September 2013 autumnal equinox coming soon.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks ju! Okay, they'll be on their way soon!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Well we appreciate that , !!! yes indeed !!! Planted some of the Black Hollyhocks yesterday , more when there is room ,
The Gaillardia seeds and Monarda from my garden aren't sprouting after a week and half , (that's not good ) , Believe I have a little Fleabane seedling showing though , it is tiny ..
Finding out for sure if it the Perennial type ,
It happens , but usually most of my seeds are good , the Ironweed , the penstemon all have to be stratified , maybe some others prefer ot to , or they weren't dried long enough . It is not always as easy it seems, although most of the time it is.
Got some Clonex rooting gel to play with , lookout trees and Hibiscus plants!!! there is a mad cloning scientist wanna be on the prowl .lol

Morning glory still blooming .. cute little wild things ..

Thumbnail by juhur7
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I hope those Black Hollyhocks come up for you, ju. Hollyhocks have always seemed like a reliable plant from seeds to me. What I'll probably do with those seeds that you sent me is put them in the refrigerator for 90 days, I'm not sure which ones need stratifying. This way, if it works like I hope, the ones that need it will get stratified and the ones that don't won't be exposed to the possibly extremely cold temperatures outside which can be off and
Do you think that method will work, ju?

Sorry to hear about your Gaillardia and Monarda. That's a nice light blue Morning Glory there.
Ot oh, you got Clonex, you ARE a mad scientist!

I put something on Craigslist tonite. I'm trying to sell this router/modem for $35. I don't know if this link will work for anybody else but they say this is where it's at. -
I don't know if it has been approved and put on there yet.

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Happy Sunday, Sept. 8 to all. Yesterday, we helped my oldest daughter gracefully turned 31.
This morning, we've got low 70s and rain! I sat out under the carport listening to the rain while enjoying the cool breeze from 7 to 8 this morning. Ju, I let the blue morning glories cover part of the chain link fence by the garage. They are nice. Off to church. : )

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I'm so jealous of the rain!! I am still hand watering outside so my veggies have taken a hit. Doesn't help either that my cages are too small so my tomatoes are sprawling.

Thumbnail by pepper23
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I was out today at a local park with Lake Jacomo in it and I got this video clip of a Hawk of some kind
diving and getting maybe a fish out of the water. The video is only 48 seconds long. -
Maybe the bird was getting a cool dip in the water as it was around 99 this afternoon.
How about this Catalpa Tree with all this English Ivy growing up it?! - In the further away shot, that's all Ivy going way up it, (the darker green foliage). I might put my post in the trees forum too, I've never seen Ivy take over like this yet the tree doing okay. Too bad the trunk is all covered up, it's a sizeable tree and would probably do quite well in the state championship perhaps. It'd be hard to measure properly with all this Ivy on it I think, (the 3rd pic is the trunk of the tree). I bet it's okay looking in the Winter, it's an evergreen Catalpa Tree!

This message was edited Sep 8, 2013 6:50 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Will I don't know if that works or not , But in the meantime plant the Hollyhocks you know they grow .

Hey pepper !!! what rain !!!! who got rain ??? where is that at !!!???

Indeed Green Morning glories one day , poof , !!! and hi there , They grow anyplace ...Nice to watch all bees and things that come to them

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Green got the rain this morning.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Will, that is what's catching my attention. lol. Half barrel roof and a regular roof line on the porch. Love the stonework though.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Okay, I'm gonna plant the Hollyhocks soon. Hehe.. no rain here!

The house in that first photo, pepper? That house is one unusual house that's for sure.
I was over by my mom's in Raytown is where that was at. Anyway, up close that house looks old.
Like maybe long ago it was a house before it was the present business there.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Man do I miss things easy ...

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I have pots under a light for germination and obviouslt I did not dry the seeds I collected to well , The Hollyhock and RoseYarrow are fine , Germinated good for me .The five pots one each of Gaillardia , Feverfew and possible Monarda seedling ,.
Three little seedling out of five or six actually , pots of seeds ain't good ..

The Delphiniums outside and the Yarrow , the White Swan Echinacea are doing okay . I always lose a few , Not as good at growing them as I wish I was . Now I am not as good at germinating them either ,, Going kind of backwards , that is , not right at all ..
Right side of the pic indoor under light , A Gaillardia sprout is visible.
Had a garden visitor ,
and a few Tomatoes and a Mustard from seeds saved from 2003 , Well there needed to be a success in these stories someplace ^_^ lol

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

My young hollyhocks survived the dryness and heat without watering. They're tough enough! I just forgot the colors, so I'll be surprised next year. I believe that they're an old-fashioned assortment like pinks, reds, & whites.

I made my oldest daughter an unusual bouquet to decorate her birthday gift. She loved it! I took cuttings from everything that I can think of in the yard; including twigs from bushes and trees. Bamboo, pine, crabapple, roses, coneflower, flowering vines, button bush, ivy, hydrangea, marigolds, cotoneaster, flowering mint, lavender, tansy, etc... I took a pic which I'll eventually get around to posting. I'll catch up on posting pics this winter when things slow down. Right now, I'm still up to my eyeballs in pears.

I tried growing yarrow and bee balm which I love! The bee balm succumbed to powdery mildew. The yarrow did good for a few years. I'm not sure what happened to it. Maybe, I'll try again next summer, but should probably stick with the hard to kill annuals; like zinnias and marigolds.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Have less than 1/2 sec but thought of you will.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

That's alot of growing stuff, ju. Nice fruits, ju, are those tomatos and other vegetables just now sprouting and/or ripening? Good growing, ju.

Hollyhocks have always been tough for me too, I've never gotten a good assortment of colors though, I've never had a white Hollyhock or a red Hollyhock.

Oh, believe you me I'm not going to jail over no steenking Bamboo!
Toots, my Bamboos are in kitty-litter jugs! That IS a crazy story though, I had fun reading that.
What a bad surprise after you buy a home. I'm thinking about digging even that Bamboo up that's in the jugs because someday the jugs are going to crack then it's a landrush. I might build a big rectangular planter out of treated wood or something ABOVE ground.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

again just a sec but I think I told you about the woman in Oklahoma that had to remove all of her soil to get rid of the bamboo, talk about odd when the house and foundation were showing without any soil! Dry docked....rofl.

I thought of you immediately. You may not have the running kind but with my luck that is what I would end up with.....

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Hehe, in that story you linked to, there is a company that does nothing but excavate people's yards because of Bamboo, it's at the bottom of that story. Yes, I'm sure mine is the running kind. -
I Binged my Bamboo, -
It's a canadian site but the plant is the same.
I'm not giving mine a chance to take Yeah, I remember the lady in OK., that's a bad story.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I am watching , it is too hot to do anything here .
Like everything , you win some, you lose some , only you keep playing anyway ,
Only Human , nature ,, lol
long summer season , I wonder why somethings I did not grow better ,
While I read the stories about the Bamboo growing too much better !

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Hi ju, I got more Purple Coneflower heads to clean to get more seeds, I'm shooting for this week to get them to you. Yeah, been so hot here too, they said Sept. has been the hottest month of the year here. It's only 1 more day though I think they said, tomorrow 98° F then 80's after that. And then not long after that it'll be time again to haul everything back in the house that isn't hardy. I suspect I'll have more this year than last. Every year it seems like more stuff overwintering inside than the year before! I'm glad I'm able to overwinter stuff inside over the Winter. I think I'd go nuts more if I had to watch not-hardy plants outside after it gets cold, that would make me nuts!

That sounds like quite a sight, happ, I don't suppose you have a photo or photos of that, that's horrific.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Like we all always , no hurry to any of that , This party is planning on winter sowing the PURPLE anyway ,
Geez is it hot ... never gives up does it . ?
Great weather for Lavender and Sedums &Cacti , Always the good with the uncomfortable if not bad ..
II don't want to imagine about moving the house lot little lone the house being raised to do something like that , WOW !!!
Bad Home Day !!!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Oh, I don't think they razed the house, they just removed 3 or 4 feet of soil from the yard to try to get rid of this Bamboo. That woulda been a funny sight though, like a house on an island! So you wintersow Echinacea purpurea seeds huh, ju? I kinda do in a way too but I'd just plant the seeds in pots and they'd come up the next year in the pots. For myself though, I didn't even de-seed the heads, I just buried dried flowerhead and all and it'd be quite a few plants in the pot the next year, it works everytime for

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Sometimes (and Will, I remember you doing that) I think the oil in the plant head help feed the seedlings and protects them some . also
This evening if it cools down I will be back out there working with a few (watering most)

Bamboo is a pretty , only it is extreme , besides the native .

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I'm hoping to send you some purple coneflower seeds also. But the goldfinches have been hitting them pretty good so I'm not sure what ones have seeds and what ones don't. I do have white yarrow seeds harvested and my pinkish one also. The pink one has a name and billyp has it also but I've lost the tag for it.

I also have bear's breeches seeds. I managed to get 4 heads off. Wasn't easy though! Prickly little thing. lol.

Later this week when it cools I'll look some more and see what I have that I can send you.

Will, I'll check my white hollyhocks and see if there are still seeds or even plants. lol. I'll send you some seed if I have them standing still.

Ju, would you like a cutting of Coppertine Ninebark?

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Sure that sounds interesting .As does about everything here being talked about .
Lot plants try their best to protect their seeds ..

Pepper. You have to tell me if trees or shrubs I have interest you , Those Japanese Apricot or the Bradford Pear was I near as I got to finding a way to help you with that , Oh well , time to look for smoke tree cuttings ...?
That 's a nice offer from you !!! the Ninebark!!!

This message was edited Sep 10, 2013 9:20 PM

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Well, the smoke tree will get too big for the spot and we won't grow ornamental pears here. They will seed out in the field next door and join more trash trees out there. But I did find an ornemental plum tree at work that is the right height and looks pretty too. I may run up there tomorrow and look at it again. I think it has burgandy foilage also. A customer I was helping the other day has them and loves them.

My ninebark is small still but taking a few cuttings won't hurt it any. It grows fast. lol.

I'm pretty limited on shrub space this year. I have most of my current empty spots filled with hydrangas that are in pots til it cools down. Hoping Thur I can get them planted.

I'll let you know if anything you have will work though!!

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Will, here's the kind of bamboo that I sent you. It came from Missouri Wildflower Nursery and it's a native plant.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

The only truly ornamental tree I have is a flowering crab , About two ft . tall and slow to grow , I have never played with it at all . Still small . Grows that way (slow , real slow)
There are dwarf Smoke tree varieties , as with most .. There are a great many 15 to 20 ft dwarf plants (trees)
Yes I know you know that , only it takes an incredible amount of searching to find some of them ...

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I water that stuff you sent me regularly, Betty, but none of it has shown any life yet. Did you microwave that stuff before you sent it?! I'm still waiting for that stuff to show signs of life! I was just kidding about the microwaving! I do have a couple of volunteer Mimosa seedlings in those pots though if anybody wants them. I've done that microwaving actually! I used to think Tree-Of-Heaven was so cool until I found out that it really wasn't, years ago! Somebody said, "hurry, microwave the seeds fast!". I think I did to about half of them, the other half I threw in the mayor's yard! lol Just joking again!
I microwaved them all! That would be a nice native Bamboo, green, I sure hope it comes to life.

Yes, Purple Coneflower seedballs has always worked well for me. I didn't know about the oils and all, makes perfect sense. I'd send you seedballs of them ju, but I don't have the money for a thick envy or box, I have like $1.50.

I'd love some white Hollyhock seeds if you have any extra, pepper, if not don't worry about it. : )

I remember years ago, a friend named Equilibrium sent me some Ninebark seeds but they didn't come up.

I took a few photos of my Coneflowers that came up just from making a hole in a pot of dirt and dropping a Purple Coneflower seedhead in it last year. -

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I've grown a couple of Crabapple trees from seeds. I gave a little one to my Mom, eventually it got about 20 feet tall and she cut it down because she wasn't thinking about where she planted it, right under a low line in her backyard. I was peeved! Some of the modern Crabs are really nice looking AND flowering.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Here is where my P. bissetii Bamboo resides, in these kittylitter
I think I'm gonna dig them up before anything bad happens. I think somebody already told the police
that I'm growing weed, (marijuana) I'm sure the police knew it wasn't weed.

This message was edited Sep 10, 2013 10:37 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Nice idea with the Bamboo , I'm still trying here ,
Here's a Black Hollyhock that sprouted yesterday afternoon , didn't see it until late last night .
Planted that on Monday ?

Thumbnail by juhur7
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

The latest attempt at a concrete stake pole..
How about that. ! the 5 to 10 year old creator mind of mine at work again ? lol
Oh yeah , the old days when the kiddy had the creative , playful mind

Should I add pardon the mess? lol
Never give up at anything . me being me , Either that or I like driving myself nuts !! just so I can say I am control of something !!!LOL

This message was edited Sep 11, 2013 8:14 PM

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Wow ju, that was fast, the Black Hollyhock seeds have already sprouted some eh? Monday before last? Now, the big question is if they're going to bloom black, my fingers are crossed too or my name is mud!

Yeah, pretty creative there ju, with the concrete stake pole. I see you employ the blue Maxwell House jug too? It's my camera case I have several of them that I use and I don't even drink the coffee! The only other one that I use all the time is outside, it's a watering jug.

I got more Purple Coneflower seedheads emptied out some tonite, some emptied more than others, but there appears to be quite a few seeds in the baggie. I cut one seedhead up with scissors to go with them to let you know what they are. I'll put the envy in the mailbox to your house tonite, ju. What's in that bucket is just what I did tonite, there was already about a third that much in the baggie.

Those Hollyhock seeds you sent me have grown even more.

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

These may not be the most interesting plants , but it is really nice when old heirlooms grow like they should , Their beautiful when they do ..
My rose yarrow seedlings all got ate by grasshoppers sometime yesterday , Gee I hate those things when they do that , and their bad this year , and getting worse .
May have to slow down on the seedlings and place them where their protected , cuttings meantime , or I guess .
Will I forgot to Mud is for the Hollyhocks , The color variance and difference is what seed growing is all about , It is a THANK YOU and should be interesting to see when they bloom ..

Here's a little Clematis cutting on the grow with roots ... Best in a while as a matter of fact

This message was edited Sep 11, 2013 9:30 PM

Thumbnail by juhur7
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

So ARE the you know who's still investigating the Bamboo -- Marijuana grove ? Is it becoming natural that the you know who's like suspecting you of "these kind of things" ? Or do you suppose it is only the way things have become with everyone a suspect.?
Well the garden was peaceful , the next time the you know who's are doing surveillance just wave to the guy with scope Binoculars to come on in .. lol

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Oh, the Bamboo probably just looks like marijuana from a distance. Anybody can tell it's not when they get up close. I think they looked closer when they were back there doing code enforcement in recent years. I know they got binoculars, it's a conspiracy I tell you! They're out to get me! lol (those were jokes anybody)!

A Clematis from a cutting eh? That's impressive.

Oh, your welcome, hope they have a semblance of a Black Hollyhock. Some Purple Coneflower seeds are in the mailbox to you and the flag is up.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Hi everyone, been busy busy doing what I am not sure, but something....
Got a thimble full of rain today.....YES....rofl. Gheez we are desperate up by me.

Ju it looks like you are getting closer to your concrete pole, I do have a suggestion on the pole I don't know much about concrete but I know you need reinforcement most of the time. They have concrete fibers you can mix a little in with the concrete and it makes the concrete stronger. Rebar is also a suggestion but it does eventually rust and harder to handle.

Now I have not tried this but saw it on a website: purchase some pvc pipe the thickness you want your poles, along with an end cap for the pvc pipe, and clamps to go around the pvc pipe. Then cut the pvc pipe in half, put it back together with hose clamps, and attach the end cap to the end of the pvc pipe. That will keep the concrete from running out the bottom. I might spray the inside with cooking oil or some kind of release stuff or oil to make sure it releases ok, but it might work without anything. The suggested laying strip of mesh or re-bar, fill with concrete and let it set up. Just loosen the clamps and pop out the post. Having said all that I would still mix the concrete fiber with the concrete and not use mesh or rebar. You would need a good place for it to stand while it was being filled up and drying.

Seemed like a reasonable way to do it and you can buy pieces of pvc anywhere and I know around here there is usually some at the restore place really cheap. You would have the same size poles over and over if that is your goal, and you can make any height or width that money can buy...rofl.

Looking forward to Friday, and a great weekend.

Hey Ju how in the world did you get a clematis to take root? Please tell me. The only one I can get started is a sweet autumn clematis.

I say this every winter but I am going to winter sow this year! and I mean it! rofl. I have been watching the winter sow forum FOREVER! But this year I am gonna do it....I hope...rofl.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

That concrete cement pole there is full of hanger type wire , I will try that, it takes about a week or so for them to set true solid ,
That usually done industrial with a press tube and air compressor
Pvc is a little expensive here , and rebar is 8.20 for a four foot section , if I was building a dog pen or something I would use that .
I don't want to sound cheap , but it is the idea , 10;00 $ for a good stake to hold a plant is getting to the ridiculous . I don't have it for for say 50 of them ..
That pole might not be large enough , the thickness , height ratio and all that . we'll see in a week or so .
I have two I goofed and two large poles in the garden , 5 $ is all that's been spent on that so far ...The other is waste of what is about all the time , Only no , no dumpster diving here ,, lol Just fresh Garbage ,,, lol
The Clematis depends , here is another type , run through the bottom of the pots ,treated with Clonex , one has a root , takes practice and you have to stay in practice to root them. .
You need the a node from the old stem and the node where leaves (new) are developing a node , ( a lesson paid for to learn) two node cutting .

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey happ Remember this is paid for advice ,
Look at conglomeration of stems at the leaf , this is not as easy to see on the plant as you might think it is , this and the bottom node to root is what to look for .
A side pic for you to see , this is the cutting proper;

Thumbnail by juhur7
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

A Clematis from a cutting would be a success story. I forgot if it was Auntb or joeswife, (could've been someone else even) that gave me a Clematis cutting at the Fall 2009 RoundUp. Anyway, when I got back I put it in soil but it didn't grow. I probably should've done that differently in retrospect.

So, you got a thimble of rain eh happ? We didn't get any. It looked like what rain there was, was more likely coming down a little north of Kansas City. There's a 30% chance coming up, maybe that'll happen.

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