(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

TY Jen

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
How exciting... The robin is almost home!
Shirley, have fun looking through all of the robin's treasures :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM all I Don't have a conf# so Not sure if the robin landed yesterday or not but should be there by today .
Hope you find lots of goodies. 2 more forums to check off my list :) ya all have a great day .

Lets hope to hear from shirley today :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

SueG TY Very much mail just came & I got your package's of seeds she shared Chocolate Flower, Rocket Larkspure , & Castor Beans . ty so much for sharing with me all you gals have been great .

in the middle of making a stepping stone for my big sisters walkway so back at it back later today

Rockford, MI

Did you not get the message with the number I sent?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes I did & Shirley sent me a message the robin landed & she will let me know when it is in flight for home .
will let you know when i hear . More snow today this morning just a few light snow right now .
& I don't have to go out in it till tomorrow so hope it clears off.
ya all have a great day i will take some time today to get my seeds ready for the new robin ya all have a great day .

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

It seems that everyday more birds returning here & clearing out
old nests and preparing new ones. For those still putting up with snow
Spring Really IS coming !!

Who got the prize Deejay?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes Cris even thou we has Snow & It is very cold I Have crocus & Snowdrops in Bloom & Yesterday The FAT Robins came up By the front door Drinking out of my Ducks water Dish, So Spring is about here .
Well have any of you started planting any of your new seeds ?

Well off to read the other forums Oh cris I Don't Know who Our Winner is for the Robin has not made it home yet . Will let you all Know as soon as it makes it . have a great day .

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Invite to our yearly FROG SWAP

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

I just started thread #3 over in seed germination:

Lots of good info...

The last question on the old thread was about germinating Orlaya... I think someone here has it? Please share your secret? Thanks!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

well BAD NEWS .

The Robin was suppose to Have been here on Saturday but when i didn't get it I checked the conf# It was stuck in Grand Rapids ON SATURDAY . so thought it would be home today MONDAY . But after getting an email from Shirley that the Robin was back in saginaw I went to check the Conf# once again & Sure thing it went back to Saginaw & we do not Know why . So Hope you all we be Patient Till we get to the bottom of this . we can't do Much about an SCREWED Up POSTAL SERVICE .

well back when i have more info

Saginaw, MI

Yep, Susie is correct, unfortunately !! I received the round robin box on the 20th--- sent it back on it's way home to Susie on the 21st---confirmation said she would receive it on the 23rd---checked tracking info on Sat. 23rd--in Grand Rapids--not delivered to Susie as confirmation said it would be :( Checked tracking # again this morning and says it has been received at the SAGINAW post office again !!! Do not know what in the world is going on except that our absolutely fabulous postal system has struck again !!!!!! Tried to find out info from post office-- they say it is NOT at their facility , that it must be out in route somewhere !!! Out in route SOMEWHERE????? Just exactly where is it going ???? They said from the info they have they are not sure if it is being delivered back to me or if it is going to Susie !!! Just what good does tracking do ????? NOTHING?????? Guess all I can do on my end is wait and see if it does come to me today (mail comes around 5 p.m.) and if not, check tracking again to see what it says at that time !!!

Sorry for venting on here, but just a tad bit frustrated right now with our NOT so wonderful postal system once again !!!!! Good ole' postal system around here --- keep RAISING rates and keep
LOWERING service !!! SORRY everyone, tried to get it back home as quick as possible but the postal system refused to let that happen once again !!!!

This message was edited Mar 25, 2013 1:12 PM

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes but at least you arent getting any corporate threats to lawsuit for expressing purposefull negative feedback !!

Saginaw, MI

Well, SORRY to report more disappointing news :( Box did not reach Susie nor did it come back to me today !! Susie and I both have checked tracking # and tracking has not updated at all so do not know where it is or what is going on !!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

it was to be delivered on MAR 23rd . Shirley & I Have no Control of the screwed of POSTAL WORKERS .
so if ev1 is ok with it I Will plan on sending the prize out to ALIKAT32 /ALI- as soon as i can get it together . & Get to the PO Or maybe ups :) ALI Not sure if your address will be in the robin when it comes back so will you dmail it to me .

well off here got some things to get done back later

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

Congratulations ALIKAT32!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes, indeed congratulations to ALIKAT32 ''

OH ,,no !! the bootleggers have Hijacked a seed shipment,, Does this mean there is about to be open garden mob warfare ? OH well..(sigh) they will catch them at the border .. Mexico , Canada , Norway ,, or Belgium is the question?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

this is what the tracking says

Priority Mail®
Processed through USPS Sort Facility
March 25, 2013, 5:37 pm
Expected Delivery By:
March 23, 2013
USPS Tracking / Delivery Confirmation™

Gn all its been quite a day here going to watch the news

Saginaw, MI

This is what the tracking info says for our "lost" robin !! Makes no sense !!! I'm hoping it is actually on it's way to Susie for real this time !!!!!

This message was edited Mar 25, 2013 9:32 PM

Thumbnail by sbish5
Saginaw, MI

Just checked tracking info on "robin"----now says it is back in Grand Rapids as of this afternoon--hoping it gets to Susie soon !!!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Alikat32, congrats on guessing when the robin would get back home... or, shall we say, when it was supposed to have arrived!? I do hope the robin makes it back to Susie safe and sound, soon!
Looking forward to hearing what the prize is for Alikat32 :)

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

One of the prizes is in the better show up!!!!! LOL.

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

this sure has been the robin for post office mess ups!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

sbish5 Is that Grand Rapids ,,,>> Cuba or the Bahamas??? ummmm International Falls comes to mind for some reason ...

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

this is the 1st season where the Robin has Been Delayed so many times . but lets hope it will be here tomorrow . well you all have a great eve . I've got to go Play

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Seems to be an issue globally with all forms of transportation. I have had so many issues with sea and air freight this last two weeks at work it isnt funny. :/ Extends from Germany to Canada and the US.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

HEY look HERE EV1 Looks as it is on the right track Now & should be here About or around 1:30-2pm that is when we get our mail some times earlier Pending on the amount of mail :) or mail carrier we have a new one .
will keep you up to date :) have a great day all

Out for Delivery
March 27, 2013, 7:42 am
Expected Delivery By:
March 27, 2013
USPS Tracking / Delivery Confirmation™

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Robin Is Home & Safe :) Just Opened it & Wow Its going to take me quite some time to get through this
will get back with you all as soon as i can ty all who have shared with me & Others .

Saginaw, MI

Glad to hear it finally made it back to you !! What a trip it had !!! Have fun going through it !! Hopefully we won't have so many delays on its second trip out there !!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Wow Not sure where to start except Just to say TY TY TY For all of you who Shared so many Seeds from your Gardens with me . I Know for sure My Gardens are going to Shine So Bright from spring to Fall .

I was Trying to look up a few seeds that I'm Not sure of & Wonder if anyone here can tell me about them
Solumn cherry ornamental bush cannot find it online . the seeds look like a red pepper seed .

well it is getting harder to stand or sit any longer got to lay back in my recliner for awhile My Kitchen table is loaded with seed packs but i can't do any more right now so will try to get back on later.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Solanum Pseudocapsicum goes by the nickname "Jerusalem Cherry" and a few others. We consider it a perennial weed here but it would be an annual for you, Susie. Fruits are mildly poisonous or can cause irritation if eaten, so what your critters around it. The plants are pretty in containers though.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

TY Fruity Guess I Don't need any for i have vowed not to plant anything that I Have to over winter :) except for my Brugs :) well my brother came over to hook up my water filter system Now maybe I can have some better Coffee In the mornings :)

Well between sorting my seeds & Keeping ones i want to try there is hardly a dent in them , so there will be lots to go through . well time for me to call it quites for the night. back in the morning

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Is there somewhere I can go to read about these "Robins"? I have never participated and don't know much about them.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Birder, You'd love participating. There are monthly group swaps and trades that are often referred to as robins. This one was for seeds where the box itself was nicknamed "the Robin". Each participant took out and put back in their fair share of seeds, either from commercial sources or those harvested from our gardens, before sending it to the next person in the list of participants (found at the top of the page). It has literally flown all over the Country since last Fall and has just landed back home with deejay9 (Susie), our wonderful hostess for this group and so many others. I think this was the Seed Robin's 4th year Susie has hosted and many of us tout it was the best yet. There's also a Spring seed Robin getting ready to fly.

The link below will take you to current (and past) swaps. There are also a few chat threads sprinkled in. Feel free to join any of the current groups or discussions that interest you. Also the monthly plant swaps that have just started again this year are always popular. Hope this helps. You will be welcomed!

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks FruitoftheView: I will read the link you sent. I sure don't know anything about it other than what you just wrote. Thanks for the kind invitation. :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm glad you found us, Birder, and took the time to ask. Let us know if you have more questions. Any of us will be happy to help you.

Night all.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Yay! The robin's home! Have fun going through all those seeds, Susie :)
Need to go through my seeds that I picked out and get things planted. Looks like we're passed our frost dates now :) My tuberoses and dahlias have even started sending up new leaves/shoots! :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm All & Welcome to the new forum Birdie & will Add you to the 2nd time around sent you the link to that one . My day is going to be spent sorting through more of the seeds . & getting the new flight path printed off . I hope to get the robin back in the air on Monday .

ALI : Your Prize will also go out on Monday Hope you will like it :) so Now going to close this one & Spend more time On the NEW One . Hope you all will come chat with us even if your not playing .
NEW 2nd Time ROBIN

Saginaw, MI

THANK YOU to SUSIE for all her effort & hard work in getting the "robin" going for all of us !!! Even with all the postal "mishaps" this poor thing had to endure , it was great fun to see what would be in the robin waiting for us all to share !!! Looking forward to being a part of the 2nd time around "without" the mishaps hopefully !!! THANK YOU SUSIE!!!!!

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Oh boy, not long for me to wait now...

Birder, you will looooove this! And Susie hosts a plant swap, too- are you game for that one?

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