Spooky Oct. is here!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I haven't heard anything about free internet through the city. It's been so many years since I had dial up I can't imagine having to use it again. Back in the late 90's I used to access my store computer from my home computer to work on my books. I used a software called PC Anywhere to connect the two. It worked but it took forever. It was almost not worth doing. We have Uverse available in our neighborhood now. I'm thinking about eventually switching to it.

Got my flu shot last week. I always wait until Oct. also. But Sandra you better get in and get that shot now!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I knew you were kidding Sandra, just playing with you a little bit more!!! LOL!!!

No I haven't heard anything about free internet. I just switched my home phone service to Cox and did a bundle. It was suppose to cost me $120.00 month which would have saved me $68 off the current cox bill and $86.00 for my A T & T bill but Cox did a bait and switch after they installed everything and went up to $220.00 a month I called and threw a fit and they have gotten it down to $160.00 which is still $40.00 more than what I was originally told. I can't believe that a company as big as they are would do that to their customers and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Ashley & I got our flu shots at Walgreens and they are giving as many flu shots to a child in a third world country. Our insurance paid for it completely so I count this as a win, win situation. Please consider using Walgreens for this reason.

This weekend was homecoming for Ashley and I have a ton of pictures but they are loaded on a CD that will play through Windows and I can't access the internet through Windows so I don't think I will be able to share a single picture.

The city is filling in my ditches out front this week!!! Yay!!! Yay!!! Yay!!! It's a mess right now but it will be finished soon and I can't wait.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

LOL.... love the image of us all piling in the truck when Charlotte hits it big. I am even willing to bring the vanilla :) That would be a site for sure! Seriously, I hope they do hit it big in your area - I know that would be a blessing for sure!

I spent the weekend cleaning (surprise, surprise) - Jessica helped me clean out the upper and lower cabinets in my mud room, and then she went to the football game in Magnolia to watch SAU/OBU play. My initial intention was not to clean out two closets that are in that room. But, I knew they were a wreck - so I tied into them. I didn't get them cleaned out and put back together until late yesterday evening! :( But, I went thru a lot of stuff! Packed up several boxes to go to Ouachita Industries and threw away a couple of sacks of stuff. I even parted with some things I had gotten from my grandmother when she passed away in 1969. It was just some what nots that set on a shelf......most things were occupied japan, or made in Japan, but none were especially pretty or anything. I had JUST turned 6 when she passed away a few days later and most people had already gotten what they wanted when they asked me if there was anything I wanted out of her house. The shelf and the items have been tucked away in one of those closets since I emptied my Mom's house 9 yrs ago. ..... I just finally let them go because it is not something I will ever display. I have hundreds, if not thousands, of photos that need to be gone thru - but I am storing them in large boxes for the moment in a centralized location. I pray that once we move, I will be able to finally have a chance to work thru some of the old scrapbook items I have for the kids, and also get my photos in order! I LOVE my photos and they mean the world to me.....I told Jessica it was ridiculous to have something that meant so much to me in such a mess! So, that is the first item on my agenda when I have a chance......obviously, it will be a while! I still have to move the large dog crate out of this room and scrub the floor....then that room will be complete as well. I was so exhausted last night that I just couldn't finish. And I only have a couple of things to put away in my sewing room after buying some more storage boxes yesterday - and it can be marked off the list. Those were two of the major cleanup rooms so I am feeling better! Plus, Leigh worked a lot of the weekend going thru his large bookshelves in the study - pulling out books he no longer wanted and boxing up extra things he had stacked on the shelves. It isn't spotless in there but it is presentable finally!

Jessica also went thru a few of my drawers in my kitchen that were crowded. One had candy molds, decorating stuff etc that we only use occasionally. She boxed up a bunch of the extra stuff, cleaned the drawers and organized what was left - so they will look much nicer when someone pulls them open to look at storage. I hope to eventually do the same to a couple of the cabinets - but that can be done even after some people have looked at the house. Now, I just need to finish up the little things in those rooms, get the game room and main living areas in the house all picked up, and get everything mopped and new finish put down! I also have to go back to my bedroom and go thru it from top to bottom on what I call a deep clean, because we didn't do that the day we tried to organize in there. Sounds like a lot yet to go - but it is SO much closer than it was! Haven't touched the garage yet - but I decided I can deal with that AFTER we get it advertised which I am starting this week! Hopefully since my life is not as busy as it was when the kids were home, I will never have to do this much sorting and cleaning at one time again! I sure hate the thought of moving after finally getting everything cleaned up- it will be like starting over ! :(

I still have not gotten my DLs dug either!! I have GOT to get that done as well................ just not enough hours in the day! Now, I am losing my daylight after work.............so that will only complicate outside things!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Jeri, we cross posted.............. can you save a few pictures from the cd into another format and then post? we would love to see pictures! :)

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Jeri don't get me going about the bait and switch tactic!! I pay what I consider a ridiculous amount for a home telephone I don't use. Richard wants the home line otherwise I'd get rid of it. I have AT&T. I wanted to bundle my cell phone and my home phone and internet to save money. I found the exact bundle I wanted on the internet and it would save me a lot of money. But when I tried to make the switch it said that since I would as existing customer I would have to call a number to complete the bundle. I finally called - held for 30 minutes - explained what I wanted they switched me to someone else - explained again - this went on for almost 2 hours!!! Never found anyone that could help me. If I had been just trying to start AT&T service I could have done it all on the internet in a matter of minutes!!! Someone (I think my son) suggested I just go into an AT&T store and talk to them. I used to pay a lot less for internet and they keep going up on it.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I give up on transfering the pictures. I'm gonna get Jimmy to do it for me. He said he has never seen any body that could mess things up the way I do. I'm pretty sure that wasn't a compliment!!!!

I'm with you Charlotte!! It makes me really look at whether or not I want to even do business with someone that has to stoup to such tactics as bait and switch!!!!

Ripley, MS

I have now had my flu shot, hopefully in time ! I always get mine at the health dept in Ripley, we don't have a Walgreens but that is a good thing to do!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

We have a Walgreen's less than a mile from me. However we always get our flu shots at the doctors office. One of us usually has an appointment in the fall and just get flu shots while we're there. That is a good thing Walgreen is doing with the flu shots. However I'm not a big fan of Walgreen. We also have a Drug Emporium right across the street and that's where we do do business. I don't like the card Walgreen makes you use if you want the lower prices. Even with the discount card I've found their prices to be very high. On occasion I've had to buy something because Drug Emporium was closed and it makes me so mad every time I have to do it. Prices at Drug Emporium will always be a couple or dollars or more less. When my son was here last year with his dad, he kept sending Jeff to Walgreen to buy things. It was where he shopped. Jeff also thought the prices were too high and he discovered Drug Emporium and started going there and just made sure his dad didn't see the receipt from where he bought it because if it didn't come from Walgreen he didn't think it was any good!!!LOL

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Well I usually get my prescriptions from Walmart that way wherever we are traveling we can still get our scripts filled!!! I just couldn't pass up that deal for the shots for the other kids!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

We get our prescriptions from Drug Emporium. But I also buy all my cleaning supplies, shampoo, toothpaste, Tylenol, etc there too. All the stuff you would normally get at Wal Mart. I've found they are actually cheaper than WalMart. I'm just not a WalMart shopper!!! It's probably been a year since I've been in a Wal Mart. If I go to a store like that, it's usually Target and I haven't been to Target in probably 4 months and that was to get storage bins. I can get every thing I need to operate the house at Drug Emporium or my Kroger store. Both are 5 minutes away! I'm just spoiled to the convenience of them! My Kroger store is small and I know where everything is in it. Been shopping in it for 31 years! I get very frustrated when I go anywhere else. Just old and set and in ways!!!!!LOL

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

We usually get our flu shots here at our plant in October. They used to offer it with a wellness screening that was done at the same time. Now, they have changed things around and we have to do our wellness screening in June - so now they are having a hard time getting our shots. They just emailed me late yesterday and want to give them on November 21! I think that is TOO late............. gotta check around and see how many of the guys actually want them and IF they are willing to wait that late. Most dont get them - and the ones that do probably will not want to wait that long. I would have already stopped and got mine, but I have been fighting some type of sinus something or possibly something viral because I have had some fever at times, and I am not sure I need a flu shot on top of it!

Charlotte, where is drug emporium? Is it in that shopping center at the corner of Rodney Parham and Reservoir? close to TJ Maxx? I vaguely remember seeing it somewhere! I REALLY miss our Krogers! That is one definite advantage to moving, hopefully I will be close to one again!

Sounds like ya'll need to request to speak to an AT&T supervisor and TAKE NAMES! It is an extremely frustrating company to deal with that is for sure! But, I think if you get the right person they will honor the advertisment. - unfortunately they are so big, the left hand doesn't have a clue what the right hand is doing - and the offer that was made in your area might be good, but the person you get on the phone might be in Georgia or Kansas City! or worse! Leigh had a problem with his Walmart CC the other night at the murphy pumps - he has it to get the discount on the gas - and he called and ended up talking to someone in INDIA......... they kept telling him he hadn't activated his card and he has been using it for months!! :(

Ripley, MS

I didn't know using your Walmart credit card would give you the discount, I thought you had to buy a gift card to get it---thanks Genna !

One good thing Walgreens has is . 10 prints on Tuesday, I had stopped at the one in New Albany just to look around and saw no one was at the photo corner, I thought I might print a few of Caylas wedding pictures and the lady that came to give me the connection for the IPhone 5 told me it was .10 day and every Tuesday you could buy them. But the WalMart in New Albany will match the price, so print on Tues !!

Charlotte I went down to Jerry's Moms to deal with some of her leaves yesterday afternoon and got some of that moss. Did you heat your on the stove ? That is the instructions I found, 4 parts water to 1 par glycerin, heat on stove until almost at a boil, then let stand for one hour ?
Des that sound like how you did yours? I vacuumed a whole bag of leaves from her DECK ! She has a lot more leaves than we do. Jerry has been cutting them with the mower and blowing them to the woods. He will never have time to do that so I am going to collect all I can. I am cleaning her beds and putting the double chopped on hers too. I have most of hers done, the Ned's were there when she moved and only had Hostas in the front, then azaleas on the side. I have put her in roses and verbena, hot lips and one hydrangea. I just like the lower side of her front having hers done.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Yes Genna Drug Emporium is in the same shopping center as TJ Maxx. Love that store! I'm in there 3 or 4 times a week. They also have a health food section.

One of my problems with AT&T was they kept transferring me to different people and I got disconnected twice!!! My son develops ordering systems (the system you use for making changes on line or on the phone by punching buttons) , etc for communication companies. Most of the work he does is for AT&T. He said they are trying to eliminate their customer service dept. Want to make you do it all on line or through automation - no humans!!! Saves them money!! It's a big company but with so many people eliminating land lines that side of the business has really decreased and they are looking for cost reductions.

Hope Lee got his CC straighten out. Another reason to shop at Kroger is you get reduced gas prices and for every 100.00 you spend you get .10 a gallon off. The other day my discount was .20. No sure how I got that but certainly took it.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Yes Sandra that's exactly how I did my moss. Glycerin is so expensive and I had a lot of moss so I ended up diluting mine by more than 4 to 1 and it still worked. After I finished I put it on newspapers to dry. It does take a long time to dry because of the glycerin. If you want to add color you can put green food coloring in the water/glycerin mixture. To make the bright green add green and yellow. I'd mix it up separately before adding to make sure it's the color you want. some of mine I colored and some I left natural. It's great to put on the top of house plants or if you're making an arrangement of something in a tray or basket you put it down first and then place your things on top of it.

Ripley, MS

Thanks Charlotte, I have glycerin here already as I used it to make some liquid soap, no one liked it so I gave up on trying to make them use it--LOL !

I think I will leave this first batch natural to see if I do it right. If you use it on the top of your house plants do you just water as usual?

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Sandra that discount on the Walmart card is why I got it. Usually June thru July 15 they offer 15 cents off each gallon and that was really a help but now I think it has dropped to 5 cents per gallon.

What are Yall doing with moss?

This message was edited Nov 5, 2013 9:28 AM

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Yes just water as usual. Jeri we're preserving rain deer moss. In the woods it's hard and brittle. You can treat it with glycin to get it soft and pliable like they sell.

Ripley, MS

I really don't remember why I got mine, probably like the SAMs card, they approached me and said I would save 20 bucks on my cart today if I applied---

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

He got his during the promotion where you saved 15c a gallon...... we use a LOT of gas! He pays it off each month and has been doing so for probably at least a year - maybe more....... but for some reason it wouldn't take his card the other day! :( Then when he called he got told that about not activating it........... I told him he shouldn't have to pay the bill if he hadn't activated it. LOL He did eventually get it worked out, but he was on the phone with them a long time! and was VERY upset when he got back home! Sometimes his discount is 5c and sometimes it is only 3...... not sure why they flip it back and forth, but with the miles he is putting on every little bit helps!

Yeah, I love the Kroger discount too - but I never get enough points built up fast enough now before they expire and i have to start over. But they will still give you a 3 cent discount even without spending the 100 on groceries.

Don't have a clue what rain deer moss is..................

Sandra, I ended up with a Gap card that way........... we were in Branson one year and I had a HUGE buggy load of stuff for three kids for birthday and Christmas.....and the woman told me I would get 30% off if I signed up for a gap card that day. I looked at Leigh and told him I was SURE I had 300.00 worth of clothes, so I got the card and ended up getting a little over $ 90 off! I thought it was a great deal! :)

Sandra, it sounds like you have been busy!! When you get thru there, you can mosey on over toward my house..........I still have a long list! ^_^

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Genna just so you know, Drug Emporium doesn't take credit cards. They only take cash, check or debit card.

Ripley, MS

When I finish around here, I will be right over there, Genna--don't hold your breath ! I did a little of our leaves today, cooked supper and the day was gone. I need to repot all the things on my porch to bring inside and meant to get that done today, but didn't

Here is what mine looked like when I finished, I think if I do anymore I will use some green color

Thumbnail by slcdms
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Looks good Sandra! We went up to Peti Jean today and had lunch and looked at foliage. I saw a bunch on the side of a back road we were on. If you start looking you'll find it everywhere. I've heard of people gathering it to sale to companies to process. They have to get it from somewhere.

Ripley, MS

It is no trouble to harvest, it is just barely on top of the ground. It doesn't have the shine it does on the ground after processing, I think it would look better with a little green color.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Can one of ya'll show me a picture? No doubt as much time as I have spent in the woods that I have seen it - just have no idea what it looks like. ...... Looks neat on the top of the pots.

Ripley, MS

This is it in the woods, then processed and in the pot

Thumbnail by slcdms Thumbnail by slcdms
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Thanks Sandra! That helps!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I've been on a cleaning tear like Genna tonight! My sun room was a mess! I had been storing boxes of Christmas merchandise in it and was noticing the other day how dusty everything was. Then this weekend I bought a rug at an auction with the intention of using it in one of my booths. The price was right and I liked the way it looked. Really hadn't paid any attention to it before I started bidding on it. But couldn't pass it up for the price. When I got it home I realized I actually had a nice 100% wool rug from India. I had an inexpensive rug in there that I was not particularly fond of (it was too dark). So I decided to keep the one I bought and take the one I had for my booth. It was actually way too heavy to even think about using in my booth. It was all I could do to drag the thing from the garage into the house. It's a 9' x 9' rug. I need something I can roll up and get out of the way when I want to move furniture around. Sooooooooooo to put it down I had to take everything out of the part of the room with the sofas. After I got everything out I cleaned the window sills, the windows, the floor. Then put all the furniture back and cleaned all the tables really good and dusted everything else. I was prompted to get all this done as I haven't brought any of my house plants in and have to get that done very soon. Didn't want to move all that twice. It looks so nice and is spotless (we know that want last long). I even brought a few plants in tonight. More tomorrow!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

My new (old) rug. Most importantly the room is CLEAN!

Thumbnail by cperdue
Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Looks great, Charlotte! Love the rug. Doesn't it feel good to get things totally clean?

I've been working on bathroom and kitchen cabinets. Cleaned out the bathroom cabs a couple of weeks ago. Decided to get some new everyday glasses and pare down what I have in my cabinets so I'm tackling at least 2-3 cabinets per week. Got a start this week anyway, and cleaned out 5 shelves totally. Really got rid of a bunch of stuff that was not only clutter but stuff we weren't using. I should sell a set of 6 old-fashioned glasses (Gorham crystal), so I did box those up. The rest went to the trash or in the pile for Goodwill. We usually make a run to Goodwill before the end of the year and it's about that time. I still have a ways to go with the rest of the cabinets but with choir practice one night a week, I'm slow. I may tackle 1-2 shelves tonight.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I need to tackle my kitchen cabinets also. I did par down my dishes and everyday glasses I use several years ago. So that section of the cabinet is good. But I have one section at the end of the cabinets I need to go through and take a lot of stuff out of. I have some really pretty old stemware in part of it. I never use it so I need to take it down to my booths. This is the time of year I need to do it. People buy that kind of thing before the holidays. Need to totally reorganize my spices. They've gotten in a mess. I have them on carousels and alphabetized (too many spices for someone that doesn't cook anymore) but they are bad out of order. I have a really pretty set of old Fostaria I keep hanging on to but at least they are packed away in those plastic stemware storage things. I bought them 30 years ago when a very exclusive old jewelry store closed their downtown location. They cleaned out their storage room. The stemware had probably been in their storage room for 30 years or more. They are a pinkish/peach color. Kristi always liked them but I don't think she has room for them now so I'm hanging on to them for her. I gave her the china I used with them years ago. She uses it every day. It's an old discontinued Fransican pattern. One of the prettiest patterns I've seen in it. When I first realized she was using it for her everyday china I sort of cringed! Three small boys loading a dishwasher - you can imagine. But somehow it's survived and she has really enjoyed it. So I got over it. I guess I was also afraid of what the boys would do to the stemware!!!

Ripley, MS

It is cold here today, only 45 now, the heat just keeps coming on. I got my things ready to come inside, but was trying to wait until after Thanksgiving as Charity and Faith will be here that week.
They need the whole room to strow there stuff around--LOL !
Yeah on the new rug, looks great in there !

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Great fine, Charlotte. You and Genna make me want to get up and clean!!!

I moved my hibiscus into the g/h yesterday. Tried on the crown of thorns but even with the dolly I couldn't do it.

Ripley, MS

Show us your crown of thorns, Jeri---nothing makes me want to clean !

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I have 3 BIG ones. I shot these pictures with my phone.

I got my plastic cabinet straight and made enough room my new Christmas dishes.

Thumbnail by jeri11 Thumbnail by jeri11 Thumbnail by jeri11
Ripley, MS

I love those, but just can't keep them here. I had one for a few years and finally gave it away to someone, I don't even remember who.
Have any of you done any Christmas shopping yet? I haven't, but really need to start.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I've cut my back a lot this year so I could give away cuttings. LOL!!! It's amazing anything grows the way I have whacked it.

I've bought some new decorations. A santa and some dishes. I had dishes that we used every year and someone wanted them more than me and took them from my storage building. I've hunted for probably 15 years for a replacement set and I found them on sale.

Thumbnail by jeri11
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Those are big Jeri! I have a dolly a lot like yours. It helps but sometimes you still have to get it somewhere the dolly can't go. That why I put a lot of my stuff in the ground this year. If I don't hurry up and get the rest of my stuff put away I want have to worry about it!!

I do my Christmas shopping on line from a list provided to me! LOL I'll start the first of December. I used to have a really pretty set of Christmas china. A couple of plates had chips in them and I contacted Replacements about buying a couple of plates. They must have misunderstood me or something as they instead wanted to buy the pieces I had. When they told me what they would pay me for it I decided they could certainly have it!!!! It was a discontinued pattern and I had no idea it was worth what they paid me. I don't ever have Christmas dinner at my house or actually do any Christmas entertaining like I used to so I've never replaced them.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Mine had poinsettias on them and I've never found any I liked since!!! Here is a link to the pattern. I fell in love at 1st site.


Ripley, MS

Those are pretty, I use paper plates for my entertaining! But always use real forks!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

We use paper plates every other day. I just love Christmas to be special. With our group I'm sure we'll be using some paper plates too!!!

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