loved seeing them. Now I guess I missed on where did you go?? Love the weaving one. Would be neat to do that. Takes somepractice im sure. Very nice. Will your honesuckle looks like mine. I love it the scent it gives out is fragrant. It my husbands fav too. What color is yous. Our is yellow and red.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Will do you cut your honeysuckle back in the fall at all? Or the spring??

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

No cutting on that Honeysuckle. It wouldn't be nearly as full if I did that. In the Spring it starts growing and leafing again from all over, like a deciduous tree, like many vines. I can't think of any vine that needs cutting back, well, except the nasty ones that need removal! The only cutting I do on that one is when it runs all over the Here is some photos that I took at a more rural house where I lived before of crazy vines, I believe it was Wild Grapevine, and Poison Ivy, hehe.. sorry, I wrote on the pics then.

Thanks Ronna, the Hall's blooms white. Oh, mine is very fragrant too, you can smell it about a hundred feet away! Hummingbirds like it too. I might try to get a start of a red one I have on the other side of the yard and put it on this trellis/arbor on the other (now) thinner side, I think red and white looks good, that how I did that Rose trellis up there. Your yellow and red would look good too.

I once alternated Redbuds with Bradford Pears to have a lavender/white flower look, they bloom pretty close together, though Bradfords are first a little. I moved from there years ago, I dug a Redbud up and took it back anyway, because I wanted the I wasn't going to get any enjoyment out of it anyway! Oh boy, now I sound like a Scrooge!

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Here is that Hall's when it was blooming, not very good photos but you can see all the white and how much it has grown since. The last photo is decent though.

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

You knowwhat Will? I made a mistake mine is yellow and white. Love it anyway. Yeap when I seen yours mine is the same. Hummers do love it lots. Thanks I do have mine on a somewhat of a trellis. Not invasive tho.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Garden, I was in Warsaw, MO which is down in the Ozarks. They put on an event every year that basically takes us back tto the 1800s.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Yellow and white, yellow and red, what's it matter?! Mine hasn't tried to crop up anywhere else either, I would never suspect it of being invasive. The BUSH one, Japanese Bush Honeysuckle is all around, even in my yard. Those pretty little red berries are dangling everywhere! I saw them yesterday when I was out browsing the yard, they were screaming, "look at me, look at me, I am shiny and red and lucky for you I am VERY prolific!". I merely cringe at the onslaught of red berries, they have never had a hypnotic affect on me! That reminds me, I need to gather the ones that are hanging in the yard from other yards and dispose of the berries promptly. For years they thrived here like the cow thrives in India. I didn't live here at the time and the Japanese Bush Honeysuckle was like grass!
Only, there wasn't any grass, only Bush Honeysuckle! Then, my friend and her mom thought the weed was very sightly! I've been pulling most of it up over the times of my unemployment. I know what it looks like and every time I see it, (well, usually) I pull it right up! What better to do than pull up Japanese Bush Honeysuckle from the yard, it is a little satisfying, I have the time, knock on wood!

I always thought this was a nice pic of a Hall's Honeysuckle on a concrete porch. -

This message was edited Nov 4, 2013 10:21 PM

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Will, you should experiement with some homemade concotions to help kill the bush honeysuckle. My dad finally resorted to using tardon to kill it. He just broke off a stem then sprayed the cut. Worked like a charm. Course if you enjoy pulling it then all means go that route!! Better for the enviroment too!!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Hi everyone, waving....well I got behind on the posts. But fun catching up.

I love seeing everyone's gardens. Will don't move to ND it is VERY expensive, yes due to oil. Not enough housing so rent is outrageous.
.....I HATE LOSING DAYLIGHT SAVINGS!....... ;( I don't even get to see the sunset in the evenings.

I love seeing all the little kids dressed for Halloween they are sooo much fun, and the older they get the better the costumes. Too fun. I would love to be able to fix up the driveway and garage like alot of people and get to dress up.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

There is mainly just small Honeysuckle seedlings popping up with only a few leaves on them, they're tiny, I can pull them up no problem usually. I do like to fill up spray bottles with vinegar though and use it as a foliage killer on anything, (that don't kill the plant though). There's only one left that's big enuff to use Tardon on, but I keep it as a kind of screen on one side, I'll pull it up eventually though.

Wow, I never thought of the cost of living in ND., yes, that would be something to consider, not a fan of staying in the woods!

I went to a Halloween costume party Sat. nite, I was dressed as a bum, (or a ranch-hand, whatever you want to call Anyway, yeah, I see where people can dress everything up like that, there was a great big spiderweb complete with big spiders in the front yard going up to the second floor of their house! He said he bought all that stuff online somewhere.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Fun. Savers there in Independence those folks have to dress in costume the entire month of October. Usually they deal in donated items, but during Halloween they deal in new costumes and I love seeing the people all dressed in costume.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I went out today and got some Bush Honeysuckle berries and disposed of them shortly afterward. -
Here is another shot of my Hall's Honeysuckle on the arbor that I made. -
This is my triangular wood trellis with a Porcelainberry Vine growing up it. -

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

My friend even had stuff on the mantel for Halloween. My other 2 friends in the photo here were the only 2 that weren't dressed up, they're married.

This message was edited Nov 6, 2013 6:06 AM

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

It has been pouring here. I need to go out and bring my banana tree in...yuck.
Now I could of done it today when it wasn't raining but heck darn that would of been too easy.

GB you are still doing pears? Holy Moley.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Leeks, onions, garlic , goes with wet cool yucky weather ..
That about says it all , besides I am still cleaning seeds ,, forever and ever more ...that is ..

Memory of summer Hummingbird Moth at milkweed .. Coneflowers that no longer exist ..
#4 a new Strawberry Foxglove
My test tube created Daylily #3..
#5 An annual centeaurea , something that was a first
All in all , not a bad summer for the flowers

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

It has indeed been pouring! I would be surprised if we still have a deficit of rain on the year.
That is some nice memories ju, thanks. Your test tube Daylily is beautiful.

Those 4 big 'Watermelon' Coleus cuttings that I made about a month ago are looking real nice! -
pic #1 Anybody want one at the Roundup? Happ has dibs on one, anybody else?
I'll probably trim them up some, they're not too straight looking, right now they are going all directions! lol I'm sure that after I trim them that they'll perk right back up and look alive.

My white Mums are still bringing in a white flower like there's no tomorrow! pic #2

You bringing in a Banana tree happ? Is it a Banana 'basjoo'?

I leave my 2 'basjoo's outside.
I had 4 but the 2 left overwintered okay the last 2 years. Of course, the Winter of 2011/2012 was real mild, about anything would've overwintered then as I think 29° was as low as it got. I still wish the following Summer of 2012 hadn't happened as it killed 3 nice well-grown plants here, 2 big Dwarf Alberta Spruces and a nice laceleaf Japanese Maple.
Here's one of them, (on the other side of the Walmart sack).
It'll be interesting to see how this 'basjoo' in a pot does this Winter as it is in a pot but buried in some mulch a few inches. That's it on the other side of the red Flowering Dogwood also buried and in a pot, and the Colorado Blue Spruce 'Globosa', in the 4th pic.

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Will To say ,, You always have the the most wonderful plants and pic's !!! ^_^

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Aww.. thanks ju! But, there are such good people, like you, here, it takes a team!
It's like our Kansas City Chiefs, they are prospering because of the team effort, the Denver Broncos "one trick pony show" is about over!
Thanks, Will : )

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I sure wish my Blueberry Bush 'Duke' was bigger. Blueberry bushes have excellent red Fall color.

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

I dropped off 2 large bags of pears at a food pantry yesterday & they love them & will take all that I have! I now know where to take the excess garden produce. : )

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