Burpee's new Super Sauce Tomato

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Sweety77 the seedlings look fine. I start my seeds in a heated light stand. The heat mats are usually set at 80 and the thermometer says the soil is actually 76.I leave the four florescent lights on 24 hours a day. I also cover the seed trays with clear kitchen wrap until about 20%have emerged then I take off the wrap.

I got my seeds one day and planted the next day. Is there any way your seeds were compromised? Or should I say could have been? I know these things are hard to figure out.

Kankakee, IL(Zone 5b)

it HAD to be the seeds because started a bunch of different varieties that same day, the same conditions and they did fine. I think I got some bad seeds. Oh well, if I can get just a couple of them to go and be healthy, then I will be satisfied.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Wish I had not planted all my seed now I cant even send you a couple starts because they are in 4 inch pots now and I think it would not be cost effective to mail them now.Some one said they bought five packages of seed will read this and step up to the plate and offer you a few seeds.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Sometimes the seeds don't go thru the mail correctly. There was a discussion about this on the tomato forum. The seeds were saved and sent by a DGer to another DGer. None of them germinated but they germinate for others. They resent seeds, which did fine. I can't remember what the possible reasons were but it does happen. Good luck!

Plantersville, TX(Zone 9a)

Maybe the post office erradiates the mail, before it is delivered.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I just know some make it, and some don't. Even sitting in extreme temps. during transit can mess them up.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Don't worry, sweetie, I know it was not our fault. It was fun trying, though, and I probably will try again for the fall season. Sometimes a lot will just have a bunch of clunkers in there. Starting tomatoes is usually very easy for me.....=_)

Middleburg, PA

To Paulgrow and everyone else interested. I did email Burpee about GMO and I was assured that Burpee has never and has no plans on ever GMO anything. I am going to grow the seeds that I was able to get to planting stage in organic hydroponic garden. If this does not yield the fruit they advertised, I will know that it was not from poor nourishment. Here's to hoping!

New Gloucester, ME

Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and after reading this post I was compelled to register so I could post. I am starting seed for friends who don't have a greenhouse. One of my friends bought the super sauce (along with a bunch of others) for me to start for him. The first batch of 12 did not germinate after 14 days. The second batch of 12 came up in three days. The ONLY difference was less heat on the second try. The first batch was on a heat pad as usual with a plastic dome over it to hold in heat which has worked well with other varieties. The second batch was on the heat pad with just saran wrap on top for moisture retention. Interestingly, I dumped the soil with the super sauce seeds in a bin I save leftover soil for planters in and 5 days later tomato seedlings sprouted. It was as if once they cooled down they germinated. Also as another forum member stated, they were spindly at first, but after a couple weeks they are doing well. Side note: The Viva Italia started at the same time are much larger.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Mainah, well welcome to Dave's! I don't usually use bottom heat unless my laundry room gets really cold. I do have a heat mat, but it is usually in use to start the pepper and eggplants. Don't know why I had poor germination the first time around, but am trying again for the fall garden. (We get two tomato seasons here in Texas--if we're lucky). For this go around I just start the seeds in the domed seed flat thing out on the screened in back porch. The sun heats up the concrete floor enough for anything to germinate.

Have fun this gardening season!


Louisville, KY

I ordered super sauce tomatoes from Burpee and had about 90% germination. I started them with lights and heat mats. They grew pretty good but were a lot skinnier than the better boys and os pink that I planted. Also the limbs tended to grow downward instead up or horizontal. They were about 12 to 18 inches tall when I planted them in the garden. I planted all of my other tomatoes at the same time. Shortly after I planted them the leaves started to curl and the leaves never got very big. Again the limbs stared to grow downward into the dirt. I treated them with fungicides and insect control products just like all the other plants. They have a few decent size tomatoes on them but the plants look almost dead. I get new growth at the top but they still curl up. They look like the healthy kick tomatoes but a little bigger. I probably won't have enough to mess with canning them even though I planted 18 plants. I probably won't plant them again unless I really hear some good stuff from sources other than seed companies. I have softball size os pink and better boys larger than a baseball.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I started the whole package of seeds. The germ was fine but the plants grew skinney I tossed them and planted my usual La Romas for sauce and canning. Down with Burpee throw them to the lions lol.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

I planted a few Super Sauce seeds that a member wonderfully sent me. I had really poor germination, and the ones that did come up were so very scraggly & skinny I just tossed them out as I usually do - toss the pot into a garden bed. Well, 3 of the stragglers started growing in the bed. And 1 even has a few tomatoes. They're still pretty skinny, but that could be that I haven't really taken care of them.

Thumbnail by jomoncon Thumbnail by jomoncon
Kankakee, IL(Zone 5b)

I think we got some bad seeds Jo and Terri. I have never had such a problem starting tomatoes. Many people have had success, and I may have given up on them to quickly! I just received a message from someone who has had GREAT success with them! We'll try again next year! :)

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

Quote from jomoncon :
I planted a few Super Sauce seeds that a member wonderfully sent me. I had really poor germination, and the ones that did come up were so very scraggly & skinny I just tossed them out as I usually do - toss the pot into a garden bed. Well, 3 of the stragglers started growing in the bed. And 1 even has a few tomatoes. They're still pretty skinny, but that could be that I haven't really taken care of them.

Well the tomatoes from my "tossed out" plants finally matured & they were no bigger than a regular roma tomato. Instead, they were definitely smaller than the sauce tomatoes I usually grow. Did anyone get really big tomatoes from this?

Kankakee, IL(Zone 5b)

Yes. I got a D-mail from a guy in LA. that said he was getting tons of 4inch by 6 inch fruit!

Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

If anyone has any Super Sauce Tomato seeds they could share I am trying to find a few--I will gladly send Paypal money or SASE--

We tried the SuperSauce last year. They were everything we wanted them to be and then some. Very happy with this and looking to plant it again this year.

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