Mid Atlantc Plant Shopping #4 End of season 2013

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

From group bulb buys to half price specemin trees or orchids, we've found great plants for good prices to fill in. replace or begin new gardening adventures. Sure is fun to shop together and alert others who may be interested to growing things we find out there. We've fine tuned our selection of plant and cultivar, shared our experience or 'looked it up', comparison shopped and figured out just how to load our vehicles to maximize plant space.and learned a lot

We came from here

Thumbnail by coleup
annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Local HD has some Red twig Dogwood, at least the stems are red (deeper than 'Arctic Fire' and about the same skinnier diameter. The label says Cornus pink !! Only a few plants have any remaining leaves, but it looks to be a variegated leaf. Half off price is $12.50

Same HD has two remaining Japanese Snowbell trees(Styrax) white blossom that I got for Critter. Half price at $40. If you are interested in this tree let me know.

Also looks like this HD may become a clearance site for other area HDs with even lower prices...so these two trees with no IDs may go even lower, Name your price! They are abot six feet tall.

Pic is of some of the various 'Red twig' dogwoods available.

Thumbnail by coleup
Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

oh, Coleup, the Japanese Snowbell is *so tempting*....

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

You know, this is why we go to places like Longwood or the National Arboretum, to see in real life what we read about in books or on=line. Maybe Aspenhill will share a littleof her experience with the Snowbell tree she planted for her parents...She knew what she was getting when she spotted the 'Pink Chimes' one for sale at Ace.

And she could converse with Critter since she knows Critters yard and plant tastes and the tree and advise her in abstentia about the white bloom one I got at HD. Nice.

I go by the HD every day and if the price drops to say $20, I will get one for me, just like I waited for the Forest Pansy Red Bud to go from 19 to 13. Kinda giving me the space to consider my impulses and draw to certain plants.

I'm sure each of us has our own way of 'weighing' what we add or subtract from out gardens.

Trees are such a long term commitment and they don't move easily so they are weightier for me. Plus, digging those holes...Yikes All of the trees in my mostly treed yard have been planted by nature and my Japanese Maples live in containers. So I am a tree planter in waiting.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup, that is really true about trees being more of a weighty, long-term commitment. Plus, if they are large they impact what you can plant in other beds in the yard as well. If they had a dwarf variety of the Snowbell I would probably get it, but 25' or so is too much tree for my modest backyard. Yes, I can enjoy the Snowbell at Brookside or the Arboretum or other DG'ers backyards. ;-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Geeze, Coleup, you do know how to tempt me! Actually, you just have a really good eye for plants, and a very generous nature in being willing to play "personal shopper" at these sales!

You made my ears perk up with the mention of possible variegated leaves on the red twig dogwood, too.

So, if you get back to Ace or your local HD in time to snag them, I'd love
1 "Cornus pink"
1 'Mandarin Lights' azalea (I'm picturing it with purple, wonder if it blooms "with" other rhodi's or azaleas? thinking it could go near my 2 new PJMs)
2 Viola 'Silver Chimes'

I'm trying to keep track of prices so I can PayPal you (will include tax and PP fees), but I need to know that huge 'Fanal' astilbe. I'll Dmail you. :-)

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup, I remember now that the non-red dogwoods were called with g-something! I really want a redtwig...

I've only planted 15 bulbs so far. I'm hoping to get some bulbs in the ground tomorrow, because I can't even think about buying anything else until I get the bulbs and the weigela planted!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

SS, There were 3 kinds of 'bush' multistem dogwoods at Ace

10 tall 'Bailleyi' Cornus sericea

and one 'Arctic Fire' Cornus sericea

There was also one 'Geauga' or Grey Dogwood Cornus racemosa

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Happy and SSG, if there is only one Arctic Fire left at Coleup's Ace, please let me know if you'd like me to pick up one for you at Seasons. They had a *lot* of them there.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Hey Catmint
don't give up on Japanese Snowbell as there are several cultivars just right for smaller yards, including one that is suitable for container growing!

Check out some of the cultivars here

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

If anyone goes to a Home Depot and spots any remaining "sky pencil" hollies -- they should cost, after the half-price discount, $12.50 or so -- I need 3 and would be grateful if you'd pick them up for me. They have been sold out of the Home Depots I have gone to since I decided I wanted them - of course, there were tons available before I knew I wanted so many!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

thanks, Coleup! I'll have to keep a compact snowbell in mind for the future!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Hey what's a day without a post from me on plant shopping.

While on my wish list plant procurement trip to Ace, I found two more shrubs of note.

Dwarf Fragrant Sumac 'Gro-Low'

Dwarf Mock Orange Philadelphus "Snow Dwarf'
Philadelphus ‘Snow Dwarf’ full sun partial shade

If space is a premium in your garden and you’re searching for an ambrosial delight, you may want to try this short-sized, winter-rugged Canadian beauty. Oval-shaped dark green leaves and upright arching stems craft a closely knit foil for the crisp white abundance of splendid 4-petaled flowers. With its neat, dwarf appearance and perfumed summer blossoms, ‘Snow Dwarf’ can be featured as a container specimen or positioned somewhere close to the frontlines.

Blooms May – June.

Size: 2'–3' high x 2'–3' wide; hardy to zone 4.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

"Hey what's a day without a post from me on plant shopping."


Two good unique choices

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup -- do you recall the price on the mock orange?

This message was edited Oct 23, 2013 9:09 AM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Happy, I'm in Baltimore Co today and picked up a pencil holly for you. They had only one left.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

The Dwarf Mock Orange are $5,25 each after 50% off..

They were 'set aside' for someone who didn't come back for them! (Unlike we who have been there every day and hovering, lol!)

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Good find SS....those were the first plants that went at my 2 HDs

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

It may seem to a casual observer that I am 'promoting' this Garden Center.

To me, I am pleased as punch to share a local source of plants I can usually only read about and order on line! Plus, these plants come with a knowledgeable, connected 'buyer' who gets them in, a 2 year plant garantee with planting recs, free trouble shooting and diagnosis.

These elements I find rare out there...it's like a plant society sale that lasts all season instead of a day or weekend! Combine this with a half price sale early enough in fall to have some planting wiggle room and I can't help myself from sharing with you all.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup I'd love a dwarf mock orange! What a great price!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

ssg -- thank you SO MUCH for picking up the Sky Pencil for me.

Coleup -- I'd love one dwarf mock orange (for container for patio) and two Dwarf Fragrant Sumacs 'Gro-Low' (one for awful front hill at border with neighbor; one for next to driveway at border with other neighbor).

Does anyone have a sense of when the HD and Outback 1/2 price sales started? Was it at the beginning of the Columbus Day weekend -- or at the end of it? I'd like to mark my calendar for 2014 so I can start watching for it. I'd like to go right when it starts. Nurseries don't seem to send out emails about these end-of-season sales.

This message was edited Oct 23, 2013 10:58 AM

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Hd sale started last Thurs.(10/17) for all trees. shrubs, perennials 50% off.

These dates will vary somewhat with when Thanksgiving falls in any given year. Each store can vary somewhat depending on their stock on hand, volume of sales, and display space available. Many items are still trashed rather than discounted when the Bell team comes through on Mon/Tues and re sets the store ie, old stock is gotten rid of to make room for new according to Plan-O-Gram worked out at least a year in advance. Bell person assigned to store if there is one has some discression with reducing plants for quick sale. Sometimes non selling plants will be traded to high volume stores where they will sell. Data from this years sales become basis for next years shipments and contracts with growers go out accordingly.

Ace sale began beginning of Oct. a bit earlier than usual , partly because plants took a beating with high high temps and drought...

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I hear you. It sounds as if Columbus Day (this year, the 14th) isn't a bad time to start looking for the HD 1/2 price sale. And to ask you about Outback's (!). Someone (ssg? aspenhill?) told me that Meadows Farms hadn't started its 50% off all perennials sale at least as of last week.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Happy and SS, I've reserved a Dwarf Mock Orange for each of you!

Happy, the Gro-Low Fragrant Sumac sold this am! I agree that it would be a good choice for either of those spots. Greg is willing to check availability for next spring and order for you if still interested..

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Nope (on pre-ordering the Sumac) - it is the half-price sale that drove me! Unless it is really inexpensive....

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

But a huge thank you for all the shopping and purchasing you are doing for me (and everyone else involved in this fall frenzy).

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

coleup - can you reserve a dwarf mock orange for me too?

The Meadows Farms 20-70% off sale started last week - hardly anything at 70%, only some stuff at 50%, remaining (i.e. most) of inventory at 20%.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

That's right - it was you, AspenHill! At some point Meadows Farms reduces all their remaining inventory to 75% -- that is the sale I want to jump on! But they are far away from me so I can't "drop by" to check.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

This week's email from Dutch Plant Farm notes their half price sale on shrubs & perennials "continues," so I'm not sure when it started? Last week, maybe. HD and Lowes still honors their guarantee on clearance stuff (maybe not $1 shelf), but DPF and other nurseries are "either you take the sale price or you get the guarantee, but not both."

DPF had some nice perennials (less run of the mill & nice looking) when i checked a couple weeks ago, so I might stop by & see what's left... at half price a lot of it will be $3-5.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup, I don't know when I'll make it out there next to pick up the mock orange. Are you expecting any other pick-ups soon?

All perennials at Behnke's are now 50% off (except for hellebores).

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

With the cooler weather, my plant acquisition juices have slowed considerably! I do keep considering the plants at half price now that I would need to overwinter or the plants at full price in the Spring. I like to overwinter plants and watch them wake up from dormancy as I learn so much and most plants available out there in the trade are only seen after they are awake!

The nurseries I have worked for around here used several methods for overwintering their stock of woody material and hardy perennials in several ways depending on how much protection they need and/or how quickly they wanted them to wake up the following spring.

I feel I can follow their methods (as I do every year with my own plants) and successfully keep any plants I have gotten for many of you since last weekend until 'spring' if transport to you does not occur! So, not to worry about the plants!

That being said, there are several possibilities afoot to get same to you shortly! Hang in as my weekend plans shape up and I will dmail details as I get more organized. Thanks for your patience and enthusiasm and for being the delightful folks you are! It truly has been my pleasure.


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup: You wrote: "The nurseries I have worked for around here used several methods for overwintering their stock of woody material and hardy perennials in several ways depending on how much protection they need and/or how quickly they wanted them to wake up the following spring."

Can you educate us on what those methods are? I do pretty well overwintering perennials in pots, but last year I lost almost all my potted ornamental grasses (I had a lot because I was working on my awful front hill) and potted camellias. I don't know what I did wrong -- I think the soil was sufficiently porous (although the facts speak for themselves).

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Happy, some of what i can remember about how we overwintered perennial grasses at some local nurseries.
We didn't over winter any in less than 3 gal pots, The varieties were all hardy here, not marginal. They were lined up and grouped on top of weedblock cloth over a 3" gravel bed and the unheated hoop house was covered in late Fall with white poly and pretty well sealed until March/April when doors could be open during warm days, or sides rolled up. They usually were not watered or fed until new growth appeared in mid spring and it was time to uncover them. My understanding as to why under cover/hoop house was to keep them dry and avoid root rot. Also, stored that way was a major deterrent to rodent damage and easier to set traps, etc. Before stowing them they were cutback and several varieties were unpotted, about a third of the bottom of the rootball was removed, new soil was added to bottom of pots and clumps reinserted.. Not sure of the rhyme or reason for this, but by mid spring this root removal was done on all grasses. They were fed with a time release fertilizer as new growth started.

One year we did overwinter gal pots of purple fountain grass but that was done in a cool green house but with not very satisfactory results, meaning, that instead of becoming stock plants that could be divided and sold, theses were spindly and generally not sellable as is. We did divide most of our other grasses in spring into gal pots and up potted to 3 gal in July/August pre flowering.

Sorry I can't be of more help. Keep em dry and safe from rodents.

We did Hosta, ferns, and many perennials in the same way in unheated hoop houses.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Here is a list of select trees and shrubs currently available at Ace Outback. 50% sale off listed prices.

PiceaPungens Glauca Globosa Low Graft 24-30+ inches across and 24 inches tall 15 Gallon $135.99 1 avail

Euonymus Alatus Fireball 3 Gal 24" tall $27.99 3 available

Viburnum Summer Snowflake 3Gal 15-18" tall and wide $32.99 11 plants are available

Prunus Schip 5 Gal 3 feet tall and 15" wide $44.99 2available

Syringa Sensation 5 Gal 44.99 3 available

Syringa Charles Joly 3 Gal 24" tall 3 available

Syringa Paliban 3 Gal 18 inches tall 7 Avail $36.99

Euonymus Manhattan 3 Gal 24" across and 20 in tall 3 available $24.99

Lagerstromia Dynamite 15 Gal 6 feet tall and 3 feet wide 1 Avail 91.99

Lagerstromia Natchez 3 Gal 3-4 feet tall $20.99 1 Avail

Lagerstromia Twilight 15 Gal 6-7 feet tall $91.99 1 Avail

Juniperus Gold Cone 4 feet tall and3 feet wide 15 Gal $134.99 2 Available

Picea Abies Little Gem 3 Gal 18-21" across and 12 inches tall $36.99 3 Available

Picea Mariana 24") tall and wide $44.99 3 Avail

Hibiscus Ruby Satin 10 Avail 24 in tall 3 Gal 32.99 on these could get better discount if you take all or least 5 of them.

Forsythia B and B 6-7 feet tall 19.99 3 Available

David Austin Roses Various colors $43.99

Wisteria Pink 5 Gal 6 feet tall $79.99 2-3 avail

Buxus Vadar Valley 3 Gal 36.99 1 Avail

Juniperus Blue Rug 3 Gal 2avail

Yoshino Cherry 5 Gal 6-7 ft tall light branching $38.99 2 avail

Prunus Yoshino 15 Gal 8 ft 1-11/4 in caliper 119.99 1 avail

Prunus Pendula Weeping Higan 7 Gal 119.9 1 Avail

Prunus Pendula Weeping Higan 7 feet tall 2 in caliper 153.99 1 avail

Prunus Autumnalis 6-7 feet tall $58.99 1 Avail

Prunus Royal Burgandy 7-8ft tall $92.99 7 Gal 1 avail

Magnolia Galaxy 10 Gal 123.99 2 Avail Very rare and hard to find Good heads on these

Magnolia Butterflies 7 Gal $93.99 rare and hard to find 1 avail 6 ft tall

Amelanchier Autumn Brilliance Multiple trunks 16 Gal 6 feet tall $133.99 3 avail Native

Acer Palmatum Bloodgood 20 Gal 8-9 feet tall Good Head 2 in caliper 204.99 also1 Blood good 5 feet tall $153.99 and 1 Bloodgood 5 ft $226.99 price negotiable on this one

Acer Palm Diss Orangeola 4 ft tall head 24 in $129.99 2 avail

Acer palm Sango Kaku 15 Gal 6 foot good branching $143.99 1 avail

Acer crimson King 8-10 feet tall 1 in plus caliper 15Gal 129.99 2 avail

Acer Sachrum Commeration 10-11feet tall 1-2 in caliper $143.99 1 Avail

Malus Royal Raindrops 7 Gal 6-9 feet tall 93.99 3 avail

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

And a second list

Hello More Trees
Cornus Cherokee Brave 10 galon $89.99 2 avail

Cornus Kousa Multi Stem 7 Gal 2 avail 76.99 Good shape

Cornus Satomi 7 Gal 2 avail 69.99

Crytomeria Jundi Sugi 6 feet tall $129.99 3 Avail Extremely rare

Juniperus Skyrocket 5 Gal 5 feet tall $47.99 1 avail

Cercis Canadensis Don Egolf 7 Gal 5 foot $61.99

Malus Praire Fire 1 15 Gallon 109.99 and 1 7gal $92.99

Malus Cardinal 7 Gal 7-8 feet tall $72.99

Weigeila French Lace Grafted 5 feet tall $136.99 Very nice

betula Nigra Heritage Single Stem 10 feet tall 20 gallon $129.99 1 Avail

Taxus Densiformis 24-30 inch $27.99 3 avail also 1 Capitata Yew 3 feet $61.99

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

wow, Coleup, that yoshino cherry sure sounds good, especially when the life of my weeping cherry continues to be so iffy. The price is so low! Does it look healthy?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

wish I had a bare new lot to landscape….

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I had that grafted Weigeila French Lace in my cart, but then opted for the Japanese Snowbell tree instead. I REALLY liked it, but thought that I would be somewhat sensible and only get one of the higher priced items. Does spreading out purchases over multiple weeks count as spending the same amount of money LOL? Coleup, do you think the remaining items will go lower than 50% as we head into November?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I wish i could start over too......so many nice things are available now...
So many Swaps and trading....and there is ME---with not even space
for one new shrub...

Then looking at this more sanely--I am too old to start a new garden anyway...

Coleup wrote:
Before stowing them they were cutback and several varieties were unpotted, about a third of the bottom of the rootball was removed, new soil was added to bottom of pots and clumps reinserted.. Not sure of the rhyme or reason for this, but by mid spring this root removal was done on all grasses. They were fed with a time release fertilizer as new growth started.

From my experience--cutting off the bottom layer of roots, as well as the outer layer
on the root ball, does encourage a lot of new root growth and the plants thrive.
I do this about every 2-3 years on my older brugs and also when re-potting
older Spider Plants. Talk about a solid mess of roots!!
It DOES NOT hurt the plant to do this. It thrives on this and the fresh soil put around and
below the old root ball in the spring.
I don't think you can do this on all plants--but definitely on Ornamental Grasses.
Their roots can grow into a matted tangled up mess with no place for the new roots
to emerge.
I would do this in spring, not in the fall, though.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Catmint -- a lot of the local HDs (including the one near Montgomery (Westbrook) Mall and the Gaithersburg one had plenty of large Yoshino cherries half-price for final price of $13 as late as this past Monday. You might check Aspen Hill since you are so close.

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