Lily Group Buy from ADR for mid-atlantic spring swappers

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Aha! Another Chance to purchase "Black Beauty"?
Greetings Jill,
I just saw that you are ordering from Bleeks and would like to request:
6 Black Beauty
3 Stargazer
3 Mount Dragon

I'm really excited about the Black Beauty!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Does anyone know website that details the different lily variety lily bloom time? I've searched and find mostly general information from vendors. I'm starting to get greedy and would like to see if I can get enough varieties to bloom throughout the summer:)

Thanks Much!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Marlene, I'll slide my 3 'Stargazer' from the 2nd ADR bag your way, and I'll add 2 sets of Black Beauty and one set of Mount Dragon to our ToN order (assuming availability).

Happy wanted Black Beauty also... I'll add 1 set for her also and see if she wants more than that.


For those who really wanted Asiatic hybrid 'Eyeliner', ChefMike has a sale that started recently, and he found some. Bulbs are $2.75 each, plus whatever shipping works out to be (probably cheaper to do a combo order, but beyond that I don't know what the final cost per bulb will be). See Let me know if you're interested in 'Eyeliner' (and how many) or in any of the other LILIES he is offering. I know he has other things in this sale also, but I don't know when he'll be getting things in or what he can ship together... so I'd like to just stick with lilies from his sale, please.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ToN does have 'Casa Blanca' on their sale, for those who wanted a few more (sold in sets of 3, remember that your cost will include shipping). LMK

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

While I'm working on totals... Does anybody else want Gladiolus? There are 15 corms left of each of the eight varieties we've ordered. (Roses, I have you down for 5 of each, and Ric, I have you down for 10 of each.) Since we got free shipping, they are priced at 5 for $1. You don't have to order 5 of each variety; you can pick & choose your favorites. I'm not worried about trying to "sell out" on these... I'll either plant the leftovers or give them away to neighbors for Mother's Day. But at this price, I wanted to be sure y'all had had a chance at them!

Here's the thread for Glads:

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the bulbs Jill.
Can you stand to add to my order? This is for Bleeks right? If so, may I have
Brunello (3)
Double Sphinx (3)
Vermeer (3)
Pot New wave (3)
Also I thought I saw that Candy Club might still be available, if so,
3 Candy Club please.
And now against my better judgement, I'm going over to see the glads:)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Marlene, I noted your cancellation of the above additions. Unfortunately, I have bad news on your others... the 'Casa Blanca' and the 'Black Beauty' you wanted were sold out before I got back over to the ToN sale today. Chantell, I also missed your Trumpet 'Regale'. I'm so sorry.

Marlene, we can probably work something out on the Casa Blanca. I'm still thinking we might need another bag of them from ADR before all is said & done. I ordered a set of 'Black Beauty', and you are welcome to share them... or maybe you'd like 3 of the more expensive ($3 each) but really cool looking 'Urchida' species lilies instead? (I ordered 6 of those, figuring that would be 2 sets of 3 for planting, and I'd be willing to share 1 set if somebody wanted them.) We did get your set of Mt. Dragon ordered!

I've also been lining up reservations for our family's upcoming Disney vacation this summer (11 of us altogether!), so whoever noted I had a lot of balls in the air was right... and I dropped a couple.

Please don't worry if there are loose ends to tie up with finalizing payments... we've covered the majority, and I'll get my spreadsheet sorted out with various changes and additions.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Jill - no worries....I actually just got home from our Walmart (DD conned me into going with her) and came home with a bag of 5 Oriental 'Triumphator' 'no staking needed' - to my eye the photo looks very much like Silk Road. Good thing I'm turning that front area into a flower bed, eh? ^_^

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Jill, if you order another bag of Casa Blanca from ADR, I can take 5 or maybe a few more.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'll always take more Casa Blancas.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK -- Let's add the 2nd bag of Casa Blanca. I'll give them a call. Looks like we've got maybe 15 spoken for already, so I'm confident we can "sell off" the rest between now & the end of April!

Assuming I can get the 'Casa Blanca', we have 10 or 12 still available. We also have 7 unclaimed 'Conca d'Or' orienpets. (I know Happy said she would take more if needed, but I wanted to "offer them around" a bit longer first.)

Also, the Touch of Nature lilies are selling out pretty fast, so if there are any you haven't been quite sure about, decide quickly!

On the 'Casa Blanca', so far I have 5 for Happy, 3 or 5 for Marlene, and 5 for Donner from the second bag.

(So go ahead and send me that extra $5 you keep trying to include, Happy!)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Ok, I'll happily take the rest of the Casa Blancas and the Conca d'Ors -- unless someone is sorry they didn't get them, in which case of course they can have them..

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I can't believe I am going to say this--but i will take 2 Casa Blankas.
I know how awesome they are. I wull find room somewhere....
What do I owe you? Is it $5? Gita

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sadly, ADR has sold out of 'Casa Blanca' (and they're out of many others, too... glad we got going fairly early with our orders!).

They do still have 'Rialto', a large white oriental lily with slightly ruffled edges. I asked Chris if he thinks the fragrance is anything like 'CB', in which case I figure we want a bag of 25 in place of the extra 'CB's we were hoping for. Who knows, this could be like "Casa Blanca Improved" LOL.

Marlene, Happy, Donner... if you don't want 'Rialto' please let me know.

I was just talking to a friend this morning (one of the ballet moms), and she'd love a few lilies, so I'll snag some of the extras for her... 3 'Conca d'Or' and 3 'Rialto' for sure... might slide her a couple 'Satisfaction' also. She didn't know about the big OT hybrids and is pretty excited about them. She dug out a bunch of her clay and replaced it with "good" dirt; definitely a serious gardener, and yes I'm going to try to get her on here! but with 5 girls, she doesn't have a lot of spare time LOL

Happy, I think we're now down to 4 extra Conca d'Or if you really do want them. Also, do you want those extra 5 'After Eight' really, or were you just being a good sport about them? Since they're mini's, I'm sure somebody will come along and want a pot of them... but if you're already planning where to tuck them, I'll make sure they're reserved for you.

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Jill, I will take 5 Rialtos if you order them. Hope they are as fragrant as CB.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks! I got a response from Chris at ADR this morning... he said lilies are moving really fast this year. He's trying to get some more 'Casa Blanca' as well as others, but if he can't get us CB he'll add a bag of Rialto to our order instead. (No worries - we still have our first bag of CB)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Rialto's fine with me -- thanks for all the hard work you are doing for all of us, Critter!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hah - it's all of you who will be working hard this spring, when it's time to dig all these holes!

If y'all would rather have 'Rialto', please speak up. Otherwise, we'll wait and see what Chris can get his hands on. We've got plenty of time before our order ships.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Critter, I'd like the 5 remaining tiny "After Eight" if I have read correctly. Thanks, Judy

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Judy, they can be yours. Happy spoke for them at one point, but I'm pretty sure she was just trying to make sure they'd sell out. :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Coleup and other newcomers to this thread, please speak up for what you would like, even if it's "sold out." We have a good bit of time yet before the swap, and Chris may be able to replenish his stock. I can't promise anything, but we'll add on later if it's possible (and if there's enough demand)... if nobody speaks up, then no more will be ordered for sure. LOL

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Jill, I'm not sure what Holly may have ordered but a few extra of this or that will never hurt us. Ric

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Yes, After-Eights to coleup!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Went to the Flower and garden Show at Timmonium. It was not as good as other years....
Walked around for hours. Plus went to the Craft Show in another building....

My ONLY purchase for the day was----ready?---two oriental Lily bulbs.
Couldn't pretty. Two more holes to dig...somewhere....
Just wanted to show you.....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hah! We got her!

That's a lovely find, Gita! I'm really enchanted by these new double forms and looking forward to having a couple in my garden this year, too!

From the little freckles on the petals, I'm hoping it's a double oriental so you'll have the fragrance... I know there are some double asiatics also, which are usually not fragrant... but then again there are a few asiatic lilies now with fragrance... isn't hybridization wonderful?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

It is an Oriental Lily, Jill....He had all kinds of bulbs for sale...These just caught my eye.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Bulbs from Touch of Nature are HERE!

The box arrived yesterday afternoon. They'll be just fine in the garage for the next few days, with this snow/cold coming.

For those who ordered these bulbs from Bleek, you are welcome to swing by and pick them up in Frederick if you'll be by within the next week(ish). Just let me know. Bulbs that won't be picked up soon will be moved to Aspenhill's extra fridge (near Brunswick, MD) and could also be picked up there at her convenience. Otherwise, you can get them together with your ADR lilies/plants at the spring plant swap.

A reason to pick these bulbs up earlier if possible is that getting them into the ground sooner gives them more time to put down good roots before bloom time this year. Bleek advised me that planting earlier if possible is better... but I've planted bulbs with 3 inch sprouts in June before, and they've done all right. Regardless, you'll probably have to stake them their first year (or have the leaning bloom stalks that are so common in my garden, *blush*).

I haven't done a final reckoning with the spreadsheet yet, because most people are spot on or pretty close. I figure once the spring swap thread goes up, some more people might want to get "in" on this deal... if so, I'll re-open the group buy to additional orders. There might then be other bulbs that tempt you, or small adjustments made for those who have said a bulb or two more/less is OK. So after we're all done with that, I'll send out a final (Dmail) invoice near the end of April.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'll definitely come pick up mine -- if anyone who lives closer to me wants to pick up from me, let me know. I'm not sure how quickly I'll get out, but in the next 2 weeks I would think.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'll definitely come pick up mine -- if anyone who lives closer to me wants to pick up from me, let me know. I'm not sure how quickly I'll get out, but in the next 2 weeks I would think. How soon will the ADR bulbs arrive?

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Jill I might be up that way Thursday or Saturday. I will DM you and arrange further details. I'm also willing to act as a relay for anybody I'm my neck of the woods.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

UMD -- you are closer to me than Jill, so if you pick up from Jill, I can pick up from you....

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

OK. Let's just coordinate and whoever can get up there first picks them up. I really would like to grab them Thursday if I'm up there, which would be Damascus. Also it would have to be before 8am maybe earlier. Let's talk!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


You will have to remind me if any of these bulbs are ones i ordered.
I really did not keep track of WHERE mine came from.

If sally may be picking them up from you--she could pick up mine also.
Sally is only 28 miles from my house.

Sally! let me know if you are doing this....ok? Thanks. G.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I can pick up from either on a weekend however this w/e is Easter so it would probably be the following w/e which is the 6th or 7th depending on which of those two days I wouldn't be running around doing the side job in Delmarva. Terry, I'd also be happy to come by on a week night after work if that would be better for you. Let me know ya'lls preference.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita, I'm pretty sure you only had ADR bulbs.

I won't be available Easter weekend (Fri/Sat/Sun), too many other things going on then!

ADR bulbs are scheduled for delivery a week before the swap (sorting party is the Saturday before the swap!). I *could* have them sent sooner and move the sorting party to the Saturday after Easter... but that would mean more bulbs being held in the fridge rather than being held dormant at ADR's facilities. I'll double check with ADR... if they think bulbs sent at the end of April may have begun sprouting, then I'll have then shipped here sooner. That way, they may sprout in the fridge here, but they would not have to be shipped with their sprouts, so I think there would be less possibility of damage to the bud. But I am pretty sure he said he could hold them dormant until he shipped to us.

I asked Bleek for his input and got this in response: "As soon as the bulbs come out of the freezer to me then you can not freeze them back and thus they will slowly, very slowly continue to develop. Keep the temp above freezing like 34 or a little higher. Also do not make a big block of packages together, so take them out of the box."

Terp, this coming Thursday would be fine. Jim is usually up before 8... and if you're going to be really early (by our standards LOL), I'll put them outside weather permitting. I'll get them sorted out (who's whose) in the next couple days, hopefully tomorrow. Sounds like it's better for you to pick them up from me in Frederick rather than from Terri in Lovittsville -- yes?

I'm looking at the long-range forecasts... through the weekend, high temps move up to the 50's, but nights are still 30, so the garage temps should be fine (cooler than my basement, anyway!). I'll check to see if any have seriously broken dormancy during their trip here, but I doubt it.

Sounds like I should get together with Terri and find a time that's good to get most of the bulbs to her fridge before Easter weekend (or even the Monday after). Actually, after I get my bulbs out of the box and then Terp's and Happy's orders, and then Terry's and Chantell's bulbs, the remaining bulbs will probably fit fine in my little dorm fridge.

I need to pick up more little paper bags... :-)

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Jill, yes perhaps. I will have to make a trip out to dulles midday saturday though and it isssssss almost spring. Perhaps that might be easier and give me a beautiful view of the wooded beauty aspen resides at.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Terp, you'll have to check with Terri & see if she'll be available this coming Saturday. If so, I will try to get her bulbs and yours and Chantell's (and Happy's also, I think, if I'm keeping track correctly) to her before I become unavailable toward the end of the week. The remaining bulbs may actually fit OK in my little fridge.

Bottom line on the Touch of Nature bulbs: let me know which of these 3 options you would prefer

1. Pick up lily bulbs within the next week or two from me in Frederick (not over Easter weekend, Thurs. pm - Sunday)

2. Pick up lily bulbs from Aspenhill before the swap

3. Pick up your lily bulbs at the spring plant swap in NJ (before which they will be in either my fridge or Terri's)

note: bulbs & bare root plants from ADR will be delivered to me 8 or 9 days before the swap and sorted that Saturday. If you come to the "sorting party," you can pick up your bulbs then, or during the following week, or you can pick them up at the spring plant swap.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Jill, Please send my 5 After Eights with Aspenhill as she has agreed to pot them up for me and bring them to the swap at Jan's. Thank you and have a very Happy Easter!

Coleup (Judy)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Judy, the 'After Eight' mini orientals are coming from ADR just before the swap.

I'll double check Bleek's invoice from ToN against the spreadsheet so I know who has what, but it's late, so for now I'm just going to post the list of what he sent in the box and who is getting them to the best of my recollection. Note that there were a few bulbs we didn't get, and I'm pretty sure everybody's initial "invoice" reflected them.

The bulbs all look good, firm, no sign of mold. They're in plastic bags with a bit of damp peat. Most have indeed broken dormancy and started putting up a bud, from 1/4" to maybe 1 1/4". As Bleek suggested to me this evening, I've separated them into 3 boxes so they have some space around them, ensuring they stay as cold as the air in the garage (they won't freeze; average temp out there is probably 35-45 until the weekend).

L. rubrum 'Black Beauty' :12 bulbs (4 packs of 3) -- wanted 7 packs but sold out, so we're juggling. Critter, Donner, Chantell, Happy, Marlene
Pink Tiger Lily: 12 bulbs (3 packs of 4) -- 9 to Critter, 6 to Aspen

OL 'Salmon Star: 3 bulbs (1 pack of 3) -- 3 to Terp

OL double 'Rose Fabiola' ppaf : 8 bulbs (4 packs of 2) -- 3 to Critter, 3 to Aspen, 2 to Terp

OL 'Hotline' : 6 bulbs (2 packs of 3) -- 3 to Critter, 3 to Happy

OL double 'Magic Star' 6 bulbs (3 packs of 2) - 3 to Critter, 3 to Happy?

L. rubrum 'Uchida' 8 bulbs (4 packs of 2) -- 3 to Critter, 3 to Donner, 2 to Aspen

OT 'Robina' 3 bulbs (1 pack of 3) -- 3 to Critter

Lily Looks 'Tiny Pearl' 8 bulbs (2 packs of 4) -- 8 to ?

OL 'Farolito' 3 bulbs (2 packs of 3, sold out) -- 3 to Terp, 3 to ?

OT 'Red Dutch' 3 bulbs (1 pack of 3) -- 3 to Chantell

AL 'Mount Dragon' 5 bulbs (1 pack of 5) -- 5 to Marlene

AL Petite Brigitte' 5 bulbs (1 pack of 5) -- 5 to ?

AL 'Matrix' 15 bulbs (3 packs of 5) -- 15 to ?


I can't find orders for Asiatic lilies 'Petite Brigitte' and 'Matrix' in the group buy thread... if you ordered them, please jog my memory. Same for the second pack of 'Farolito'.

And Happy said she'd take the second trio of double oriental 'Fabiola', but if somebody else wants them, she'll slide them over to you.

This message was edited Mar 25, 2013 3:11 AM

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Jill, we can meet up one evening this week to get the bulb order sorted out for what will be coming to my house - either for refridgeration or pre-swap pickups. I will be home this weekend on both Saturday and most of Sunday for Terp and/or anyone else who wants to pick up from my place then. If Sunday, I will probably be going to my parents late afternoon for Easter dinner.

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