Your neck of the woods part 4 9/22/2013

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

speaking of …how many outside Maryland recognize "Terp"

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Ahem, certainly more recognizable than the nittany lions.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I done me some Christmas shopping today as in, I got ME some new bathroom rugs, a new kitchen mat, pair of shoes...darn teenagers are impossible to shop for so heck wit em. tee hee

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I knew what a "Terp" was, a Wolverine, and Volunteer, and Gator, and a Husky, ...

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Before getting to know people with college-aged kids, I always thought that a "TERP" was a typo. ;)

..... you figure it out! =P

Sally, LOL @ "darn teenagers are impossible to shop for so heck wit em." Hahahaahaaa!!!!!! Growing up (especially in his teen years), my son was always SUCH a pain to shop for 'cause he NEVER WANTED ANYTHING!!! Grrrrr, come on kid, ya GOTTA want SOMETHING!?!?!!!!

There is sooooooooo nothing going on around my neck o' the woods. Off work today (thank God!), and it's too icky outside to even think about doing anything. We got that ice and snow on Sunday that was predicted, so everything is awfully squelchy. More snow predicted for today... should be starting any minute now.

Holly, that is a GREAT Nittany Lion!!! Got 2 PS sisters, and grew up in PA my own self. There is no such word as Pennsylvania, "outsiders" made it up 'cause they can't pronounce PA. < =P pplllfffttttt!!!!!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

LOL, you guys! I never heard of a Terp before moving to MD which of course is just south of the great state of Pee-Ayyy. Had heard of the Nittany Lions though because I knew someone who went there. Gators--that's the mascot of my daughter's school here in Montgomery County! Is there some other school that uses Gators as a mascot? ;-)

We're hunkered in for the day, fingers crossed we don't lose power. Seems like a good day to do a few chores around the house and *put up the Christmas tree*! yay!

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Chores?? What are those?? < =P No chores for me thanks, I'm trying to cut down. ;)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Today is the Luncheon and silent auction so we will see how much they go for. Sure is pretty out there lots of birds at the feeders. We will see how I feel about the snow later today as I will be the only one shoveling it. I use to say that I loved the snow and the beauty of it but it was easy to say that as I could sit and enjoy the beauty while Ric or the boys did all the shoveling. Now that I am on the other end of the shovel I will see if I still feel the same way. LOL

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Prayers for Holly's back, coming up! =)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally, I have been doing a bit of shopping myself but seems I only buy for myself. Got 2 new outfits a few days ago plus the lovely Orchids. I have done quite a bit of shopping on line and am doing pretty well filling in my Christmas shopping list.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

shoveling? what's that? ;-)

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Pssst, Cat; it's that other thing that other people do instead of sitting inside with hot cocoa watching the snow melt outside. =D

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

yay, Speedie, woman after my own heart--pass the hot cocoa! :-D

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Perry hall High School mascot is a Gator too. They are SO proud of it!!
The "Gators" have a Marching band--Football--and is very overcrowded.

Not sure you will see it here--but I am only 4 houses West of the school.
I am ON Ebenezer rd--and if you look on the map--there is a Kilkenny Circle to the right.
My house is ON Ebenezer Rd, right in the middle of that loop.

Darn it!!! The link did not work....Shoot!

Gonna try this one--and if it does not work--you can Google Perry Hall High School.

Nope! Did not work....I give up!

This message was edited Dec 10, 2013 1:37 PM

This message was edited Dec 10, 2013 1:38 PM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

My back definitely appreciated the prayers. LOL Yeah, shoveling was something other people did at my house too, till this year. Snow was just a couple of inches and nice and light it was a pretty easy job and Yes, the snow is just as beautiful when I have to shovel it. Ric is officially allowed to drive today, so he went down to the barn and broke out the tractor and plow and is plowing everything in site. I did the back decks and front walkway and part of the parking area to and around the car, this morning and going back out to do the back patio and walk to the barn.
They canceled our luncheon this morning so it will be tomorrow morning. Too bad they didn't send out a E-mail to the membership as we drove down there in this mess this morning just to find out it was cancelled. Probably had the cancellation notice on the local news but I never really thought about it.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

oh Holly so sorry to hear you braved the elements for nothing. Glad you and Ric are having fun with the shoveling and the plowing!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

The plowing went very well and since the temps are going down refreeze is a sure thing. The areas plowed will almost be dry by then. Leaving that little bit refreeze and getting more on top makes plowing almost impossible.
Going to our lunch this AM was a real pain as the state had not plowed the mountain hwy yet by 10:30. The south face wasn't too bad, but the north facing slope was treacherous.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

glad you all made it there and back safely!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I made three batches of cookie dough today,listened to three hours of Christmas music and wrote one Christmas card. Am I done now?

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

that sounds very productive to me, Sally! And one Christmas card is definitely one more than I've done so far! :-)

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Good morning Lovely Peoples!!

I hope you were all done for the day yesterday, Sally. That sounds like PLENTY of work to me! =)

Cat... now I'm gonna have to be verrrrry careful! ;) heeheeheee

Gita, I FOUND YOU!!! I did a search of Perry Hall High School and then checked out a provided map where they offer a satellite view and Tah-Daahhh, there's your house, shed and all!! < =D

Hoping I don't find any hidden 'black ice' on my way to work this morning. < =0

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm playing catch up here. Being a NOTRE DAME football fan, I am very familiar with most of the college mascots. I just assumed everyone else was familiar with them too, so reading these posts made me look at it from a different perspective and had me laughing. Gita, Gators - pretty much synonymous with Florida... My youngest sister went to Penn State and is fanatical about Nittany Lions memorabilia - Ughhh... My brother in law went there too and now my nephew is there as a freshman. With family members such radical Penn Staters, I should root for them too, but I just can't. Paul, I'm surprised you held back as long as you did LOL. Go Irish!!

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I was on the way to work yesterday when Mike called me about the Federal Govt being closed. Glad he caught me before I was too far down the road. It worked out really well, because he got the date wrong for a visit from his aunt and uncle. He thought it was Tue, Dec 17 when it was actually yesterday Tue, Dec 10. They sent him a text when they were about an hour away. Man, did I ever do the mad dash cleaning - I don't think clutter control, cleaning the spare bedroom, and the bathrooms has ever been accomplished that quickly. Whew.... Didn't have the groceries for the big dinner that I had planned on making NEXT week, so we went out to a restaurant instead. Turned out great and it is always such a pleasure visiting with them.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Aspen, glad you got that visit out of the way on a snow day--and a trip to a restaurant sounds so much nicer anyway than a ton of cooking and cleaning!! :-D

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Yep, got to spend the whole afternoon with them instead of just a few evening hours if I had been at work. They are making a three week long trip for visiting family. They left up-state NY and went to Ohio to see their grand-daughters competing against each other at a huge college swim meet, then on to Baltimore to their daughter's house, then to see us in Virginia. This morning they are already on the road to South Carolina to see his dad and brothers, then down to Florida to see her sister (my MIL), then up to Atlanta to see her brother, then back to Baltimore to spend Christmas with their daughter, and then back home to NY. Quite a trip.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

That is quite a trip, sounds like a fun trip, too. Hope they travel well and this weather doesn't delay them. Sounds like you had a really nice visit. An extra day off of work is always nice, too.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I was literally on the couch eating bon-bons and watching a movie, really chilling out with the unexpected day off, when Mike got the text. What a swing shift from total vegetation and relaxation to total panic and the frantic dash LOL.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Terri, I'm sure you were up to the task, I've seen you rested and can imagine you exploding into action, the sugar rush from the bon-bons probably didn't hurt either.LOL

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Getting a little long here, let's go here.

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