Spooky Oct. is here!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I used to love to entertain and to set a really pretty special table for the holidays. My house was were my family all gathered. Now my immediate family are all dead. My son is in CA and my niece in CO. Richard's daughter is the only family around. They always stay home on Christmas and I'm always gone on Christmas. Richard does have one brother still living but we've never gotten together with them at Christmas. Too complicated with our schedule and their kids and grandkids. With my friends we don't entertain at our homes anymore. Too much trouble! We go out to eat when we get together. So I finally stopped buying china for myself. I had an addiction to it for a while!!! I still buy pretty china but I put it in my antique booths. My DIL loves pretty china as much as I do. I've given her several sets. The ones I had that were here favorites. I still have 3 really nice sets of china plus my everyday Gail Pittman set. That's way too much china and I know it. Forgot about my mom's set of china I have!! So that makes 5 sets!! Hers is a really pretty Fransican pattern that is yellow. I'm sure it's a discontinued pattern also.

Ripley, MS

Jerry's family is close to if not more than 40 people when we meet for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Just having our kids and Grandkids here with us is 17, 18 if Pat comes, my table seats 4
Paper all the way!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I just have a small family. Would have been 9 of us back when everyone used to come to my house. That was before the boys were born.
Yes I would definitely use paper plates all the way with as many as you have Sandra!!!!

To get that many people together for my family it would have to be first cousins and their kids and grandkids! There were 17 of us on daddy's side but about half that many left and we're scattered all over. There were 12 of us on mother's side and 7 of us left. We are also scattered all over. I have one great uncle left on mother's side and that family is too far apart to all get together at the same time for many occasions.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Charlotte, the room looks great - and I love the rug. I wanted a rug for my LR when we moved into the new house, but then we ended up getting a house dog and I gave up the idea. I knew between all the kids that would be in and out and the dogs, it wouldn't stand a chance!

Several years ago, Leigh bought me a dining room table from Oak Warehouse (I believe that was the name - and they are no longer in business) but we had it made to the size that we wanted. I ended up making it a little too wide............it is 40" if I remember correctly, but I wanted a table wide enough that people could have their plates and drink on each side and us still have room for "food" in between because my Mom's table was always so crowded the food was almost sitting in your plate! But, the table will seat 10 people - although normally we just keep 8 chairs at it. It is not a fancy table - just a big oak - almost farm style, but not quite, table. It is one of my favorite things. It has two leaves in it and will go down to a square table, but because of the way my DR is laid out, I usually just leave it up, looks weird when I take it down and the light looks oversized. But, I wanted a place to be able to seat Leigh and I and all three kids and their future spouses and maybe a couple of other guests before we had to expand out to the bar and the tv trays. LOL........ when my brothers and parents and everyone would get together, we would have about 30 of us. Now, my parents are gone, and my brothers don't have anything to do with my sister and I so we have a slightly smaller crowd - but my niece and nephew both have kids and then now Alex is married and we are ever increasing. Last year there were 16 of us. I sat 10 at the table, 5 at my bar, and one in the LR. I have a large set of Christmas dishes that my MIL gave me over several years - most came from JC Pennys. But at the time, you could buy the pattern at Penneys or Dillards and she usually purchased them at half price as a gift for the following Christmas. I have really enjoyed them and I have a bunch because she had the same pattern and gave me hers several years before she passed away. I could probably seat 50 people easily - but I wouldn't have enough real forks for that many! LOL....... I usually start using my Christmas dishes for every day meals right after Thanksgiving, and try to enjoy them the whole month!

Kyle had a chiropractor's appt in town on Wednesday afternoon but JUST before he left Arkadelphia headed this way, he let me know that Maddie was coming with him and they wanted to go eat at a restaurant in town for supper. That was fine except the main part of my house, dining, living, area and the bar in the kitchen were covered in boxes and stuff that I have been cleaning out. Some needed to be loaded for goodwill, and some needed to be put in the garage, and some things had just been put there because I was still trying to decide WHAT I was going to do with them!!! I knew it DID NOT look like I had been cleaning in the main part of the house......so I rushed home after work and ran around like a wild indian trying to get things tidied back up but I did NOT want to just cram it all somewhere and mess up what I had been cleaning! I managed to get a bunch of stuff loaded in my vehicle and some emptied boxes stashed in the garage for future use, and the mail cleaned up on the table, etc and got it somewhat presentable. So I guess he motivated me in that dept! LOL...... but, I still have little things to finish in my sewing room before I can mark it off, and I have several things in the study still. I have the game room, then deep cleaning the LR and my bedroom to go. We have done a lot of the cleaning out closets, drawers, etc in our room - now it is just a matter of making sure there vaulted ceiling is clean, and the furniture dusted and little things put away.....etc. Doesn't sound like much, but I am sure it will take me most of the weekend. I have some baseboard to try to sand and seal because in our mudroom we left some baseboard off on two walls because originally we planned to add a built in bench and "locker" type storage for the kids - and we were going to wait til all that was built in on that wall to finish the trim. We ended up changing our mind about how we wanted to utilize that space - and so now, we will finally get those two pieces down. I also have a piece of ceramic tile that has been loose since the guy installed my tile - it was just slightly loose originally but over time, now it is completely loose and of course, over time the grout has broken away too. Does anyone have any experience in repairing tile? The tile itself is fine, I just need to glue it back down and replace the grout, but I can't get the guy who did the tilework to call me back.....and I am not sure what to use. I wanted to try to buy just a small amount of grout from him so I didn't have to buy a big bag, but guess I am just going to have to buy the whole thing. Unfortunately, I had a small bit left over when they did the original tile work, but HEAVEN FORBID I threw it away right after we moved in!! THAT is how we end up with so much stuff....we MIGHT need it one day!! LOL I also need to use that special primer on all that plastic trim we are putting around the posts - IF the weather cooperates............

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I never bought china before. I was given a set when Mikel and I got married and when Terrie moved to Prairieville, Jim & I bought her a china cabinet and I gave her that set of dishes. My grandmother gave me her set of dishes and I never had a need to purchase a set. The other Christmas dishes that sprouted legs and walked came from a drug store that was going out of business and I loved them. Only got to use them once a year but I looked forward to it and have missed them every year that we didn't have them. We're gonna have 16 this year. With Terrie divorcing Greg and Cameron is with him they won't be in attendance and Billy and his G/F aren't invited it will work out perfect. LOL!!!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I started out using mine for Christmas only, but I think because my bday is in December, all my life I feel like I wait all year to celebrate just a couple of days....then start over waiting again, so I just decided to start enjoying them for the month!

I even left my favorite nativity up all year this year..................I usually put it up around Thanksgiving and take it down around Valentines. I didn't start out doing that either - but I just wanted to enjoy it longer and one year I was swamped and didn't get it put up until Mid February and I was having company close to valentines and was worried what they would think....... then I just decided that is the best symbol of love I can think of - Jesus coming to earth to die for our sins - and I just decided I wouldn't worry about what anyone else thought! I have left it up until Valentine's ever since. One year, when Easter was in early March, I just put it up after Easter. This year, I have just left the one up year around and I have really enjoyed it. Haven't had much company, so really haven't had to worry about what anyone thought. Jessica and I started to pack it up last weekend, but we decided at this point, we would just be bringing in back down in a few weeks and it was not worth the hassle! LOL I can tell I am getting older because I care a LOT less about what everyone else thinks - and do more of what I like ...... well, except for all this cleaning because i do NOT like it!! I like the results, just not the cleaning!

I took the day off work yesterday and went to LR and spent a big part of my day with Alex. We didnt do anything special but I had such an enjoyable day! It has been August since I saw him last and I just couldn't take it anymore!! :) I needed to lay eyes on him and touch him.....
I had something I needed him to try on because I only had a few more days that it could be returned and sure enough, it has to go back...... and I ran a few errands in LR that I needed done, but mainly I just enjoyed spending some time with him. Hopefully that little break will make it easier to get back to the grindstone tonight and this weekend! :)

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I know you enjoyed yourself Genna!!! I think we all need to do a little more ME time!!!

Everyone on FB are listing all the things that they are thankful for...I haven't done that yet, but I do want to take a moment and tell each of you how much Yall mean to me! We get so busy that we take for granted that the other person knows without saying but I'm just saying some times it's nice to be reminded. I've always loved plants and absorbed any book I could get my hands on but it is wonderful to be able to post a picture and get recommendations not only what it is and how to take care of it, to where to even purchase it and a lot of the times who has it for free. Not a better bunch of people anywhere than gardeners!!! HUGS my friends!!!

Ripley, MS

Hugs right back at you, Jeri. We are blessed to all have each other. I have not been listing things on FB either, as sure as I started I would forget something very important and then be "judged" for it, another thing I don't worry about here.

Genna, I am also like you, wanting to see my kids. Cayla is taking Eli to meet his Dad tomorrow, so I am going to meet her and Eli a couple of hours ahead of the time his Dad is expected, can't wait to see them both, we talk just about every day, but need those hugs!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I know you are looking forward to all those sweet Eli hugs and kisses!!! Keeping busy helps but there is nothing like the real thing!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Jeri and Sandra I agree with both of you. I haven't tried to list something every day on FB either.

Glad you got some time with Alex Genna. It's always nice to be able to have some one on one time.

Sandra bet you've really been missing Eli. I know you miss Kayla but Eli is growing so fast I know you miss seeing him.

I ran a taxi service this morning. I take my neighbor to her beauty shop appoint every Friday morning. And this this morning when I got through with her I had to take Richard to get his hair cut. Then I started to work at my booths and worked all the rest of the day. I got a lot done today but it doesn't look like it! Lot's more to do tomorrow.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Sandra, hope you enjoyed your time with Eli! I bet it is hard being used to having him there all the time and then not getting to see him as often. But, I guess you will cherish the time you do have with him. He looks like he is growing like a weed....he is such a cutie! Does his Dad live close to you ?? I hope he is enjoying his new home.

Charlotte, it has been a while since Alex and I got to spend much time alone and it was really nice. We didn't do much of anything - just talked and caught up and ran a few errands - but man it was SO special to me! I am just thankful that at least I was where I could take the day and go see him instead of having to travel to the other end of the country like you have to!

I haven't been doing the FB thing either..... not because I am not thankful, but I am not on there everyday - not anywhere close, so I just figured it would be best to not even start it ! In fact, lol, I wasn't on there on the 1st and was already several days behind when I did get on.

I am extremely thankful for my DG friends! Ya'll are the absolute best and I feel like we have shared a lot a joy and heartache together! It means a lot to know ya'll are there even though I can't physically see you.....

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I marked some major rooms off the list, and although I didn't get finished, I made some major strides so I just keep plugging along! I had hoped to get my DLs potted up while the weather was nice, but I didn't get there. I did get some things primed and sealed while it was warm - so that helped!

Fixed a pork loin and roasted veggies for dinner with apple crisp for dessert .... got the mess cleaned up and the dishwasher loaded so it must be about time to head to bed. LOL With Leigh getting up at 5:00 every morning - the nights seem to pass by quickly!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

No Genna I can't just drive a few hours to spend some time with my son and family!!! He was here by himself Mother's day weekend and it was nice to have a good long one on one visit. I'm really missing my oldest grandson! It's been a year since I've seen him in person! He calls me regularly but not the same as in person. He called me today and talked for an hour. I will see him when I go out for Christmas and then he is going to come here for 10 days in Jan.

I'm pooped too! I worked all day Fri and Sat at my antique booth moving and rearranging things. Took a day off from that today to bring in my plants. Going to get down to 29 Tues night. Thank goodness I put most of my brugs in the ground last spring. But I still have tons of stuff to bring in. My little greenhouses are packed to the brim and put I a few things in one corner of the workshop. Still have more to do tomorrow. But most of the big major stuff I have packed away. I always have to make several rounds just checking the beds as pots get hidden!

I thought I had gotten all my caladium bulbs ready for storage. I was thinking that it didn't look like as many as I thought I had. Well I opened up one of my mini greenhouse and the entire thing was full of caladium bulbs!! The foliage was still attached so I had to cut all that off. Then I was thinking - GOODNESS WHAT A BUNCH OF CALADIUMS!!
I sorted out a ton of laundry to do but didn't get but 3 loads of it done.

This message was edited Nov 10, 2013 8:55 PM

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Genna is Leigh commuting to LR every day now???

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Jeri, have to say it was a heck of a ball game Saturday night! But what happened with Mettenberger's knew? I hate for any of the boys to be hurt, and I never could find out anything, so thought they might have had more info in your news. It was sure a big win for Bama!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I've spent the biggest part of my day buying a new vehicle. I've been thinking about trading. Was going to wait a few more months but knew I was going to need to replace my brake pads soon and had 2 tires that also were going to need to be replaced. And I just wanted a SUV instead of a car. Found what I was looking for on the internet and ended up buying it after looking at it. I got a certified pre-owned 2012 Toyota Highlander with everything on - even a CD player. I guess I can put Richard in the back and let him watch movies if we go very far. Waiting on them to finish cleaning it up now.

(karen) Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I've never done the 30 days of thankfulness challenge either but I'm finding it to be good for my soul. Reminds me about what is really important and I find myself thinking about tomorrow's post all day so it really has made me more conscious of my blessings

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Elaine I have to say that my heart is broken over Sat. night!!! I was praying for a win and that SO didn't happen!!! Oh well, maybe next year!!! Congrats on Yall's win. 9-0 is very impressive!!!

Congrats Charlotte on the new pre-owned vehicle. I know you will enjoy may happy miles and plenty of room to haul!!!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Oh my, I am so far behind! Sandra let me know when we were texting yesterday that y'all were waiting for me to start a new thread. I don't know how it happened but I somehow managed to be "appointed" the unofficial thread starter. It really won't hurt my feelings if somebody else wants to do it. I think Jeri started the Oct. thread. Please feel free anytime. LOL but since nobody else has done it for November I will go ahead and start one. Be back in a few with the link.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Here is the new thread for November.

Please join us over here:

This message was edited Nov 11, 2013 10:10 PM

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

I can't get the above link to work for some reason. I even went back and re-copied it and re-pasted it but it still doesn't work for me. I hope you all can get it to work. If not, please go to the list of threads on the Mid-South forum and click on the new November thread. Thanks.

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