Spooky Oct. is here!!!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Good morning everyone!!! I thought I would start a new thread with a picture of the cutest couple!!! Please come and join me for the fall season!!!

We came from here:


Thumbnail by jeri11
Central, LA(Zone 8b)

We had so much fun yesterday at Middendorf's with Mary(my niece), Mary D. & Lisa. I didn't know but Mary D. brought me all kinds of plants from the RU at Jim's house. Thanks to everyone that sent me plants. I'm gonna go play with my new babies and try to find the perfect spot for each one of them. Love to you all!!!

Thumbnail by jeri11
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

October is going to be over before you know it!!! I made reservations for my flight to CA for Christmas last night!!! Fares are always more expensive during the Christmas holidays and get more expensive the closer you get to Christmas plus you take a chance the flight you want will be filled up.

Jeri those are the cutest things I've ever seen and HUGE!!!! Glad you all had a great day! Tell Mary I said "hello". Hope she is feeling better.

We are getting a good rain this morning. One we really needed.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I know that I probably need to get started with our Thanksgiving and Christmas plans but then my mind flies to all the accounting items that I also need to start thinking about too!!!

Mary has done better this week than last week. I think she had some kind of cold that almost did her in. She didn't come out for over 3 days. I was about ready to use my key and go check on her when she finally called Sunday night. The thought of our small get together is what helped her get about this week. Thanks Mary D. & Lisa for giving her a reason to fill better!!!

We haven't had a rain in over a week here but I have plans of tackling the weeds in that teahouse bed today so I hope it holds off here until this PM.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

That is a darling couple!!!!

Ripley, MS

If I had known they were coming to see you, I would have sent something, I missed that somehow.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sandra at the very end there were still some things left and Mary said she would take some things to Jeri. I know she took one of the bushes Dian at Hopes and Dreams nursery had sent for us.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Cute couple! I put out some pumpkins and mums and a few things inside and called it done.

Ripley, MS

Well I am so glad, Charlotte do you think the plant Diane sent will be hardy?

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I didn't take one because I don't have room for anymore bushes. I think it may be hardy for you. I would mulch it real good with leaves. Kathy Ann was doubtful it would be hardy for her.

Ripley, MS

I can't remember the name now !

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I think she listed the name on the thread. Can't remember it either. I'm thinking snowdrop, snowball???? but I'm probably totally off base!!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks Sandra I appreciate it but truly my yard is in the stage of being totally over crowded!!! I think the bush is called rabbit's ears plant. http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/82773/ I think this is it.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Well I had a feeling I wasn't anywhere close!!! LOL Remember her calling it rabbit ears now!!
Jeri I'm in the same situation. I just don't have room for anything else. If something new goes in something is going to have to come out!! All this stuff is spreading and growing and I REALLY have a jungle now!!

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

I totally get it with 'enough plants'! I sure don't need another one, but it sure is hard to quit buying any, lol! I have mostly tried to just rearrange or tweak lately though and add to 'type' rather than start a whole new bed of something.

Earl and I finally got the garden cleaned out this weekend. He is having knee surgery this coming Wednesday, so I figured I'd better get some work out of him now or it will be a while before I can! Seriously, y'all say a little prayer, even though it will be day surgery and 'just' arthroscopic for removal of some loose cartilage and scraping out a little arthritis, he'll still be under anesthesia and hobbling around for a few days. We all know he will be pitiful for several days. Men seem to be sicker than women, always, don't they?

The weather here has been wonderful, but we sure could use some rain. It's downright hot the past few days but I'm sure that will come to an end real soon.

Genna, haven't heard from you lately so hope you, Leigh, and the kids are doing ok. I know you've had a lot going on.

Ripley, MS

God's Blessings for Earl, I have been a hobbled and knee surgery can be pretty painful!
Hot here too, but a cool down is coming they say.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Elaine that's what I've been doing - adding to types I already have. It's hard to not buy any plants!!! I've finally hit upon a mix I like and that grows well in my yard.

Will say a prayer for Earl! Yes men are always sicker than women!

I took my next door neighbors and Richard to Heber Springs today and I'm pooped! We had a nice day and ate at a nice little restaurant on the Little Red River and were able to sit outside and enjoy the beautiful weather!!

Here are a few things blooming right now. The first is what I'm talking about my vines taking over!! This is a passion vine that is planted in a very large pot. It was not supposed to live over the winter. I didn't take it in because I decided I really didn't want it in the pot!!! I also have a pipevine (3rd picture) in the same pot and that's what I wanted to grow! Not only did the passion vine live it's taking over! I've cut it back several times this summer. It's now growing over my roses. It's loaded with buds so I decided to leave it for a few weeks. The 4th is a toad lily and the last is firespike. Part of the firespike is planted in the ground and part in a pot I take in for the winter. It's chancy on living over the winter outside so I try to take some in so if it doesn't come back I have a back up!

Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sandra we did a cross post.

A few more pictures. The first is a white brug. I have several more brugs that will be blooming in just a few days. The second is....(my mind just went blank) but you know what it is!!
I've had this one for several years. When I bring it out in the spring it always looks like it's dead but bounces right back! The third is a yellow shrimp plant. It also looks really piteful every year when I bring it out but hangs in there and always blooms for me.

Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue
Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Will definitely remember Earl, Wed., Elaine!!! It's amazing what a laser is capable of!!!

I went with Ashley & her friend to the cemetery to visit her mom's grave and the entire afternoon was gone. I didn't get anything done in the yard this weekend at all!!!

Ripley, MS

Persian shield. Do you take your fire spike in? I was asking Jim about his and he said he left his in the ground

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sandra I do have some I leave in the ground and it comes back. I do mulch it good. However I do have one pot I take inside in case we have a really bad winter and I lose it outside. Jim got his red fire spike from me a year or so ago. I got mine at Forrest Hill when Jeri had her RU so that's been several years now. Thanks on the Persian Shield! I know that as well as anything but just had a senior moment!!!

I put a lot more things in the ground this summer that I usually take inside. We'll see what happens! I am going to mulch good with leaves.

This message was edited Oct 13, 2013 7:41 PM

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Something is wrong with Nola again. A few months ago when she had tick fever, she stayed on steroids for 30 days and antibiotics, she went off of them and was fine, till a few weeks ago. She had an acute allergic reaction to something and her face swelled up like a baseball, and they had to put her back on steroids for a week, she got better, and then got a bladder infection and had to go on Antibiotics and is still on the antibiotics and now she has something else going on.

She won't eat hard foot but will eat it if I mix it with soft food, I think I figured out today that it has something to do with her mouth or jaw or teeth. The only person she's let getin her mouth is Darren, and I was able to look around in there today with a flashlight and didn't see anything but nice healthy teeth. But seems when I touched her jaw back by her ear , she screamed. soo, it might be back further than I was able to look. She almost bit me today when I tried, and almost bit Darren, but Darren was finally able to calm her down and let him open her mouth and lip so I could look inside. I know that she has NO pain tolerance any more with all the trips to the vet and needles that have been poked into her. So this could be something simple as a tooth coming in, and one thing for sure, she wouldn't let the vet get anywhere near her without her biting his hand. She would have to be sedated if I brought her in, and I am not ready to bring her in yet. She's not running fever and antibiotics would take care of any infection she might have been getting. I know her immune system is no good with all the meds she's been on. She is one un happy pup, and I don't know how to help her get better. I think all this stems off of the very first time she had to go on steroids, he said she was young and may not have any troubles with taking it for that long, but I think it shot her immune system down severely.

The tooth thing, if that's what's going on, will pass in a few days, and if she gets better, I guess I'll know that's what it was. till then, I'll feed her soft food. she hasn't had water since yesterday, and that bothers me.

I had to leave her this morning, and she and nicky were in their kennels, she actually broke the door on her kennel and was out and about in the house when I got home. First time ever that happened. I have to leave her again in a little while to bring Amber and her dog to the vet for a check up. Darren is home today and will watch her while i'm gone.

ya'll, I just don't know what to do about her. it's one thing after another, I think she would be a normal dog if she never got tick fever.

This thing she's going through now, can I give her some Tylenol? or is that bad for dogs, I think I heard it's bad for dogs, I think the vet said not to give dogs Tylenol. I guess I can ask them about her today but the first thing they will say is they want to see her. if she is cutting a tooth they will put her back on meds for pain, something to calm her down, etc.. She's over run with meds, and she needs to rebuild her immune system now. while she's still a pup.

Anyways, I'm having a hard time dealing with all this, and you can just imagine how she feels. On top of all this, poor baby is still in heat. what's this 20 days now? lord help us.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm sure you've already figured out not to give her Tylenol. Here's link that explains why you shouldn't. http://vetmedicine.about.com/cs/altvetmedgeneral/a/dogcataspirin.htm

Could it be that she has tried to eat something that splintered or something and a piece lodged in her throat or back of mouth? Strange that she is not drinking water. Water should not hurt going down. Mine are big water drinkers.

The combination of being in heat and whatever is bothering her probably caused her to break out of her crate. Goodness 20 days!!! How long do they stay in heat???

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Awww, Jeri. I know you hate to have one of your 'kids' in pain and you don't know what to do.
And 20 days in heat?!? I've never heard of a dog staying in heat that long, but maybe that's close to how long it really lasts. Seems like our female lab lasted only a couple of weeks. It's been a while and I can't remember exactly.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

It wasn't me this time Elaine!!! It's Kathy Ann.

20 days does seem like a long time but we got Lucky fixed so that's not a problem anymore for her and I don't remember!!!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Yep, it's me, I just got back from an emergency visit to the vet. Seems Nola had an allergic reaction to her antibiotic which caused severe joint pain in her jaw and started in her legs. After a bit of research today I found that the antibiotic they gave her for a bladder infection caused her to have severe allergic reation, and HOD symptoms like severe joint pain, in the jaw and legs, I only hope she grows into a healthy adult after all this. Being in heat caused her bladder infection, since she has a very low immune system , it also caused her to have the allergic reaction to something she ate 2 weeks ago, and caused her face to blow up.

I'm not on here much any more. I miss a lot of the discussions going on here. I just wanted to come back and let you guys know that I think we got a handle on her problem now and we won't be using that antibiotic or any antibiotic with sulfimides in them any more. They are bad for large breed dogs. causing severe joint pain and swelling of the joints. Anyway, it's been along day and I need to go crash.

I apologize for just coming in here and bursting out with my problems and never coming here to read about other problems going on. I think i'm not going to sign up for daves after my subscription runs out.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I think that about myself too Kathy!!! I figure that Dave's is WAY cheaper than a counselor!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm keeping my Dave's subscription. I spend at least 20.00 a month and stuff I don't need so I figure 20.00 a year is worth it for how ever much I use it.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

I don't know why I said Jeri!! I was sitting there reading Kathy Ann's post and I KNOW Nola is K-A's dog!! I guess I was looking at Jeri's photo, had just read her post, and just typed her name right in!! Definitely a Medicare Moment, LOL!

Well, Kathy Ann, I'm glad you figured out what was wrong! I hope you stay on Dave's a while...Everyone's right...it's way cheaper than most other things I spend $20 on. This year mine was free! I won the photo contest last year! Didn't enter this year...too busy with work to enter anything. I know you are busy - just look at all the gardening and canning you've been doing, and now working on the soaps!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks for starting a new thread, Jeri. The "couple" in your photo is adorable! LOL

I considered dropping my Dave's membership, too, last May but at the last minute I decided to re-up. Most of us are on Facebook and are in touch that way, but I do think it is important for us to maintain the Mid-South forum here on Dave's. If we all leave, there won't be any Mid-South forum!

I have finally finished planting all of my plants from the RU and the four I bought at Dabney's. I doubt if I will be needing any more plants for awhile. I think my big flower bed out front is going to have plenty of flowers next spring, especially when they all grow and fill out the space. I should have several that are ready to be divided by spring so I will have some plants to share at our next RU. You ladies have been really generous to me in sharing your plants and it is time for me to return the favors. I promise that I am not planning on moving again for a loooooonnnnnnggggg time, if ever! :D

Al and I are thinking about adding a front porch to our house and if we do that, it will eliminate the foundation bed to the north of our little covered front "stoop". It isn't a big flower bed and only has one hydrangea, two azaleas, some impatiens and coleus in it but I can move the azaleas and hydrangea and the others are annuals and won't make it through the winter anyway. There is also a clematis there that climbs up one of the wrought iron posts on the stoop, but it can be moved, too. Our house faces east and we have a beautiful view. It would be really nice to have a screened in porch where we can sit and have coffee in the mornings and enjoy the sunrises.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

I forgot to post this photo. It is a clematis that I bought at Hopes and Dreams greenhouse back in June when Kathy Ann had the RU at her house. It is only about 2 feet tall but about 2 weeks ago it surprised me with a bloom. It is called Kardinal Wyszynski (spelling?). I thought it was a red clematis and it may turn out to be red when it blooms in the spring but this bloom was sort of a bluish-purple.

I just googled it and it is supposed to be a red clematis. I may have gotten the name wrong but I will have to check it out in the morning. I'm all settled in my chair and relaxing for the evening. :D

Thumbnail by marsue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Marilyn a screened in porch would be nice. I would love to have a big front porch! There is a house in my neighborhood that looked just like mine on the outside. The guy is an architect and he added a porch to his a few years ago and I so envy it. It runs the length of the house and the way he did it turned the house into a craftsman style house. He used big double post for the supports. But I know it would cost more than I want to put into the house. There reaches a point it's hard to recoup your costs. But it always looks so inviting.
My friend in Arkadelphia has a screened in porch on the side of her house. It's a big old house and the porch is rather large. It's the gathering place for her friends during the spring, summer and fall in the late afternoon.
When we built the sunroom on my house, we were initially thinking about just a screened in porch but ended up going ahead and making it an extension of the den. I'd like to have my pergola screened but don't know if I could actually get everything screened on it.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I have a big porch on the front of my house and until this year barely used it. Mary and I have enjoyed sitting up there and watching the road construction crews building the new bridge.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

We, that certainly doesn't look like cardinal wyzenski I spelled it wrong too. I'm sure it was the growers fault. And if u showed Dian the picture she might do something about it. It is suppose to be a bright red flower. Yours looks like it has purple in the coloring. I hate that!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I've tried buying red ones and haven't had any luck either. Really don't know if they were different than what I thought or if they just didn't make it.

Didn't most of her clematis come from Donahue's. They are usually reliable.

Just to clarify I'm not talking about clematis I bought at Dian's but some I got from other places. Didn't buy any from Dian as I already had more than I needed!!

This message was edited Oct 18, 2013 7:55 PM

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

I will wait till spring and see what the clematis does. It might not be a Kardinal Wyszynski-I still haven't gone out to look at the label. :) but I know I did buy one by that name at Diane's.

I am wondering if any of you ladies dig up your dahlia tubers and store them for the winter. Most of you are in zone 7 or higher except for me. I'm in 6b and what I read on the internet says dahlias should be dug up even if you are zone 7. I have a beautiful red dahlia that I bought but this is my first time to grow one so I was not aware that they have to be dug up in cooler/colder climates.

I got my big house plants brought inside this afternoon: a corn plant I have had for about 30 years and an elephant's foot plant I have had for almost 40 years plus one of the big EE's I got from Jim and Kenny in June and two peace lilies. I have had them outside under the carport all summer and they have done very well. My African Violets and Thanksgiving Cacti that were on the glassed-in porch on the back of the house were brought inside also so I think all of my house plants are safe for the winter.

Should I just leave all the EE's in their pots or should I dig them up? I just left them all in the ground when I lived in Cabot and most of them came back in the spring.

Sandra, I got Gunny's rose planted (in the pot) and put a fish bowl over her. The bowl was just the right size to fit over the pot. :)

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Marilyn there are two varieties of EE's. Alocasia and Colocasia. You might want to look them up. I get them confused too sometime. But the Alocasia are the one ones with upright leaves. The really big Alocasia's I've found easier to overwinter. They need very little if any water during the winter and don't need light. Kenny said they dig theirs up and put in paper/burlap sacks (no plastic) and put in the attic. I have just been putting mine in the garage or storage room off the garage and basically forgetting about them till spring. I've found the Colocasia's a little harder to over winter. I leave mine in pots and believe Kenny and Jim do also. They need some water but not much as too much water can cause them to rot. The ones you had in the ground in Cabot were hardier than some of the varieties Kenny and Jim have. They leave a lot in the ground and mulch with about 12" of leaves but they also dig some and put in the greenhouse over the winter so they will still have some if they happen to lose some during the winter. They don't use commercial mulch to cover things in the winter but gather bags of leaves from all over the area.

I've planted dahlias before but have never had much luck with them so they got crossed off the list! So can't help you there.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks for that info, Charlotte. I have known there are two varieties of EE's but I don't really know the difference between an Alocasia and a Colocasia. I will do a google search and read up on them. :)

We have plenty of trees around here--like four acres worth, LOL--so collecting leaves for mulch is not a problem. In fact, we don't have to collect them--they just blow into the flower beds without our help. :D

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Don't think there are very many (if any) at all that will live for you in the ground all year even if they are well mulched. I get them confused also. But none of the alocasias can stay in the ground all winter. Kenny and Jim dig all theirs up. Some of the colocasias can stay in the ground and come back but where it gets tricky is knowing which can be left in the ground. It seems the fancy ones like the bright green, leaves shaped different, variegated, etc. have to be brought in. Kathy Ann doesn't put any of her EE's in the ground. They will not come back for her. The Mickey Mouse you got from Kathy Ann is a very tricky EE to grow. I had mine in the workshop with all my other plants last year and I watered it when I watered my brugs but it got too wet. It took it until the end of the summer to come back out. Dian has one she keeps in her green house. It's not for sale. She said she learned by accident that they need to be kept on the dry side. They need to totally dry out before watering. I'm going to keep mine in the sunroom this year so I can pay closer attention to it. Kenny said they have stopped trying to grow them because they had had such bad luck with them.

Ripley, MS

Marilyn, there is lots of good info right here
I am with Charlotte on the dahlias, love them, but no luck with them here either, there is a dahlia forum hereon Dave's also I think

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