How is Your Weather Where You Are for the New Year

Saginaw, MI

Yeah, sometimes the clothes do freeze but these ones weren't wet when I put them out there! Going through things in the basement and hung out some of the "hunting" coats / pants that have been packed away for quite a while. Were washed before they got put away so just wanted to "air " them out a little!! Love to hang clothes on the line! Only use dryer for a very few things! Even have clothes lines in the basement for when we have storms!
No snow/no rain at this moment !! Supposed to get up to 37 I think they said for today! And maybe some snow later on .

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

The storm is not supposed to start until around 3 today. 2 to 6 inches predicted. Right now it is just dreary and a bit on the windy side.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I know some areas are expecting blizzard conditions ................ stay safe everyone!!

Got lots of rain here yesterday, but for the next several days it is just supposed to be cold!

Toledo, OH

We are already getting rain here and its supposed to switch later to wintry mix before turning to snow. The meteroligists are saying just one degree can make a difference in whether we get ice or snow. Yesterday was the first I could walk outside without slipping since the last storm.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Raining today and rain/snow until Friday!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Same here as

Snow---again!!! 3" expected. Dreary and cold

Saginaw, MI

White weather has reached us here once again also :( Hasn't been coming down that long but is coming down pretty good out there already! Wind picking up and getting colder. Even though I am hoping we don't get what they are predicting for us, our youngest son is hoping we get that plus some so he won't have school in the morning !! KIDS !!!

Thumbnail by sbish5
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Yeah, I wouldn't mind snow either as long as I didn't have to go to work - and I didn't lose power! ^_^ Unfortunately - usually both have to occur when we do get snow!

Sending a flower to cheer us all up. It is a maroon hardy Hibiscus.

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Saginaw, MI

Still snowing with rain mix right now--still not really that much accumulation but slippery cuz of wet mix!

Very pretty hibiscus Lilly !!

This message was edited Feb 27, 2013 5:20 AM

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Well we lucked out again. We did get some freezing rain but only about 3 inches of the 6 inches of snow that they predicted for our area.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Nice hibiscus! Glad to hear ya'll aren't getting quite as much as expected!

Saginaw, MI

Bout 3 inches of wet, heavy, slush and very slippery roads !! At least we did not get what they were saying we were going to !! No snow or rain as of right now !!

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

We were on the low end of the snow total. Few places further north from here got 10+ inches. We got a little over 2" of wet snow, had to use the shovel. starting to see the six pack forming after all that workout. LOL!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

LOL..... on the six pack................ you didn't purchase that one at the store did you?? ^_^

Be safe everyone! Hoping for some nice weather here this weekend so maybe I can get some things done!

Bryan, TX

sunny and 47 degrees this afternoon - at least no wind

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Genna you are funny! Flurries this morning. Watching weather right now. Indiana is getting hit real hard with jackknife semi's and other accidents. I see a 45°f in the distant future.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

It's a rather gloomy looking day today. Most of our snow melted. Just waiting for the next round, lol.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Well, it is supposed to be decent today - in the low 50s I think, but supposed to drop into the low 20s tonight and I think the high for tomorrow is 38 - so much for getting some things done outside! :( Our local daffodil festival is next weekend - I am hoping that since this weekend is so cold - MAYBE next weekend will be nice! ^_^

All that slipping and sliding on the interstates makes for very dangerous conditions! I guess once one accident occurs it just starts piling up :( sounds very scary......

We actually had sunshine for a while yesterday - still overcast today, but maybe it will show up......

I did hear them say on the radio this morning that now only 54% of the nation is still under drought conditions because the snow has brought some areas out of drought. First time in over 2 yrs that less than 55% of the country has been in drought conditions................ that still sounds like a lot of people are still in trouble! I think we have had close to enough rain to get back to normal levels - but not sure. Haven't really heard them say locally.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Gray and ugly here. A few light snow flurries here where I am. Just mid 30's for today.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Well, I think they missed the forecast for us for sure - no sun in sight today! :( It is cool out - and with the cloud cover it is grey and dreary but only a 30% chance of precipitation, this weekend is still supposed to be cold but hopefully dry!

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

1" of snow expected today and 4 to 8" tomorrow. Oh well!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Well, it was a cold weekend here - with wind all weekend which made it feel even colder. The weather is warmer today with temps in the 60s and sunshine, and just a slight breeze - so MUCH nicer! Guess that is the way it goes since it is Monday..... ^_^

I need ya'lls help. My daughter Jessica is in a contest on the Toms website to try to win one of 50 trips to help deliver Tom's shoes to kids in need out of the country. She is SO wanting to do this - especially since my youngest son has been to Africa and Saudi. But, she logged over 2000 community service hours in HS and has been wearing Toms for the past 6 yrs so this is more than just winning a trip. Could you please take the time to vote for her?

You can only vote once per email, and if you use this link, I think you have to set up an account providing an email, and a password. IF you link thru FB, I don't think you have to set up an account. It won't let me link to hers because I have already voted for her, and I can only vote once. so, it won't let me even view her profile anymore.

If you have friends or family that would be willing to take the time to vote for her, we would sure appreciate the help! There are over 4000 entrants for the 50 slots - so it will strickly be about who can generate the most votes! We will have to have a lot of sharing and help to pull this off. Thanks!!

This message was edited Mar 4, 2013 2:11 PM

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Genna, I voted for Jess. We didn't get the 1", but the 4-8" is coming today. Weather is not bad overall. Forties coming this weekend.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I just voted for Jess too.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Thanks ya'll - we appreciate the help! Have a LONG way to go if she is going to make the top 50!!

IT is WINDY here today! I guess March has decided to come in like a Lion here!! I had to go out this morning and try to secure some things on my back porch including my gas grill! A few months back we had a really bad storm come thru in the middle of the night and it picked up my gas grill and threw it down my back steps. I am thinking that could have been REALLY bad..... I don't think the wind is supposed to get that heavy today, but I tried to push it up in the corner of my back porch so hopefully it will catch less wind. It is too heavy for me to lay over on its back by myself - my husband I did that a few weeks back when they were calling for possible tornados and high winds....but this is about the best I can manage by myself! I hope it is sufficient!

They say it is supposed to warm up this afternoon and be sunny - but for now it is windy and cloudy......

Mike, if you get 8" will it all melt this weekend? Or does ya'll snow just keep piling up on top of each other? Hopefully all this snow will continue to make a dent in the drought situation across the country!

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Gave Jess my vote!

They have us in the area calling for 2-5 inches of snow this afternoon into tomorrow morning but my DH works where they are calling for 4-8 inches and he works second shift!

They have changed us to 4-7 inches now and 6-9 where DH works.....Boo!

This message was edited Mar 5, 2013 4:04 PM

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

We are not supposed to get any snow now. A few days ago we were in the 8" range but now nothing.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Well it is still snowing here , and this morning took these; 27 degrees

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

We ended up with about 5 inches out where I live.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the votes! I really appreciate them! We need lots of networking so if you have any friends who would be willing to vote, please feel free to pass on the link or share on FB or whatever. She is hovering somewhere between number 70 - 80 and considering there are over 4,000 signed up that's not too bad..... but she will need to move substantially beyond the 50 mark to make sure she makes the trip. I appreciate whatever you can do!

Nanny, does your husband commute in that type of weather? I bet that is a challenge to say the least - although I realize you all have a lot better road equipment, snow chains, etc to deal with that type of weather than we do down here in the south.

I am any of ya'll have any experience with Subaru vehicles? My husband is considering purchasing a used Subaru forester or outback to replace his VW beetle that was recently totaled with its run in with the deer. In the new job he has taken, they are ALWAYS called out in bad weather - so he will need something dependable that can trek thru the ice and snow to get him to work. The Little Rock area where he is working now is also much more hilly and curvy that what we are used to - that is why he is leaning toward the AWD instead of just a front wheel drive vehicle. Around here you can go almost anywhere with just a front wheel drive, but not sure when he gets into the hills and curves up there that a FWD will be sufficient. Plus they say the Subaru has a little higher ground clearance than your average FWD car. Thought it might be better mpg than going to a 4WD truck or suv.....but there are not a lot of subarus in our area so I just wondered if anyone had any personal experience with them.

It was cool here this morning - low 30s, but the sun has come out and it is a BEAUTIFUL day - probably mid to upper 60s..... might even be pushing into the low 70s by now. Too bad I have to be at work ....would be a great day to be working in the yard!! Oh well, speaking of work, break is over...better get back at it!

Our local daffodil festival is this weekend and it looks like the daffodils will be in full bloom- and maybe nice weather as well!
Have a great day everyone! Try to stay warm and safe in all that snow!!

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Genna, I worked on Subaru's at the dealer for over two years. 2000-2003.I also went to their school in Naperville, IL. They are pretty good dependable cars. The all wheel drive is fantastic. If he is buying used, I would suggest that he have it completely inspected. You always want to start with a base knowledge of your vehicle. You can't assume that the previous owner did their maintenance. Overall, most Subaru owners back then took good care of their vehicles. I am going to e-mail some family and friends to vote for Jess. The snow melts around here if it is warm enough. Mike

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Thanks so much for that info Mike. He is looking at several that are at dealerships and will have been gone completely thru before being sold. I think that will be much more reliable!

I appreciate you taking the time to try to help Jessi - she definitely appreciates it! She is a great girl..........even if I do say so myself! ^_^

It is going to be a gorgeous day here!! It is mild this morning, probably low 50s and the sun is shining and there isn't a cloud in the sky! Should be in the low 70s by lunch ......... if only this were the weekend!! Of course with the time change this coming Sunday, I will be able to get some things done in the evenings!! Yay!!!

Thanks for your help Mike!


that is the car I wanted 8 years ago when I had to give up my VW Rabbit I had for 15 years. Subaru Outback is the perfect car for Wyoming. Those I saw here were not in good shape. People don't seem to get rid of them as long as they are in good shape. So, I bought a 2002 Dodge Neon with my saved up cash and got a $$ break, plus only 52,000 miles and 1 owner.

Still would love to keep my VW. Before that I had a VW bug for many years until the engine went.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

The modern day myth. Most places now are only fixing what is absolutely necessary to keep a used car going unless it is certified. It's all about maximizing the profits. It does not hurt to get your own repair shop to inspect the vehicle before you buy it. It could be money well spent. You want to be able to negotiate before you buy not after.

Good idea, Mike

It is starting to snow, and will today. Then it is suppose to be in he 50's Sunday and during the week. Crazy!!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

It is a BEAUTIFUL day - supposed to be in the 70s with clear skies and sunshine - perfect weather for our local daffodil festival! :)

On a sad note, we are dealing with a very serious issue with one our furbabys in our house..... and we may have to have her put to sleep today. My daughter is devastated - and this has all been so sudden we are all having a hard time with it. Prayers would be appreciated.......... in our house, our dogs are like family!

My husband is looking at the Forester and the Outback ..... the vehicle he totaled was a diesel VW beetle. Mike, you are right, he went to a used car dealership to test drive a couple because they were close - they started telling him things that were WRONG with the car - this one's temp gauge doesn't work, this one's cruise control doesn't work, etc but they hadn't fixed or planned to fix ANY of them! :(

Hope everyone has a great day!


Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Genna...hi have been busy!!

Yes DH commutes! He drives about 35 miles to work. We do not use chains but he drives a little Cobalt right now that has front wheel drive and is a stick shift so it goes pretty darn good in snow and ice. We live in a rural private lake community and have lots have hills and curves and the county does not get out here in a timely fashion to clear roads. It is an on going battle with them over any road work out here. We are last on the list.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Well, three days and three different weather conditions here! Saturday was very pretty with weather in the 70s, Sunday it poured down rain, today it was in the 30s this morning with a stiff breeze. It warmed up ok and was probably in the 60s late this afternoon and the wind had died down some so it felt much nicer. I think it is supposed to warm up the rest of the week.

Did some trimming in the yard just a little after work - long way to go, but it is a start at getting it all cleaned up and ready for spring! :)

On a sad note, we lost our beloved Maggie (french bulldog) on Saturday. We think it was a tumor on the brainstem but she declined so rapidly it was almost unbelievable.... we are all still in shock! She was one of my three gardening partners and I am sure going to miss her supervision and affection!

This time change has me dragging.... might be an early bedtime for me this evening!

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