Operation Dorothy

Chandler, AZ(Zone 9b)

There's no place like home... There's no place like home... Hey, what do ya know, it Worked! Do you have any idea how hard it is to find size 9, triple E ruby slippers in this town? Well, this ain't Kansas, but it sure is nice to be back and see names I remember and new additions to our own little asylum. The garden took a back seat to other stuff that needed to be taken care of, with Mom going into health care, a new GC, etc, etc, yada, yada, yada. (a lot of etc's and yada's happened since I've been here). Some where in there, the subscription ran out (yada), the computer died (yada) and a load of horse pucky had to be dealt with. I got a lot of catching up to do so please bear with me if I ask a question that's been answered somewhere back in a thread I haven't gotten to yet. Let's see when you plant it in the ground, the green side goes up, right?

Phoenix, AZ

Hey good to see you! Sounds like a lot of yadas :)

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Good to hear from you!

Mesa, AZ

Welcome back!

Chandler, AZ(Zone 9b)

Nice to be back :-) I was out with a cup of java this morning looking at all I haven't done in the garden. It's not a total write off, but it needs some rehab. There is one nice thing about ignoring it for a while. Plants have grown and proved their suitability or not. Got a few things to replace and a lot of trimming and pruning to do to get it all under control again. I went out front to get the paper and look what I found. Momma Red Eared Slider digging a nest in the front flower bed! This is the second time (that I know about) that this has happened. After 5 hours of grueling work she headed back to the lake. I put her in a bucket to give her a lift and to take a picture of her going home. I put her on the ground and reached for the camera, but she took off like a shot before I could get one! If the Hair had raced this turtle instead of the tortoise he'd never have even gotten out of the starting block.

Thumbnail by jkochan Thumbnail by jkochan
Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

Too cool. You'll have to keep us updated on whether any eggs hatch or not.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Yes,this is way cool!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi Jim - nice to see you back! Love the Slider and hope ya get some little ones. That would be a way cool thing. ;)

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Yeah, those little ones will need help to get to the water...

Chandler, AZ(Zone 9b)

If I'm around, I'll give em a ride. The last time I found them I took them to a turtle rescue.. The HOA doesn't want 'em in the lake. I guess they are hard on the fish.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

They are very predatory and if there are any native turtles (western pond) they out compete them and outbreed them...

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Glad to here from you, even with those yadas. :O)

Gilbert, AZ

Welcome back! Hope the home front is returning to normal or at least is manageable now! We missed you!

Chandler, AZ(Zone 9b)

Not a lot to report on gardening wise. I spent most of this weekend patching the hole in the garage ceiling where I fell through a while back. I put off patching it as a reminder to be careful when poking around up in the attic, but since I'm the poster boy for CRS I figured leaving it open was counter productive. Does any one grow the red castor? I'm wondering how long they live. I used to have three tall specimens and the died out, but I don't know why. I've got some volunteers started back up but I'll replace them with something more permanent to shade the Kitchen windows if these are just going to die off again in a year or two....

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