Help!!! I need to know...

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

I planted some seeds about 8 or 9 days ago in the flower bed, and they are already coming up!! I know for sure that the Money plant lunaria annva and also Catch Fly silene are up. They are all up about 1" tall and seem to be doing fine, but since we are having a warm spell, the poor things are confused. What should I do? they are not planted up close to the house or anything, they are out in the open bed. will they make it thru the winter?? I mean I know they need the stratification peirod and all, but I assumed that our weather would stay cool, and instead it got warm agin! help!! what should I do???

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

I bet they'll be Ok in your zone. Those catchflies are tough little buggers. I've had little ones make it through our winter.

Success, MO

Yah know...This happens to me all the time !

Those crazy chickens of mine...I plant , mulch down for the winter.The are RIGHT BEHIND ME UNCOVERING.I've got Tulips and Daffs coming up !!

CAN YOU SAY ... Chicken Noodle Soup !!


Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

LOL @ NOWeedSZ!! you are too funny!

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

No but I can say chicken and dumplins and have a big smile while I,m saying it.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Yea I think that would be heart breaking to have waited on them there seeds to come up and only to have the chicken's get them!! LOL I know I would be saying Chicken Noodle Soup and Chciken and Dumplin's!! or Fried Chicken! LOL
I would have to pen them litte bugger's up before I could let them get my seeds!

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Molly I think the lunaria wiill be alright. I have some close to the house and it does good. My mother in law lived close to Birmingham which I think would be about the same distance north as V.R. and she had them out in the open and always had a flower bed full and never covered them up.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Yea your right Jim, I live about 2 exits away from the Alabama line. With our warm weather I think these will be fine. Hard to believe it is the end of November and we are still having 75* weather! In fact I have a couple of Daisy's and Cosmo's blooming right now!

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Molly I have daisy's also in bloom. They look strange because the leaves have been frost bitten and turned a dark reddish color but the blooms still keep coming.

Reporting that my sedum Autumn Joy,allysum,mums and roses are still in bloom,yeah' Love it'

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Kinda makes ya wonder what kind of winter we are in for don't it?? our weather is soo warm and it is the first of Dec! we should be having some cold temp days but not too many to speak of as of now. so maybe when and if we do have the colder snaps it wont kill off too much and all the tender plants and seedlings will return in the spring just like they are suppose to.

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Yeah Molly when you see azaleas blooming this time of year it sort of makes you wonder.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Jim - do you have the twice-blooming azaleas?? You know - in the Spring and the Fall!!

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

How did I miss this? Lousia I'm afraid I let one get away from me. My son had several of the twice bloming and he decided that he had rather have hostas in the beds in front of his house. I took the azaleas up and took hostas from my yard, about 20, and redid his yard. He told me I could have the azaleas and I carried around to the back of his house and was going to get them later and bring them to my yard. Well I never got around to it and they died on me. Bad Jim.

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

We have a chicken problem also BUT they aren't ours.. we live on a farm with another couple & if I complain it will cause problems which I don't want..wish we could fence our acre in with electric wire but doubt that would help & would be a BIG problem too..Guess who would get in it too *G*
Guess we'll have to plant enough so there will be plenty for the chickens to get too..

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Hey Jim, I think those azlaea'a you are talking about are called "Encore" Azalea's, we use to sell them at the nursery that I worked for here in VR. Very pretty too!!

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Sugarfl, the electric fence needs to be about 6 to 8 inches off the ground to keep the chickens out. They will be walking along and run into it and leave. Just put it around your garden area. Tell the neighbors that it's to keep "rabbits" out of the garden.

Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

i tried hotwire to stop my chickens from going into my beds. it did not even slow them down. they walked under over i watched and thought hey the wire in not on but when i touched it i got zapped. we had to use chicken wire we left the top flimzy so they couldn't land on it while flying over.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

.........sure glad I don't have any chickens around!


montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

eyes U don't know how lucky U are.. I am making lasagna beds & they pick out all the goodies..all the neighbors will say is, "they are good, they eat all the bugs".. sure good & bad..I may learn how to say chicken & dumplins too but then more are always hatching out :(

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