Morning Glories Winter 2012-2013 #2

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Buttoneer, your green house sounds cozy..
Yep, that is one of my gorys I grew and sent seeds out of YAY! too bad I don't know a name sorry..
Had a kniolas black with a lavender throat blooming this am down in Charlies room, a red SOH, and a funny small duo colored one, I only got a pic of a couple, will down load in a minute, but wanted to thank all of you for being so patient, I sent out everyones seeds today. please let me know when they arrive as I didn't track them. sbish, ronnie, darrin, helena, lk, and jackie.. Ronnie your envelope looks crinkled cuz it got stuck more than once going thru the postage meter ( empty) but when you see it you will see why, the machine doesn't like the deep v flaps much..
Shut down the ebay store for a couple weeks until I get back from AR, sister called me and said she has all kinds of stuff blooming, but she didn't kniw what it all was, and I guess scoobie, her daughters bring home rescued dog, knocked down a plant stand and proceeded to eat what was in that planter, so waiting to hear if he gets sick.. so far he has eaten the back door off, the cable wires off the house, three metal lugs, and a ton of other stuff that she just finds pieces of on the ground. this dog is a puppy, but he is huge, a cross of pit bull and sharpe or however that is spelled, he is a sweetie but very big, sloopy wet kisses, and huge paws. He knocked her down this am and she cracked her elbow on the cement, but she says she is ok. I never had a dog to eat off the back door before.. have you guys?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh Debra, I has to laugh at ate puppy eating everything! Our new German Shepherd is a little over a year old, and she chews everything. The news papers, sofa pillows, but not the door.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

here is what was blooming this am, the Kniolas black didn't show up as dark as it is. dang it..

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

My Fritzie is a 12 year old rat terrier and he has eaten a protonix (pill for GERD), one of my pills for a-fib and one of my Blood Pressure pills. He no longer is allowed in the kitchen after supper, until I take my pills & make sure none fell on the floor. The only thing he chews up is kleenex and leaves them in a conspicuous place where we can find them. He does this when he thinks he isn't getting enough attention.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

awww I grew up with a rat terrior named spot.. my mom had one named ginger, she truly was a great mouser..

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Debra, the light colored bloom is lovely but those dark colors are really striking.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Beautiful morning glories Debra!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Thank you... I am seriously thinking of moving the tall shelves to the center of the rooms with tlights. still waiting for a true whole month of interrupted power to see how my bill is supposed to go down ..Joe isn't Gardening this year. He thinks it will be fruitless yet we still have at least ten bags of frozen green beans, and we finished off the gold potatoes just a month or so ago, anyway, we will see.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm fearful the economy is going to get so bad, we will all wish we were growing our own groceries.
So hopefully Joe will change his mind

Saginaw, MI

Would absolutely LOVE to get up every morning to such beautiful blooms!! What a way to bring a smile to your face when you really just want to go back to bed!!!

Pics below are my husbands "summer stress reliever" in progress!! He does the veggies , I do the flowers!! And the 4 boys help out where ever needed at the time!!! LOVE IT!!

Thumbnail by sbish5 Thumbnail by sbish5 Thumbnail by sbish5
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

that is a great garden plot! love it. ours is about the same size, and I bet Joe will change his mind if we get some rain.. here is hoping, I am still planting tomatoes, peppers, lettuce and cukes and squash. He just does the whole patch first in beans and taters, then when those come out i get the patch for my stuff.
we did a single row of beets last year, it was great.

Saginaw, MI

Yea, he loves his garden!! As early things get done he puts in different things also! Loves to test out new things & that was just the beginning of his garden --it grew a little larger by the time he was done!! Below are some of his goodies he grew!

All pretty much self explanatory--last one is red potatoes starting to flower!

Can't wait for the "robin" to land here to see what new veggies might be in there for them to try!!!

This message was edited Jan 29, 2013 9:56 AM

Thumbnail by sbish5 Thumbnail by sbish5 Thumbnail by sbish5 Thumbnail by sbish5 Thumbnail by sbish5
Saginaw, MI

here are a few more of his "yummies" he planted!

Thumbnail by sbish5 Thumbnail by sbish5 Thumbnail by sbish5 Thumbnail by sbish5 Thumbnail by sbish5
Saginaw, MI

This is our youngest sons' (13) mini garden!! He has his own small space that he does a garden in!! He picks everything that goes in it each year and has to take care of it!! Sometimes things don't go so well together in his space -- but that would be why we call it his "trial & error" garden!!! He loves it!!

The corn in his garden is popcorn!!

Looking forward to seeing what might be in the "robin" for him to try in his garden!!

This message was edited Jan 29, 2013 10:07 AM

Thumbnail by sbish5
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I am so envious of that rich black soil! I would give anything to have dirt like you ladies do!

Saginaw, MI

All of our gardens , veggie & flower, are a mixture of screened top soil & compost (purchased from city) because our whole yard is bricks & rocks about two inches under the grass!! Only spot we haven't had to "modify" so far has been way in the back by the back fence!! LOTS of work when initially starting new gardens around here!!

Gautier, MS

Beautiful blooms Debra.

Great gardening pictures too.

Another bloom on my mg, don't know why the pic seems faded and another irus 2 toned deep purple. Much better in person.

Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Beautiful bloooms Helena, thanks for sharing with us.

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Love seeing the blooms Debra and Helena!

sbish nice looking garden plot, I so not a veggie gardener, a tomato or to is about it. My neighbors do a huge one so I just pick from theirs. We do have a grape vine and tons of grapes come August. can't even give them all away. The Mockingbirds and Catbirds love them.

Our late Atticus ate a sofa or two and Abby our bulldog ate quite a few leather boots. Winston our new Dane loves any kind of pillow or blanket, so far he has stayed away from the couch! Luckily our doors have been safe!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

love the blooms Helena, I really like iris, I just started growing them a couple years ago.. can't believe yours are blooming now..

Gautier, MS

Thanks Jackie, Ronnie and Debra. I'm surprised by the iris blooming too but I guess cause I planted them right after I bought them from Lowes and had them in the gh. But the yellow one outside is the real surprise having the weather warm cold and warm every couple of days, confused it. Wish my other ones outside would bloom too, guess maybe in the spring.

This message was edited Jan 30, 2013 8:47 AM

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I had a bunch of brazilian morning glories germinate yesterday. Are the plants a lot larger than other ipomoea nil? They certainly were interesting looking fuzzy seeds.

Saginaw, MI

BRAZILIAN morning glories??? What do they look like and where might others find them??? See what you started !!!!

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Dee I haven't grown them in a while but they were much larger than Nil, very viny. I loved the flower but if I wasn't out very early to see them I'd miss them. By mid morning they were done.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

To the new thread

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