Seed Swap Feb.16 PRO MIXES available from Ric

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Attention swap members:

I have available from a local wholesaler 3 Pro Mix products, the pricing and availability may vary slightly, but it's a good deal.
1st is a 3.8 cu' compressed bale of Pro Mix BX , current list is $25.70 tax included.

2nd is 2.8cu' bag of Pro Mix BRK a bark and peat mix, current price $14.20 inclusive

3rd is a 2.8cu' bag of Pro Mix PGX a finer mix for germinating etc. $14.92

I would like to pick up on the 13th and space is somewhat limited. Ric

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ric, you're a gem! I'd love to try the PGX and the BRK mixes, and please also count me in for at least 1 bale of BX. If you still have room after other people add their wishes, I'd gladly take another bale or two of the BX, but I'd rather "spread the love around." :-)


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

saved for Ric ------------ProMixBX----------------- ProMixBRK -------------- ProMix PGX

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Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Hmmmm - saving a spot

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Hi Ric, I would like to have 1 bale of BX, but will take a smaller pack if you have too much to carry in the car. Thanks.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Bump-up. Jill, can you do a swap blast on this thread, Thanks; Ric

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ric, will it work if I include a link when I do a blast next week to make sure everybody has directions, cost, and any other pertinent info? I think you said you'd be picking up the 12th or 13th...

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Ric -- I'd love to take you up on your offer -- but do you have room? I need to figure out what I need, in any event....

In order of wishing:

One 3.8 cu' compressed bale of Pro Mix BX , current list is $25.70 tax included.

One 2.8cu' bag of Pro Mix PGX a finer mix for germinating etc. $14.92

A second bag of BX

(I've really tried to swear off Peat, but the Pro Mixes are so handy!)

Don't go nuts squeezing it in because I know I can buy it locally, but I bet I can't get close to your prices.

Also -- reminder to all - I can get Turface for cheap for anyone who wants to try Tapla's mixes.

This message was edited Feb 2, 2013 12:18 PM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Happy, How much is the Turface you have available? I can get the MVP for $21.27 per 50# bag, but we would need orders totaling 40 bags. That may be doable for a plant swap. I will also try a couple of other resources. My wholesale supply's web site and catalog have been down all week but I can still email them. Ric

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Here's a copy of the dmail I sent Ric and SallyG about Turface, in case anyone else is interested.

Turface only comes in 50 pound bags. The place I used to get it now carries this instead: Pro League Heritage Red™. I just called and the store said they will see if they can special-order "All Sport" which is what I used to get -- it is like the MVP that Tapla recommends. Actually, the store I get it from (John Deere Landscape, []) says that the MVP is very fine and look like dirt (which makes no sense). I can vouch that the All Sport looks like Tapla's photos of what he says is MVP. (Its real-life purpose is to maintain sport fields.)

When I bought All Sport last year it was $11.50 for a 50 pound bag. I have a lot now; I don't need more but I don't mind getting more. The guy I just talked to at John Deere Landscape is seeing whether he can special order 5 or so bags of All Sport; he thought it would be $14.50 or so a bag. I don't know why there was such a price hike. His name is Greg; he said I should call back in a few days.

You could see if you have a John Deere store near you: []

The guy at the John Deere store says the "Heritage Red" looks like the All Sport, except for the color. I don't really want to use something with an artificial die in it.

Turface doesn't list All Sport on their website. (I think John Deere told me it is branded differently -- I don't recall why.) And the website indicates that the Heritage Red is the same as the MVP but for the color. See

None of this makes too much sense, I realize.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I get my Turface at a farm supply store for about $13 per 50# bag. It's definitely the MVP brand that Tapla uses. Ric, I'm not sure why it would be so much more expensive through your wholesale contact...?

The store owner is familiar with gritty mixes, too. I purchased chicken grit at the same time, and he asked me how my bonsai were doing, and that he didn't have pine fines in the right size. (The gritty mix is preferred by bonsai growers.)

If anyone needs either chicken grit or Turface MVP at the seed swap, I can definitely pick up a couple of bags (but probably no more than 2). There are 2 southern states stores that are not out of the way for me.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Be careful, though; not all Southern States have Turface. SSG, the John Deere place where I get Turface is pretty convenient to you too -- it is at 2666 Pittman Dr
Silver Spring, (301) 587-4016.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'll check with our local Southern States (on, appropriately enough, South Street) and see what they have in stock, for anybody wanting to pick stuff up there on Seed Party Day.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Happy, I go to the Southern States' stores because I can pick up chicken grit at the same time. :)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

SS -- Southern States is my source for chicken grit too! I just was cautioning not to go out of your way to a southern States on the hunt for Turface w/o calling first. Or the grit, for that matter - there are several sizes of grit, and they don't always have them all in stock. I think Al recommends using "Grower" size.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I found it locally for about $12.50/50#. Ric

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Grit or Turface? You should be able to find grit for less than that...

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

That's excellent - so almost half the price you were originally quoted!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Anyone find the pine fines for a reasonable price? Orchids are calling my name again (heaven, help me) and I think the gritty mix would be a good mix for them.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Chantell, the cheapest ones that Happy and I have found are from Meadows Farms. Most of their locations are closed until March, though. They have a lot of locations, so hopefully you'll find one near you.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL ^_^ - I have a Meadows Farm 5 mins up the road from my house. Thank you for letting me know. Is that what they refer to them as - 'pine fines?' I just want to make sure I ask using the correct name. I don't think my Meadows is as on top of things as some of the others. Various times I've asked about something (nothing tropical or rare, mind you) only to be met with the deer in the headlights 'look.'

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Yes, pine fines is what they call it. :) I know what you mean by the blank you get there when you ask questions. They certainly have the lowest prices on a lot of things, though.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

just so happy to see everyone getting their gritty needs met.
; ^)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ric, I saw on a post from Holly that both of you are still "punky."

Please, SKIP the Pro Mix "deal" -- rest up instead of going to pick up those bags! We will get some another time. Maybe we'll have a "lily bulb sort plus quikcrete project plus Pro Mix group buy opportunity" at our place... April 5 or 6? I know April 5 is Aspen-Terri's "off" Friday.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

At Meadow Farms, the pine fines are called "Kambark" pine mulch. They do need to be sifted, though.

I don't think the bags are labeled "pine fines."

I understand some Ace Hardware stores also carry it, and they are open now (though might not stock because it isn't seasonal).

By the way, if anyone sees fir bark fines, please let us know -- apparently they last much longer then pine bark fines.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Pro Mix BX 6
Pro Mix BRK 1
Pro Mix PGX 2
This will not be a problem. I can easily fit that inside. I'll be ordering tomorrow and picking up Wednesday. Ric

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Happy, I've been looking for fir bark everywhere! I wonder if it's just not offered on the East Coast.

At Meadows, I ask for "pine fines" at the desk and they seem to know what I mean. But I always make sure to check the bag before they load it in the car.

I know others have found good value at Ace, but my local one is so expensive. About 2-3 times the cost of other stores. O_o So it's probably a good idea to call and check first.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks y'all

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Teri, our I've found Ace can vary a lot. Our local Ace undersells the Walmart on a number of things, I've even found that special order items most times are cheaper if I have them order them, rather than order online for pickup at their store. Ric

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Our ACE sells "Pine mulch " Kambark, too, which is actually very finely chipped. CHeap enough. I won't testify to their prices otherwise, I only go for a few things.

Homestead Gardens in Anne Arundel County sells bags labeled as "pine fines". $$ ? If anyplace around here has real fir bark, they would be it. THey are usually $$$ though.

What I really want is a good sifter for my bark. A large plastic colander with large ish holes (for a colander that is).

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Prices were as quoted, I'll have everyones totals at the swap. Ric

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Cool! Thanks, Ric. If anybody wants to try a partial bag of the BX, bring something to put it in... I'm happy to share what I'm getting, and I'm sure you can estimate 1/3 bale ($10) or smaller amounts. I think I'm down for 3 bales, so I can also spare one or two if somebody else wants "in" at the 11 3/4th hour.

Can't wait!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thank you thank you thank you!

Now I won't run out during winter sowing or early seed starting... else, I'd have to grit my teeth and pay the price at DPF!

And it's right where I'll need it, too. Ric, you're a gem.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Ditto -- a million thanks! That was too easy for words!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

DPF was $44/3.8'cu. :-} Ric
Although I did buy a bag of lobster compost for my 'maters.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Wow! A renewed thanks to you!

We'll want pictures of the lobster tomatoes, of course!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

lobster tomatos hahaha

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Ah, wonder if Chesapeake Blue crab fertilizer is still around?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I think the CHes Blue went out of business
: ^(
Haven't seen it.
Farmer's Co op sold bags of just crab shell last year
: ^)
Use sparingly cuz its much more per pound than compost WITH shell. At least you can see exactly how much shell you get.

Last time we got crabs I buried the whole ball O newspaper, guts and shells.

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