OverWintering Tropicals - A Mid Atlantic Survey

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

What do your caladium bulbs feel like when you dig them up? Mine are all wet and mushy, even though they're planted in well-draining soil and not over-watered.

Are they supposed to be firm and plump (like they are when they arrive from Bill)?

Or do they firm up after you dry them in the sun for a few days?

This message was edited Nov 1, 2013 1:31 PM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

That does not sound good to me, Terry. Mine are hard as fresh potatoes.
I pulled up my potted Dr Seuss Brug from the flower bed and potted the pot in a 14 inch clay pot. It looks and smells fantastic and is full of bloom right now. Addy now lays on the deck and uses it for cover to spy on squirrels.
My other big beautiful Peaches/Maya brug got an errant gust of wind and is fairly toppled. She's finishing up a huge load of bloom.
I've been watching a maple tree turn color every day this week. Todays rain knocked off a lot of the leaves, and all from the yellow Ash tree to the right in the picture. Now the lawn is a beautiful carpet of colored leaves.
Dogwoods are loaded with berries this year.

Thumbnail by sallyg Thumbnail by sallyg Thumbnail by sallyg
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


You mean mushy all through? With areas of yellowish-brown-slimy stuff?

I think if the bulb itself feels soft and mushy--it is a gonner.
If it is just a small area, you could cut out the mushy part and let
the bulb heal over.

My caladium bulbs were many and pretty hard. There was a mushy spot
on one of them and I just, kind of, scooped it out with my gloved finger.
I am, actually, impressed with how well they went through the season--
and some of them really multiplied.

Let me see if I can get a picture....they seem to be dry already.
They are all hard and healthy--as far as i can tell. Look good!
Phew--that took a while. Brushed some of the dirt off--they are all dry.

1--The WINNER of making the most bulbs--Aaron! I started with 3.
2--The large Aaron bulbs--closer. So many "eyes'!
3-Another WINNER! The huge NOID bulbs Holly was waking around offering...
This is the one I had in the big pot. ONE bulb!
4--"Buck Rogers--I think I had 3 bulbs to start with?? They were in the tiny
front bed smothered by other large plats. Very shaded out...One was by my shed--
5--The "looser"! "Gingerland"--not sure how many I had..
2 for sure.. Maybe 3 to start with?

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Wow, yours look much healthier than mine did. I think most of mine were shriveled and soft, and not just in parts. I'll try it again next year!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally--we cross-posted...

I LOVE that red in your maple (?)!!!! What a color!
I also LOVE to see a Dr. Seuss brug that is not 8' wide! Like mine...
They do look cue in a pot.

My Maya is all cut back. Only got about 7 cuttings off the whole thing.
Maybe it is time to root-prune it next spring? Then--look out!

My first cuttings from the Dr. are all inside and leafing out.
When the big bloom flush is over--I will be hacking the Dr. into cutting sizes
and delivering it to Scott in Cylburn. He never put out the effort to come and
get the whole plant. I am a bit pissed about that. BUT--I will, graciously deliver....
Thinking that--perhaps after aia have cut ALL the branches back--maybe (???)
I will be able to, somehow, put the rest of the plant in my car.
Mailing 4 to a man in TX. And 2 of either the other. He read my posting about it.
D-mailed me.

It is so nice outside! I better get out there and pot up all the smaller iris sections.
That still has not been done.

My Dr. S. today! It is not opening the blooms as fast as before--must be the
cooler nights and the shorter days.

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal

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