Bloomin in June pt2

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

greenthumb, did spotted wintergreen occur on its own? I found large patches of it at a undeveloped park near me.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

The spotted wintergreen occurred on its own. We saw it this morning about 3 feet away from the Cimicifugia. We have others on the opposite side of the driveway that we moved to that spot.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

its a charming little plant!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

--More Black and Blue salvia blooms
--My big pot--the caladium is one of the huge bulbs I got from Holly's box
--Aaron caladium
--Gingerland caladium
--Buck Rogers Caladium

I only got 6--2 of each kind. And the one Holly was giving away. Name??

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita, my caladiums are also doing well, although it took a long time for them to sprout.

I love the color combo in the 2nd pic. Beautiful!!!

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

I never did get a persian shield this year... oh well. always some on the list I either forget to buy or just never get to. Gita, is your photo #2 in sun? I'm really loving caladiums lately

Greenthumb, our Crocosmia 'Lucifer' hasn't started blooming yet. In fact, I don't think it is even showing buds yet. I'll have to look again. We have a nice established clump that seems to tolerate drought. Although, this season we are far from drought conditions. Is your Lilium 'Trimphator' fragrant? just curious

1- Apricot Beauty
2- balloon flower unfurling yesterday (bloom may be fully open today, haven't looked yet)
3- Trumpet Honeysuckle, Lonicera sempervirens “Blanche Sandman”
4- trumpet vine
5- our no ID blue pom pom hydrangea has a solid pink bloom dead center!! lol

Thumbnail by wind Thumbnail by wind Thumbnail by wind Thumbnail by wind Thumbnail by wind
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Beautiful pictures everyone, I was gone all day yesterday so I need to get out there and see what has opened since Thursday.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


My big container gets solid AM sun until about 3PM.

So does everything in the bed I call my "Kitchen side" bed.
This bed gets the same Am sun--and it is full of ferns, Phlox, my Monkshood in the back,
now a couple caladiums, and has the Endless Summer Hydrangea as an anchor on the corner.

I think many "shade" plants can tolerate more sun than we think.

Wind--I LOVE the depth of color an all your photos. You must have a very good camera.

In the above set of pictures, I posted the NOID Caladium twice and called one of them Aaron.

1--Here is the Aaron Caladium in the Kitchen Side bed...

2--The small Hosta I picked up last year at HD. Pretty blooms this year.
We were debating whether it is, or is not, a "Mouse Eared Hosta'..It is planted in a bowl-planter.

3--This shows how big the "Black and Blue" Salvia grew. I had it well mulched all winter,
as Jill had told me it was a "tender perennial'...It made it OK! In the middle--my New England Aster.
Behind the Salvias are my Cardinal Flowers. One got chewed down by Rabbits. It's re-growing.
The other is OK--just not in bloom yet.

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

A few of my plants today. First is my cucumber plant, I have 2 or 3 cukes growing.Next is the front bed, I added 2 Moonbeam (?) hostas to each end. Then comes the Queen's Tears Bromeliad Greenthumb gave me with it's beautiful boom. last id my Sophie's Choice tomato.

It is so fun checking things out each morning and evening.

Thumbnail by Catbird423 Thumbnail by Catbird423 Thumbnail by Catbird423 Thumbnail by Catbird423
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

looks great Catbird! you've really done nicely!

Perkasie, PA(Zone 6b)

Hydrangea experts: should I deadhead my purportedly repeat bloomers? I've read so much conflicting advice on this - from serious people. I just don't know what to do!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Are you talking about the Endless Summer Hydrangea?

I have one--and, while I do not cut off the blooms right after they are done--
I will cut the whole bush back to some healthy leaf-buds in early spring.
It does not seem to affect it's blooming the following year.
Now--the Mopheads are different...

I have to cut it back--as it sits in a corner of a bed where, if I did not cut it back,
I would not be able to get to my patio.
Sometimes after it has bloomed, and sends out all the new shoots, i will cut those back a bit
and root them. Just stick them in a pot and leave them in the shade of the bush.

Look! This was cut back pretty severely in early spring....It is still blooming away.
You can also see how narrow the walkway is there.
Then--the August Lilies (on the left) hang all over it too--like a wilderness--i tell you.


Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Open My Eyes DL

Thumbnail by flowAjen Thumbnail by flowAjen
Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Some flowers from today and last week.

1. Campanula 'Eizabeth'
2. Rose Campion
3. Adenophora Bulleyana
4. Brug 'Xena'
5. Calla Lily 'Picasso'

Thumbnail by donnerville Thumbnail by donnerville Thumbnail by donnerville Thumbnail by donnerville Thumbnail by donnerville
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

That DL is amazing...such an unusual color....G.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

thanks Gita, nice to know caladiums can tolerate sun. I was thinking they preferred all shade

oooh Jen love that DL too

nice pics catbird, never saw Queen's Tears Bromeliad before - interesting plant

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Bill's list of Caladiums on this site gives the information about which Caladiums can tolerate sun.

This message was edited Jun 30, 2013 8:56 AM

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

Diane, I got the Queen's Tears bromeliad from David (Greenthumb99). I love the bloom, it is so unusual.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Mountain Fleece - Persicaria amplexicaulis
White Basil Bee Balm - Monarda clinopodia, an eastern US native.
Sttachys densiflora 'Hummelo'
Hosta 'Blue Cadet'
Pink Bouncing Bet - Saponaria oficialis 'Rosea Plena'

Thumbnail by greenthumb99 Thumbnail by greenthumb99 Thumbnail by greenthumb99 Thumbnail by greenthumb99 Thumbnail by greenthumb99
Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

Hi All! I'm new to the forums but been lurking around DG for a while now as a non-subscriber, even doing trades a bit this year. So far my experiences on DG have been great. I've been longing to find people as crazy about plants as me and you've been here all along!

I was told that I should tell a bit about myself so here goes: I've been a plant lover for as long as I can remember. I'm a plant biologist by profession. I love a lot of plants, but I'm very particular about what goes in my own garden. I love to know the variety names of plants that I grow (yes, I'm one of THOSE people). I have a short attention span for plants and rotate them a lot, and so I have grown to appreciate annuals for this reason. My garden is about 4 years old. I love a challenge, and have found it in plant propagation (esp. by seed). My passion for planting is only limited by my small yard, itty-bitty budget, and time (full time worker, wife, and mom). I love to plant my front yard bed differently every year and wow my neighbors! I love tulips, hostas, coleus, caladiums, etc.

Here's a few of my bloomers, only FIVE pictures??? Hard to pick just 5!
1. Red Sea Ageratum. Very proud of this one, I had a tough time growing it from seed for some reason.
2. (do foliage-only plants count as bloomers?) Hosta Guacamole, Salvia May Night, unidentified coleus, flowering tobacco, petunias (they're actually purple not blue), amish cockscomb just starting, also a zinnia Envy flower behind the hosta.
3. Monarda Rasberry Wine with a Crocosmia bloom spike. sorry it's sideways!
4. Mass of Rudbeckia Indian Summer (WOW!), Shasta Daisy Alaska, Monarda, Purple Coneflower.
5. Purple Coneflower and Drumstick allium. The pictures just don't do this combination justice. I was starting to get bored with the coneflowers and the drumstick alliums, but they both really got it together this year and it's a really great purple combo!

Anyway, you all have some amazing blooms. Too many to mention, they're all incredible! Looking forward to getting to know you all better!


Thumbnail by typwc Thumbnail by typwc Thumbnail by typwc Thumbnail by typwc Thumbnail by typwc
Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

typwc: We're so glad you've joined! I love your Rudbeckia Indian Summer. Did you grow it from seed? Have you had it long enough to know whether it reseeds a lot (looks like it might, given how large your patch is)? It is really lovely.

Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

Hi happy_macomb, nice to meet you! Yes I grew the Indian Summer from seed I got from Pinetree Gardens. No blooms the first year, but this year they are going like gangbusters! I don't know how it reseeds. What you see is only 4-5 plants. I am assuming that they will reseed heavily if I allow them to (will probably collect seeds for trading next year).

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hi typwc and welcome.
I'm also usual customer of Pinetree seeds, gotten some interesting things from them. Pretty flowers you have there!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Welcome...Welcome!!! You made it to our Forum and now there is a zillion
Threads to explore and admire....You did not tell me about your credentials....WOW!
I am impressed! We will be wracking your brain for info soon...
Tell me--What exactly does a "Plant Biologist" concentrate on?

You have good company here. "Greenthumb" (David) is a most knowledgeable
Master Gardener and knows a lot about holistic benefits of plants and herbs.
He also uses all "THOSE" names for plants---much to my frustration....

We all have our separate talents and experiences and knowledge banks, and--we share and mix them
all up for a very well-informed group of gardeners here. You will love it here! You WILL fit right in!
Like me--and many others--this has become a Home away from Home for many of us.

Please continue to explore all the Threads we have here....You will be amazed.
And--ALL the people on here are AMAZING as well....seems--so are YOU!!!
But--I already picked up on that when we started chatting.

This plant--a "Brugmansia" named "Dr. Seuss" is about to bloom.
I have 2 others about to bloom as well. Drop by when you can.

Your "neighbor"---Gita

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Hi, Karen. Welcome and I'll be looking for more posts from you.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Typwc, Nice to have you join us. It is a fun group. Love your pictures.

Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

I've seen pictures of Brugmansia but never actually seen one face-to-face. Going to have to come and admire it. It really looks like an alien!

In my capacity as "Plant Biologist", I work in a Plant Diagnostics lab, using molecular biology techniques to diagnose plant diseases. When I get a positive result, it's a bad thing. I've only ever taken a Botany course, not Plant Pathology, so I don't know that I'd be able to answer any of your plant disease questions. My expertise is in just a few federally-regulated diseases that none of us in the MidAtlantic area will hopefully ever see. It's an interesting job, but demanding and intensive.

Pinetree Garden Seeds is a hidden gem.Thank you!

Nice to meet you, Holly and Jan!

As this is a thread on what's blooming, I'll add a little eyecandy....

Thumbnail by typwc Thumbnail by typwc
Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

hi Karen, welcome!! lovely blooms. We haven't had Indian Summer in years. Your pics remind me how much I like it. I'll have to get it again one of these seasons. Monarda is always a winner for us and the hummers. Never saw raspberry wine up the color ^_^

this summer I used begonias instead of impatiens for our back border
I think the white hydrangea is 'Annabelle' and it is hard to see, but to the right of that is Hydrangea quecifolia Snowflake ‘Brido’ Oakleaf Hydrangea that features double white flowers

Thumbnail by wind Thumbnail by wind
Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Karen: Welcome, welcome, welcome.

Wind. Could you shoot a picture of the Brido oakleaf... :) Double Oakleafs are gorgeous.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

sure Terp

these pics were taken June 14th. they don't do it justice... really beautiful to see up close

1- Annabelle hydrangea
2 - Hydrangea quecifolia Snowflake ‘Brido’ Oakleaf Hydrangea
3 - same

Thumbnail by wind Thumbnail by wind Thumbnail by wind
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)


Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

Nice to meet you, UMD_Terp!

Wind: Picture #3 of the 'Brido' is breathtaking. Wow. And you say the pictures don't do it justice?!

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Hmmm it is July now...ahem.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

here ya go
new July thread

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I have been lusting after some of the Hydrangea macrophyllas for a few years, like Shooting Star, Fuji Waterfall, and Sumida no Hanabi (from the Pinterest site). Or the Serratas like Hydrangea serrata 'Midoriboshi Temari' . I don't know the difference between the Microphyllas and the Serratas - I need to do some research...

Ah -- just did it -- see I saw some NOID Hydrangeas in a garden last year on a garden tour and have been trying to track them down ever since -- I think what I saw were either Microphyllas or Serratas. They absolutely sparkled with blossoms!

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