ORVG #196 Getting ready for winter

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi folks.
Thanks for explaining that Bonnie about the Silver Sneakers.
Janet...glad your hand is doing better each day.
Ashley's team won again this past Saturday! I'm so proud of them...and the rest of our school's teams too. All are undefeated this year..except of course, Ashley's 7th grade team...they had that one loss by one point...but still..!!
I don't remember if I had said...but Ashley was picked to be in the Darke Co. Honors band too! She is one busy lil girl!! Grandmas' have to brag you know!!!
Not much going on here...just trying to stay warm...and make it through the winter.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Marcy, if it weren't for grandmother's how would everybody else know what great grandkids they have? I have done my share of bragging about mine. She has been in the honors program since she was in the 3rd grade, but she never wanted me to tell anybody about it because it embarassed her that she was so smart. Nothing wrong with that, as far as I know. She is planning on going to school to be a vet. It is such a long education, but guess they will make the cost of school back with the fees they charge.

That is so good about the basketball teams, and you and she have a right to be proud of that record.

Janet, it seems like you have no cooperation or help from the companies you deal with anymore. Seems like if you have a bank account or a credit card, they just throw you to the wolves if anything goes wrong.

I guess I am lucky as my problem is with a visa card and the fraud division called me, saying that they noticed some unusual activity on my card. Glad that they do keep a close eye on things. as it would have been the end of the month before I got the bill and noticed the charges.

Have an appointment tomorrow with my macular specialist. I hope they say this cataract is to the point I can have surgery, as I am getting to the point that I am having to use a magnifying glass to do just about everything. Couldn't be on here, except I have the print as large as it will go. Guess the next step is a seeing eye dog.

Columbus, OH

FWIW, in today's veterinary economy, the average new grad veterinarian makes $56K, and pays $800-$1500 per month in student loans.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Puts a different spin on things huh!

Columbus, OH

Yup. Veterinarians do many of the same things that physicians do, at 1/10 or less of the price, and a fraction of the salary, with the same education expense. My 100 lb. mother's spay was over $10,000, my 100 lb. dog's spay was $260. And the pain rx to go home and all surgical rechecks were included. When they used the same anesthetic, I actually laughed.

Waddy, KY

Unfortuately the large animal vet is working with folks that don't have much spare change and there's fewer of them out there any more so it's certainly not as well paid a position as it used to be. I'd say that the small animal vets in the cities can do better than the large animal vets that have to travel as well as do the work. I think our trip charge now is $80 and if he's there over a certain amount there's an hourly fee so you can be sure that when we preg check everybody's in the barn waiting when he gets there and it's get in there and get the job done. We can usually push 20-30 heifers through to preg check in an hour or less. We cut, worm and vaccinate ourselves.

Don't you all worry about bragging on children. It's so much better to hear about everyone's children being smart and having talents and hobbies than it is to hear that you've had to go to juvenile court and you don't know what to do with defiant behavior. We usually only hear about the bad ones so you all just brag away. I know I've griped about my kids a lot but I've never had to go to court with them and to my knowledge there's no drug or alcohol problems so I think we need to hear about good as much as possible.

Bonnie, your granddaughter might want to consider KSU in her college plans. They have an agreement with the Auburn to take a kid or two if they meet qualifications without as much competition as there is with the rest of the state schools. Or at least they used to. They also have one with the three state law schools and the two state med schools. And she'd also probably get full tuition at KSU with her good grades. I think Kate is headed to Murray. I'm not wild about it being such a drive to get down there and back and I think UK probably has a better hort program but I let the other 3 choose their colleges and the more I'd say the more determined she'd be to go so I'm trying to keep my mouth shut. I think she probably knows what I think anyway regardless of what I haven't said.

Celene, a vet professor I had in college worked for Eli Lilly before he came to UK and he once told us that the production line would just stop, they'd change the dosage, bottles and labels and they'd go from human meds to animal meds. Which doesn't surprise me at all.

Better get moving. Everybody stay warm. I have water in the kitchen but the cold water in the bathroom appears to be froze this morning Forgot to put it on drip last night.

Columbus, OH

I agree, I'd rather hear about the accomplishments of kids, grandkids, etc. than see them having trouble. Brag!

There are few drug manufacturers, especially in the USA. They all make veterinary and human drugs. Almost all generics and most other meds are made overseas, human OR animal.

Waddy, KY

Well, we were talking about 35 years ago. :-) Sounds like thinks have changed like everything else around here. Not surprising.

crazy part is for the price of that vet visit bill , you can buy another animal in most cases. I m refering to farm animals. not pets.
i guess that is why so many large animal vets are a dying breed. ?
savannah is officially a vegetarian . she proclaimed this last week . when i told her she has to eat vegatables , she gave me a strange look LOL

Waddy, KY

Sue, in some cases you are absolutely right. Sheep are selling $125-$225 apiece around here and it doesn't take long for a vet bill to rapidly get out of hand. There have been times that we've put animals down when they're bad, bad sick or chronic instead of pouring money into a black hole. We just can't afford it.

Cold water was froze in the bathroom this morning. Kate said it had thawed when she got home from school. I have to make sure I set it on drip when we go to bed tonight so we don't have a rerun tomorrow morning.

I'm starting to work on the taxes. I HATE that job with a passion and would put it off forever but I know the sooner I get it out of the way the better and I have this splint on until at least Monday so I should be able to get a lot of it done.

sad but true isn't it.
savannah wants to be a large animal vet. Hopefully they're still is a need for them . ?
we don't take our farm animals to a vet nor have one come to the house , sad to say .
well it sure is cold today. feeding goats and chickens in this weather is the pits ! :(
I hate taxes too. I never have any idea what i m doing. since last year was such a .... well..... i have no idea where any reciet is ? uuhhg.

Waddy, KY

Well, it sure teaches you to do a lot of things yourself. We do all the worming, vaccinating, castrating and have all the chains and pullers to deliver calves. If the vet gets called for a pulling you can bet it's going to be a bad one and Doc will earn every penny he gets.

i m sure in time we will need to call upon one someday. Once we start kidding next year and get more involved in goats and other larger critters.

Waddy, KY

Good thing about those smaller critters, you buy a large dog carrier, throw them inside and take them to the vet. Saves a trip charge!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Well, I was gone most of the day with an appointment with my macular specialist. They did another test that I had never had before, and couldn't see squat until about 5:00. Never the less, I made dinner.

Cataract isn't quit ready for surgery so will have to endure the poor vision for a little longer.

Having inlaw problems. Deceased DBIL's two daughters who don't know squat about farm animals or farming, fired the hired hand and asked him to move immediately. I called them last night and asked who was going to be going out in the zero weather to water and feed horses? Long silence, then I said not my DH. And the conversation was finished. Ball is in their court, so will see if DH caves, or if they rehire the guy.,

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I should be in bed, as I have to drive to Middletown tomorrow for a funeral... but the computer is much more interesting than sleep. I had to go to court with my DS twice. One speeding ticket, and one time when he wasn't even driving age but he got into the car and put it into gear and knocked over a stop sign. Not an experience I would like to repeat, ever, but I'm glad it wasn't anything worse. I called my DS earlier and told him that I was going to make a videotaped will just in case we hit a snow squall tomorrow going to the funeral, as it would leave him with two extra houses, four additional cats and 2 extra dogs. He was all wierded out, but I said that I wasn't going to spend my last few moments of life wishing that I'd made out a will so he wouldn't have to go through probate. He said he had two sister in law to take care of the houses and pets and a wife who'd graduated from law school, but he'd really prefer that I not get in a car accident. That would be my preference, too, but looking at all those cars strewn all over the highways yesterday made me more concerned than usual. I've got experience driving in whiteout conditions, where you'd like to get off the road but don't know where the side of the road is. Actually, if it gets that bad, we'll just stay home.
Janet, I'm amazed that you're doing so well with your surgery. Keep it up!
Bonnie, good luck with the inlaw problems. People just get more than a little crazy after a close loved one dies--- all the while thinking that they're being perfectly reasonable. I'm wincing thinking about stuff I said or did myself after my parents died.
Funeral is for a cousin who was a year younger than I am, with many years of chronic illness. A real sweetheart. too. Please remember Wally in your prayers, and his wife MAtrine, and children Heather, Jon, and Siobhan.

Waddy, KY

So Bons, who fed the horses this morning? Sometimes I just don't understand people. They wouldn't let Fifi or Tinkerbell go without their supper and a warm place to sleep but they just assume that because a horse or cow grazes in the pasture that they are no maintainance?

They won't do the surgery when you say it's affecting your daily activities? That's what my MD did. He said he'd do it when I decided it was interferring enough for me to want it gone. He also said it was easier to remove the lens before it got totally hard. The second one he did was a lot harder than the second because the lens was harder and he had to chip it out of the sac that holds it. Don't know, just relating mine. Sure do see better after it's done though. But other than the cataract the eyes are doing ok?

Pat- too funny! Now, is the will you made going to be the last one or are you going to put one on paper now? We have one but haven't had it updated in years. So long ago that we had my SIL raising the kid if anything happened and the last one just turned 18 in August and I'm not sure she was even born when it was written. It pretty much says pay the bills and divide equally so I guess it hasn't changed much.

Think I pulled a few stitches in the hand day before yesterday. Cut up a bunch of apples to freeze to make applebutter later and the incision was a little tender yesterday. Didn't do much yesterday and won't do anything more than some typing today. That should take care of it. It's around 15 here this morning so I have no desire to do anything outside that I can get someone else to do!

Later all. Hope the day is good.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday Marcy. Your ice cream to go with the cake shouldn't melt too fast!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning all!
LOL Bonnie...that's been the story of my life...since being born in January!!! And thanks much!
Just glad to still be here, and not in too bad of shape..compared to many others!
Almost forgot I need to go get driver's license this year..plus plates! Hope we can get there n back before the snow hits this afternoon.
Thanks all about the bragging...lol. Yep..I would much rather brag about them doing good things than bad things! None of my 3 kids were ever in trouble either...and I was so very thankful for that.
I think they have all turned out pretty good...and have good kids too! And that's not to say that some who have been in trouble, still turn out good later!! I know that...I've seen it happen!!
Pat...that pileup was awful to hear about. I've been in white outs before too...and they are just blinding.
My vets are a young couple..husband n wife. She does the small animal care..he does the large farm animals. I started with them when they were first out of college..in a small milkhouse behind their house. They now have built a nice large clinic on some of their land...and have a very lucrative practice!! I really like them both...especially her..because she is the one I deal with. She is so very caring with animals.
Well..i best get moving...Dave is cracking the whip here...LOL..shhhh!!!!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday, Marcy! Hurry up and get your license renewed because now they charge you extra if you haven't gotten it by your birthday (at least in this county).

So far we've only had 3 snowflakes, so hopefully I won't need a will, updated or not. My dad died when he was just 44, and I remember going to the paint store he owned with my mother, because he'd left the will in the safe there, along with some cash if necessary. I was really grateful for his foresight, as he had pretty much dropped dead from a heart attack in the pre- heart surgery days, trying to finish the back nine on the WIldwood golf course in Middletown. He made it to the hospital but died from another MI two days later. Now I worry about passwords and account numbers and all that, but part of me worries that if I get it all straightened out and down in black and white, the Lord will take it as a signal that I'm ready to go!

I just looked at my previous post and I managed to maul Wally's wife's name: it's Martina, not Matrine (sounds like twins, Latrine and Martine).

Still feels bitterly cold here, despite the supposed higher temp. They're talking 52 here next week!

Happy Birthday Marcy !
Pat sending healing energy to you and your family. I m so sorry to hear of the news of you cousin.
Ky sure hope you don't pull out anymore stitches. take care of that area. course you know that already.
BOnnie hope the girls can get in the " real world " .
not much going on here. cold and just grocery errand day here.
got some snow on the ground but not much maybe 1/4 " or so .

Waddy, KY

Darius, these turnips were supposed to stay crunchy weren't they? They fermented but they were soft and mushy. I threw the whole mess out. I was very surprised though, the ram thought they were fine. He started eating them. I wish I'd given the ewes some too. At least something would have gotten some good out of them. I'm not sure I want to try that again. There was a recipe I saw for pickled turnips I might try next fall.

Not much going on here. I get my stitches out today and I'm ready. I have a list of stuff that needs to be done and this splint is getting in the way. Going to SAM's too. I don't like the Lexington store as well as the Louisville one. It seems to run higher on the prices than Louisville for some reason.

I think some of my ewes are bagging up. They built some maternity pens in the barn so we're ready.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Kydaylilylady, I've never actually fermented turnips, but I believe they should stay crunchy like my cauliflower and carrots do. I just remembered last night that I have a few turnips from a neighbor stored in the root cellar that I should check. If they are still okay I will try to ferment a few.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Janet, sorry that experiment didn't work. I would think that they would have to be sliced as thin as cucumbers, like making pickles. I bet you could use them in relishes. I have a pepper relish that calls for cabbage, and I bet that you could substitute some of them for some of the cabbage. Hope that the stitch removal goes well, and that the splint is a thing of history. If you need to still wear it, I hope it is at night so that it isn't bothersome during the day.

It is a rainy old day here, and I had plans to work out in the garage on painting a sign for the church, but I fear that it 1) isn't warm enough and 2) that I couldn't position the sign by myself, as it is huge. It blew down in a wind storm and is here for some repair, and I thought since it was down already, it could stand some paint.

I am so bored I have straightened my sock drawer, my underwear drawer, gone through my jewelery box, and still looking for something else to do.

I made an apple cobbler to stick in the oven after while, and I have a pot of northern beans on cooking. Could tackle the mess on the desk, but I am not into sorting paper, not that bored yet.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey, folks, thanks for the good energy from last week. We didn't die on the road, and in fact, never got as much as a snowflake on the way there or back. The funeral was wonderful --- surely a phrase you don't hear too often, but Wally's life was well celebrated, and the family was included. The minister was an 80+ year old charmer and there was a really good turn out for such a cold, cold night. Afterwards, abt 20 of us headed to Frisch's and took over a section so we could swap stories and plan some visits.
Friday I went to the container store and ended up buying some Elfa shelving for the laundry room. Now I have drawers and a hanging rack and a space for the ironing board and stepstool where they won't fall over but they're still accessible. Now all I have to do is catch up on the laundry!

Talked to Chele last week and their washing machine is on the friz. She said she can still do laundry if someone sits there during the rinse and spin phase with a shop vac to suck up the water on the floor.

It's warm, wet and windy here today. Over and out!

Waddy, KY

I think the recipe for turnip pickles would work. Course I was expecting the turnips to come out crunchy too. I sure did hate to waste 2 bushel of turnips though. Darius, do those turnips. What I was seeing was that some folks were making them into sticks like french fries. I sliced them thinly like sauerkraut.

I don't know when I'll be bored enough to go through my drawers. Not that they don't need going through. I know I have knee socks that won't stay up that could stand new homes. There's also those that are a percentage of polyester that the toes and heels are threadbare but they won't get a hole in 'em so I won't throw them away.

The stitches pinched a little coming out but otherwise fine. It feels a little tender like it need a bandaid over it at least. The MD told me not to fall on it the next week or two because it'd pop open. Now I'm obsessing on not doing that!. They gave me two sponges to squeeze. A pretty pink one that's not so firm and a blue firm one. I was supposed to start with the pink one but I think I can go on to the blue one now. There doesn't seem to be anything majorly wrong with the old grip strength.

Pat, glad you got back in one piece and that the funeral was good for the family. Now days there's so much going on in people's lives that they have little time for their families and I'm guilty of that too. That and the fact that some of them I don't really care to see! The space organization stuff is great as long as we don't collect another bunch of stuff to overflow.

Better get to thinking about some supper. I think it's leg of lamb tonight.

Columbus, OH

I am probably going to make some bread dough tonight, and mushroom soup that looked good in Fine Cooking, to go with leftover roast beef sandwiches.

Waddy, KY

Oh, that sounds good. I haven't made real biscuits or anything that required gooey hands since the CTS surgery. The incision cite is a good bit tender but I think biscuits can go back on the menu tomorrow night. The lamb was really good. That pesky bottle lamb that we had last spring eats pretty darned good.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Janet, lamb is something akin to deer or rabbit to me, the visual is just too much for me to even try it. I get the mental picture of a little lamb nursing a bottle, and his little tail a twitching. Couldn't do it unless I was near starved. But so glad that you can and it was good.

Would you believe that the apple cobbler was barely touched. The big attraction to DH was the cornbread and milk. He has already had one glass of it, and will probably do another before bed. Eeew. Don't care for milk, and my cornbread I like hot with butter!

Pat glad to hear from you, and glad that the weather didn't interfere with your travel plans. It is such a comfort to have a "good funeral" for the family. There are no words necessary really, because the person has preached his/her funeral by the way they lived. Wayne's DB was sort of like that, and several people shared memories they had of him. At his DM's funeral the long time minister who had known the family for many years told stories of her and bringing the 11 kids to church, all clean as a whistle and outfitted maybe in not the best but washed and ironed like they were the finest of the very rich. You could just visualize the kids all lined up with shiny clean faces and clothes. And knowing the boys, you knew it wouldn't be long before the clothes needed another good washing and hanging on the clothes line.

Janet, be very careful of jumping on the firmer sponge too soon. That is why you got a soft one and a firm one, silly, they meant for you to start out slow. Had to laugh about your drawers, I had one sock that didn't have a mate, and I couldn't bring myself to toss it. I figure just as soon as I do that the other one will show up.

Chele, if you are reading, please know that I keep your family in my prayers. Sooner or later things just have to make a turn around. ((hugs)) to all of you.

Celene, if you miss some of your bread dough, it has escaped to me south of you! That is my weakness, and I very seldom make homemade yeast bread, because I could eat a whole batch. I have a very delish recipe for refrigerator rolls, and you can have them every night for a week. Just pinch off what will make a meal, roll them out and let them rise about 45 minutes, and they always taste just as good the last of the dough as they did the first!

Sure hope that I am better satisfied tomorrow than I was today. Finally this afternoon sat down to watch some stupid tv (there is nothing on in the day time with even over 100 channels) and fell asleep. Guess that was the turning point because after that I had settled down and was very content to make supper and clean the kitchen. Sat and read after supper, while DH watched a stupid basketball game. I think he is going to NY next weekend, and while he is gone, I am going out to buy a new tv for the bedroom and a recliner or a nice comfy chair where you can get comfortable to watch. Now if I go to the bedroom to watch tv, I have to sit/lie on the bed and that is just not comfortable.

Columbus, OH

Defoecat, that is my problem with all meat. lol

Kydaylily, wish we lived closer, I make a gallon of the no-knead bread dough at a time. I'd just give you one, all you have to do is plop it onto a pan, shape it a little, let it rise and bake. Biscuits would be a lot easier on your hands, though. How about soda bread? It's pretty soft dough.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Well I'd be happy to have cornbread, yeast bread, no knead rolls, and anything else in the bread family. I love my bread and I look like it too. My younger sister makes my mom's old yeast bread recipe into dinner rolls for holidays. It's labor intensive because the rolls are small, abt a 2 bite size. We all fight over the leftovers like crazy. I don't have the touch for bread that both my sisters have, so I guess I'll just stick to the stuff I can't mess up so easily. Hot cornbread sounds pretty good, too, tho.

I forgot to tell you all about a Xmas present from my DS. It's a "postgarden," a postcard that is folded into a seed tray with a very absorbent sheet of paper in the bottom. It comes with a packet of cress seeds. My card looks like a conservatory, with columns and pillars. As long as the seeds sprout, it'll look great. I'll keep you posted--- sorry, I couldn't resist.


Waddy, KY

Well, Pat, I guess the spring planting bug is about to hit if you're ready to sprout seeds. I'm getting ready to seed some spinach, chard and lettuce to see if I can get a jump on the market.

Right now I'm sitting in the hospital with my MIL. Last night she was getting up from the kitchen table to head to the bathroom to get ready for bed, she goes to bed at 7:15 each evening, and she fell in the bathroom door. We were there eating supper and when things like that happen, they really do look like they're moving in slow motion, and so are you. None of us could get across the room fast enough to keep her from going down so she smacked her head on the door jamb and had some finger lacerations. We decided she was going to the hospital to make sure she didn't have a concussion and when they got through, they found out she'd fractured her hip. We're thinking it broke before she even went down. Anyway, they've done a partial hip replacement and she's sleeping it off right now. They said they'll have her up walking tomorrow, which is good due to the possibility of pneumonia. We'll be here with her until probably Tuesday. At that time I don't know where they'll send her for rehab. She wants Cardinal Hill in Lexington. Hopefully that'll work out.

Got home and helped get some sheep netting moved so the girls can have new pasture tomorrow. They're getting some ungrazed areas around the house. Hopefully they'll help with some of the trimming and weed control around the buildings this summer. They sure do like the old fashioned honeysuckle and Queen Anne's lace and chickweed appear to be favorites too.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Janet, so sorry to hear of your DMIL's fall. I know what you mean about slow motion. Seems like it is recorded in molasses. I would imagine that the hip snapped causing her to fall. My DMIL did practically the same thing, and she recovered in record time, and went back to work. Of course she worked until she was 79. She was a feisty little thing. You may have found a smaller version of the goat for the weed control. I didn't have a clue that they ate things like that. I thought that they just liked green grass!

Pat, put your seeds away. Have you looked outside today? Hehe, think it is going to be a good while before any seed starting happens here. They are talking about at least an inch of snow overnight.

We have had winds that for about 3 days. During the night last night the wind blew the rain directly at the bedroom windows and it sounded like it was hail. We have had enough rain for awhile, as the grown was frozen and the rains are just creating ponds where it can soak into the ground.

This inside stuff is really getting boring. I have done all the paper work that is around, and the only thing left to do is housework. If it was just a little warmer, I would start some spring cleaning. Not that I am so much into cleaning.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I guess I didn't explain myself very well: the postcarden is a postcard sized box that you open & fold. The bottom has an absorbent paper. You add seeds and you have a little indoor cress garden. It's kind of cute. Here's a link to what it looks like:

Chele called last night and had hit a skid on the way home from school. She said they travelled sideways, then turned around again so they were facing backwards and ended up in a corn field. One of the girls ended up with a goose-egg on her forehead, and everyone was pretty shaken up, but it looks like nothing was broken. Car was driveable with only a few dings on it. I bet it will be hard to get into the car and drive today, just from the shake up.
It was wickedly slippery even here. I was on my way home from DDIL's house and was planning to cruise around a bit and enjoy the snow, but quickly saw that everyone was slip-sliding, so I put it in low gear & went home.
Janet, hope your MIL gets the rehab place she wants, and heals quickly. The times to be most watchful,imho, are when she makes sthe transition from hospital to rehab, and then from rehab to home.

Well, my cat is sneezing up a storm, so I just booked a vet appointment. Baby sis has the flu but is on the mend. Beloved childhood music teacher has died, so we have to go to a funeral in Xenia on Saturday. Seems like this winter has been full of sickness and dangerous weather! I'm praying for things to calm down a little.


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, sending hugs and clean underwear to Chele and her family. Bet they need both, and yesterday the underwear.

Pat, I understand, and did before you posted the link. I think I have seen them in a gardening magazine or somewhere. Sorry about your friend. Seems when you start attending funerals the come in bunches.

Janet are you staying with your DMIL at the hospital? That is not a very good place for rest. Sure hope it is a long time before I have to make another in facility visit, as in be a patient.

Today was the first day of my nursing home ministry. It went well, and I really enjoyed it. I met the resident cat, forgot his name, but he smelled Mr. B on me and I think it will be awhile before we become friends. I said something to the effect that he was bigger than my dog, and the activities director asked what kind of dog. She told me they had a resident dog, and if I could bring an updated health record so they could see he had had all his shots, Mr. B was free to come with me on my visits. Isn't that neat? Probably won't take him every week, but if the residents like him and want to see him, I will try to work him in a couple weeks a month at least. I am sure that Mr. B will enjoy it.

Waddy, KY

MIL was transferred to Cardinal Hill on Monday. They are working her behind off with therapy but she's determined that she's getting out of there ASAP so it's ok. They're top notch there as far as rehab. They're also giving her some more therapy on the right side where she had her stroke years ago so that's good too. I anticipate her being home in 2-3 weeks. Especially since they don't have one of the channels that gets UK ball games!

Had to go to my parents yesterday. Dad called and said that Mom just didn't have any energy, just wanted to stay in bed and didn't want to eat anything. Got down there and she was in bed. Told her to get up and come to the den because I wasn't going to spend the entire time leaning on the door jam talking to her. In the course of the conversation she said she'd go to the doctor. I've never seen my father move so fast for the phone. He got an appointment before she could talk herself out of it so I'm going down this afternoon to take her. I suspect her sugar is out of whack and I know she's depressed. Having that itch back in the house would be enough to do it to anyone. And my brother can't carry on a conversation without getting super loud and disagreeing with everyone. Part of me would like to feel sorry for them but my other brother and I gave them options on not having the woman back in the house.

Got a short market in Frankfort tomorrow in addition to the Lexington one. One lady there has two high tunnels and raises lettuces all winter so she has some now. I've been telling Paul that if we had one and were doing the same thing in Lexington that we'd have more people coming to market. I think he's almost convinced but since we don't have one up or have ground prepared at this point it's only a dream.

Pat, hope your weather is better. Please tell Chele to stop in here and visit. Or at least get word through you how they are. I'm glad no one was hurt in their little scare.

Bonnie, visiting the nursing home will be something those folks will look forward to. I know the days are so long for these folks. I used to see some of them gathered around the nurses station at Crestview and I know it was because that's where there was some action and they wanted some human contact. Take Mr. B. I bet he'd love it and so would they.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Raining this morning, but I don't have much planned, so that is good that it will force me to stay inside to get some things done. I changed the sheets on DGD's bed and just dumped them when they got dry, so that is the first order of the day, getting that bed made. She requested a meatloaf for supper tonight, so will get that done. Otherwise, I guess that leaves me to ponder taxes, and I guess it is time, I have put it off all week, and I don't want to have to avoid them all next week.

Janet, glad that you talked your DM into going to the Dr. If I were you and the other brother, I would team up and if necessary force the DB and his floozie out the door with force. For heaven's sake!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi everyone!
I see that I haven't been here for a while again....shame on me.
No excuses...just..here i am again.
This has been a hard winter for most everyone I think...me included. I just cant see spring soon enough!
I am so anxious to get out and scratch in the dirt!
Other than that...we are both well here..and hope it stays that way.
Just been running to ball games for quite a few weeks now....but they are over as of last night. The girls lost their second tourney game...and as it is single elimination..they are done.
They really had a great season. Only lost 3 games total...1 didnt count .as it was out of our conference...and the other 2 ...both were lost by only 1 point! Better luck next year!!
Well..I'm headed out to the grocery...so take care all. I will try to read n catch up later.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey Good to see you Marcy. Gosh they did have a great season. I am sure that as the team grows and matures that next year will be better. I am hoping for a flawless record for them. Do either of the kids participate in any summer sports? I am sure that it is so exciting watching your grandchildren compete. Mine has never been athletic, but she can sure knock out the academic competitors. She participates in something like a quizz thing. Don't know what it is called, but she slays them with her smarts! she doesn't want anybody to know how smart she is and always is fussing at me when I tell somebody how smart she is.

Nothing much going on. I do have the taxes in order, and ready to take to the tax preparer. Whoopee, and I did it all without DH.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Had to have my all time favorite kitty, Patch, put to sleep today. :-((

Thumbnail by goshsmom

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