Weather Watching #3 - Count Down to Fall 2013

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

"Sallyg, don't run your well dry trying to impress us! We love you and your generous hostessing way more than your noble estate and well manicured grounds!"
Good thing! cuz ain't lookn too noble somedays!

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annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Ahhhhhh. 68 going to 81 and sunny

At least I won't sweat as I water my thirsties today. Reminding myself to keep foliage dry as possible to avoid powdery mildew and those nasty funguses

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

93% humidity and above ave temps next two days, Ugh Hoping for rain on Thurs. Dogwoods and other trees suffering. Containers harder to keep watered as so much is roots now with little soil to hold the moisture.

Definitely noting what is doing well and will increase those plants for coming seasons to minimize
the hot summer decline in my yard, and my watering chore loads.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

"Definitely noting what is doing well and will increase those plants for coming seasons to minimize"

and the corollary to that is don't get all bent outta shape about the things that couldn't take this heat- move on to everything that survives or recovers, or try something else new.

We have barely had a drop since I planted spinach seed six weeks ago- they got rained in, sprouted then it's such a chore trying to keep these few babies going.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

too hot and humid, where's the fall weather?

hubby is riding down to DC tomorrow should be a sticky ride

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Hope your hubby's trip went ok.
Still stiicky out this am and another day of heat before cold front moves in.
Hope we have some rain at least somewhere in our region-------think I'll wash all 5 vehicles today just in case!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

...low in the 40's Saturday and Sunday nights...

I know I will bring my Fishnet Stockings Coleus inside...
It said, in one of the info articles on it, that it cannot take any cold.

Hate to think about these out-of-norm cold nights creeping in.
Too early!

Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

Raining in Beltsville right now! Get your galoshes on, Gita! I hope it's coming our way.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Half hour of rain this afternoon and 3 Inches in the bone dry rain gauge! Yes, most ran off but now it is raining some more and gentler, Should move on out over the Bay within the hour.

Temps went from 85 to 69.

Lots of lightning!

Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

Thank God for the rain! This is the first time in a long time that I have come home from work and my green EEs weren't drooping down and looking so sad.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Huge long thunderstorm here near DC. Hopefully it will continue to rain.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I actually deep-watered my trees this morning, so of course we got rain today!

Maybe I'll actually get some plants in the ground this weekend.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

.25" and t-storms

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Looks like washing your 5 vehicles, coleup did the trick!!! Heehee

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Maybe, bht Ssgardener really dis the trick with deep watering her trees! She got the longer soak in downpour....

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Heehee. I'll be in Annapolis next Tesday morning til Friday morning on babysitting duty.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We got a little much needed rain this AM, hoping it continues.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Chances of seeing you while you are in town are better than the chances for much needed rain!

Seems nothing will slow the early transition to Fall this year.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

WHat a gorgeous weekend, and now gentle rain.

Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

It's getting down to the 50s at night so I'm going to start bringing my coleus inside. I've heard they don't like it when the temps get even a little cool....

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

heard that too- that below 50 they whine

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally--NO "gentle rain" here yet.....It IS somewhat overcast, though.

I guess I will bring in the cell-packs of all the Coleus cuttings I just took
and, definitely, my big pot of Fishnet Stockings. I do not want to lose this one!
It is still cranking out new growth--ALL in the dark patterns.
By now--I have removed all the older, green leaves and it is ALL fishnet...
Took a couple cuttings too...

YES! It is an early, unexpected transition to an early fall. Of course--we all know--
that there will be more hot weather ahead.
I am NOT too happy about it. Creates a 'crunch time" to get certain things done.
Like--I think I better cut off one of the main stems of the Dr. Seuss Brug
and cut it up for rooting cuttings. I now have 5 people that want it...and I have
promised the whole big plant to Cylburn. If I can start with a couple good
stem cuttings as my next plant-to-be--I will be happy.

OK! better get outside to do what needs to be done....Gita

Fishnet--right a 10" pot
Bloom on transplanted, pink Canna---and, yes! "gentle rain" just arrived here...see?

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

lol Coleus are tropical plants afterall. But seven and 1/2 months in the house is no picnic either!

They do stop active growth under say 60 degrees and may drop leaves at 50, but even a killing frost won't kill and established plant at the end of the season as many stems have already turned 'woody'. Just trim them back, bring inside and they will sprout ne growth if they like you. Then the trick is to give them enough light and warmth and humidity/water that they are presentable as a houseplant . If you plan to take cuttings, do so before they stop active growth (Sending out flower buds is a good indicator that that time is really near and cuttings from plants that have 'gotten the message' to go to seed will try to do that as cuttings, too,

Every year I try to keep my full grown coleus plants 'on display' til Halloween as they are just so festive and huge and look great with pumpkins and mums.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I have 2--5" pots of the Mocha Coleus that never got planted anywhere.
They are pretty big now. If i cut it back--there will be a LOT of cuttings!!

I want to keep one of them. There is also a VERY dark-leafed on still in its pot,
as well as two pots of these colorful, variegated Coleus...ALL still in
their original 5" pots.
These are all from my FREE haul at the GH'es.
What to do??? What to do???? Maybe Karen and cat will take one each...
I will see them soon.....I will take a couple cuttings of them for myself.

Plan to go to my HD one day soon and bring a lot of my left-over cuttings
and plants up for grabs...Whatever i do not want to keep...

Here are the pots of Coleus..just took this,


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

Gita, what was the name of the purple coleus in the middle there? I took cuttings from it when I saw you and now that they are rooted I am curious. I can't remember the name. I have too many coleus, Gita, but I can't say no to you.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Karen--I do not know....

I think it is one I got at the Free-for--All at the GH.

I just wrote long Post on what I learned talking to the owner--
and it WILL NOT send!!! Tried 4 times--on 2 different Threads.

Just wrote to Admin. about it...We will see....

It had to do with the Pro-rowers and sellers reinventing some of the older
varieties of Coleus--re-naming them and then claiming patenting rights to them.

Inky Fingers was one of them. % years ago--it was re-named "Dipped in Wine"
and is now patented--on the wholesale market.

Unless I used some punctuations that kept it from being 'sent"--I do not know
how a plain content of a Post would not send.

Go see on the "Pst swap Questions and Answers" Thread.
4 blank sends....I tried.....


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Beautiful pre-fall day

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

My non-loading Post mystery solved....

I was trying to capitalize the header--and used >> instead of .

Fixed that--and it sent with NO problem.

See "Really End of Summer Blooms" thread for the Post.
Verrrrry interesting...

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Still very dry here. I'll be dragging hoses tomorrow fer sure. Maybe I'll wax the car before it goes back to the beach. That should make it rain.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I still sprinkled every area of my yard--this takes about half a day.
Lots of water....

We REALLY need a day of soft rain! The trees are even wilting....


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

If we don't get rain this weekend I'm goning to deep water my trees and shrubs. With waxing the car, that should bring us some rain.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Reporter just said 5" deficit of rainfall in the last 2 months, with only 1/4" in this month. Rain possible Saturday, sorry if it effects your weekend, but we realllllly need it.

I'm wondering if my well is showing a 5" deficit. Jamie had to add about 2"s to the pool while we were gone as well as all the watering.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Watching for rain here, too, but no car waxing on my todos!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

It's overcast but dry, I better go wash the car. Yesterday I was planting a few of our remaining acquisitions and at a foot down was still in dust. Since I don't believe weathermen I watered the beds and younger trees and shrubs fairly heavy. If we don't get significant rain before we get home I'll be putting the soaker hoses under the mature trees to prepare them for winter.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Hey Ric, thank you for washing your car... IT'S RAINING!! < =D

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

What's that I hear? Oh, it's the sound of rain drops! Just started here, not much wind. May it continue and soak in real good.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

YES!!! It started before I even got finished, and it has been fairly gentle and soaking. You can almost hear the ground slurping it up. Too bad it had to be the weekend , but I'm really saying Thank You Lord.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

measured a half inch already, from 5 pm to 7, like the turtle, slow and steady

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

That's how they win the race. Giggling with delight!!!

You know what delight is.....

You use it in dedark!!!!

This message was edited Sep 21, 2013 7:59 PM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Yes, we need to send you out to wash your car more often! :-D

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